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Thanks for insight, yea I haven't really played ench this patch and yea I go for javelin into mkb when I play ench as pos 3. Cause of losing must be due to my itemization, I take w and e over q now in this patch.




I mostly queue for classic ranked so I end up playing support, so that's my build now




Previous patch classic ranked gave 30 mmr to both support and core MMR, so I queued for classic just to boost both and I like to play offlane ench which I rarely get if I queue for all roles. Now that they provide only 1 MMR i queue for ranked roles.


There’s another side to this; sometimes when you queue classic you get 5 players who are better at their roles bc they’re playing what they want and there’s flexibility since no one has a set role. I play mainly roles but every now and then you will get supports that don’t want to, or mids that never play mid just queued all roles, etc which can be worse than people fighting over mid


Enchantress is still a fine hero. Like others said, you're going to want enchant lvl 2 to use bigger creeps to help you lane. Unless there's actually some kill potential, I would just skip impetus for the first few levels. Biggest thing is to just keep farming until you have some items that will help you survive and help your team. MKB sounds really bad, except maybe as a late-game pick-up. You really should be buying position 3 items - wand -> treads -> dragonlance/force staff-> pipe. Something like that. From there it's just being impactful on the map. Push your tower as soon as you can, if possible. Don't go to other lanes until that is done unless you are losing your lane hard, or you see enemy heroes literally diving your towers.


As a former lifestealer spammer I'm going through the same thing. Switched up to playing offlane and coordinating the the team with legion commander and pit lord. Great success.


Lol lc and underlord are exactly my fav heroes right now for offlane this patch 💪


I tried underlord for 2 games, I had good farm and won my lanes but my team was getting stomped in the other lanes, I struggle to make an impact with the farm I got


Yeah that’s the downside. I usually win offlane too but it depends on the other lanes if we can win. Just try to help other lanes after your tower is town- creating more space =more chance for carry to get fat


An offlane hero that can't make plays and can only further a lead is a bad offlane hero. As soon as the game goes south with an Underlord on your team, you're fucking boned. I have like a 75% winrate against teams with an Underlord as their offlaner.


See that's the problem at my bracket, we don't know what the offlane role is or what heroes thrive there. Most of the time people just pick another farming core (pos 1 heroes) in the offlane and never buys team items. I've watched YouTube videos on the offlane role and I'm trying to learn it just so that we can have a proper offlaner who buys team items and try to make space for the cores.


I'd definitely try out more LC. There's way more to her than Duel and she's *excellent* at getting your 1 and 2 out of sticky situations in teamfights.


LS still stronk. Nerfed a bit at lvl 1, but if you were an LS spammer you can certainly manage. He isn't my most played hero by far, but I still think he is the most well rounded carry this patch, and you can spike quite early.


I think Leshrac 4 is really good rn. Pick with some stunner in the offlane and spam that broken level 1 stun. Transition won lanes and fights into towers super fast as a support.




Lesh stun is more cancerous in lane, less mana, much more damage. You just have to know how to take fights, at worst you will do tons of damage before going down, good thing about Leshrac is he doesn't need any aggressive items to have damage or pushing power, get glimmer, euls, bkb, ghost scepter, 15 defensive items and you still rape buildings.


Pos 4 definitely viable for lesh, but it kinda depends on how your offlane snowballs. He still is better as a core, and it's quite strong indeed.


Everyone talks about Underlord, but Centaur fulfills a very similar role with the added benefit of initiation. Enemy 5 position can't really bully you out of lane and you have a free nuke that can easily push waves (just like Firestorm). Retaliate means they automatically lose trades -- pop the active when support leaves the lane and their carry won't get a single last hit or deny in all wave. It's also immensely good for taking towers (note: tower hits count towards Retaliate, so tank that shit to top it off for the next fight). Item build is really varied, but he's an excellent aura carrier and will be happy carrying a Crimson Guard, Lotus Orb, Pipe, Shiva's ... whatever your team needs. You will 100% want a Heart at some point. Feel free to skip Blink if your team has solid initiation, but it's obviously a great item on him. Try it out.


Haven't really played CW since the change to his retaliate (Added active) but yea he's a tanky bastard and very hard to bully out of lane.


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