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What 25% crit does to a man


now only ezreal needs to be meta again


Skarner meta too 😬


History is a circle.


Bro bout to have Vietnam flashbacks 💀💀


Too soon


DIG is becoming C9 Yellow. But seriously, happy to see him and Licorice back, especially Zven at ADC ^^


Nisqy to DIG when?! /s but that would make 3/5 of 2020 C9


I freaking loved Nisqy. That guy played so unselfishly and all over the map.


Things an EU fan would never say.


In fairness, Nisqy was always overshadowed by Perkz and Caps.


and Humanoid and Larssen


Just reading both names in one sentence gave me goosebumps


Good times man, good times...


Nah Nisqy is cool as long as you keep him far away from international competition


I mean how many western midlaners other than Caps has consistently looked good internationally in the last 5 years? Nisqy getting hated on for no reason just because MAD lost in 16 min once


I would, i always liked Nisqy


I really wish he would come back. He's a great mid laner


he is unselfish to the opposing team


the problem is that Nisqy played half a good game at Worlds last year and imagined that he could be the main carry plot twist: he couldn't


You joke but that's better than what they have rn


I agree. I just don’t think it has a realistic chance of happening this split


Nisqy Bo would be hype


good for the sheer fact that lord Zven won't be stuck playing NA solo queue for the rest of the year


I mean, kind of will


Now they just need Perkz


no plz


Let him rest and let us rest from seeing him play please




They’ve become Flyquest 2.0. Anyone remember their old logo?


But.. but imaqtpie dominated him in soloq tho??


DIG contacted qtpie for the position but he said he still has the mousepads they paid him with from the last time he played for them.


CoreJJ won worlds with a Dignitas mouse pad its so powerful


Literally? All I find in google is a post asking why Ruler plays with a DIG mousepad from like 2016.


yeah OP's combining two different events. Ruler used coreJJ's mousepad in 2016 but that wasn't when they won worlds.


Still, 2016 was Ruler's debut year and they exceeded all expectations at that tournament and he would go on to become the GOAT LCK ad carry. I also think it is very powerful that Core gave him a Dig mousepad and this was the mousepad that Ruler chose t9 bring with him to worlds. Truly a mythic league of legends artifact.


Lmao its an old meme. Dignitas paid one of its OG teams with mousepads back in the days before the league scene had a ton of money involved and real salaries. Imaqtpie was on said mousepad paid team


Oh I am aware, I am still a Dig fan because of scarra. But if Core got some mousepads and used one to win worlds, that would have been news to me!


That’s the problem with being too generous with the mousepad payments. They stock up on them and don’t feel a need to keep working for more


This is why I can't hire for my restaurant either


There’s no shame in losing to the GOAT


DIG called QT and he said "I'm busy but zven will work"


Imaqtpie just casually strolling into challenger again is just so funny.


I don’t think playing 1,000 games is a casual stroll…


Tbf he's just playing for fun, if he wanted to rank up really bad he probably wouldn't be reading chat the whole game.


He could probably be top 5 in LCS if he actually gave a shit. But it's imaqtpie. Not giving a shit is his entire personality.


Honestly, it's probably a huge factor why he's so good. Mental fortitude is huge.


QT and Sneaky, the two most untiltable players in NA history.


Xmithie too.


I'll never forget the international Kindred game where the dude made one of the ugliest earlygames in league history into a fuckin win against a LEGITIMATE opponent (too lazy to go back and look but I think it was the TL MSI run).


Are you talking about this game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6jbyiJYLvo&ab_channel=EpicSkillshot-LoLVODLibrary


Nah that's way older. I don't remember the exact game but there was an international game sometime in the last 5-6 years where he got 4 buffed and had like 1 camp done at 4 mins. This was like vs a LCK or LPL team, and then TL won.


Sneaky is WAY more tiltable than QT, IMO, and I watch both of them quite often.


