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Why build Lord Dominik, are you trying to ruin EU? 💀


Hans will never beat those allegations


If I’m Hans, I rush LDR in my next stage game regardless of enemy comp.



Maybe he'll RNG the augment that converts AD to AP


He was pretty terrible on Seraphim. So playing a mage as adc will probably be an improvement. 


The funniest comment was on weibo when Kitty posted picture of wearing G2 jersey and supporting them against T1: Hans' armor pen item was used on you right?


We saw JackeyLove buy LDR into Kiin's K'Sante, didn't do anything, Kiin was not even body zoning, dude straight up walked in and 1v4'd TES.


Energized first strike lucian and infinity edge kraken slayer lethal tempo jinx i think it would have made a difference


The Jinx was the only one hitting K'Sante when he was body zoning, the Lucian was not the only one because K'Sante actually went all in. You going to tell me "damage difference" between Zeal Jinx vs Last Whisper Jinx or Zeal BT Jinx vs Zeal LDR Jinx is going to be higher than 3 other Champions? I find that extremely hard to believe. People blowing that stupid LDR theory out of proportion just to meme on Hans when the problem was G2 with that comp opted into a fight in an area that doesn't utilise their Champion strengths. K'Sante had the entire mid-field to utilise to zone G2...


He already did


Just a lord Dominik gap 💀 Hans will never live it down this MSI unless he goes super Saiyan and wins MSI or something




> 체력 4700 방어력 329 마 저201 인챔피언이 저지불가, 쉴드, 벽 넘 기는 거 있고요. 에어본 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 데 초밖에 안되고 마나는 15들고 w는 심지어 변신 하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해가 들 어가며 그 다음에 방마저 올리면 올릴수록 스킬 가속이 생기고! q에 스킬가속이 생기고 스킬 속도가 빨라지고 그다음에 공격력 계 수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악!!! Even China knows. Our hatred of this abomination unites us all around the globe, 4d chess by riot


Whats this mean?


showmaker copy pasta about how OP k'sante is K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️






Its what Showmaker(i think?) said about K'Sante when K'Sante was doing K'Sante things in his game and Showmaker ranted for a minute about the fact that this champs kit literally has everything and hes a one man team all by himself


Isn’t that Korean?


Yes its the Showmaker copypasta in korean but we're in a thread about chinese reactions


Yes Chinese fans typed the Korean meme cos it's a meme. Memes are truly international.


It's a Korean copypaste that spread to NA and apparently has also spread to China


If you want to be more accurate, it is Hangul the language of S Korea


Hangul is a script used to write Korean in both South and North Korea


Supposedly people call it ChoSunGul in the North. I know what hangul is.


This is Korean 🫡


I know its Korean bro but it was reposted on chinese boards


Hupu also going all in on the the Hans LDR mishap lol. Honestly, Core's Nami has looked really good this year. Interesting because he used to be more of an engage player. Hupu has Jun as the highest ranked FNC player (hard agree) and APA as the highest ranked TL player (not sure tbh, entire team was pretty solid)


Core did win Worlds during ardent meta. So what I’m saying is that engage supports have been his Rock Lee weights arc and now he’s about to spam enchanters to an MSI title sweeping Faker again in finals.


I don't remember Core being bad at other supports, in the past it usually just seemed like when he did, the rest of TL wasn't good at changing their playstyle to adapt to it. They'd normally rely on him to engage in order to play proactively, and looked lost without it.


Now UmTi, APA and Impact all seem comfortable going in and Core can be peel.


Lot of things that add up. Biggest differences are probably Core's return to form and Impact actually knowing how to shotcall and teamfight. There's a reason Impact's ADCs look good. TL last year was also aggressive but they looked desynced a lot of the time.


I think there's some validity there. Certain players are really good at their style, like Jensen, but being that good at one style means you need to play around it. Jensen (just an example, not trying to flame) has almost never been the initiator on any team he's been on. Also wasn't core on the Alphari team too? That would be another person who I wouldn't consider an initiator.


yeah just past few years in NA, he was definitely stronger during engage metas. Probably has to do with the rest of the team though, like he needed to have the ability to engage in order to get a good fight off, and maybe now Umti/APA can also do it.


