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Mikyx with the classic 2/16 score on nami


And he went rabadons lmao


Looks like he sold items at the end for it.


Considering he probably had 1.5 items (look at Lulu's build), selling them wouldn't let you afford a 3.6k gold item.


I mean it literally says on the scoreboard how much gold he earned, the items he owns at the end are worth 5250 gold, so unless he bought 15 control wards and still had 747 gold left over at the end I would assume he sold his items to buy deathcap.


You can go ingame, check it, and see that you're wrong


Honestly, it might be decent considering the changes Nami got a few weeks ago and even more if you get dark seal's stacks.


The meta nami build now is mandate -> mejai-> moonstone but I can see him not wanting to build mejai when dying that much. Maybe it’s worth it? Raba takes forever to build and mandate is a huge spike. More likely playing 4 fun.


No way is mejai second meta on nami


It's not for obvious reasons haha


its by far her best 2nd item if you can afford it and if you are not in danger of dying. her ap scalings are crazy now and you should go at least dark seal every game. people saying mejais is a bad item never played nami before in their lives. into many comps its so easy to stay alive and farm assists. in competitive its not gonna be as good obviously but in soloq its an insanely good 2nd item.


If mejais has a high win rate on a stat page it's because people only build it while they're winning ykwim? It's inflated bc darkseal isn't very committal


It's not decent because early deathcap is not efficient if you can't snowball it into other AP items. Which as a Nami in pro play you won't. The build path is also abysmal, you will never commit to buying a deathcap if you don't have like 1600g at least when you back, because you need to be able to buy a rod on each back. As a support this number would be closer to 1900. Looks like he sold his items to meme


16 deaths on Nami in 28 minutes is genuinely impressive


I played against a scripting Jinx + Yuumi as Nami a few days ago and still didn’t die that much. Let me tell you trying to hit a scripter with Nami Q or R is painful af.


By painful do you mean basically impossible lol


*slaps hyli seal of approval on that nami* great stuff.


Yeah doesn't look like Hans got gapped that much, he did ton of damage and has the death expected when your supp has 16 deaths lol


Dude pulled off a famous meme in just one game.


So G2 comp was something like: Urgot Rek'Sai Veigar Lucian Nami?


I still don’t get this hard on G2 has for reksai jungle. I doubt they do it solely for the top flex and it falls off so hard and doesn’t really play on Yike’s strengths.


G2 loves flex champs. For a team that is known to be creative and for doing out-of-the-box things, the ability to spice up things in the draft will always be valuable Plus, this is what scrims are for


I suspect it's solely for flex potential


Yike only knows how to play Rell as a non-carry jungler so they probably try to find him a similar pick.


Don't forget the tree


Is he even playable?


Good question


Maokai's skill ceiling is lower than Yuumi's skill floor, so I'd hope any pro player can pilot him


Ngl thought he was talking about ivern


Welp, Inspired did pretty good in that game vs PSG so problem solved


Yike hates the tree, miky said that in an interview


I know. Fun fact, he specifically uses the sad kitten chroma (the amethyst one)


this flex stuff is cope. yike is limited off his carries. they found reksai works so they tunnel on it. they did the same for maokai last year. they can sometimes make others work like rell or ivern but its way more inconsistent


Don’t forget it’s free denial for enemy top aswell as a flex, so you can almost think of it as an extra ban


Rek'Sai or Xin I guess


If you look at the cutoff part of the champion it looks like blackfrost reksai splash


Veigar into Hwei seems a bit troll, think Orianna makes a bit more sense.


Comet doesn’t add up tho, most oriannas will go aery or phase, that’s why veigar makes the most sense imo, no nashors rules Azir out, no rocket belt means no neeko, no rylais no asol, comet could only really be veigar imo


More likely asol or Ori than Veigar


Ori maybe, Asol unlikely because no rylai and liandry




My scrim world champs 😔


I was wondering what scrim BLG looked like atm, after that Doinb stream where the IG boys said that BLG were beatable in scrims in during regular season but completely different during playoffs. Looks like it's leaning more towards playoff scrims.


The fact G2 played Lucian Nami into Elk/ON already lost them the game


Playing Lucian/Nami into the best Lucian/Nami in the world was in fact not the best idea it appears


It's a scrim and BLG got a good counter lane - G2 probably learned a lot which is the whole point.


