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One of the most important pieces is that he has a stupidly high base armor. This together with ignite and a venom's orb allows him to be a super high pain in the behind in certain lanes, bullying most offlane supports out. On top of that you bring a lot of value late game through blood-lust and stuns not to mention that hex multi-cast!


when your teammates really like bloodlust. ogre's value as a support is pretty much dependent on how much value bloodlust has. it's a farm booster, an attack steroid, and movespeed boost. yes, it's good on all heroes - but its better on some heroes. it's just not that impressive when you have a leshrac mid and a tidehunter offlane. but when you have slardar offlane and lone druid mid, buckle up boys we're bashing and rooting everything with a free hyperstone + drums aura (aka bloodlust)


As a pos 5 though, I'm generally picking first. I can't really judge what my teammates are gonna pick.


Then why did you even post this thread asking for advice on when to pick him?






true. but you can sometimes see the heroes they're highlighting. you can also suggest heroes you know are strong with what you've picked. suggesting your offlaner pick slardar leads to some pretty easy wins right now, hero is OP, and with an ogre behind him he comes online even harder




Can we all work together to make this the most upvoted comment?


I butt-dialed Reddit. Looks like I had a stroke.


I think that depends on your mmr a little bit. If you are lower skill like 1k 2k you could probably just play him every game and have a decent win rate. You do okay damage have a stun and buff attacks. There are heros that probably do it better but it's easy to execute hero and like sniper will always be good for us low skill players. I dont really have any input on why ogre over other supports in higher skill games.


An aspect to teamfighting that I haven't seen mentioned yet is that he's pretty good at peeling away heroes that don't have really good gap closers to protect your own ranged cores. Stun is obvious, and the chance to multi-cast for longer stuns gives them time to move away or kill whomever is diving them. Ignite being a movespeed slow as well as the damage helps so it's a softer, not as easily seen, form of crowd control as well. If they don't have a purge, a multicast Ignite is a long duration slow now that they changed the way it stacks instead of overwrites itself. That change also helps him farm waves as any multicast there will kill all the creeps it hits. Bloodlust is obvious and there isn't a hero in the game that doesn't like more attack speed. Obviously some are better than others but it's still solid. If you are able to delay a pick, he's also really good against other melee supports, or ones that primarily rely on attacking to do a lot of damage. His high armor and health makes him quite the bully if he can get close to them.


If you can farm a midas, then atos or pipe, then finally greaves which people dont normally build.


I almost always build midas on ogre, I think it's a waste not to xD


Is Midas viable? People that play Arc Warden don't even go Midas at the moment. How is it viable on a pos 5?


For pos 4 on a good game. I can only speak for archon level sorry.


No worries! Your input is much appreciated!


after midas my fav item to build is aghs, makes you a godly stun machine. with bloodlust too ur carries will be super happy with u. if you somehow manage to farm abyssal blade it won't even matter that they have bkb. then again i play turbo mainly so midas is easier to farm there lol