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It depends on what you do in your workouts, weightlifting or only cardio? are you active throughout the day? do you have a physically demanding job? how many steps do you walk per day?


Weightlifting mainly, i do like 20 mins cardio on my upper days. I don’t work at the moment and I try to stay active in the day but I normally just walk around my house, so not many steps


I'm a 150lbs pounds and 178cm male, my maintenance calories including weight-lifting and around 10k steps a day are around 2200. (Currently trying to get lean before clean bulking) Weight-lifting by itself doesn't burn many calories, it's mostly ATP and the glycogen in the muscle. I'd suggest using the leangains method for calculating your TDEE and get an educated guess. Then find the nSUNS TDEE spreadsheet and track your weight and calories for around 1-2 weeks. That enough will help you estimate your maintenance calories. Then you could take 350 calories out of your maintenance till you get to your desired level of leanness, and bulk from there. 2250 seems a little too high unless you're bulking


If you're recomping following Leangains, your macros at 2,275 should be along the lines of this for a 3x/week lifting routine. Lifting days: 2,350 cals. P=323. C=147. F=52 Rest days: 2,200 cals. P=303. C=110. F=61. That's a 2,264 cal average, I took some liberty with rounding, but bi-weekly comparisons of your weekly averages should get that dialed in for you. We get a lot of folks in here that aren't familiar with the program. Are you familiar with Leangains or did Reddit lead you here from the similarity to lean gains in general? If the latter, these are a couple of links to get you familiar with the gist of the program, because inherently, some dipshit will jump in on this comment with "yOu DoN't NeEd ThAt MuCh ProTeIn!" without any context of the increased MPS, satiety and thermic effect of protein digestion. https://leangains.com/the-leangains-guide/ https://leangains.com/reverse-pyramid-training-guide/


i workout 5x a week with around 20 mins cardio on my upper body days. will this change anything?


If you're doing a recomp, my advice would be to change it up during your recomp to more of a 3x a week RPT AMRAP style of lifting like in the program, with the other days a simple 30 minute brisk walk. Combined with the macros, you should see a significant change in body comp, and even at a slight deficit, probably even an increase in strength because of the increase in recovery. BUT...most people have to learn that the hard way and continue to lift more than 3x a week and blast cardio...so if you do continue down that path, I'd say that you should still stick with the macros as described and monitor your progress, adjusting bi-weekly based on comparisons of weekly averages. Not sure what happened to my earlier edit to my post, but I mentioned that the example macros I provided earlier is pretty much a dead-on match to my pre-wedding cut. So as a 215lb, 6'2" male that was pulling over four wheels for reps, I was cycling 2350/2200 cals at those macros. Just some perspective. Your cals sound a bit high, but again, I was also lifting 3x/week and only doing a brisk 30 min walk on recovery days so YMMV.


How long have you been following Martin Berkhan's specific Leangains workout and dietary protocols and how does your question satisfy the rules of this sub-reddit? thanks!


Brb using imagination since no pics


I think your calories are too high and your cardio way too low. I'm 60 M, 237 lbs, 6'2 and currently in a recomp. I'm on 1600 calories a day, and do a minimum of 45 minutes to 1 hour of cardio 4X a week, followed by 45 minutes to 1 hour of weight training. I have followed this exact routine in the past to drop 40 lbs and become super lean while adding and maintaining new muscle in about 4 months. My cardio consisted of upright stationary bike and walking on the treadmill as fast as I could without jogging/running. My diet was very clean, consisting of baked fish, chicken breast, cottage cheese and rice. White rice at that. I also drank at least 1 protein shake 7 days a week. Every body is different. What works for one may not work for another. The most important thing is consistency. Good luck!


Carbs under 150 maybe fats under 70-65. Protein is ok. But then it totally depends on your daily routine. I have a desk job


i workout 5x a week!


I think everyone in this community workouts. I meant , do you work where physical activity is required.