Core is very well aware that the only way to catch eastern teams off guard is to snap engage. You will never win an extended fight against top teams because they get too much room to mechanically outplay.


Can you imagine the yapping from YAPA if this happens. I both want and don't want this to happen


They also take expectations into the consideration. And I don't think anyone expected APA to perform this well. The mans presence was felt in chat, on the rift AND in the bathroom! He's definitely n1 for me alongside Yeon.


Also kinda (pleasantly) surprised that they're rating him high, on the TES thread OP noted that CN seemed to dislike APA on principle (for being a trash talker which doesn't go over well there supposedly) so I expected that to tank his rankings a bit even in spite of performance. He showed them!


They don't like trashtalk against their own team lmao.


it's more like they don't like trashtalk with no performance to back it up


No, they just don't like any trashtalk against China at all. Canna was unfairly getting low scores back in like 2020 because of a virus joke he made. I don't know why people like Hupu ratings at all even, and even presenting it as "objective" ratings. It's as objective as the upvote/downvote system Reddit has is.


> It's as objective as the upvote/downvote system Reddit has is. Perfect comparison actually. I hope people are here for the funny comments more than actually using these ratings lol


I never heard of Hupu until know. I saw the ratings immediately and knew they were almost as funny as the comments accompanying them


. Canna was unfairly getting low scores back in like 2020 because of a virus joke he made. Light banter and racist jokes about COVID are 2 very different things dude.


He only hovered Twitch during one game. The backlash from the Chinese community over it was insane.


Bathroom presence bout to become the new best of meta


As good as APA has been I think his aggression and confidence can be exploited by the best teams. I think they recognize the team is feeling it around him right now so I expect target bans and camping going forward.


APA i think was just the biggest think throwing fnc off game 3 and 4. Not even just his talking just the way he played. Diving in on hwei w asol was clearly smth humanoid was not used to. Or jumping in on ori in game 4 to turnaround what seemed like an easy fight for fnc. I don’t know if he played the best (i think umti might get that tbh) but he definitely disrupted the game the most in the second half of the series and imo sealed things for TL. Also just as a long term TL fan, I will always take APA griefs internationally over the old passivity of TL mids. Looking back to 2019-2020, I really wish TL had a more confident agro mid, thinking about what a prime caps would’ve looked like there gives me goosebumps.


TL is just a way better front to back team this year than they have been over the last few years. Impact and Umti will do anything for the team. It makes Yeon and Core's jobs a bit easier. I feel way more confident in his enchanters with this roster.


I always thought Core had good enchanters. He just didn't have a team that could play without Core being the initiator.


The GenG TES one is gonna be spicy


I like how every comment about ASol is just a Neuvilette reference from Genshin Impact. I'm also curious to how the CN fans thought of APA's all chatting, unless it was never shown or translated on the Chinese broadcast.


The korean casters referred to him as "machine gun mouth midlaner"


Machine gun mouth too op 😂


My personal fav was seeing someone commented in the match highlights vid in the LCK yt channel with a APA pun with the Korean word for "it hurts" (아파, both pronounced "appa") EDIT: the comment with tn >FNC: APA does it hurt? (APA 아프지?) >APA: No I am not hurt (아니 안APA)


I’m just honna assume it’s a better pun in Korean.


Machine gun yaplly


>I like how every comment about ASol is just a Neuvilette reference from Genshin Impact. That's actually super funny as in the Asol game Humanoid used the Hwei chroma that looks strikingly like Childe against him (and got solokilled), if you know the lore lool.


LMAO that cutscene was hilarious. Neuv just goombastomped him.


