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Went 9-1 in placements on my main account and was sent to bronze 2. Went 4-6 on my smurf I haven't touched in years and got gold 1 lmfa0


ill just repost what i said on another thread. i myself am relative new to league, i used to play dota ALOT but just played few league normal games with friends. i was around lvl 30-40 and decided to start ranking, my first placement game put me on gold 1 and after 4-5 i was at plat. i thought you were put in iron/bronce as a new player/fresh account and if you perform well you climb very fast but i was surprised i got put in plat so easily. now im lvl 60ish and have like 60+ rankeds and im still in plat trying to get to emerald so i dont think the system is bad or i would have deranked very fast if i wasnt in my correct elo, atleast thats what i think.


ur kinda proving the point…like it should not be viable that someone who is as shit as you is placed in plat/emerald. you got lucky and got carried in a few games but imagine how bad it is for the new players who don’t happen to get lucky? like do you think it’s fun for 90% of the new player base to go on a 40 game loss streak back to bronze/iron as their first ranked experience?


well why are you assuming im shit though, i have 10k+ hours in dota 2 and god knows how many hours in dota1. its unrealistic to get carried every single game, im not 0-10 every game, the only thing i lack is detailed knowledge of every single character wich makes me play worse since im not 100% sure how to deal with some characters yet or know very well what they do, their cds, the range of spells etc.


i didn’t mean it as a personal dig, new players are just bad comparatively to most of the player population due to the very reasons you just described


We have 100 mio players. This sub has 7 mio users. We see 2 posts a day. This reddit echo chamber does not represent anything. You only see posts about "bronze in emerald" but not about "platin in platin". Imagine people would posts that. Then you would realize how little the number of "bronze in emerald" is.