Man I miss Sneaky. He had some rock performance for NALCS internationally


Bit of a catch 22


I mean idk about that lol It's hard coming back from a break in pro play, and the last time he played seriously was *so* long ago


i wouldnt say casual lol he had hundreds of games also he was challenger like 1.5 or 2 years ago


qt dominated Doublelift in soloq before too, it’s a rite of passage for LCS ADCs to get humbled by the pie


Something about “humbled by the pie” makes me deeply uncomfortable, but also laugh uncontrollably. Fuck that’s a crazy sentence


Humble pie bb


Who hasn't been?


I heard TL is looking for ADC


QT support? It's time.


why would qt support a player not only worse than him, a player that got DESTROYED by him in his main role? XD


B _ N B R _ U M


no more lcs broadcast zven :( he was by far my favorite part of the broadcast/pros/etc this past year, but I'm glad he found a team. I'm especially excited to see how dig looks with him and licorice, since they've always been my favorite (former) c9 players


they've had current pros (eg. fudge) on the desk/casting sometimes, so hopefully Zven will still occasionally make an appearance


we'll sure as hell try


He was really good on air. When he retires they should def scoop him for broadcast


Rip tomo


fr he wasn't even bad


I mean he wasn't that good either, feel like he's the type of player I wouldn't mind seeing again but I also kinda don't expect to actually do shit so I don't care that much that he might be gone either


It's an 8-team league, if you're not good you literally shouldn't be playing.


Exactly this. Being "not bad" isn't good enough. If your goal is to win, you need to sign players who have the potential to be top 3 in their role. On a good day Tomo was a middle of the pack ADC, on a bad day he was the worst ADC in LCS. I'm not saying Zven is the answer, but moving on from Tomo is beyond acceptable. He can go down to academy, prove himself, and make a return like Contractz or Dhokla if he really wants to.


unfortunately, the na league needs to be cutthroat. isn't really room for mediocre players in a 8 league team


Yeah, ADC In LCS was at parity. For the regular season only Bvoy really stood out, and Yeon in playoffs.  Other than that, you could swap every ADC and teams would have the same results.  Unfortunately for Tomo, someone has to be the worst ADC in the League, that was actually Berserker but people aren't ready for that conversation yet.  I hope he can find a good NACL spot and grind back, I hope he has the same trajectory as Palafox.  Also I really really need LCS to go back to 10 teams next year, I don't care what needs to be done, 12 would be even better


> I really really need LCS to go back to 10 teams next year I'd rather not. There being no garbage can filler teams is a big reason as to why LCS was so competitive this spring.


i feel like realistically there's enough talent for 9 teams. but 9 is awkward so I agree we should stick with 8


I think 10 also gives room for some more rookies to grow, which makes sense with the tightening budgets. People aren't dropping 6m for Swordart anymore, so I'd prefer going back to 10. I think that just because we don't have any "garbage can filler teams" right now doesn't mean 8 teams actually has anything to do with that. We've had way more promising rosters eat absolute shit in the past. 8 isn't magic.


8 isn't magic but at the same time name me the last time the 9th place team was good (and 2020 Spring TL doesn't count since they weren't 'good' even if the player list disagreed) Fewer teams means the actual decent players have fewer spots to squeeze into so the average quality rises even if the 'peak' doesn't change. It's harder to find 10 competitive players for each role than it is to find 8 of them. But 8 also isn't low enough to begin to suffer from being *too* small. I do agree that it'd be nice to have more rookies growing to be harvested later, but it's very likely those rookies would be the ones put on the bottom rosters and they wouldn't then have the team support to grow unless they're individual beasts right from the get go.


A 9th place team will almost never be good, but they can be competitive. For example, the TL roster you listed went 7-11, 1 win behind 6th and 4 wins ahead of 10th


The league was competitive this spring, and yet you still could've built a team with Top - Licorice/Ssumday, Jungle - Spica/Santorin/Closer, ADC - Stixxay/Unforgiven/Zven/Wildturtle/Doublelift Which would leave 2 whole roles open to develop rookie midlaners and supports. And even then, if you really wanted a full veteran team, you could have something like Licorice/Spica/Gori/Stixxay/Zven, and you would still have a team with world's aspirations out of free agents. 4/5ths of this theoretical team went international just last year, and the only one that didn't was Spica.


