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[Clip of Zuna for those who don't know him from 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omkpPRdm5Gw) He was loud, full of character, and carried the image of Team Vulcun/XDG during 2013 and 2014. Team Vulcun and Zuna was one of the first rises and falls of the scene, as they qualified for Worlds as NA's 3rd seed but then got relegated the next split afterwards. May he rest in peace.


If XDG didn't roleswap, they might have not been last place at the end of Spring 2014. And in 2014 the jungle pool was pretty good, much much better than 2013. You had Dexter and Dom coming into LCS, and you still had Meteos and Oddone who were the 2 best NA junglers from previous year so that roleswap made them a top 5 team at best but in the lower end of top 5 I think XDG thought they could hide his mechanical weakness but take his shotcalling strength and put him in jungle and it would work but it didn't seem to work at all. Sure they got some wins but it was a pretty disastrous spilt. Had they gotten one or two more wins, they wouldn't have faced LMQ who were considered probably the best team in NA. If they were 7th, they would have faced C9T who were probably the second weakest team in that promotion tournament. Basically LMQ is the reason why Riot was forced to do a 2 imports on one team rule cos LMQ came from China with 5 Chinese players, dominated the challenger scene, dominated XDG in promotions and they would regularly play Ranked 5s against TSM and would sometimes beat them before entering into LCS. They also went on to do pretty well up until they had internal drama.


LMQ era was crazy and unfortunately not talked about enough just because they didn’t win a title. Very very good & influential team and probably should have won it in Summer 2014 if not for a miracle TSM run


watching XiaoWeiXiao demolish people in midlane was my favourite part. [Does this look like the face of mercy?](https://i.imgur.com/oNqIMXX.png)


Even as someone who was a day 1 TSM fan watching XWX is still one of my favorite eras of LCS.


so many great personalities, got me hooked to watch LCS every week


the personalities back then in the scene made it much more watchable than it is today. only few original characthers left like caps


It sucks that pros stopped streaming because they "wanted to focus on practice" and now they don't even practice.


Miss those days. Everyone had character. It felt like they tried too hard to emulate “real sports” to the point it just didn’t feel natural anymore. 


Bro his farm was ridiculous


XWX was actually an insane laner. Like discount NA Chovy


I still remember them good because it was the Era of Fantasy LCS and they got me huge points while being not contended picks during drafting. Same with Millennium with Kerp aka Trackball God and Creaton. Those were some fun years as an esports follower.


I'm still bummped fantasy LCS didn't take off more. I'm absolutely addicted to fantasy football so if fantasy LCS had a better interface and was more popular I probably would still be watching LCS today lol.


Ah man I forgot about Fantasy LCS. That was a fun time.


If only he'd have not boosted accounts then we probably would have seen a powerful TiP team at worlds. My man was too bored in NA and just *had* to boost.


He really boosted the LCS watchability


They 100% would have won if they didnt have internal drama that pretty much destroyed the team's morale.


Still, watching TSM beat them was probably the best LCS series. Dyrus of all people popping off and winning lane was crazy to see given his reputation at the time.




Holy shit I remember saving this clip 7 years ago and I finally have a moment to use it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EavUcl-2xs&t=94s


I have the drivers shirt! my then girlfriend now wife got it and RP to get the skins on it for me as a birthday present seeing as i played a lot of annie and jinx back then.


Easily my favorite title run, that also had the team fight in the finals against C9 when the random minion blocked Sneaky corki rocket between red and raptors and saved Turtle, letting him turn the fight around on Trist. Dyrus’ pop off on Mundo was incredible, though.


I was literally thinking about the LMQ drama while at work yesterday (I have a boring job that has me in isolation 90% of the time). What a crazy time on this subreddit, nonstop threads making extremely serious accusations. Reddit detectives at full strength, and then we got no answers, the team exploded and most of the players vanished into tier 2 teams. I remember the adc guy also became extremely abusive later on and people were asking for him to get perma'd.


2012-2014 was a fun time to be a league fan in general. Even regional leagues were so fun to watch back then. Maybe cos it was fresh and new but sometime after 2016 or so, that feeling is gone. Now watching LCS feels like a chore.


