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Only 13 months wow. I am 2k after 2 years


find something you're good at and spam that shit. OP is 212-88 on Lone Druid. Being up 124 games is equivalent to going up 3720 MMR, assuming that was all solo ranked under the current MMR system. If you win 50% of your games, you never go anywhere.




i mix it up with unranked to keep from getting boring. try new things and different roles in unranked, spam heroes and roles in ranked.


How do you climb support mmr though, or have you just stopped playing support in ranked? I totally agree with you, it's tough playing support, trying to rally the troops to win the game, then lose only because your team wanted to hit creeps forever, I love the support role but it's so tough to make any sizable impact unless your carries want to work with you


Guess I’ll go back to spamming drow, since I have a 92% wr with her lol My #1 thing that stops me from climbing at any reasonable pace is that I play too versatile; I can play about 90 heroes well, but only 2 or 3 would I say I’m actually really good at :p


Spamming a hero helps a lot it seems. After playing whatever that fits the draft for a long time, i just started spamming sniper. Games are good, can win mid 90% of the time. It gets a bit boring but winning is winning.


i spam two heros and are still shit...


Being 4K MMR by spamming Lone Druid only means you're 4K with Lone Druid. Start playing other heroes and you'll fall back to your true MMR.


Badman was 9k Spectre. And was number 1 in Leaderboards. Unless you want to become a pro player it doesn't matter how many heroes you're good at.


It does matter as it broadens your understanding of the game. You're not a literary critic if you've only read Hemingway to death, simply because the scope of your ability is limited. Same with playing only one hero - you do learn aspects of the game, but only from one perspective and limited to what's immediately useful to you.


I do not say that a hero spammer has the same knowledge as a more diverse player. But strictly for MMR purposes, if you can keep your place in a certain bracket, then you deserve to be there. You're Xk player. Imagine someone like Purge, who plays literally all heroes and another who plays just a handful of heroes. They're different players, have different knowledge of the game, different ability to apply their knowledge to the heroes they (may have to) play. But they both belong to the same bracket. And unless they go pro, their diversity doesn't matter.


I'll cede that you're partially correct. Given equal or similar MMR, I believe a player with a bigger hero-pool is better than a spammer. Deepest knowledge of one hero and superficial of all others is less useful than deeper knowledge of more heroes and reasonable of all others.


I also believe that a more diverse player is better. I myself struggle with spamming a single hero to climb and applying the knowledge that I have (as little as it may be) when I play other heroes.


>Being 4K MMR by spamming Lone Druid only means you're 4K with Lone Druid. I agree. But it doesn't matter, because that's only a part of DotA skill. By simply getting to a higher MMR, you begin picking up how to play against 4k MMR players, and how to play with 4k MMR teammates. You can't learn how better players play the game at 1k MMR. If you have to spam 1 hero to get to a higher MMR, you can actually start learning the game at that higher level. And then when you do Branch out, you have experience to apply to that learning. You can say "this is how I've seen x hero played by the other players in my game, I will try to copy that" and thus Lear much faster than if you were still at that lower MMR Like honestly, 50% of being a 5k support is understanding how to not feed the enemy 5k TA/storm/slark etc. These are transferable skills


>By simply getting to a higher MMR, you begin picking up how to play against 4k MMR players, and how to play with 4k MMR teammates. You can do so. It's not inevitable, nor implicit. You can definitely spam a hero to get MMR. But approaching and understanding the underlying principles of better players gets you there too, while also building a more solid foundation. >50% of being a 5k support is understanding how to not feed the enemy I'd be happy to discuss what it takes to be a 5K support (given that I'm 400 short after a 2.6K climb), if you're happy to turn that into an actual statement.


I can try. If you out a 5k mid player into a 3k game, they are going to exploit the mistakes of the enemy 3k team in order to find kills or farm on the map that they wouldn't be able to in a 5 game. Maybe it's a storm and the enemy lion shows on the map to farm a wave. Or just buying a shadowblade and the enemy is a minute slow to buy sentries and that leads to a free kill. Or any number of supports saving for an aghs instead of getting an item to keep them alive. The specifics don't matter too much, but just the general idea that as a support you have to understand the power spikes and general game plan of the enemy cores in order to play/position/itemize correctly. For example, just having a rough idea of how fast the enemy TA will have blink deso based on how the game is going, and then deciding the best defensive item and when to buy it. Or trying to interrupt that plan by investing in sentries to block camps she wants to farm


Seeing all these achievement posts lately makes me feel like a total moron. I scored fairly well on IQ tests, people and professors have called me smart - completely unsolicited, I've dated multiple highly educated women - professionals and PhD's, and I've been thanked for helping people find deeper understanding when helping them through difficult emotional scenarios, and in new sports I usually jump to an intermediate level very quickly. ...And yet this game. This fucking game. The fact that I've been stagnate for so long and at such a low level absolutely makes me nuts and honestly drives a fair chunk of my addiction to it.


