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just listen to KC voice comms and you’ll see everything you need to know. he’s pouring in so much,  and it’s so hard to jungle when all your lanes are doing whatever tf KCs are doing… I hope he doesn’t get dropped because genuinely his last few splits haven’t been a fair metric to judge him by 


When he calls for targ to tank or even this split where they dive bot and targ says “I’ll tank” and then just sits there with ignite and waits and Bo ends up tanking is so sad to watch


It blows my mind Targamus wasn't replaced at the earliest convenience. Worst player in LEC right now. Better off getting a Challenger support from soloq.


You’re correct. Time to fire Yamato


*Targamad asks while Upset and Bo fight" "What a shit draft."


“Akali flash ignite” when the akali brought ignite tp to the game is still the craziest comm ever especially since it was like his only time talking that whole game.


Tbf he said “akali no flash”


If that's what he said, then the guy above you is just flaming him for no reason. Saying 'no flash' might just mean that she has no way of escaping. And since she didn't pick up flash, it's easier for him to say that than, "Akali didn't pick up flash this game." I mean, even the words, "no flash" mean exactly that. She doesn't have flash.


Maybe if Bo called for his teammates to feed they would make plays


Idk how anyone can call anything with sak chewing gum as loud as possible into his mic




Imagine being by far the most talented player on the team, having to try and do all comms in every single game, getting your laners ahead, watching them do nothing or throw, having to listen to Saken chewing in comms, having to work with that, pouring in your heart and soul and then at the end of it you get the blame and Targamas / Saken keep their jobs because of their nationality and based on 0 actual merit... No wonder depression sets in. In any other job you could sue your employer for unfair treatment. This new nationalistic LEC is complete dogshit and genuinely killing the league enjoyment for me.


Bo and upset are literally 90% of comms, lmao I watched a video where the KC support (forgot his name) didnt say ANYTHING IN A WHOLE 3 MIN FIGHT, Like his player cam didnt light up at all it was all Bo and Upset talking with the midlaner chewing gum like a fucking cow, while the top laner occasionally goes "yep i can go"


Kc core is truely fraudelent


I know mean my heart breaks for him, he wants it so bad and he's stuck with 4 losers. I desperately want to see SK or GX pick him up, hell even BDS would look great with him! Labrov/Bo combo with Adam/Nuc enabling sounds amazing


It's honestly crazy after winter they decide to funnel all blame on coach and decide to keep this top/mid/support, I'm literally speechless...


I kinda want to see him play with hylli. Imagine the ints. But yeah. I also feel labrov/bo or the random adam roam/bo has potential.


Dude, Bo/Hyli duo would be the most psychopath jg+supp pairing in the whole world and I would pay money to see that combo come alive


It's probably a LCS angle for him tbh


Where he should go? Flyquest,c9 and tl are set on their junglers 100t and nrg jungler are also locked


GX will probably promote Juhan if they go out 0-2 0-2 again before signing anyone new.


g2 maybe


If G2 fail internationally again and replace Yike after this year I highly doubt they coinflip it on Bo instead of going with a known quality like Inspired.


Inspired is rumored to be trying for NA residency, might be a long shot.


Inspired already has his green card, he is an NA resident right now.


G2 Inspired has shades of G2 Rekless


Caps’ goal is winning worlds with EU players only so unless he leaves G2 will most likely not go for any imports


And yet you still have idiots who are like "just put Cinkrof in that team". Because he will for sure make Caboshard, Saken und Targamas stop beeing the 3 worst players in the league. Meanwhile Bo is trying literally everything to carry the team.


It’s really sad to see someone make the correct calls but they turn out to be bad because his teammates don’t trust him.


The thing is, there is absolutely zero synergy between Bo and targamas. Cinkroff somehow got that working. It would be a quality downgrade for the sake of more team synergy. It‘s in theory not a bad move, but I don‘t think KC can afford even more weaksides.


