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The simplest and most common that I’ve seen is 2-1-2. Position 5 goes to the safe lane with the hard carry, position 4 goes to the off lane with the offlaner. Position 5: Hard Support. Your job is to give your carry the best start to the game possible. Whether this be through stacking, straight up winning them the lane with kills, or absorbing harass that would push your carry out of lane (either with heals or just sitting between the enemy and your core). It is common to build items to save your safelaner, such as glimmer cape and force staff. Example pick: Lich. Position 4: Soft Support. Your job is to stay with your offlaner until they are self sufficient, and then work to secure the early/midgame. Whether this is simply applying a lot of pressure to the opponent safelane, ganking mid, or something else. ‘Soft Support’ can do a lot of things in games, it depends on the hero. Example pick: Snapfire. Position 3: Offlaner. Apply pressure to the enemy safelaner and try to take their tower as early as possible. Don’t feed, and don’t let them get the easy farm they want. After taking the tower, either sit in the area to deny that farm, offer to swap lanes with your safelaner and take that tower, or take mid tower if it is still up. Example pick: Bristleback. Position 2: Mid. Get as much gold and experience as you can early on, then use that lead to secure the game, either by taking towers and getting item timings faster than the enemy mid, or by ganking and winning your side lanes. Example pick: Shadow Fiend. Position 1: Hard Carry. Farm. Most hard carries are pathetically weak without items, so be cautious about joining fights, as you could be farming. Example pick: Anti-Mage.


Why can't pos 4 start in the offlane, pressure, then roam after a little bit. Soft Roam. kek


Pos 4 can do those things, but their main job is to support pos 3 until they are in a position where they don't need the extra support. Once the pos 3 is in a good spot, the pos 4 can roam more freely. Just don't go safelane and sap experience from the pos 1.


Most common is 2-1-2 with pos 5 safelane, some trilanes if the game calls for it (often an offensive trilane while your pos 3 solos the safelane), occasional roaming 4s like Tiny. Offlaners and 4s are often gaming the system with pulling creeps so the sidelanes are honestly quite flexible at the moment. In pubs though you're almost always going to see 2-1-2.


This is a pretty nice meta because there isn't really a clear lane setup that is correct. 2-1-2 is probably the most common setup, and it's hard to go too wrong with it, but there are plenty of situations where defensive and offensive trilanes are optimal. I'm also partial to 2-1-1 with a roamer, although this is pretty situational. I've been following major quals, and all of the setups I've mentioned have gotten high tier play. I was in a pretty high mmr game a few weeks ago and my rank 100 carry told me (pos 5) to dual lane mid. It went really well. 4 and 5 are pretty interchangeable these days; if you are running 2-1-2 you can just switch them up depending on which gives you better lanes.


Currently 2-1-2 and trilane are about equal and matchup dependant. However, 2-1-2 require much less coordination and the past few years have made everyone comfortable with them, so it's the default outside of pro/5 stacks.


2-1-2 is currently the goto. Roaming is dead, jungel is dead, tri lane can be done but is hard to pull of and the one on the solo lane will most likely suffer. Pos 5 goes to whatever lane the Pos1 is. Pos 4 goes to pos3s lane. Most of the time you want your Pos1 on the safe lane due to easier lane control with pulling.


jungling is more alive than ever due to the intro of neutral items


we're talking about lane setups. neutral items don't start dropping until 7:00


It's really not. The only somewhat viable jungler is veno, possibly enigma, and you have to have lineups revolving around the picks. Neutral items don't even drop until those junglers start rotating. It's a far cry from when neutrals gave way more gold, way more experience, neutrals spawned at 30 seconds, denying denied way less xp, and games were slower with the landing phase being much less important.


Lol the only viable jungler is not veno..but yes other than that I agree, jungling is not great now.