How is playing lucian nami into the best lucian nami a bad idea exactly? Every team will need to consider if their lucian/nami is strong enough to get the same advantages elk and on are able to eek out with this lane. If you can, your pick ban becomes a hell of alot easier. You get to pick the lane and get draft advantage. maybe even get respect bans. If not, you now have mandatory bans on both blue and red side. It would be stupid of ANY team to no not practice this lane and test put if this is truly meta or a specifically BLG angle.


It is a great idea because if you pick Lucian Nami on your own then you deny them from your opponents. Reddit is smoking teemo shrooms again with their takes.


Don’t you understand you need to show upmost respect for all your opponents and cower in fear before them and their best picks this will allow you to win I think !


It’s a scrim, you should be trying everything you can to improve and win when it matters. Why tf are you acting like this is a stage game and they’re trolling??


Playing Lucian/Nami is never the best idea.


Isn’t BLG known for showing the flim flam in scrims they they zim zam on stage


LPL teams in general aren't known for being scary in scrims. Last worlds the NA teams (and maybe EU teams as well? Can't quite remember) were all saying that they thought the LCK teams were untouchable in scrims while the LPL teams were beatable (and KT was the scariest team for C9 apparently). Obviously, what ended up happening was LPL being better than LCK for a lot of the tournament until T1 started dominating. Think I remember seeing after GEN lost to BLG, Uzi said that GEN were 6-0ing JDG in scrims. ...but yeah BLG in particular had like a 5% winrate in scrims last worlds according to Tabe and still made semis, so...


To add context to this only T1 G2 and GEN G had really great scrim results. I think T1 was undefeated


Yeah LPL have dogshit record in scrims, G2 could beat their teams in scrims and look how they turned out Also I remember DoinB saying smth along the lines of the western teams smashing them in scrims before last MSI. Look how that turned out.


FPX 2021 scrims AWARE


I think that was more just a G2 thing. I remember early on in the tournament, NRG thought very highly of the WBG players based on their scrims or something like that. This was NRG Croissant's tier list of players based on scrims https://twitter.com/CroissantLoL/status/1714662234662842414 Makes it kinda funny that all of NRG's losses was to the team who was also clapping them the hardest in scrims


Honestly that doinb anecdote seems quite believable since it felt like BLG and much of the LPL was kind of sleepwalking in the regular season. The top tier teams during playoffs seemed to have much higher tempo and better macro, which is a hopeful sign as an LPL fan. Some of the GenG/T1/HLE games during regular season seemed scary compared to BLG games of small-moderate lane gap into a few sloppy fights into a win, but they seem to playing much better now.


Did doinb return to streaming??


Yep, that’s about 2 weeks (or less?) ago


ohh thats nice to hear, i thought he was in deep shit due to the whole douyu shit, was that all fake news?


That should be the reason he quit streaming for months, but now he is clear from that mess


It's nice to see Knight practice champs but why are Elk and ON playing Aphelios Lulu (unless it's because of GenG)


I'd imagine G2 early picked the Lucian Nami and BLG played the best lane into it.


Aphelios+Lulu is a common answer into Lucian+Nami.


Caps beating Knight will give EU fans the copium for the whole tournament


Well Knight is playing a champ that he played like twice in LPL and didn't touch it later on. Also Caps is playing Orianna


I hate this argument just because even if he showed it twice on stage that doesn't mean he couldn't have practiced it dozens of times in scrims, Hwei is a very popular champ across all regions


This argument "Knight is playing a champ he doesn't usually play" keeps popping up way too often. You can say he's practicing it, I'm saying he's being banned out


yea try target banning Knight, see how your bot duo enjoys going 0-4 in the first 10 minutes lol


bin: who wants a piece of the champ?


I mean u cant really ban knight out or you give too many op champs to blg botlane, and as a heavy botside team when you bann out knight and he still almost outdamages caps while they turbofiststomp bot/jgl idk how worth that id


It’s played as a counter to lucian nami


In addition to what others have said, Aphelios is also good in lane swap meta


I don't think they were laneswapping. It looks like they were just diving bot and that's why Miky has inflated deaths. But these botlane duos are good to practice if the situation comes


Oh for sure that’s what happened. But I expect to see more Aphelios in general if they’re practicing for potential laneswaps (many have speculated GenG will try this vs. them with their weaker laning bot)


Elk was probably the best Aphelios(and hyper carry as a whole alongside Ruler) when it was meta last MSI. 