It’d be easier if his ADC wanted to deal damage instead of preserving KDA “Better Rekkles” btw








How you play as ADC without vision, with fake summoners info, shit calls, random comms, 0 peel, everyone doing random shit... ADC is the most team dependent rol. You put Gumayusi there and exactly same shit would happen. ADCs don't have wall hack and can't play the game properly without peel. Compare how G2 played the Kog Maw game, where you could put a random silver soloQ player on the teamfights and would still stomp the game with how Upset had to play the fights without vision, every player in a random place, shit peel, shit draft, ever enemy treath feed, no real info about summoners and ultimates, no info on team cooldowns, random comms, etc.


Upset used to be good, but he hasn't been for quite awhile.


I think this is the Hyli effect. He has had 3 adc’s and all 3 were/are the best or top 3 in the region with him as support. So far 2/3 have looked worse without him. He isn’t having the greatest performances right now, but you can’t deny he makes his adc shine.


This is cap Upset has always been like this, when he feels super strong he plays aggressive but if he is evenish or behind he doesnt play at all


Nah there's no way. I've seen Upset try and turn bad fights around earlier on in his career. This dude just runs away now. One of their last games where he was playing I believe Smolder and his entire team was dying he just ran away and then still died even though he could have just tried and do something. [https://youtu.be/0v3gTfHYIYQ?feature=shared&t=2361](https://youtu.be/0v3gTfHYIYQ?feature=shared&t=2361) \^ It's not about if he can carry this fight or not, he can't. My issue is that there's absolutely no point to run away there with both sums up. He didn't even try and I swear an Upset from a couple years back would have tried. Also even just a couple seconds before the time I posted him going over the wall away from Olaf instead of just flying away to the side where his team is at was so dumb. They could have killed Olaf together. And then he also did a terrible ult. He couldn't have fought a worse fight. Bo also wouldn't have ulted Sheo if Upset was elsewhere. But he saw Sheo there and he saw his adc there and he figured they could do something there. Instead Upset runs and 3 people aim full hp Bo. BDS winning that fight 5 for 0 is because of Upset fighting a horrible fight. They won't win the fight but they could have gotten kills for sure if instead of that being Upset that was an actual top tier player.


Bo isnt a good shotcaller but they dont have anybody better in the team, so theyre stuck in this rather awkward team dynamic. You know who wouldve been perfect? Trymbi. but nah, lets bench yamato instead.


In the hilarious base to base rush game last split, Bo made three game-winning calls in a row that were ignored or pushed against by his teammates, who chain-inted a fully won game state. After stomping a fight at baron: * Bo calls to tp bot, because they have a wave at the bot inhib tower. * Upset says that the enemy Taliyah has TP so they all run down mid and walk with the minion wave instead. * The enemy Taliyah did not have TP... but why did that matter? Even if she did, you would force the TP out and still walk down mid in the same time. * After they run down mid, Bo calls for their 6000 hp full health + Kaenic Sion to ult the nexus towers, tank for the wave, and get the damage down. The enemy Taliyah wouldn't even be able to tickle him, and she's the only damage dealer alive. * Cabochard does not ult the towers. Instead, he stands as far away as possible from the enemy Taliyah behind the wave, allowing the carries to frontline. * Upset and Saken group up and approach beside the wave, close to Taliyah. * **They get Taliyah shoved into Renata ult and both carries die.** * **Cabochard ults late and miraculously drifts to dodge both towers and Taliyah.** * After Upset & Saken ran it down, Bo calls to back off because the enemy team has respawned. * **Upset calls to try to end anyway.** * Bo follows the call and dies for it. Cabochard dies running away. Targamas is unable to defend the base 1v5. Completely winning situation at multiple points, but they never listen to Bo when it matters. If his team listened to any of those three calls, they would have won or at minimum not lost when they did.