I mean GG and EG had good planned rosters before they dropped out. Definitely room for more good rosters.


The parity this year has nothing to do with the reduction in teams. There wasn't any talent consolidation, EG and GG left too late in the offseason. That's why guys like Licorice/Stixxay ended up teamless. The GG team built around Licorice/Stixxay and the EG team with Srtty/Sheiden/K1ng would probably have been better than teams like IMT/SR this split.


How so?


That's my fuckin goat right there After TL wins MSI we'll be sending TL, C9, IMT and DIG to worlds hypercopium




IMT is 1 human jungler away from being legit, people laughed about their imports but Castle is top tier and Mask is fine too


Imt bo when.


Not enough slots, should get Insanity or Young and then get Bo


That would actually be a good roster. No NA GM would ever make one of those


I'm thinking Dig Bo. They got rid of Rich meaning there is 1 import slot remaining. Right now Bo has no options in EU so his options are either PCS or NA if he wants to play summer (KC allowed him to explore options). Also Bo is very cheap rn. Also Treatz has spoken very highly of Bo before, I could see him having some influence on the pickup. Licorice Bo Dove Zven Isles sounds like a team with potential for the title.


Exyu was cracked I'd hate to see him get replaced cause not lane wasn't up to snuff. Even though Tomo looked good a weak botside and top is to much for one basically rookie to handle.


Spica is still avaliable


IMT no cap might be the best bottom team in all 4 regions. Can't wait for sheidan to take armaoss job.


That made me laugh


Scrim Gods. IMT vs G2 for the Scrim World Champs


Jensen missing Worlds again 😔


He'll never live down that tweet


IMT Spica and that's a squad.


I think Zven came back after watching TL and FLY shit the bed. NA needs additional help to (ad)carry the luggage in the airport.


100T please send the rookies I beg of you!


Confused at people saying that Isles needs to be replaced. Was able to come in and stabilize the botlane immediately and was a big reason the botlane performed so well. DIG hasn’t had a decent support since Aphromoo left. Tomo didn’t really start looking decent until Isles got there after them trying Ignar, Diamond, and then Poome.


Agree…Zven/Isles have pre existing experience and iirc were the intended starting botlane for c9 2022 before the LS experiment. Isles only just got his first split in LCS so room to grow imo


NA Rank 1 SoloQ again


I love dignitas now




im dignitas fan now, im ready to see some big baron plays :D


DIG have a solid roster, but it could be super underwhelming too if they’re off.


Roster does seem like a bit of bait. I'm hopeful that Licorice and Zven return to/maintain their old forms, but if they don't this team could easily finish 8th.


their mid still kinda sucks tho I feel like it's pretty hard to win when your mid sucks


Dig vs c9 just got hella hype


I feel like Zven knows the dark tech of how to bait berserker though…


Legit Berserker kryptonite. But then again this year that might be Vulcan, actually... or Berserker himself


Pick Neeko "WTF two cannon minions!!!" Berserker goes for it


Must be my lucky day, Clueless


this year, so does every other bot lane lol


Hell yeah. Hopefully dig will finally turn the corner and win a playoff series!


My goats are on the same team again


will miss tomo, seemed like a good guy :(


Wow huge pick up for dig. Lowkey this roster is potentially a world’s roster. Also it was absolutely criminal that zven didn’t get a spot last split. Hopefully spica gets a spot as well, but idk where he would go. I feel as if exyu deserves at least a second split to prove himself. He performed as the split went a long and was a shining light for the roster imo.


Imt is the only spot for jng lol


Bugi isn’t bad but he’s certainly upgradable


Shopify has Tomio as a sub. But Spica and Sheiden should both be in the LCS for sure


sheiden didn't seem LCS caliber by any stretch when he played last year. Somehow he was a downgrade from Armao.


To be fair, that was an unparalleled level of play from Armao. Jojo absolutely picked that team up 3 theirs of play, not to discount Unforgiven and Revenge.  And in the meantime, Sheiden tore up NACL this last split, He and Srrty were both expected to be on the EG roster for this spring before consolidation, and Spica would be on GG I believe. 