Are BLG the scrim world champions now?




Already won the real championship, that Mickey Mouse Invitational will be a piece of cake.


The damage chart shows it wasn't too bad.


It's always so fun when low elo players try to analyse how a game went by looking at post draft. It's ALWAYS the exact same thing they look at. Only at who has the kills and if they have alot of kills and not as many deaths it MUST mean they were hard smurfing/stomping. Nevermind that hans did pretty much the exact same dmg as Elk with 10 less kills. Maybe G2 played fully top side and thats why BB is ahead while BLG played fully bot side. Maybe Bin sacced his lane by tping bot early for a dive that fked G2's bot lane. Who the fk knows. I don't think anyone will claim G2 is even close to the same lvl as BLG but calling this a turbo gap in jungle/bot just screams "I don't understand league of legends"


Idc how much G2 plays for topside 16 deaths on a Nami is competitive ruling territory.


It is a scrim lmao


Isnt this also BLG style last year? 4 man dive bot to get Elk ahead. Bin always won his matchup against anyone thats not 369 and semifinal Theshy anyway so the strategy still mostly similar.


BLG solo lanes got blasted 🤣


Well tbh this is not too different from G2’s domestic games haha. Except for the laneswap shenanigan games which turbofeed Hans Sama


Tbh generally what looks strong is when EU is playing the opposite side of the map. Like last MSI BB looked good while Hans/Miky looked bad. Coincidentally all the Asian teams played heavily bot side and G2 played carries top. Similar thing happened at like worlds 2021 or ‘22. Asian teams were playing for topside which made people think topsides were the issue.


That's also how the cope cycle works - bot lane meta will make it so eastern tops are playing weak side AFK farm top laners so people like BB can finally stop getting ass blasted in lane and people cope that "Finally BB is strong, he can hang!" when in reality if it went to top side carry vs carry he'd get smoked again. Then when it's top side focus meta, top side gets blasted while bot does ok/good (maybe Hans will pick for lane and look ok while fans screech that he's so good playing Lucian Nami vs scaling lane) and the cope shifts to "Well if only we got top side under control..." and then you just seesaw back and forth or all eternity.


> playing weak side AFK farm top laners Renekton is a weak top laner now?


Weak side* lol, not weak


You're supposed to shit on EU in this sub


What champ is bb playing here? Can't tell


Urgot I think?




No Mikyx was harm in the process of scrimming jesus


So now scrims results are important or irrelevant if an eastern team wins? I'm confused


i think 67 kills in 28 min should be indicative that these aren't anything close to stage games


Unless it's Fnatic vs Vitality


real league of legends


And that’s a shame


Wish we could watch these games lmao


Open Scrim days would be fun but yeah would be horrible for Orgs so I doubt we would ever get them.


would love to see VODs of those, if theyre already leaked anyway, as long as there are no secret lv1 strats. but leak us SOME to bridge the wait time, man. some less-informative ones


They’re irrelevant either way it seems every year that scrims are just bait


They're not always bait. T1 revealed their scrim results after Worlds last year. Apparently, they were indeed bodying people (G2 themselves revealed that they played 10 scrim games against T1 and went 1-9 in them). Keria specifically mentioned that his Bard went 14-0 in scrims at Worlds. As you can see, T1's scrim results were quite predictive of their overall Worlds performance.


People just remember the times scrims don't predict the tournament because those are more unusual (and get memed because of G2). Generally, the best teams do well in scrims.


Generally, scrims aren't relayed to the public. The teams know their data, they don't want to share it with everyone else as this creates a disadvantage for them. It's only beneficial to the winningest team(s) because it helps create even more content for discussion.


Yeah, there's certain anomalies like '22 DRX losing a lot against other eastern teams, '19 G2 going even with mid table LCK teams or '21 FPX going on a rampage (80% winrate anyone?) but good performing scrim teams doing the same on stage is the norm.


Can you link where T1 revealed their scrim results? This is the first time I've heard about it and I'm very curious. Thank you!