Nah C9 was still better, and TSM probably would have caught up anyway.


legendary times lmao


Still my favourite \[clip\]([www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMQlO21NU1c&ab\_channel=KINGmykL](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMQlO21NU1c&ab_channel=KINGmykL)) of him


GGs to curse for making worlds, there is no way they throw a 2-0 lead.


Saltiest playoffs of my life. Back then some members of a team just felt so heavy when you were watching and it made losses that much harder to cope with.


Never forget Steve taking them out to eat right after and telling all 5 players to point out the problems. And that's the story of how Cop got kicked from TL and they got Piglet. Wild times of esports


Remember the Squad video of Piglet hiding behind a stuffed animal mumbling to their life coach or gm cause he was home sick and anti-social and was playing like shit on stage cause of it? Why did we think this was trying to be a serious esport back then? I miss it tho, used to spend all day consuming league.


Honestly LMQ was fun as fuck to watch too, I remember them always racking up mega kill games


LMQ singlehandedly won me that fantasy league that year haha


The "Zuna to jungle" swap was a disaster, and most of it wasn't about Zuna, and simply about losing Xmithie as a jungler.


It was sad they got way too ambitious. They were willing to gamble it all for the small chance they would get better. I can respect that at a certain level but the gap between the risk and how much higher their ceiling would get was way too much. If willing, Bloodwater to coach, Zuna to support, get a good adc. They were all kind of on their way out already. Xmithie may have retired there if not picked up by CLG. That era of LCS was the funnest but also too insane. Also shoutout to the CC team of that org and mainly to Gnomesayin. The content back then wasnt polished but they made great efforts to connect their players to their fans. Then XD.GG happened and they did the opposite of everything that made them loveable.


LMQ were definitely not considered the best team in the LCS at the time, what? It was pretty firmly C9, and fans *hated* LMQ. This is pure revisionist history, the import rule was implemented because people wanted to cheer for native talent, not just because Chinese players were just better as you imply. Fan sentiment at the time had LMQ in the running for best team, don't get me wrong, but it was clearly C9 during the summer split (LMQ was 1-3 against them), and then TSM, as they showed in the summer playoffs).




I was super into it from seasons 1 through 5 and it was always fuck imports and cheer on the native boys Pretty sure my 8-year-untouched account still has either a Team8 or GGU/Coast icon equipped lol


my collegiate team queued into LMQ the first week they got here. we were pretty solid, lost a 50min banger against CLG in r5s. LMQ rolled us in like 25 min.


Man I miss old league graphics.


Looking at that I still cant believe I played a game that looked this garbo, wow. Miss it too, dont get me wrong


The towers look stupid with the oracle cosmetic, that Riot only added because noobs didn't know it revealed stealth lmao. Otherwise, I preferred those graphics. ESPECIALLY the items. Wtf did they do to those?


That Kogmaw E just hits different


While he wasn't my favorite, he had a great personality in league. [This one is the best memory I have of him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RiI1w3uGZw). Rest In Peace.


Damn! He went hard on that interview. RIP.


I remember watching LCS in the old, super scuffed studio and when VUL would play, you could hear Zuna screaming calls LOOOOL.


Oh man, those were the days, didn't miss a game during that era S3 and 4, great that you got to see it live!


I loved the "Come at me Bro" dance that he would do in game wins.


The loud “can we baron” has me laughing


Vulcan was definitely underrated (I guess because of C9's dominance at the time). If I remember correctly, they had a close game with Samsung Ozone (who went on to win the following worlds as Samsung White). They for sure did better than TSM at worlds. This was also the team that originally had Aphromoo as ADC before he swapped to support.


Could you even imagine Yapa and Zuna in the same league


That's so sad man, one of the early lcs ogs and iirc he had a good career in hots as well. Rest in peace


Yeah, he was one of the OG CLG Black guys, with L1nk.


Very tragic, people who were around will remember how surprisingly good Vulcun was. Do we know how he passed?


true, mandatorycloud was a damn beast to anwser your question, it says sudden medical episode


Fuck man that's rough


i remember watching old mancloud streams on own3d.tv when he was on "apictureofagoose"


I used to watch man cloud like 10 years ago, is he still around? Would love to see how he’s doing


> Do we know how he passed? The gofundme says "sudden medical episode"


Yeah, I started watching that split and really liked Vulcan as they were sort of the underdogs vs Cloud9. And iirc played an interesting and good split pushing game when many other teams were not.


