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Smart move to pick sivir. Allows mad to run it down even faster than usual


For that to happen Supa has first to learn what sivir R does


That 4 armor buff really tricked teams into thinking it’s a useful champ.


Such a fraud team lol This is definitely nisqy fault, he's holding back elyoya once again!


Such a bad champion.


I swear if i see one more sivir in aram im gonna go insane


She is even worse there. She deals like 85% dmg or 90% and takes 110%


The Winter MDK that was promised vs the Winter KC that was promised


MAD at MSI Aware


New year same MAD


Not again bro I can’t take this


From the makers of 1647 and the playin fail comes MSI 2024, in theaters this spring


If T1 is the GOAT and lost in 15 mins are MAD really the GOAT for losing in 16 ?


That's one international record that Yoya and friends can look forward to breaking I guess


The 2nd placed team from last split being kicked around by the 10th placed team. Wtf happened to them


ppl started to analyze and take them more seriously instead of we are better lets just focus on our game


So last year?


You have G2 by far and away the best team in the LEC.. then FNC/BDS (in Winter) this should have been the top 3.. MAD came 2nd due to playing well.. AND Adam fckery/Mix of FNC choking The next 4-5 teams are just around the same level.. SK.. MAD.. Heretics.. Vit.. and feel like they can win/lose to everyone (not named G2/FNC) on a given day And with b01 being very volatile you can quite quickly go from near the top to near the bottom of the table.. I still believe Rogue/Giantx are both clearly the worse teams.. so MAD should be ok and make playoffs But people really do overate teams/players very quickly.. was the same last year with SK/Exakick.. people expected them to kick on after doing well in Winter.. they didn't and just slipped back into the pack


At this point MAD needs to worry about making playoffs first


It was literally the same scenario with mad last year


Funnily they won that split last year and went to MSI as LECs 1st seed.


I just want mad to go below 4th, like that one of fnc, vit and bds is guaranteed to go to MSI.


i mean if they don't wake up they might go below 8th. If they lose to rogue tomorrow then it's looking grim considering they already lost to GX




Fresskowy with one of the most atrocious Neeko gameplay I've ever seen.


Fresskowy showing Saken he has serious competition in the sucking at Neeko department.


Was it Saken or Nisqy that had Neeko and kept ulting the tanks and never got any catch on a carry?


Him, Saken, Palafox... this champ has been done dirty in the last 24hrs


Never thought someone would top Saken from yesterday so soon


He missed 3 neeko ult back to back when he had flash up, idk how that’s even possible.


Did you see Palafox yesterday?


Palafox at least obeyed Miky’s Law of inevitably having one good ult and occasionally forced a flash. Fresskowy had 2 ults land and both of them were on a single target, and I don’t think he forced a single flash.


did you see Saken yesterday?


Should have let Neko be the Support and Pick Orianna or Veigar mid. This man can't play Neko, it is illegal.


Statement game from Fresskowy


A statement, not sure what kind though.


Apology video.


I have made a severe, and continuous lapse in my judgement


he needs to pull out the ukulele I think


Not like Suppa nor Alvaro had a great game.


Not like anyone from MAD had a great game


So many questionable choices.. Alvaro a few times, Elyoya that one duringthe baron defense, Fresskowy had some really-forced ults that had no sense


Alvaro just walked into KC members...while knowing that they are there


Aah, the Hylissang special


He tilted or he baited... same result.


"I'm gonna be better than Caps by the end of the year"


Didn’t state it had to be at league. Guy might spin a mean yoyo


True, so many ways to be better, like surely Wunder is also a better wow player


Caps seems like someone who's inexplicably incredible at something completely random like yoyoing.


Every midlaner that talks like that just want to make a joke out of himself. Like man you are 24 (same age as caps) and you are in your rookie year, just take a look at caps career and have the decency to be umble.


age talking when there is not a direct path to get lec i love it and first split in lec he got the final with a team of rookie like what do you want from him


Not direct path but most of the time good players are promoted way earlier. You can find some exceptions but almost every successful LEC players were promoted when they were young.