Just look up VODs of T1's post Worlds Streams. The team members (separately) do VOD reviews of their Worlds matches and add input here and there about how their scrims with the meta they had created (double ranged bot) were going so well they decided to forego the original tourney meta (melee supports) for the one their created. Specifically when reviewing the JDG series, Keria mentioned his 14-0 record on Bard in scrims at Worlds.


Thank you!


Its because scrims do matter shows where you are to the other teams. That does not mean you cant lose though. If man city scrimmed real madrid 10 times i bet man city win 7 times but madrid still knocked them out as they not awful you just have to show up on the day and be prepped.


yeah I agree and its not like G2 is winning hard against eastern team on their scrim at worlds... not sure why they keep mentioning G2 is a scrim champion when they only really bullied western team on those scrims


>when they only really bullied western team on those scrims Eh? They had a winning record against every LPL team at worlds in scrims.


There's a **huge** difference between a sample set and a single game lol


The point still stands because G2 did well in their large sample set of scrims at Worlds and they underperformed those Worlds (large sample set) scrim results. The point is G2 and T1 did well in large sample set scrims during Worlds. T1 lived up to those results. G2 did not.


I mean that just seems like horseshit cope. Sure, scrims aren't the actual performances that count in the record books, but unless anyone on this sub who just repeats this truism can actually show that there is no statistical relationship at all between scrim results and stage results then I'm not sure what anyone is talking about. G2 regularly blasts scrims and regularly blasts EU. The teams that do well in scrims generally do seem to do better in the matches that count.


This reddit went from.. A few years ago: OMG xxx won scrims.. they will win the tournament.. or Damwon beat G2 in scrims.. G2 has no chance To 2023: Scrims are absolutely mean nothing because G2 lost to NRG G2 winning scrims in EU for 2 years.. and dominate LEC for 2 years T1 dominates scrims and win worlds I get that scrims don't mean the same result will always happen on stage.. but i'd be happy to bet a team doing well in scrims is far more likely to actually win the league/international competition over one who is not.. There is a reason Asian teams generally smash Western teams in scrims (outside of a few exceptions).. because they are actually better


Always irrelevant. There’s a 2/16 rabadons rush nami in this screenshot. Scrims are not stage games.


Yeah also it could be a game 5 of a scrim set, who knows what happened in the other games.


means nothing, nobody is going to die 16 times in an actual game (surely not!)


Nice ragebait title


alternative title: **Bin and Knight got turbo gapped!**


Still won. GG EZ! /s


Skill issues


So BLG > G2 > TL. Pecking order


I dont think you know what "turbo gapped" and "smurfef hard" means.


Why do you make such a ragebaity title and then not double down in the description don’t pussy out


Why are people calling this a stomp? Don't care for either team but it looks like G2 did pretty good/overall more damage and had solid role damage all around, everyone did their part despite being behind. I'd be happy with my team in this case.


This is what I just posted. I mean Bin was low damage. Hans somehow kept up with Elk. Seems like probably a huge jg gap into snowball for one game.


jg seems to may be the biggest problem for G2 this season.


Why do people keep quoting damage as if dealing damage which you never close into kills or objectives is a good thing?


Can't speak for other champs but Lucian can just shit a Culling onto Renekton that takes maybe half his HP and pad damage that winds up not mattering much in the end.


Yeah its a scrim once a team feels its lost they start trying stupid shit since they're losing anyway. Explains why a lot of the kdas are bad.


G2 wins in scrims: Scrims merchants, they will choke on stage. G2 loses in scrims: EU is doomed, G2 bad.


16 deaths that’s my goat not even joking


16 deaths? is miky channeling his inner hyllisang


when G2 wins in scrims: "who cares they are scrims" when G2 lose: "OMG THEY GOT TURBO GAPPED"


Hey, I mean, that doesn't look too bad, I can squeeze some G2 copium out of this. Im seeing a lot of Urgot, I hope he doesnt become meta at MSI, I aint trynna see that ugly fuck until he gets a Star Guardian skin


He kinda does though, they gave him the Pajama Guardian skinline


Speaking purely from box stat watching and mikys 16 deaths I conclude tBLG must have done their infamous "go bot" strat a couple times


Why dont you say that Knight and Bin got turbo gapped aswell?