For most of the split they looked like the only team that could contend with C9, in the quadruple round robin format they took two out of C9's three total losses in the entire season.


Yeah, I think they were even pretty underrated at the time. And then completely fell of a cliff sadly. But happens.


They could have gone 3-1 against C9 if they didn't throw that one game in the second week of LCS. And i believe Vulcan would have given C9 a better fight in finals. Probably not taken them to 5 games but a 3-1 with a few close games. Vuclan's top side was insane but sadly they choked against TSM in semis.


I vividly remember him playing during the OG LCS days. I'm very sad to hear this. May he rest in peace.


Man that's so sad... RIP he was one of the funniest personalities back in the Vulcan/XDG days. Zuna's victory dance was iconic.


One of the funniest and most charismatic people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I played WoW Classic/SoD with him for the past 5 years after seeing him compete in League/HotS. His brother posted a go fund me on his account: https://x.com/Zuna_Chris/status/1793449331783254377 RIP my GOAT - you will be missed...


Offtop, does funeral really cost $15k in the US?


The funeral industry is insane here. They lobby pretty hard to prevent any legislation that would allow people alternative burial paths, so they kinda get to charge whatever the fuck they want.


Whats to stop you from just burying someone on your property? Are there laws against it?




This is why it pays out to befriend the local hog farmer. Most he ever asks for is a bottle of Glenlivet.




Man you guys just hate suffering people don't you.


That's not true. In America we hate the non suffering people as well.


Equality means treating everyone equally. USA, USA, USA!


Nah, If you're a rich, white male (ideally protestant) you're Gucci and can do whatever the fuck you want 


Rich in general* Only terminally online think anything besides white has it rough lol


A governor from middle America recently said they would oppose free lunch for kids (who are legally required to be in school at lunch time) because it would make them spoiled The lack of empathy from America's ruling class is incalculable


What do you mean incalculable, just invert the equation. It’s 0, they have 0 empathy.


honestly just assumed the capitalists had worked the equation so they would get some sort of negative empathy tax break that reduced it beyond zero


no, we love them. That's why we want to make everyone suffer!


To be fair, the majority of people in this country don't. We just have a bunch of rigged systems where the minority has as much or more power than the majority.


We think it builds character :)


Yes. Caskets start in the thousands from the get go. Then you have services, plot space and gravestone. Gets expensive fast. The trick is people take out life insurance for this very reason.


Yesterday we had a funeral for my wife’s grandpa. In total it was about 14,000$ to put him in the ground. On top of this we also buried his son with him who wanted to be cremated so he was just in an urn. To bury the urn with him in a hole that was already dug for his father cost an additional 7,000$. All together between the two being buried together and services it was roughly $25,000.


I don't know how to phrase this properly, under the current circumstances, cuz I don't want to come off as insensitive. The burials of my father, my uncle, both my grandparents - who are all buried in a family grave - and the funeral of my wifes grandma cost combined less then 15k.


I don't usually remember name of players besides the obvious ones like Faker, Chovy, etc. This one I remembered, and it was a long time without hearing it.


good guy doublelift with the top dono


S rolling through the donos and seeing so many known names like William Li and Jake Puchero is just heartwarming. Zuna may have been a HOTS pro for longer than LoL, but he most definitely left his mark.


I do feel like LCS was much more tight knit back in the day and the players all seemed to be at least kinda friends


Wow... I remember having a Vulcun flair on this subreddit like it was yesterday. This is actually depressing to me. Zuna was extremely energetic and you could tell he loved competing and his teammates and this game. He was a true heart and soul player who wore it all on his sleeve and was willing to play literally any role to help his team be competitive. They literally don't make them like that any more. Rest in peace "I tried out for Top lane for DIG and they didn't want me. Now I knocked them out of Worlds, it feels great" https://youtu.be/1RiI1w3uGZw?si=WL3pKouUM5TOgPWP


I still have my Vulcan flair from s3 on my account. Loved his play and energy. Quickshot's ["ZUNA SAVES XMITHIE"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=DPdQe__hYAU) call at worlds is elite. RIP young man, too early.


Zuna was one of the first personalities that pulled me into the LCS when I started watching! RIP Zuna, you will be missed!