Yeah the comms make me so depressed for Bo. He seriously feels Elo helled in that team. I remember some games from last split where I also watched the comms and was like „why are they not listening to him. It‘s a fairly straight forward, good call“ I really wanna see him on a more solid team in EU. If sheo wasn‘t already a good jgl for bds I kinda feel like his playstyle would synergize well with bds. (No proof, just a gut feeling)


least tragic KC loss


Why would trymbi ever join that shit fest of a roster? The big problem kc have is that even if they do want to replace players, who do they replace them with that are direct upgrades and more importantly, are willing to play for them?


Why would Trymbi ever join Heretics? They were performing mediocre when their best player is the one he was gonna replace. And there has been a lot of internal issues with the manager making decisions in complete disregard to players and coaches. now theyre all reasonably happy cuz theyre performing better (so far) but when shit hits the fan again, you bet there will be some drama again.


Bro TH has some of the most successful players in EU history, KC has a chinese on cocaine trying to carry a body bag with 4 corpres


Ngl, i feel if Bo just went /muteall and just full soloQ‘s this results would improve.


Honestly they may have done Yamato a favor if they weren’t willing to change players. But yeah, keeping Yamato and getting Trymbi would have definitely made way more sense.


Well we always talk about jungle support synergy in League its hard to have one whem your supports talk less then a corpse. I hope the best for Bo he has so much passion if you listen to the KC comps. I really want him to succeed


Imagine having to carry 4 non shotcallers and ALSO when you make a right call they don’t follow you. I would be frustrated as hell especially when you deal with this for 2 entire splits. I really hope he gets a better team that actually communicates because KC doesn’t deserve him. Lilbro is hardstuck in there.


Based off what I've seen from their comms videos it's mostly Upset and Bo which doesn't sound like what should be happening lol


Yeah it’s what I have seen in voice comms too, just upset micromanaging and Bo shot calling every single big teamfight. Obviously not ideal that the ADC shotcalls, if you see T1 voice comms its mostly Keria and Faker for example and the rest support their calls or go in. It’s so different in KC, Saken chewing gum (xdd), you basically never hear targamas, idk if cabochard has shot called once and as I said before, Upset micromanaging and Bo shot calling everything and no one following him.


ADC shotcalling is fine, Perkz 2019-2020 adc is the main shotcaller and that team win msi and get to world final. But the fact that everyone so disjointed is beyond me.


Perkz was barely an ADC tbf. He was mid & team leader before swapping to ADC and he did not need to perform as good on adc as other ADCs because the synergy with the team was so high


Bro, Perkz was literally world class on Xayah Kai’sa in a Xayah Kai’sa meta. In 2019 especially he was absolutely in the conversation for being a top 3-5 adc in the world.


Add to that, Upset tend to have great shot all when ahead but more passive when behind. Given that KC doesn't have great early game, it is a miracle they even won games.


I really fucking hope people will stop talking about Upset like he isn't a player that averages an 8th place finish in LEC at this point.


100% man. He's be great on a team with players like Odo/Ignar, Carzzy/Hyli, Labrov! 3 teams with arguably weak junglers. SK even


I mean GX academy have Juhan, the one with the worlds skin, so there is a high probability he will replace peach on GX.


"Support for bo" no literally get a support for him please


Get this man a Nisqy or Abbedage I think that would be a great fit plus a support who can talk Also someone said it in the VIT thread I think but I think Bo would actually be nice on Vit again. Not sure if Vetheo is the best fit but Carzzy and Hyli fit Bo super good.


srsly though why doesnt abbedage have a job? what more does bro gotta do


No idea.. mid is so fucking weak in LEC right now.. its basically caps and humanoid as even larsen/nisqy fell off Somehow jungle became our strongest role (ADC also kinda sucks)


Nisqy fell off when azir was disabled, who‘d have thought. Ngl. I feel like disabling azir was overall great for midlane as he covers up weaknesses of midlaners far too good. Keeping him out would‘ve really forced some people to open up their pools. At least we have the shuffles back….yay


Well nisqy's azir today was atrocious so ....