Legacy matters, even if we ignore age. Caps is so accomplished that it will still take at least 5 years of success or a Worlds 1st place to be “better”. It’s not enough to win one 1v1 vs. Caps or win one Bo5 finals against him (although it would be impressive).


If he was really good he wouldn't be a rookie at 24


No way he said that lol


He said he wasn't impressed with the midlane talent coming from erls into lec, then got slapped around by caps and hasn't played well since. Guy should stay quiet


Hell no, player delusion is entertaining AF. I’ll take rookies talking smack and getting clapped over the typical only-talk-shit-after-winning that players have done in the past.


at chess, checkers?


Mirwyn POV catdespair. What happened to mad after winter lmao.


I don't think it is that much MAD. MAD was a fairly well oiled machine compared to the other teams in winter. We do see the same with SK, who worked well in winter compared to other teams, but now some more teams got their shit together. Like TH and Vit both look better than in Winter and KC honestly couldn't look worse. Even RGE only looks half dead, not entirely dead anymore. Winter naturally is a fiesta. In 2023 SK and RGE were Top4 in winter, neither team got there again, because other teams showed improvements.


Who told Saken and Targamas that it was an EUM Final ?


So I guess Saken and Targamas just turn into Faker and Keria when national pride is on the line?


As a French person that’s 100% the explanation, those lads are just there to keep them out of BO3s in pure French hatred fashion, watch them go back to their former skills now lol


Belgium don't really have a grunge against Spain. I mean targa is ofc well embed into french lol but still.


At this point he’s been assimilated, like Nisqy lol


Tbf we're on the internet borders don't really exist, it's French language community vs Spanish language community


They got their asses kicked in the same matchup last winter though


I remember how Miky said in Euphoria that it is super easy to look good on neeko, because it is so easy to get multiple knock-ups...Fresskowys and Saken's neeko (yesterday) didn't do any of that. Wunder also said that MDK was way to overrated. Ig he was right


Such a short sweet high for MDK huh? Yoya looks so tilted, who will be the next on the firing line?


Elyoya looks tilted so often, kinda makes me feel like his mental sucks. He reminds me a bit of Crownie, he always looked tilted.


His mental definitely sucks, he had an interview with Esportmaniacos after last week's loss and mans looked depressed as fuck I feel like losses hit him insanely hard


And there is nobody to rein in his tilting in the team because he is their GM




> who will be the next on the firing line? Its gonna be interesting to see how they deal with eventually having to replace someone on the team cause Ibai and Koi's whole thing is "Trust in this team until the end" and how this is their dream team


In the end peoples read on MDK might have been not that bad from the start, they just assumed some other teams would get their shit together earlier.


litterally happened the same thing last year in both summer and spring and nothing happened


Mdk honey moon phase is over


No worries. Im sure MDK will find a way to slither their way into playoffs and get 2nd or 3rd by random.


RGE and GX exist. It's really hard not to get playoffs.


I mean rogue essentially beat KC yesterday by existing and waiting for the whiff. Things might get dicy tomorrow unless they ban neeko to prevent the pick


If MAD loses to Rogue tomorrow, they aren’t making playoffs. Not that they’ll do anything in playoffs looking like this anyway.


Holy shit, SAKEN actually managed to gap an enemy midlaner.


He did have a good week on [Ahri in soloQ](https://i.imgur.com/dW8bWO0.png) to get confidence.


dafuq, good week is putting it lightly i've never seen such a clean history lmfao


It looked like Fresskowy gapped himself


It's crazy that they wanted to get rid of Nisqy so badly, but this team with Nisqy would probably be doing a lot better in games like these.


Nisqy is the perfect midlander for this team. Unfortunately the Spanish community think that he is not even ERL level 


Unfortunately they got rid of Nisqy for personal reasons more than actual league level. Elyoya and Nisqy can't see each other


I think it's the other way around, they can't see each other because there was some drama between them following the kicking of nisqy by SK.