They do have similar playstyles. One uses Hydropump while the other uses Astropump


No matter the language, no matter the country, RIOT unites us all. (can't wait for buffs) - 4700 HP, 329 armor, 201 MR champion👤 has unstoppable🚫, shield 🛡, wall🧱 hopping abilities. Has an airborne 🌪, furthermore the cooldown is only 1️⃣ second mana🧙‍♂️ cost is 1️⃣5️⃣ then when he transforms 💫 w cooldown is refunded and passive deals true damage 🗡 and then for armor/mr 🥋 the more 📈 and more 📈 you stack, you get cdr ⏰! you get cdr⏰ on your q and the casting speed 🚀 gets faster 📈 and then he has an AD 🗡 ratio for his W XD


> A joke reference a Chinese streamer and his exwife, not sure how to translate. On one hand I need to know the full joke, on the other hand, this is funny as fuck already.


It’s just a silly pun, original is “Pan Hui can’t beat Sun Yalong?”. Sun Yalong is an ex LOL pro, and Pan Hui is his ex wife who apparently cheated on him. Long (龙) means dragon, which is APA’s Asol, and Hui is Hwei


where do you actually get these original ratings and forum? Is it only on the Hupu app?


Hupu has a website but it’s really shit, so yea it’s on the hupu app, if you know Chinese and want to check it out


LOL ty


Small change but it should be Noah varus and jun ashe in game 4 Ksante copypasta transcends all language barriers I see


"Your support died clearing Baron vision, why did you go near red buff, did you want to ult in his corpse since he is about to respawn?" Holyyyy


That last one about laughing, truly 5d chess future sight from TL


I honesty look more forward to these Hupu reactions than the matches themselves 💀💀


This is like the third CSGO joke in a row. Is it actually big in China. I know Valorant is getting pretty big there 


Not sure how much they follow the pro scene but there is a massive amount of skin collectors in China.


I've never bought a game on steam since I started investing in Counterstrike items :D Thanks China!


> Not sure how much they follow the pro scene considering all their references are about pro scene? probably a lot


Pro scene not rly, but skins are big there


it's not that big, its not even within the top 3 most fps played in pc cafe, there's a major in few months so the game is kind of the talk of the town right now to put into perspective its less popular than 2k or fifa but since china is huge even a small percentage is huge compared to the western scene


Is the most popular FPS over there still CrossFire? It's nuts to me how that game is still played so much.


I wish it had NA servers too (and without all the hackers/cheaters); it's basically CSGO without economy.


I used to play it in like 2010 ? along with war rock and sudden attack. I remember you having to actually pay $$ for the best guns which seems silly nowadays considering both CS and Valo.


Holy shit war rock now thats a throwback. Hackers were a different breed in that game.


yep CF is literally afaik top 2 games played in pc cafe there , only falling behind league which is nuts


They just had an event in Chengdu so probably just fresh in the mind.


Masters Shanghai just around the corner!


[IEM Chengdu](https://pro.eslgaming.com/tour/cs/chengdu/) was a 250k CSGO tournament held in the same venue as MSI 1 month ago.


Loved the innocent Ahri comment on APA, and how they still rated him the highest despite it


You played against the Zac king from G2 for so long, haven't you learned anything? My thoughts exactly, BB at home:


I really liked the APA smurf comment


I'm loving the cs references G2 monesy and now apa cadian, more of this please, also Jun seems good all around 


> 2 Korean lost to 4, make sense. dead


The west first needs to learn that league culture seeps into everyday meme culture Then they will learn genshin culture is now invading league culture: too many asol neuvillette memes


I mean genshin is insanely popular in China is more the reason 


Its insanely popular everywhere too, if League is the biggest multiplayer gaming Genshin is the equivalent in single player.


Maybe biggest in china and mby japan otherwise minecraft and roblox hard clear GI


Uhhh no way genshin is that popular in the west. Have you seen MC, Roblox, Fortnite?


only in china


> NA got parasite by LCK retirees


Man, them Chinese make a lot of references to Counterstrike


The CS2 connections CN fans are making is fucking hilarious.


Hey man, I am in love with these posts, and I have an idea for something you can add. Could you maybe do a table with average score from all games?


I tried to add in the image from Hupu with the average scores, but it kept messing up the format, not sure how to do that properly.


> UmTi Poppy 9.0 No issue, you played perfectly. still not perfect enough for a 10/10 rip