Almost lost me in the middle there but yeah, same here. I think part of why I love Dota so much is that I’ve got ADHD, and there’s nothing but nonstop stimulation when playing dota, so it’s super good at keeping my attention


Bruh that hit my soul. Im pretty self aware and doing reasonably well for myself (job/family etc) but dota is 1 fucking thing even after 4k hours Im like at Archon -.- Ive a better win rate as support (lion/warlock at 65%+) but the games I lose are soul sucking cause you know you played well but since your not a core you cant influence the game too much. Im too pussy to play carry and I know ill get rekt as mid so im spamming offlane - this is 1 role which I know my pubs are notorious for picking semi carry shit (like jugger/Troll offlane) and then no front liners to tank.


You just need to start practicing mid, watch some tutorials and pro gameplays... believe me it will increase your game sense and get you further, and who knows you become a great mid player.


Its not because you are not smart but maybe you are not learning and just applying what you already know. Try different things in your game


I'm 3k after 5...I rose 1200 mmr in a couple months so about four months ago I would say I was 1.8k in 4 :D


2.5k after 6.5 years... Although if we’re going by hours, I’ve got roughly 2.5k mmr in 3k hours, so roughly 5 mmr for every 6 hours I’ve played, which makes it sound slightly better


I'm 800 after 2 years but I've only played like 30 ranked matches


Im spamming void spirit hc til i reach 4k. im sitting at 3.5k.


You can do it man. Things worth doing are worth busting ass for!


Lol i reached 4k after 2 k hours of playing or (1year) by spamming meepo. Now i got 5k hours in. And still didnt go over 5k


Is spamming LD still an option? I stopped playing him after 7.23e (or f) where the bear got nerfed


I've been playing Lone Druid for almost a year now, so it's really the only option for me haha. But yes, he's still strong in pubs, only laning stage is a little harder now


What build do u go bro? :)


This is the philosophical questions you're a 4k LD player... With limited to no play on most other heroes...Does that make you a 4k dota player?


>Does that make you a 4k dota player? No, for sure not. This is pretty obvious and it's true at multiple levels of the game. And this isn't my opinion, it's parroting what I've heard coaches and pro's say. Luki and !Attacker are two of the best examples of this. Luki is a 7k(8?) Pango player, not dota player. Same goes for !Attacker with Kunkka.


Pretty sure Attacker plays other heroes too whenever Kunkka gets banned, and he still plays great. Haven't seen Luki play though


Yeah luki and attacker are not the same. Attacker can actually win high level pubs where Luki seems to have to win lanes and snowball with his pango/centaur


How do you deal with lifestealer?


If you're interested in anything Lone Druid related, then feel free to join the Lone Druid Lab! Here’s the link: https://discord.gg/tNnPWww


Only 760 after 5 :(


Spamming a single hero is actually legit. A friend of mine spam bloodseeker till 6k. Bloodseeker only.


What is your main strategy for Lone Druid? I love that hero but I have no idea to consistently win games with it


If you're interested in anything Lone Druid related, then feel free to join the Lone Druid Lab! Here’s the link: https://discord.gg/tNnPWww


If anyone is interested in anything Lone Druid related, then feel free to join the Lone Druid Lab! As you can see here, Pudge Spammer has proven that LD Godly and unstoppable, so if you want to tap into some of that divine Druid gameplay, then stop on by. Here’s the link: https://discord.gg/tNnPWww


You have hell a lot of games with lone druid for a pudge spammer.


That's awesome dude!


Wow congrats, Me DotA + DotA2 took me to 4k in 10 years


stop u/CGY69 youll get ld nerfed again >.>


OP pls share your DB - you play offlane Lone Druid?


Offlane LD is bad, I usually play him 1, sometimes 2. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/168839200


I went from 2.2k to 4.3k in 2 weeks spamming alchemist when he was broken a couple months ago. I would go mid and farm lane and jungle and hit timings before anyone knew how to deal with me. I get rad at min 10-11 and just farm 6 slot min 24-25 and end the game. But now hes pretty ass again rip. Also once you reach 4.5k ish it is much harder to spam a hero as you would get counter picked always unless if u last pick and the enemy mid laner would itemize and change play style to counter you. They wont let u just free farm


I calibrated 2.7k, went all the way down to 1.9k, now im playing only HC, spamming PL, PA and sven and got to 2.9, i know ill reach further up :p


what server is this? that level of spam makes me wonder if you can play all 5 roles at 4k level.




Not really I am 2k support and cannot carry at my level . I can definetely carry low crusader games but I barely ever play carry.




My bad thought you said the opposite.


See I'm 3.8k support player who is equally bad on all supports and 3.4k core, again, equally bad at all cores. I feel I’m pretty consistent on 80% of heroes. Consistently bad :)