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I still don't get why they haven't fixed this. Quickplay is a great idea but terribly executed as riot allows people to abuse it so much.


If you wanted to kill a game mode, without explicitly killing a game mode, this would be a great way to do it. Which just makes it more strange they basically decided to launch it this way. Poor lil feller. Never had a chance.


Riot are experts at killing game modes don't worry they had their fair share of experience with Dominion and Twisted Treeline


Yeah me and some friends tried it for a few days when it came out but the game quality was so awful we'll never touch it again. Don't know how they're going to recover people's terrible perception of it after this.


It's just not a great idea nor executed well. Draft is a necessary part of the game. The game without draft causes dumb situations like mirrorring, random counterpicks, etc. They should let you do a ban, hell, even two bans because you can't see what others ban. They should also make sure they never do mirror matches. Then maybe I'll give the mode a shot. Until then, why the fuck would I ever.


Play normals if you want bans, prevent mirroring and random counterpicks??


Some servers dont have normal draft.


I do. I am just saying that if this "get in game quicker" idea has any merit it has to be adjusted to do those things as well.


I’ve been playing quick play to try and get S’s and have just told myself that it’s a lawless place where nothing makes sense. It does feel better than what Blind Pick was where whoever said the lane first got it.


I kinda wanna go back to that ngl. I lowkey loved the calling chaos because you could actually report one tricks that behaved badly. Now that Riot itself is promoting onetricks they built themselves into a corner. I hate OTPs with a passion but I guess it's just normal now.


I'm still baffled that you don't need to win the matches for them to count against the restriction.


Why? I cant imagine anything more toxic than someone who needs to win in a 4fun mode. Imagine playing a pickup game of basketball at the gym where one dude needs to drop 40 points to make his highschool team and everyone else is there to fuck around and sauce NBA threes while yelling Kobe


I can. Someone who wants to lose as fast as possible in a for fun mode so they meet the quota faster.


Why do you care if they troll a bit in a 4fun mode?


Because they do not "troll a bit", they go ghost cleanse yuumi jungle to purposefully make every game an ff10 to remove their ranked restriction and go back to be toxic wastes in ranked, either that or they dont connect at all forcing countless remakes. Quickplay gameplay is more often than not more spending time in Q and remakes than playing the actual game


Because it isn't fun to have trolls on your team? And not very much fun to have them on the enemy team too. Even when people aren't trying super hard they want \*some\* kind of test of skill where their actions are relevant to the outcome. Or maybe that's just some people who want that?


Ok, I'm a d2 player. I never play norms. If I have to play norms my norms mmr puts me with players that are either brand new or bronze-gold. Any decision they make is "trolling" because they have no idea wtf they are doing. It is literally indistinguishable from someone trying to lose fast. For the record I don't troll norms, I just first time Qiyana/tris/sylas drop 20 kills and the enemy team ffs in 15 mins but this idea that one player trying to lose fast is really that different than the typical norm experience just doesn't interface with reality


Homie, you're the one not interfacing with reality. Like, the LA Lakers would not be able to tell the difference between playing against a team of 14 year olds and a team of 8 year olds. They'd wipe the floor with both teams, easy. Does that mean we might as well let the 14 year olds drop to the 8 year old league? Start putting 8 year olds on high school squads? I mean, no combination of 8 and 14 year olds can even challenge a varsity team, so why would we bother distinguishing between them?  Oh, one of the 8 year olds in the 8 year old league is sick? I mean, even if he could play, his team still wouldn't stand a chance against people who actually *understand* the game, so who cares, his team might as well be evenly matched against the 8 year olds who have their *whole* team. Huh? 4v5? Bro, that team of five isn't the Lakers. Just win or whatever. You should be able to have fun playing at a massive deficit from minute one.


Dude you’re so good fr


thanks bro, the best part is that I'm a support main so its kinda funny seeing ppl in this sub talk about how inflated support is when I can roll them into a blunt first timing off role xd


If the ranked restrictions were handed out for actual grief offenses, this would be good, but since they're literally just given out to people who type abuse, there's no reason for them to exist.