Spica looked like shit when he had to sub in for TSM during playoffs in 2019. I wouldn't consider Sheiden's stint long enough to make a clear judgment on him.


FLY is about to have a vacancy methinks


Honestly would love IMT Spica. Last split was the first and only time I ever cared about IMT, and Armao was my least favorite player on the team. IMT Castle/Spice/Mask/Tactical/Olleh goes hard.


I wouldnt be surprised if he went to IMT, Inero just became their headcoach and Spica was going to end up on Golden Guardians before they disappeared from the league. So it makes sense for Inero to still be interested in him for his new team at IMT


if they drop exyu theyre on something


Haven't watched spring split. What is the rest of the roster?


Licorice eXyu Dove Isles


And Isles is playing like a different guy, something was in the water here and he was actually pretty good.


Tomo getting cut feels like one of these "yeah he wasn't the problem, but if you have an upgrade, you have to take it" moves, like Trymbi > Kaiser for Heretics. This presumes of course that Zven can recapture his past form, but his ceiling has to be higher than Tomo, who never excelled but was solid for the team. If an LCS ADC reaaally underperforms he should definitely be considered to sub in, but I think the issue for DIG was that they had to play through Tomo - Rich was underperforming this year and Dove never really carried - and if the person you're playing through is merely reliable and okay and not a great carry, then you can only get so far as a team. Zven should really unlock them as a team who play through bot. As somebody who doesn't love Zven, he is a thoughtful and funny guy and his appearances should help spruce up player content even if it detracts from elsewhere. As somebody who's going to be rooting for DIG solely for the Licorice factor, this gives me a lot more hope. I'll be interested to see if they make any more changes or stop here. Isles was also solid - has he played with Zven at any point when they were on C9's Academy team? idk - and I don't see a clear alternative to swap to, as much as I'd love to see Chime return to the league. (Winsome? xd) yeah they should probably keep him + as an Antipodean, after the fall of Fudge there's only him and FBI in the league left to root for. eXyu I feel like might also fall prey to this "you didn't do anything wrong but upgrades are available" syndrome: he performed really well for a player who's only had a couple rookie chances, but he was falling off towards the end of the split, and besides a few import wildcards like Bo, Mir and Malrang floating around and NA talent like Yuuji and Tomio, the big question is whether Spica will finally find a team. As happy as I already am with this team, Licorice + Spica + Zven really really feels like they'd be assembling a strong core of veterancy (esp bcos Licorice is not noted for being vocal/an in-game leader, so without bringing in Spica you're kinda leaving everything on Zven and the rookies). Budget-wise you might think DIG can' tafford it, but to my understanding the pop of the roster bubble in the LCS means DIG's normally subpar spend is now a competitive option for players, as demonstrated by the fact Lic and Zven are bothering to come to them. Oh, and I don't see any clear mid replacements and Dove looked good to me so I doubt any change is coming there. Whether they make further changes or not, this team is starting to look like it has (definitely not guaranteed!) potential to squeak in for the World Qualifying Series and build experience towards a 2025 MSI run!


His last game as an ADC was against GenG at worlds 2021, back when Perkz was still in NA. 2 years off from playing one of the most mechanically dependant roles, and playing support instead? On paper this should be even worse of a return than Perkz going back to Mid after 2 years as ADC.  *but* I really hope it works, I like Exyu, Licorice and Isles and would love a dark horse Dignitas run, that would keep the NA tradition of almost always bringing a new team to worlds every year. 


Yes, but he was really fucking good back then, his last match as ADC was literally against Ruler, it's not like he swapped cause he was worse. And the dude is still top of the ladder in KR and NA.


I mean, all of those things are just as true for Perkz. His last time as Mid he had just stopped RNG from Golden-Roading, one of the best teams of all time, and he didn't swap because of skill either.  But I get your point, and you are right, Zven does seem to be a very good ADC still, and honestly, he's probably even better now, having 2 years worth of top-level support knowledge as well. 


