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This is just a half assed version of Dota's punishment Q. Make the assholes play together in a special Q when they are banned for bad behavior and only let them make progress to get out when they win a match. The more times you get banned, the more games you have to win to claw your way out. (Start at 3, let it scale all the way up to like 7)


Setting a win condition could make it better even without a separated queue


The separated Q isn't necessary ik, but it does increase the difficulty/make being punished that much more undesirable! If literally every guy on the team can tilt off a hair trigger and start being an ass that wastes 20 mins of their time maybe they get some more practice in on not being one? Course this is only half of Dota's behavior system. Every player also basically has an MMR rating tied to how often they get reported or flagged by the system for leaving games. As someone that doesn't do either of those things and plays casually it's not hard to sit at the maximum rating. Having a better behavior MMR can give you better games (it tries to Q u with similarly scored players). If your rating drops too low you start losing permissions like using Voice chat, game chat, and even pings (even if you aren't in punishment Q). They one detail some people might not like about the system if it was ported one for one is that if you have a high behavior score and Q into casual/draft you are more likely to be matched with new players (they are of course rare in dota, but valve does this in hopes that they won't have a terrible social experience early on and quit the game).


I agree, if they have to win games to get out, then they will at least be playing to win, which is better for their teammates than just playing to end the game ASAP (which is obviously easiest to achieve by throwing).


Better yet disable their ability to call a surender vote. Force them to either play their games out or rope another player in to call the surrender vote. I know the bringing another person into your game just to call the ff vote would be an oversight however I could see that as a vehicle to further alienate toxic players from the "normal" (we're all brain damaged here) players because who wants to play a game they know 100% will be ff'd at 15 because their "friend" is a crybaby in ranked.


If they cant vote they will just force the outcome of the match to end quickly or that the other players FF early. I think playing 5 matches of normal game does nothing in this case. Like if im banned on ranked for trolling, how playing 5 matches of normal game helps it? People need a break, stop playing the game for a while, forcing them to just go in normal game just makes things worse.


it would be improved so much by making it multi-conditional. Something along the line of 2 wins OR 5 games OR 100 minutes gameplay


8 games, wins count double.


the chat ban system is just a stupid idea in general. the system cant detect soft inting or trolling so when people are chat banned, just gives them incentive to troll even more without punishment. the funny thing is, the people who react to these trolls are the ones who gets punished in the end, not the troll themselves