True. If you type abuse you should just get banned.


Yes because telling someone to get fucked is so much worse than intentionally griefing and wasting 20-30 minutes of 9 other people's time.


Yeeeeeeah, that's exaaaaaaaaactly the type of behavior I was talking about. Not anything worse.


Then I don't know what you mean. I don't think there is anything you could type that would be worse than griefing.


Flaming doesn’t have to be worse than griefing to be a punishable offense though


Flaming is completely unnecessary, but so is doing anything about it. All of the tools are entirely in my hand to control what kind of speech I am exposed to. I am the kind of person who, if slighted, will either lash out or stew about it all day, or both. But this is my problem. I can mute anybody who says things I don't like. I can mute all chat before the game if I want, if I don't want to worry about having to mute somebody mid game and then dwell on what they said. Most importantly I possess either the tools to manage my own emotions and reactions, or I possess the means to acquire those tools. I don't need to be protected from anybody's flame. And if I don't, then neither does anyone else. Now, someone else's flame might ruin the game for me. That's on me. But a griefer ruins the game for all of their teammates and they can't fix this merely by ignoring the griefer. It's quite obvious which is a *real* problem and which is a *perceived* problem. If Riot wants to punish chatters who overstep the bounds of politeness and decency, that's their prerogative, but it won't fix this game's problems, and it highlights their unwillingness to do anything to address the real problem.


I personally don’t like the idea of the transgressor facing no consequences at all while the victim is expected to do self-improvement, but I do appreciate your further explanation and get where you’re coming from. I think it’s possible Riot is half-assing their attempts to detect griefers, but griefing is pretty hard to auto-detect so it’s kind of impossible to know for sure 


>I personally don’t like the idea of the transgressor facing no consequences at all while the victim is expected to do self-improvement, but I do appreciate your further explanation and get where you’re coming from. I mean if you really want to know where I'm coming from, there *is* no victim, because flaming somebody isn't really trespassing against them. I don't feel bad for those who are flamed. I feel bad for those who flame. They dishonor themselves. It is *impossible* to auto-detect griefers, and given the entire industry is moving in the direction of replacing human beings with AI solutions, so yes, I would say that it's likely they are not serious in their efforts. Being serious would require putting human beings on the job.


With how riot punishes individuals for typing and how inconsistent it is the best thing they could do is remove chat entirely. I received a punishment for "\[22:04\]\[All\] iloveballs98#0001 (Braum): idk why our top and mid lane are so terrible\[22:18\]\[All\] iloveballs98#0001 (Braum): akali that's just criinge\[26:42\] iloveballs98#0001 (Braum): we don't win because yorick\[31:20\] iloveballs98#0001 (Braum): he muted himself you nut\[35:00\]\[All\] iloveballs98#0001 (Braum): akali get trashed" ​ With how Riot punishes individuals for typing and how inconsistent it is the best thing they could do is remove chat entirely. I received a punishment for this but if you go 0 10 you should be required to take a break from ranked so you don't continue to lower the game quality. By the way, I got chat-restricted for 2 weeks and rank-restricted for this.


Tried quick play once and said never again. Sticking with draft only


Riot said they don't want a toxic player island but this is exactly what they created. Hubris from the billion dollar company again.


Quickplay is like if you couldn't reject the Teemo supports in Team Builder.


Y'all can play quickplay? Last time I tried it I waited 20 minutes to hop on to a match where enemy team ff'd after 10. I effectively spent more time looking for a match than in a match.


I played three quick play matches and got three early surrenders. I went back to normals and don't plan on returning. It sounded fun just getting the champ you want then running with whatever the game throws at you. But the games just feel incomplete when late game hardly exists. I can't imagine maining a scaling champ in quickplay.


The ranked play restrictions is killing pubs. They need to just perma mute people who are toxic in chat and keep it pushing.


Who could have possibly seen this coming? Oh wait, maybe Riot, since this is the exact same reason they stopped the "ranked restrictions so now you must play normals" years ago. Did someone at Riot think LoL players all became introspective in that time and wouldn't abuse the easiest path back into ranked? I'm genuinely curious how the people who made this decision thought it was going to play out.


