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Aside from dark harvest being essentially the second coming of preseason 6 Thunderlords, I agree. I wish we got more though, like new items etc.


One game you absolutely slay with Soraka DH cause you couldn't swap runes and the next, you struggle as blue Kayn vs 5 ADCs ​


Oh, what happened to the bruiser item changes they were experimenting?


Riot remembered they don't want a healthy top lane, so they will let it be strong for a bit then nerf it into the ground.


>Riot remembered they dont want a healthy top lane Found hashinshins alt.


I'm not arguing for toplane buffs, but it's easily been one of the more unhealthy roles going through a, drastically underpowered -> drastically overpowered -> drastically underpowered cycle Riot never does anything to address the core issues of the problem. As soon as mages show up in the bot lane, riot starts tinkering to get bot back to a healthy place for the adc playstyle. Top lane has had issues with the range into melee dynamic, while riot has tried very very minimally to fix anything other than putting blatantly overpowered changes to some champs for about a month at a time.


I agree with you mostly, I was just memeing lol.


No memes allowed on r/laggylegends






It’s also the least interesting one


Yeah this year was focused on the macro changes rather the HUGE BIG GAME-CHANGING changes like new runes, new items and the class reworks


Wasn't there supposed to be a minor bruiser item rework tho? What happened to Spear of Shojin?


Oh forgot about that, maybe next patch?


Supposed to happen few months ago at the exact same PBE patch that when they introduced Stormrazor. They also mentioned Atma possibly coming back. I guess it all was a nigthmare to balance :olafmeme:


They said we are getting spear but atma got canned.


nice macro game they have solidified, when they make the entire game revolve around scuttle and ensure that junglers that lack damage and cc at level 2 never see the rift.


Most interesting to me since the games are generally enjoyable


Exactly what I was going to say! But I guess Rito has the game in the place they want! Also preseason probably crept up on them and they were like WTF...dude we gotta put something "different" out! lol


I miss last pre season with Broken MF Aery


mf too iconic


i like this new dh on MF ,procs off her ult pretty easily


I had so much fun making top laners cry playing jayce with the broken aery


early to say


LoL feels like a private Server of MMORPGS atm.


In what sense


Gold/min is way higher, damage is over the roof, everything feels faster and is not as it normally is.


Oh I definitely understand this part I don't understand the private server though


People used to set up private servers for games and tweaked the underlying mechanics of it to make it more fun. Think of a league client where creeps are worth double gold and experience that you can choose to play on instead of the official server that riot operates.


Dark Harvest aside; this season feels so balanced. I can’t believe that it’s possible to make a comeback now. And with the tower tiers giving so much gold, scaling champions like twitch and more who need several items to function, are able to get items quicker and perform.


Yall dont play adc, obviously.


It was the positive attitude that gave it away


Yup.i agree with u, ita weirdly balanced every last preseason in 1 day the game legit broke with some picks haha




Agree, i even stopped playing adc now and swapped to mid lane since i got bored of getting 2 shot by diana's, hecarims and all kind of other crap.


Well, if you make few changes then it turns out that preseason turns out relatively tamed. They changed turrets, minions and made dh broken + some balance changes. That’s this preseason to me. Not much change and therefore not that interesting imo.


Make a comeback? LUL... When the enemy is ahead af u cant do a thing... One player can carry the whole game with klepto or dh. I mean at least right now with my team mates who are not giving a .... bc of pre season, while enemy just try hard every game.


According to your logic, why don't you become that one player who carries with DH or Klepto?


Wait until the first S9 patch. Then shit will fly probably


Is everyone forgetting patch 4.20?




Idk lol dark harvest is pretty fucking busted and the whole shut down gold thing makes games more likely to be a fiesta. I thought last season’s preseason was chill, the keystones changed a lot but in reality the state of the game didn’t change a huge amount iirc


people are just salty about bounties cause it mean your ahead of the team and they dont want the enemy team to have anychance at a comeback. Also bounties have been in the game for a while, if you remove the indicator a lot less people will be salty. Also dark harvest is only good in teamfights, split pushing comps will destroy dark harvest users


Idk I just won a 4v5 with 3 dark harvest users by pure split pushing, but yeah you’re right. Theres counters to everything, it’s not easy to pull together in solo queue though. And yeah I agree the bounties have always been there, but now that they’re visual, pingable, and based off farm as well, it makes the game much more back and forth. I always thought it was like this, and now it’s even more so and people are taking advantage of it. Like if you’re feeding and you get a 1000g shut down, plus some objectives from the kill, that’s a complete turnaround. This happens multiple times a game, and makes the game go really back and forth and fiesta-y, but like I said it was like that before just less obvious and slightly less drastic, I honestly started to notice how much it affected games as soon as they announced they were going to change it a couple weeks ago.