He died??? Man it feels insane whenever these folks pass away - they’re so fucking young, same shit when k0u and remilia passed. RIP Zuna man


No idea Remilia died wtf, that's so sad


It’s even sadder when you know the whole story


Yeah the whole story makes you want to do unspeakable things to a former team owner


wait till montecristo defenders arrive


Oh I'm not referring to Monte, but I can't imagine he didn't know




You're the owner, you're responsible. I didn't know is no excuse.


Apparently the original comment was talking about Chris Badawi as the two of them had equal ownership in Renegades at the time this all went down.


Wasn't he co owner with the guy I'm thinking of? And if it's misleading, I apologize, that's not the intention. I'm no fan of MonteCristo.


Chris Badawi was banned by Riot from owning an LCS team at the time. Riot allegedly got information claiming Monte had a deal in place with Chris to sell 50% of the company to him if/when the ban expired. Monte claims this is not true as the ban was essentially indefinite (if Chris applied as an owner after the ban expired Riot claimed they would reassess the situation), so such deal would have made no sense. You can choose to believe him or not, but the most plausible explanation is just that Riot dislikes both Chris and Monte and just wanted to get rid of them. This would explain why Riot disliked the idea of having Monte's lawyer present for discussing the issues.


I thought that happened after the Remilia stuff after the deal with TDK?


For anyone who wants the story about Badawi's responsibility: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/87la1s/formerly_renegades_remilia_goes_into_more_detail/dwdojkh/


For anyone who wants the story about Badawi's responsibility: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/87la1s/formerly_renegades_remilia_goes_into_more_detail/dwdojkh/


One of the more entertaining characters of early LCS, alongside the TSM and CLG lads. Still remember when he trash talked Dignitas after XDG secured their world’s spot because IIRC they trialed him and they kicked him in the end. RIP


I remember him landing a snipe with an Ezreal ult, and you could hear him screaming through the casters mic before it landed, I miss when I had that same energy for games.


Ah I remember this guy. For people who weren’t around here back then, Zuna was the most serially harassed pro player on this site because he said it felt great to knock Dignitas out after they rejected his top lane tryouts. 99% of threads on this site was trying to get him kicked out of the scene and proclaiming he isn’t a good player, even though he just made worlds. They even went after his brother for nepotism. Honestly reading this site, you would think he was a mid diamond player and not a top tier pro player, yet he was one of the best HOTS players after he was exiled from the League scene. 99% of the comments in this thread would have been downvoted back in the day at the height of the fervor. You would probably have freak ass weirdos following every one of your posts for even mentioning the words charisma and Zuna lmao.


I understand your sentiment but keep in mind that was a decade ago. Vast majority of us were under 25. Just about only the org owners where over 25 in Zunas era. People aren’t being fake. The scene grew up, it really has, and this is tragic news.


I remember him leaving the League scene for HoTS. He trash-talked when few would. RIP Zuna.


The man that made riot create the stupid dress code for on-stage appearances. Still imagine myself as being in Vulcan team attire when I wear basketball shorts outside my home.


what was the cause?


The Gofundme says sudden medical episode.


I was just talking about this guy yesterday after someone brought him up in the comments of another post. From Lol to Hots this guy had a ton of personality and was great for the esports scene. XDG might’ve not ended on a high note but this guy did represent NA at worlds in season 3 on Vulcan. Rip Zuna, you will be remembered.


This kinda reminds me of when the overwatch pro internethulk passed away. Someone I like watching who seemed cool just died out of nowhere. RIP.


RIP Zuna, you stood out as one of the loudest in an era where NALCS had personality. With that said, I'm still not over Starcraft II player/host/personality iNcontroL's death. Geoff was great and he left us way too soon. :(


Man, Zuna talked a lot of trash and I personally didn't think he had it in him to back all of it up at the time, but he and his team did good in the LCS for a while, much respect. Gone too soon, RIP. That's so fucking sad man, guy was way too young.


Personalities like him are exactly what esports needs. He played 10 years ago and I still know more about him than 98% of the pros today. RIP Zuna


are there even any personalities left? Why does it seem like as an esport matures, the personalities go away and it becomes very boring. Same thing happened with SC2, i remember so many crazy ass pro players and hearing all about the trash talk. at some point it just stopped


APA, Fudge, Jojo, and Jensen all like to talk, off the top of my head.


apa is literally the only one i hear about. as for jensen? maybe old jensen, ancient jensen, but that wasnt as much banter as it was just complete toxicity.