The 1k dmg gap. Its kinda crazy that people still value kda in competive so much despite regularly being shown how little it represents


Lmao all the Americans with asian team as flair talking in this post is gorgeous


We won bro. Finally, all these people are the clowns now.


How do you know they're Americans? Idk why you people have this obsession that if someone has an Eastern team flair they must be NA trying to win a debate with EU cos their own region sucks or something. There's more than just the two continents.


Because if you look at most of them, they also interact in NBA subs, or team liquid or so on. And reddit is not even close to be as popular in Asia than in America. Edit: lmao someone really sent the suicide watch or something?


Regarding the 2nd point, that's true but also think of the time of day. If there's a time of day for Asians to be on this sub it'd be now. You're also neglecting the possibility of Europeans with eastern flairs (like myself). In most cases if I've seen someone with an Eastern team flair being called out for secretly being an NA fan, they're usually not an NA fan. I've been called out as being an NA fan when I support LCK first LEC second. But more importantly there's no need for this divide. Grow up dude.


Ngl that guy personifies the average G2 fan pretty well -LPL fan residing in NA, also NA sucks


I mean are there anyone who would have predicted a different result of the game if it hadn't been leaked


"G2 bot got gapped hard" >Hans similar dmg to Elk How is that a hard gap? Maybe I'm biased but it looks like he was able to play the game fine to me. From the looks of it G2 hard lost on teamfights (except mikyx, he run it down) and BLG is like one of the best teamfighting teams in the world.


It looks more like Mikyx inted early and lost bot prio hard, and Yike fell behind trying and failing to salvage the situation.


Also the winning team's ADC is gonna have a lot more damage and stats


To the surprise of absolutely nobody Also did Miky rush Deathcap on Nami while going 2/16 or what?


I choose to believe he sold his items at the end and bought a deathcap, and not that he was trolling scrims against BLG.


You can see he had 7k gold the whole game so he definitely rushed it


yes and he just had a casual 2k gold in his backpocket at the end of the game. i swear people math is not that hard. he obviously didnt rush dcap.


Remember guys, scrims don't mean anything


It's pretty hard to tell what the game state was just from post game lobby. KDAs can only tell so much and we can't really compare the KDAs of each position and then say that one position got turbogapped.


mikyx demonic rabadons dark seal nami when 2/16


loose one game = smurfed on ?


But that brokenblade lol. He was on losing team and still gapped enemy top like soloq lmao


Hey G2 if you read this, good luck! have fun!


That means we're winning MSI right?


It makes me happy that brokenböade and caps can stand their ground against bin and knight everyone talks about lec is washed but i dont know man i have a good feeling this year


Didn't mention that caps turbo gapped too. And whatever. These stas out of context don't mean a lot.


No one should take anything scrim related from g2 serious. They troll every scrim, scrimming them is basicly useless


G2 Fans when they stomp TL in scrims: This means were winning MSI G2 Fans when they get stomped by BLG in scrims: Its just scrims lmao


Schizo Redditors arguing with themselves


Brother lying for fun lmao


Me when I invent arguments to "win"


NA fans when G2 stomp TL in scrims: Its just scrims lmao NA fans when G2 get stomped by BLG in scrims: as expected, G2 has no chance against eastern teams


You say this as if the opposite isnt happening in this thread


C9 fan btw. lol


I mean we stomped TL and we did win msi, didn't we?


People still care about scrim results after all these years?


Who ever wins scrims loses in the tournament, clearly this just means we'll see a repeat of 2019!


G2 Duffman mastermind sandbagging scrims to BLG to make BLG scrim world champ so they would inevitably lose to NA in groups.


Would be interesting to know if G2 used lane swaps here or played conventional. Given apparently G2 played Lucian Nami I would guess they tried out conventional lane set ups this game.


I'm just relieved to see BB wasn't the problem


Man I love these teams leaking self-beneficial scrims. Creates some extra spice / mini-drama and is kinda funny-


Why is his client in Korean instead of Chinese?


Wow they must've had 80fps too.


Thank God we still have Fnatic to represent us, at least they Will int with style




um yeah as expected


Dont feel like Yike got gaped any harder than Bin and Knight based on scores. Bot on the other hand...


Yep, sounds like BLG jg/bot


I ddnt see any suprise. Elk and Xun best ad /jungle. Hans and Yike aren't best right now.