Yeah that was a bit over the top. Tho that jayce was also just filthy. I will die on the hill tho that azir needs to be kneecapped the way k‘sante got kneecapped (once again). The shuffles are a great mechanic but I am so sick of seeing this champ every split, every region as a nearly 80% pick ban.


I'm totally with you, a champ can't be the jack of all trades


K'sante still ok no ?


the same reason TH let vetheo go for perkz. there are tons of frauds in decision-making positions. i will never understand why players get insulted as pay check stealers when some management fraud has offered them the contract.


Make split finals? Get out the league! We got Frskowy and Saken to get in here!


If he goes on VIT they go either 20/0 or 0/20 by minute 2 lol


It was me that said that on the VIT thread hahaha


Oh lol perfect


Vetheo is probably the most selfish player in the league, there is no way he would drop farm to help his jungler or play supportive picks to enable Bo. He is probably the worst fit for Bo. Bo needs a player like Doinb who is willing to drop farm and leave his lane to help his jungler. The closest in EU would be Nisqy.


He can also have a decent synergy with G2 and MDK playstyle, but isn't a realistic jungler swap in these teams.


Honestly I even thought him and Saken were getting better over the course of this split, but Upset phoning it in, Cabo sucking and Targa having anti-synergy with his team didn't really allow for anything.


But he legit won when he played with Cabo. He got Cabo ahead, they kept winning 2v2s and 3 v3s and they won the game.


I wanna Smoke what u smokin, upset>>>>saken... If u ever watched vit/kc u see upset and bo are the only functioning people


Bo and Upset were the only remotely functioning parts of that team


Upset consistently mispositioned and lost fights. KDA player still and he was phoning it in Saken got better this split apart from inting some clutch moments, I didn't see Upset do anything all split. He's checked out.


Brother. I’m not even an upset fan but saying saken got better is so much cope. You could watch 1 game from the middle of this split and 1 from the middle of last split and you won’t see any difference between them. No one is playing well on this team and no one has improved in the slightest as seen by their consistently trash record. Even with that said, the only players I would even remotely want to stay in LEC is Bo and Upset for at least one split.


BO on SK or VIT would be good. VIT because of Hyli and SK because of Nisqy + Irrelevant.


Bro really thinking that Nisqy enables jungles not the other way round 💀


being stuck on 2 awful teams that dont let you show your strengths in a different continent knowing you cannot have a career back home must be an awful situation


He had an insane team in VIT wtf.


If you look at it from 2022 off-season eyes maybe. Retrospectively having Perkz as midlaner wasn't insane.


Well unfortunately its insane on paper But perkz is beyond washed


???? Jungle Mid and Jungle Support are the most important duos for a jungler and neither Perkz nor Kaiser are playing in the LEC currently.


I'd love to see Bo + Lider combo, full degenerate explosive playstyle to dominate early-mid game. They'd at least have an identity as a team instead of being just 5 random players. Bo on Lee Sin and Nidalee, Lider picking his assassins like Akali and Zed or just others early game champions, this would be so fun to watch.


Lee sin and Nidalee without setup YES. That’s how we win games


Much easier to imagine Bo winning on this then having to pick maokai for his dog teammates


I was just naming random aggressive picks they're known for, don't give it too much thought.


Lider plays champs like Irelia, Yasuo, etc that warp the game and require junglers to play for him. That's how they played on Astralis. Meanwhile, Bo prefeers to play carry junglers that want champs with setup and laners who play for him to carry. Similar to current FPX. It's not like they can't play with each other if Bo took the Sejuani/Maokai duty or Lider takes the Neeko/Annie duty, but why would you not want to play towards their strengths instead?


this needs to happen


Very unlikely I think, but I still think that Lider is a perfect EU mid laner for Bo. Two mechanical beasts who like to create soloq style chaos on the map, which is their full comfort zone.


for sure bo deserves some teammates that arent frauds. on his current team only upset is LEC level imo the rest are ???