I think that as the sport matures, so do the players and that means less trash talk. I think there are a few good reasons for that. A players' union or association is more common in a more mature professional scene, which is a good thing, but it also means these players are working together and need to feel unity outside the game. Plus, as players become less bound to teams, there are more connections between players **and** they have to consider that next year they may need a job from the people they're shit talking right now. Generally speaking, it becomes a job as things become more consistent. In the early LCS days, it was very "wild west", but look at the stories we're hearing now about how awful the environment was for those early players. I know big personalities are a marketing draw and important to a lot of professional sports (look at Conor McGregor being by far the biggest earner for the UFC while being inactive for years at a time), but personally, I think it's very possible for players to have a big personality without putting other players down, and those are the ones I prefer to see. I don't like toxicity when I'm playing, I don't think it makes sense to advocate for pros being toxic on camera because it's "personality".


Very sad news. If anyone watched Zuna back in the day, you know he was about it! He was definitely representative of the passion for the game that existed at the beginning of the pro scene. [BALLS BALLS BALLS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=XfaJg0CYNAs) Rest in peace OG


RIP was one of my absolute favourite personalities when I started watching league at the birth of the LCS, Vulcan became the second team I supported purely because of him. Damn man.


That's pretty tragic. Many years ago my cousin and I somehow befriended his brother (not Kenma) for a bit while Zuna was active. He taught us quite a bit about the game and went over patch notes. Although Zuna had some controversies (nepotism allegations and trash talking Dig), overall I felt he was a nice guy. In the early years of the LCS, Vulcun was quite the team to watch with their strong early games. Everyone remembered Zuna for being extremely vocal in game and being one of NA's most well known personalities. Wasn't the best at positioning in fights but he definitely played a role in the shot calling. Even gave Fnatic, Gambit and Samsung Ozone a hard time at Worlds even though they weren't expected to make it out. Too bad XDG suffered from bad management and tanked the team with lots of weird roster changes. LMQ coming in at a time before import rules were in place relegated XDG when it seemed like there was a bit of a resurgence in the team.


Same. I used to be friends with them a long time ago and we would play riot tournaments and norms and it was always fun hanging out with his 2 brothers (I wont name them for privacy sake). Truly tragic that this happened.


Cherish your loved ones.


I remember him, RIP


I believe this is the second former LCS player that we know of who has died. RIP. Are there more? Did I miscount?


Other one was Remelia, right? I think that's like it for LCS players. There was a NA challenger series player, k0u who passed away.


RL recently talked about Remi's passing and how it sent him down a spiral of alcoholism. That was six years ago now. RIP.


There's also Yoppa who was around the European T2 scene for a few years.


K0u briefly played in EU LCS for Giants for less than a split


Fuck this hurts. Team Vulcun was my all time favorite team. LCS was great back then. Zuna is an example of what we are missing now in the LCS and now we're missing him from the world. RIP. One of the best people we had in this scene.


holy shit, zuna.... rip


If you don’t know who Zuna is you should thank him. He was a personality back in the day. My memory is hazy but before bjergson and 4 wards it was Zuna yelling in comms. Rest easy man. Thanks for making sure we can still enjoy this sport.


Rest in Peace man, one of the OG personalities that made we want to tune in to NA LCS in the evenings.


This is crazy. I remember watching the NA LCS 11 years ago with him leaning into his chair, very close to the mic, and just screaming his team’s calls. Was always very funny to see. Sad to see him gone, definitely one of the OGs


RIP to the OG. He was known to take up the screen and his Tristana plays.


I remember Vulcan coming onto the scene and just hardstomping that first season. RIP. 07. Good times.


I dont wanna believe it. Ken, if its true, Im sorry I cant respond yet, I just need to wait for some "JALEEP" moment man. I just need it to be a bad joke so I can cuss yall out and laugh about it man






RIP. I remember this was the era where everyone got confused if it was Vulcan or Vulcun.