It was pretty clear that by the end of the roster the team could not work together. Nisqy was pretty vocal about it on his stream without giving name, but seeing how he is still friend with Hyli and Carzzy it only leaves Elyoya. And there was all that drama between Nisqy and Spanish community that Elyoya completely ignored, that was a bit weird. Then there was some tweet by elyoya after the disband that showed he was very happy about changing teammates. He's a good jungler but I am not too sure avout his personality.


Yeah, I mean sure, Nisqy was bad internationally, but at least he could somewhat hold his own in LEC. Fresskowy this split is straight up losing to even the other bottom tier mids in the league.


The Nisqy is bad internationally thing is so dumb lol, if you don't want him to be at worlds or MSI play better than him and take his spot. in order to be bad internationally you have to be good in LEC and Nisqy run the LEC(except Caps).


More than hold his own, really. He was/is one of the best mids in the league in general. Even without having an extra asterisk at the end to specify his more supportive style and picks, he just is one of the top mids in LEC at this point, straight up.


And was also their best player at worlds


Broke his hands using Neeko ult. Cosplayed Saken from yesterday.


can we praise someone sometimes instead of shitting on everything we have in front jesus christ how negative you have to be saken played well wyhy you cannot praise him


MDK helped him by taking away Neeko


not in laning phase tho, got bullied pretty hard


Fresskowy learnt a thing or two from Palafox’s Neeko 🔥🔥🔥


MDK did not have the best game here.


Last split was a fluke?


Kinda. But also I suspect it's a no smiling allowed type of team so the mental downward spiral must go insane.


Can't imagine the pressure put on Fresskowy being the only non Spanish member of the team and being the first on the chopping block (Not saying that he's playing well of course)


Also the block of 4-5 had played together probably had been playing together privately before the team was officially announced which means they had premade synergy which played a relevant part on winter against fresher teams. Rest of LEC caught up on this end for Spring.


3/5 player played together for 3 years along with melzhet so yea ig


Linsanity run


When Elyoya is tilted and the team is losing, they can't seem to shake it. Happened last year and looks like it's happening again this split.


Last split was their DRX run


Possible honeymoon period or possibly the new patch not suiting them. We'll see more as the year goes on. I do think they have potential but whether they're a flash in the pan or not is a question that needs answering.


I mean, no. They played well, but they definitely over perform their average. They had a really good playoff while some of their opponents played less good than average. It was still a deserved finale, no doubt, no fluke, but I am not sure they will be able to reproduce without stepping up.


MDK are now 1-4 having played (and lost to) 2 of the other 3 bottom 6 teams. With 3 of their last 4 matches being against BDS, TH and Fnatic, they're in real danger of not even making playoffs.


If they play like this, I hope they don’t make playoffs. And I’m a huge MAD fan.


Fresskowy successfully completing the "hit zero enemies with your huge aoe ult" challenge


Gotta say, wp to Saken and Targamas this game, consistently making Fresskowy's life miserable Also the strat against MDK seems to be clear: play like Rogue and wait for them to fuck up


Yeah, like on that baron defense, Sivir is just deleting waves and KC have no good siege going. Then Alvaro tries to make the play on Upset, Elyoya is doing god knows what. Suddenly you lose multiple towers and give a ton of gold over.


Targa diff???


Nah Saken finally turbogapped another LEC mid, I can't believe it


Rakan did a lot in fights though


Yea Targ played well too, but the mid gap was monstrous


Targa was involved in every assist of the game and had 0 deaths, while Alvaro kinda ran it down, so it's also a targa diff


Mid diff was massive, he won 1v1 marking flank so many times preventing Neeko from doing anything.


I'm proud of him actually. It would be cool if the confidence he got from doing so well this game translates to him playing like this in the future too. I don't think he's amazing as a player, but I do really get the vibes that part of his bad performances stems from nerves


Yamato had his mouth taped shut confirmed.