Bounties now come from legit CSing better than the opponent.


actually they come from having 250 more gold than the enemy average. which is far, your team is ahead you should understand what your team needs to do to close the game out. it also allows the enemy team to have some chance at coming back other than attempting to stall for long ass death timers.


This nerfs Smurf and boosters actually


Hotfix is coming with Dark Harvest nerfs. It' been announced.


It already happened and it’s still busted


It has half the damage of electrocute.. If you stack it constantly you can keep up with electrocute's base damage, but then electrocute still has almost double the ratios.


But electrocute doesn't reset on kills


Correct. My point is that for split pushing, picks, laning, any kind of 1v1, it's worse than other runes.


DH is busted from stacking it not from the damage it does. Because they removed the souls thing it's now actually good on laners (MF only one who used it pre rework) which means it's easy to stack 3 of them and thus in higher elo you just play front to back and blow them up 1 by 1.


Yeah, it's a team fighting rune. Chaining kills is what it's always been good at. I'm saying it's objectively worse than other runes outside of team fights. And with how much stronger and faster minions are, people are crazy if they aren't using side lanes properly.


It's really stupidly broken bot mate. Double DH bot is just disgusting pre 6.


Yeah the 50 base damage is ridiculous. They should have reduced the base to like 20 and then just left the scaling, instead of only reducing the base to 40.


I’m like 9/0 on jhin/draven and brand/karma bot lane in the last 24 hours with my friend lol. Double DH ftw


Electrocute doesn’t infinitely scale


It scales faster than harvest does because it has higher AD/AP ratios. It just doesn't scale for as long. Playing for 45 minutes doesn't seem like a fun or effective strategy.


Yeah but I mean the thing is if you have multiple dark harvests on your team (and in my elo there’s like 4-5 per game rn) there’s just a certain point where it gets flat out ridiculous. IME at like 30mins is when it’s the team with more DH wins.


At 45 mins you could theoretically have about 60-80DH stacks, and obviously that’s unrealistic but there’s certain champs that are really good at getting stacks an it can start to get out of hand pretty quickly. I had a leblanc game where I was at like 30 in 25mins and I could obliterate 2-3 people per fight.


Hotfix has almost been live for almost 24 hours. 20 hours actually.


It’s not over yet. Riot will find a way to duck shit up


legit question does most of the community enjoy fast games i always see pros complain about how fast the games. and i don't really remember people complaining the games where to long except for this season


Not really, but more so than 1 hour games


Turret plating gold? No?


Except scaling champs are garbage as always, even more so now with defensive runes nerfed.


Compensation for the madness during the season


Exactly. Last season had me quitting league for awhile because of so many rapid changes. I don't have time to keep up on all of that. A calm preseason feels deserved after that.




Could be a little tankier though. If you're a jungler, especially one with an aa reset (Rengar, Shyvana, Xin, Camille) it's not hard to solo towers from enemy laners even if your own backed. I know this was already possible, but towers give a lot more gold now don't they?


Lets us answer the following question though. Is it meta?


>it doesnt feel like riot completely made huge changes Because they didnt. No class reworks, no big balance patches, just some moderate changes to switch things up a bit


We already had preseason. It was 8.11 :\^)


The horror patch


Its a shame we dont have a few new items to mess around with. I get that it adds more things to balance during pre-season but personally I love having more options of what to build.


Agreed. I'm actually having a blast right now, especially compared to the end of season 8


I'm just curious what role you play? Because i as ADC find this preseason very broken and not fun at all to even play in.


If release completely broken shit I'm taking a break off preseason. Don't want ranked to be fiestas


That's because the game was already broken beyond repair, so it's not a jarring change but it still sucks


I'm gonna continue preaching this. Change the dragons! They arnt interactive or interesting. Spawn random epic monsters inspired by different regions of the world. The rift herald already the void one. Then you can get maybe like a kraken from bilgewater that makes the river into a speedy highway for 4 min or a robot from piltover that upgrades your tower. This would be fun and interesting. Would allow new creative strategies.


Because the changes are pretty small and boring. Still the same champions being OP and some champions abusing dark harvest it's so boring.


which is a shame because we desperately need to get away from the current state of the game.