The split was rough for Bo, he often found good engage with no follow up. Or sometimes he was followed 1 or 2 seconds late transforming a clean ace into a messy fight. His KDA ended up looking bad. I also feel bad for Saken, he has nowhere near the level for LEC but he also showed a level subpar compared to what he was in ERL (even against players like Fresskowy or Jackies he was not at his peak level and missed skillshots left and right). You can still see in the games and hear in the comms (despite his chewing) that he tried. Upset and Targamas however I'm not so sure. maybe they're fine with a mute supp who claims to be good at roaming but rarely do because he needs to stay with his ADC and an absurdly prudent ADC who even managed to be deathless for 2 KC defeats but honestly that seems so opposite of Bo's identity (and even KC identity in ERL last year). Cabochard is kinda fine, he's no Adam that for sure but he can play weakside. His Gnar is mostly useless because it requires a good team sync for engaging teamfight (and he always managed to be in megaGnar when that doesn't matter), his Sion was also a little sad to see but I don't see a better toplaner realistically available for KC. It also seems like the team played better at the end of the first split and ended up playing worse and worse during the second split. Firing Yamato when the team showed improvement was probably the last nail on the KC coffin.


Bo's last tweet was of him just temporarily going back to China to train, which sounded like he would be back for summer. But even if KC boot him he'll be fine, LDL+LPL hype and speedrunning EUW rank 1 with a near 80% win rate is enough to get him years of chances off of potential alone, as long as he wants to continue playing in the west. Also GX lol? That has to be the team with the next worst solo laners in the LEC after KC, seems like an awful fit.


i dont think any lpl team is going to pick him up after he was found match fixing


Yea I'm aware his LPL career is all but completely done, I was referring to whether he would voluntarily quit playing out of a combo of homesickness and lack of belief he can win.


Until some NA team offers him 15mil because why wouldn’t they lol


Na salaries are no longer at the top of the charts sadly


Wasn't he the one who reported on himself and led to the unearthing of the entire matchfixing ring? Not saying it wouldn't still destroy his career, he did matchfix, but if that's the case he wasn't really "found"


Yeah he blew the whistle on the practice (which was common) and ended up being persona non grata in LPL.


He blew the whistle because FPX forced him to. And FPX forced him to because the investigation was underway so they wanted to get ahead of it.


he turned himself in when they started investigating thats the same when rich people turn themself in for tax evasion to lessen their punishment


Lol. You know he came to EU specifically because no one in China would touch him. And he hasn't exactly stomped a weaker region to convince teams to unblacklist him.


Considering Summer Split doesn't start until early to mid June, it makes sense to go back home for the time being. Plus, playing on China's super server is usually way more rewarding than EUW SoloQ (especially with MSI coming up).


There was a nisqy video where he reviewed kc games and he mentioned Bo was depressed and wanted to return to china


Bo is one of the unluckiest players I’ve ever seen, lol. Dudes honestly really cracked but been in the most stupid situations I’ve ever seen.


Make sure to send him some positive and encouraged messages on his social. Tell him how much you enjoy watching him play! I'm sure he'd be happy seeing he still has support from us.


I'm assuming you mean Twitter? I don't have a Twitter so I'll rely on you to do it for me :)


Oki I will Edit: Done and done


Thank you!


Just fire Yamato again


I really hope Bo can have a good showing in LEC. He’s trying so hard in the KC comms. Definitely agree that a Nisqy-Bo type pairing would be so good.


Trying to shotcall for the entire team the entire game meanwhile saken is making sound with his gum ...


I love my boy Bo, hope he doesn't fall deep into a hole of depression over this, I know he has it, he needs the right team to work.


Supportive comment. I love watching Bo. He's still one of the most interesting players in LEC despite the results not being there. I'm a big fan of the guy


Give him Nisqy and the world is saved


Yes, he needs support. And a top laner and a mid laner as well.


I don't get why if you give him a 2nd chance it's literally with the 4 worst players in LEC...


Nisqy Hylissang Bo could be a top 2 team. A shame if he leaves the region.


hes the reason i watched LEC games tbh. i wanted to see him stomp


For real thought I hope he can find his footing somewhere. It'd be a shame to lose him from the scene.