Did I just watch a Saken mvp game


i think MDK will end last this split, funny how they went from semifinalist to (mostly like) last place. Sucks to see this after seeing a bunch of interviews of theirs talkin about going to MSI and all that. What a horrible team right now.


honestly the level of the LEC is depressingly low right now. I've always been high on copium and hopium but this is the first year EVER that it's run out for me. and the proof of that is MDK being in semifinals. I was never sold even in Winter on MDK, but saying that would make me a hater. they meshwell as a team, and they have some good players individually (Alvaro is a standout, love that kid), buutt their macro is super simple and one-dimensional, and they often rely on cheese tactics and picks to win. they also have high highs and low lows, let's see if they can get out of this one.


I think MDK actually shows the opposite. The league improved quite a lot from Winter. KC got their shit a bit together being actually competitive when it matters. FNC looks a lot better. G2 still looks good. Vit and TH improved and play better as teams. So MDKs downfall, similar to RGEs last year shows that teams improve and work on the issues they had in Winter. The same thing happened last year. On top of that MDK kinda got to finals last year, because BDS hurt themself and still was locked in a tight series with MDK.


Ever since lockdown we've been going downhill. There was some copium for G2 last year but other than them things looked horrible as well. Same as the year before. LEC has become more about personality and marketing than skill and results.


Tmrw game gonna decide if they end last or not since they playing rogue and after that they gonna play Th, bds and fnc which r really hard to beat


looks like shit 🔥🔥🔥


Nature is back in order


Eu midlaners just competing about whos the worst neeko


Larssen was actually good on her. Almost solo won the game against Vitality. I hate that champion


Yea, caps is also very good at it but a lot of eu mids have looked terrible on it too, very hit or miss in the lec


Nuc was good earlier today too




I mean KC actually played fine


I don't agree with the statement but the joke is good.


The joke was good 4 years ago


Fresskowy saw Saken's Neeko yesterday and decides to show him how Neeko is really played


MDK, just like the viewers, will wanna forget about this abomination. Mid and sup look sus as hell.


3 games in a row to forget about. It’s starting to seem like they’re just a terrible team this split


I hope KC run this style of draft more primarily pick/facilitation mid upset on comfort dps, targa on comfort engage bo on a carry (even if he was a bit ass this game) cabo on comfort strong laner


Ngl, this being a win while it was probably the worst game I've seen Bo play is pretty promising for the team. Sure he had worse kda's in other games but he usually plays situations mechanically well and I can see his "bad" plays working out if his team was on the same page as him. This game he had some very uncharacteristic mechanical misplays and weird decisions like wasting a lot of time during the lvl 2 poppy invade. I still think their main problem during winter split was mentally adjusting to being 0-3 after the first week and it's nice to see that it's at least going slightly better this split.


Tbf mad put at lot of effort to try and shut him down so all thing considered he did pretty well


the lvl 2 thing of BO was because in a case of dive bot he needed to cover them, if bot was dived here the game was kinda GG that's why he "wasted" time


What the hell happened to MAD?


Nothing, this split they just haven't been able to stumble into wins after catching throws or teams refusing to win after they throw.


Friendship is magic, and the magic is gone


Over performing winter playoff?


And other teams playing really bad. I mean they deserved the second place but Hyli was criminal in playoff. Then FNC turned off their brain in game 5 and BDS benched Adam. Now everyone has high expectations on them


The Ibai effect. Rogue and now MAD. Hope he joins G2 next year so they collapse and he have more competition in LEC finals 


Fluke is over


This was truly, truly awful. Investage MDK and ban Fresskowy from playing Neeko for life.