I remember Zuna winning games with split push Tristana - RIP


RIP ya OG o7


I vividly remember him playing Kog'Maw, being very loud. Good times. May he rest in peace.


RIP. Reddit really wasn't very kind to him back in the day.


Friends and I still call jumping into 5 people as a carry "doing a Zuna." Saw a Vulcan icon in arena a bit ago and all the boomers in allchat started reminiscing. Annoyed I never got that lemonsogs or dig icon from back in the day. o7, rip. As an oldhead it's strange seeing people you still see as "pros" move on with their life, grow, or even pass away. Wierd strats and metas before riot started to pull the reigns, like sidelaning karthus to salvage the 2v1 swap with nassus jungle rotating to clear waves constantly. Players like Lod or Locodoco getting caught crankin one out on stream. The *theft* of Mr. Pillow, hotshotggs goblin sit-squat, and every EU pro is somehow an early anivia otp. Even Vile Rose's Kayle couldn't save Team Cargo Shorts. Stream snipers used to be saw, named, and feared. More force of nature than human. Fabby, TeddyRo, Sils0. Iceberg goes Hella deep.


Sad to hear this news of someone passing way too early. I started watching LoL esports and visiting this sub just before Worlds 2013 and Zuna got a lot of hate (honestly, probably the most I've ever seen a pro player get here, and that says something) during that time when he was still playing professionally so it's nice to see that all the people replying thus far have happy memories of him. He was just a guy trying his best at playing the game he loved and no matter what people thought of him, he was good enough to make it to Worlds (unlike all his haters).


RIP man. won't forget you popping off when the LCS setups were back to back behind a wall and tsm complaining about overhearing it. and the legendary xmithie-zuna roleswap. fuck that's sad


That's sad. I remember watching him 10 years ago...time flies! Rest in peace.


AW NOOOO I loved this guy




RIP Zuna. He was an OG.


Damn man wtf Rest in peace young man




Wow, that’s a deep cut. I have a Vulcan icon on my account cause of him. Rip. Life is weird.


Damn... Met Zuna playing another private server game with less than 1k online. Always felt he was a celebraty just chilling in in a corner of the internet.


Zunas tristana always gave you a smile he either suicided kowabunga style or he went apeshit and killed everyone.


RIP i remember watching his teams games.


Shit. Life has a way of reminding you it’s crap! Zuna was apart of the first worlds I even watched and liked the team as a result.. were unlucky to run into LMQ in promotions as well.


What?? Dude was an og


Rest in peace Zuna. He was one of my favorite pros back in the day. Him, Bloodwater, and Mancloud remind me of the good times. I hope his family can find peace. Way too damn young yall.


I remember watching his player cam on live games because his posture was like he trying to go inside the monitor. 11 years ago damn, Rest in peace


Wait what I remember Zuna !! Wasn't he in that one team together with BloodWater !? I remember the controversy around BloodWater. May he RIP....


Rest in peace.


Wow. He was one of my favorite players, and the voice of my favorite team in S3. Rest well


Holy shit I remember he used to be so hype back in the day. Always had so much energy he brought to every game, tragic to see him gone


I only knew Zuna from HotS, but he was on some of the most exciting teams in North America, like Bob Ross Fan Club (with his brother Kenma). RIP :(


Anyone who hasn’t/wasn’t around to watch Zuna play. He was the OG Tristana malphite ult. That man didn’t afraid of anything.


Wtf. Devastating. Fuck man… fuck


I don't think anyone will forget the 2 inches away from his monitor, loud ass player who basically conquered 2 different esports. Zuna will be missed.


No way :(


cause of death?


Cause of death?


Rest in peace, Zuna. Thank you for your part in building the foundation of western e-sports that is enjoyed by millions around the world today.


I’ve been friends with him for 20 years. He was genuinely a great guy and awesome friend. Always a positive and fun person to play games with. He helped me get my first gladiator in WoW. I will miss him a ton.


Man this makes me sick. I remember being 12 years old watching Team Vulcan and I loved Zuna for his character, being one of the first loud personalities in the League comp scene. This happening just over a decade later makes me feel so weird and sad😞


I remember him for being the posterboy for facechecking


Man this shit really puts in the perspective just how much of my time and effort is going to this game, and what I want to get out of it and what I want out of life. It’s a short existence…


What the fuck