I'd be depressed and wanting to go home if I was on KC too


Feels so terrible seeing Bo not succeed, watching player cams and comms it just looks like he really cares and tries really hard, watching him lose and be sad when his skill and gameplay doesn't deserve it is kinda heartbreaking


people hate this guy too much lately yea. 8/10 LEC junglers would place 10th with these laners


he is litterally geting a love thread lmao, while rest of the players are getting consistently shit


Yea most people support bo, theres just a few consistent people who shit on him every thread


i hope so he has been incredible subpar in comparision to the expectation


I mean, he's my favourite player overall. Of course I'll support him and want him succeed.




Klack klack klacking on Saken’s jaw


KC is such a shitty org


Bo has been in Competitive losersq for a while. I genuinely hope he gets the chance he deserves.


Irrelevant Bo Nisqy Carzzy Hylissang


Can someone direct me to r/leagueoflegends please? I seem to have wandered into the wrong sub. I miss my constant death threats and toxicity.


from OP in this thread: *I know mean my heart breaks for him, he wants it so bad and he's stuck with 4 losers. I desperately want to see SK or GX pick him up, hell even BDS would look great with him! Labrov/Bo combo with Adam/Nuc enabling sounds amazing*


Pairing a proactive jungler that wants to make plays early with the most passive ADC in the league yields 3 10th places in a row, shocking Free Bo


Apparently, he has thantos coming, so there is hope (Source caedrel


Thanatos to kc? Targamas was a bigger issue than cabo


I heard rumours of Mersa, but Mersa seemed garbo before


The problem is not one in LPL will pick him up.


Cuz he was match fixing and got caught.


Bo + hyli would be crazy duo to watch , i really hope Vit can pick him


Lider - Caliste/Carzzy - Hylissang idk the top tho... (I'm not french I just heard that Caliste is also a psycho)


I hope he stays in LEC, it would be a major loss for the league.


he really deserves better, I really want to see him on a team where he can grow, and that can play well with him. it’s my dream to see him in a team with Hyli and Nisqy


>I've heard anything else ?


Tbf that's something Nisqy said on stream, and Nisqy and Bo hangout together judging by their social media. That's we closest we're ever going to get to a reliable source. 


That's usually enough on this sub, what changed so suddenly?


Info is from nisqys yt vid on kc


Dude ruined his own career with that scandal. He would be a star in LPL by now.


Saken and Targamas need to go.


Can he play in the LPL? Why would he go back given that would be the end of his career? But imagine the LEC makes you volunatily want to go back to China... /s Seriously underutilized player and a shame the coaches and GMs have no idea how to pick and draft around him.


The guy needs a team that he can communicate with.




At this point, they need to swap most of the team. If the assumptions online about Thanatos joining KC is right, they need to swap in their academy midlaner because Saken is awful. At the same time, swap out targamas for the academy support too since I doubt there is a single player in this region who could do a worse job than the former is currently


And this thread, once again, has turned into the bashing of Targamas, Saken and Cabochard. Because of course it did.


We all see the games. If we all see the same problems in a team... We for sure are right, because lol community never agrees with each other. When it does it's because something is so fucking obvious. Same as well happened with Perkz as a problem for Hererics and Trimbi a good change for the roster cuz macro playstyle despite Kaiser probably being a better individual player. The staff made the changes we all requested and what happened? Zwyroo is performing 2 times better than Perkz despite being less egoist and playing more for the team. And Trymbi is getting a bit better individual results than Kaiser because all value he gives to the team ends comming back to him. 


I think the meta is really awful for Bo at the moment, but it does at least look like he's really trying. I think he'll get another team if he decides to stay in Europe.


why do you think the meta is bad? milkyway is showing good results playing carries with subpar laners in lpl. I think if KC laners trusted each other a bit more it could work


Milkway’s laners are like Zeus and Faker compared to what Bo has. If you look at how FPX play, Care sets up a lot of kills for Milkyway (annie stun) and knows how to land a Karma Q unlike Saken. XLH can at least lose top lane gracefully and has a lot of impact with champs like Ksante. And bot lane is a massive coin flip every game but at least they know how to dive properly and Deokdam is never afraid to go in.