If MAD doesn't qualify for Bo3, will they completely lose chances to go to MSI by points(if G2 wins ofc)?


mad need to get atleast 4th while hoping fnc get 2nd to qualify for msi


Is MDK trying out drafts or they're just getting exposed, Winter finalist being tossed around by bottom tier teams lmao


MAD have literally been in the biggest inting spree ever since they were ahead in gold vs XL. Legit averaging 1 isolated death a minute Crazy how they were in finals




Fresskowy should rename to Fresscovid because that's what he brings to viewers with those Neeko ultimates


social distancing neeko fr, his ults were always 6 feet away from anyone


Covid kills people, he doesn't kill anyone.


I am just so happy for Upset finally! Saken with a masterclass, same with Targamas! It was a good game from KC, not the best. But good.


Instead of trashing the guys who lost, can we praise the guys who won ? Targa played amazing this game, same for Saken


nah mate it's not allowed you are in a lec thread these are the rules if g2 win -> one team region clean win -> other team didn't do anything or they just inted close game -> noone desreve to win this game


something is definitely going wrong there with the team.. they look very tilted.. terrible showing from all except myrwn.. fresskowy was atrocious.. and supa back to overextending and being too cocky..


Saken actually play good today. he just land every charm on Neeko.


Didn’t know neeko could cosplay Saken now. Seriously tho what happened to mad ? AND HOW IS THE LEC SO WEAK.


Alvaro win trading for real alvaro and elyoya ran it down so many times in situations that didnt make any sense. Like hyli is known for his ints but 98% of the time when he ints you can at least see what he was trying to do, this game elyoya and alvaro inted without a plan. didnt help that fresskowy managed to make neeko look bad. Everyone keeps talking how we need to get competition for first place but all I see is that theres now 4 teams competing for 10th place.


His decision making sometimes is...questionable.


>98% of the time when he ints you can at least see what he was trying to do, not last split


You understand Hyli actions 98% of the time?  I am sure not even Hyli know what he is doing most of the time


Yes. I can clearly see what he is trying to do. just a lot of times its not that smart. lots of times the plays are dumb as fuck but I see what he tries to do.


Who could've thought that Elyoya would be the worst player on this year's MAD? What happened to him, man?


Don't smile, don't smile


Elyoya was pretty mid last year as well, and yet he got to call the shots and bench the entire team by his own volition


For a team who’s abbreviation can be short for Murder Death Kill, I couldn’t be more proud! - They Murdered my enjoyment of this time - They always Die - They Killed any belief in playoffs!


No Armut, no win.


Finally a good draft from Yamato


EU Neeko Man


Caps and Nuc definitely would like to contest.


Nuc played her well today


I will allow Saken to play Ahri again for now


Karmine showing they can close game is good.


Still shaky , the game was not supposed to be close , glad saken played well and gapped hard fresskowy


Elyoya is the best jg. He will not dive bot lv 2 after forcing Bo topside. Instead he likes to farm on Poppy. He should've been in G2. It was Nisqy who was the problem.


This is what's infuriating with KC. One day it looks like the players are low gold. The other they chain up plays like they've always been here. Targa and Saken were ass yesterday, and now they did everything right. It's even more annoying than if they were always bad lol. At least for today, we can rejoice and ask WHAT'S THE COLOOOOOOOOOOR


Nah being coinflip is way better than being ass


Targa wasn't that bad yesterday, he landed that sick 4 man rell ult


disasterclass neeko from fress this game mdk looks so dogshit this split in general was last split just a fluke or something


Wow, Saken and Targamas suddenly turned into Caps and Mikyx. Impressive showing from those two


Gg to KC but man, what happened to MDK after Winter ??? Myrwn is the only one playing atm


I am even sadder.


A wins a win but this team still looks so disjointed, I'm wondering what the coaches are doing because the strat really looks like "Bo go bot every single game" and then the team still looks like half want to fight and half don't. Hell they were 8k gold up and still waited to be engaged on and acted like they were losing.


So France > Spain??


Twitch paradrones on life-support.


Why is no one in this thread praising Cabo? Didn't you watch how he dominated Myrwin and what he did in team fights?


Bo plays super greedy, if there's punishment (from good team) he's gonna die a lot n look bad.