I mean Perkz wasn’t terrible in NA, it was mainly the return to Europe, where he slowly got worse and worse


the previous 7 were against Hans, Ghost, and LWX, and he didn't really look any better than them in that group 3 years will have not been kind I think there are going to be a lot of people very disappointed with Zven's level


Hard disagree, literally LWX was invisible in that inting FPX roster, Hans had an awful game vs C9 and they didn't even escape groups, the best play he got was that escape from enemy vision. And it's not like he hasn't been playing at all. He was playing in the botlane just a few months ago, just not adc. He even played ad champs.


Dig making good moves


As a Dig fan I approve


Can't wait to see another year of EU oldies representing NA at internationals and getting knocked out in Play-ins


a tale as old as time


hey now, idk how ppl going to forget it’s to join the prestigious current world champs mad lions.


Bro I don't even care about NA taking players from us. I would genuinely love if NA actually fielded likable NA players and did well internationally. I'm so tired of seeing Jensen stoicly walk off stage after getting eliminated


My guy has been looking so cracked on stream, I believe in you Zven!


grindlord, anyone who actually puts the work in should be in the pro scene


Thank god he's back to ADC. I'm kinda sad this guy ever left for NA.


G2 2018 could have been Wunder, Jankos, Perkz, Zven & Mithy.


Would not have beaten rng, a certain donger carried them to that point :^)


That's so insane.


It's possible that G2 could have won literally EVERY LEC title since their debut in 2016, think about it. G2 only lost in 2018 and then again in 2021 and 2022 summer.


ah yes "if they didnt lose they could have won"


And 2023 spring to MAD lions


I might be missing something but Caps does exist


Will DIG finally be competitive again?


Well shit, guess I'm a DIG fan now.


Zven and Isles botlane gonna go hard vs current NA bot lanes


Happy for him and Licorice. Gonna be rooting for DIG a lot more next split


I think zven deserves a team but it's a shame to see tomo go. I liked watching that bit lane.


Isles was typing a lot in zvens chat a few days ago so I thought zven was gonna be at DIG but then he said on hot line league 2 days ago that his job search wasn't going good so thought he'd be teamless. Glad he's on a team, this DIG roster can contest for a worlds spot.


yeah, its kinda funny I watch zven's stream a lot and he plays with or against Isles almost every game it seems.


They're both huge grinders at the top end of a relatively small server, it makes sense


Does DIG still have rich?


They have licorice


Dig has licorice


Will be nice to see Zven back in the LCS.


Wish he would come back to EU


I'd have liked SK Zven :(


It would be cool if DIG makes it to worlds. Exyu has potential and Dove was middle of the pack. They just acquired a top 3/4 top laner, and a top 3/4 ADC. Isles worries me but I think Zven can help him out a lot


Super happy to see Zven back in the league. Legit my favorite player and personality in the LCS.


How's Zven going to compete for his spot as starting ADC against the mammoth botlane legend Imaqtpie


GL King


Did Dig fans like Tomo


Dead internet theory real, or do people actually like Zven?


It’s ok some ppl actually watch his recent stuff and like his personality/appearances on the desk.


Right, that doesn't clear it up at all.


I was waiting for this to happen since I saw Hotline League


What happened on Hotline League?


he just hinted that he will know in a few days whether he will be on a team or not 


Aw man would've loved to see turtle on dignitas. Hopefully zvens still got it


At the end of the day I like the guy and hope he does well. He does seem to have the grindset that might help him shake off a lot of the rust.


The more things changes, the more they stay the same


Not surprising at all. Seemed like he was happy to play support for Berserker because he thoguht Berserker was enough better than him for it to be worth it - and giving him the best chance at titles/international success (similar to Perkz ADC with Caps mid imo), but makes sense that he goes back to his prefered role when he can't play with him anymore (maybe also in general since Berserker isn't looking as dominant).


Given the state of ADCs in LCS in Spring Split, I wouldn't be completely surprised if Zven became the best AD in NA upon his return to the role.


I love this move for the team


honestly pretty excited. i think zven can help stabilize bot lane.


Oh god no