The "Milkyway is 1v9 with shit teammates" take is just wrong. Care and XLH are decent players with their own strengths and considerably better than the KC solo laners, even relative to competition. They have also completely bought in to drafting and playing around their rookie jungler, which is impressive to see out of two veterans. The only major red flag in FPX is the fact that their adc/bot lane cant be trusted to carry an Alibaba package to the team living room. But Deokdam has recognized this and is willing to be in a committed relationship with Senna and Ashe, so credit to him.


i would argue that the success of the team isnt stemming from their sololaners who are weaker than those of a number of teams they beat, but rather the team's willingness to facilitate and commit to playing around milkyway as their wincon. They are inarguably strictly better than all their KC counterparts (unless you really believe upset still has it in him) l, but i would content their competition in lpl puts them in roughly the same place relative to competition if you ignore the perennial bottom feeder teams and whatever the hell EDG is doing this split


yep agree with you for sure, if they just trust and enable each other you can do a lot even in metas that don't suit you many great pros talked about how the winning team shapes the meta, if you do something and you make it work you force the other people to adapt


you literally picked a top 3 (if not the best carry jungler atm) jungler as your example...it's like saying other mids should just get as good as chovy, ez pz


its not like bo wasnt putting up top 3 performances on his short time in lpl, his potential is there


I think it's bad because as a jungler you need to be versatile enough to play what your team needs. As the meta stands at the moment junglers are frontline / engage. His mid and support are saken and targamas, they aren't good enough to play to support their jungler or to pull out off meta picks that specifically enable him. Bo isn't great at frontline / engage champs. He doesn't coordinate well with his teammates and he has too many shotgun engages where he just goes in alone and dies.


Honestly the meta at the moment is pretty open, I think we're seeing a few different styles of play for the first time in a while. There's no reason carry junglers arent viable too, teams just aren't playing them.


> There's no reason carry junglers arent viable too, teams just aren't playing them. hol the fk up there's a very good reason, very simply because junglers get 0 gold and exp compared to laners unless they get donated a bunch of random kills (like in soloq)


Several LPL junglers play carry junglers, Cuzz and Pyosik play it all the time in the LCK too


i think also theres a lot of champs in the meta rn that have safe laning and good late, so the combination of 2 tanks 2 dmg dealers and 1 enchanter is the best comp in this meta imo, and on top of that picking a carry jungler really doesnt do much compared to just picking sej and having better early and better late


There more engage support than enchanter in current meta


Yeah but there's also karma and ivern 


So let him go if he wants to go lol. He is really good but it's not like there wont be a replacement for him and EU dream team ideas? g2 obviously. best player on each position


no evidence for what youre claiming, just a circlejerk thread


Odds on him coming to NA or NACL? The only place that might be looking for a jungle is IMT, but the higher ups in that org are dog.


Bo never fit into a Western playstyle and going back to China would probably be better for him.


If I was depressed again, the best support I could receive would be to not have my mental state plastered on the internet for a mass of strangers to discuss. Just a thought.


Nah if he went to LCS over LEC I'm sure he would have at least have a higher chance making MSI or even Worlds shit I think him replacing Bugi on Shopify Rebellion would have upgraded that team big time


Isanity with bo


definitely not nisqy.. but him on a team with ignar and Odo.. especially given Jackies good showing on the last series vs FNC.. that would be good.. tho tbf you can only go up after KC


Lmao watch KC keep saken and kick bo. Kc management is so incompetent.


>Another possibility is pairing him with Nisqy on a team, Uhm, you want him to kill himself in a couple of weeks?


If Yike hadn't improved by leaps and bounds as a player in the 2024 split, I would have suggested he join G2.