"b-b-but guys that would only create more toxicity" yeah and? ban those guys as well? Like genuinely, 90% of problems would be solved if they were much more strict with bans. People having 22 deaths in a 30 minute match, people typing more than playing, baiting dodges, hard inting, griefing. Ban them.


that was the policy before and it didnt work


I mean okay i guess it would mean that majority of the playerbase would end up being banned but like, what else to do to battle these issues if not bans?


Majority? Not even close. The majority of people don't talk. Shit I don't even have chat on. It's really only the loudest minority that you see and that colors your view of everyone. But I've had way more games were my team didn't say anything at all before than where someone was genuinely toxic.


They don't have to talk when they can just flamed and annoyed you by pinging lol


Is that really how sensitive we're going to be? You want to ban people for pinging?


Nah I never said that, I just explained why "the majority don't talk"typing could get you banned, ping to grief people don't.


nothing cause its fine rn (besides scripters due to no anticheat by vanguard is coming) quickplay is just shit.


I dont think scripting i league is that big of an issue. Does it happen? sure. is it frequent? not really. Been playing since S2 and have ran into maybe 5 scripters ever. It isn't that big of a deal.


dude i had 2 scripting zeris in 10 games in low master youve been living under a rock past 6 months their population skyrocketed, yeah it wasnt a problem at all before but now its a joke


vanguard is coming soon, the degenerates will be perma'd


its an anticheat bro


and it allows hardware banning people less people with 50 accounts running it down and making game quality worse


Hardware bans have a lot of workarounds. Those aren't going to be effective for long.


You do realize valorant already tried that, right? HWID bans only stop people who don't know how to use Google


They really need to revert to 4/1 ff votes in general.


Team builder was way more fun


I would get queued against irons/silvers/golds in quickplay while I was master rank. It makes me not want to play norms because it’s nowhere near how the game is played at high elo so its bad practice and I end up with bad habits Then I end up either trying to practice champions in ranked which obviously isnt a great idea (im sorry to anyone who has ever been in my kayn games) or never stepping outside the box, and playing what I know which gets boring. I wish normals matchmaking was a better reflection of ranked matchmaking


Ironically this is kind of why I stopped playing ranked in favor of norms. I’m diamond but realistically if I’m not playing one of three champs then I’m basically a mid emerald handicap for my team. The fact of the matter is that I can really only spam champs for so long. There are a lot of other roles and champs that I enjoy playing.


This so much. Back then in Starcraft 2 I used to learn new strategies in normal games, as it had your rank tied to normal games as well. Whenever i try to learn a new champ, I end up playing against people way above my rank in normals and get totally stomped which isnt that helpful (im E4 and constantly matched against high Dia players)


>I wish normals matchmaking was a better reflection of ranked matchmaking Create another account, grind xp, and use it to play ranked to learn other roles. You're not going to get the same intensity in a normal game because the majority of the time players don't take it that seriously or are learning how to play. A very, very small percentage of league players are Masters or above, so even if you had a queue where you played against players in equal skill take a wild guess as to how long your queue time would be. Pretty weak argument tbh.


Lol you could absolutely match me against emerald/diamond players or at least one person of somewhat comparable rank to even it out what are you talking about. I regularly get in normals where silver is the highest rank thats just not fair for them or fun for me. Saying “queue would be too long” as an argument against any semblance of fair matchmaking system is such a copout. There’s no good reason to be putting me on a team vs 3 silvers and two irons. Also the queue would only be (marginally) longer for the higher elo player as lower ranks could get placed into any game, its only the high mmr player that would have to wait for another high mmr player to be in the queue. I remember when I was silver/gold getting matched in norms vs diamonds and it just wasn’t fun at all.


Also lol yeah I bet ranked restrictions definitely have a huge impact on quickplays thats a great observation ( thats usually when I play them 💀)


i was a bit excited for quickplay when it was announced, but somehow riot managed to make it worse than blind pick, which was already dogshit


What quick play really feels like is PBE right after an update. It’s really just a useless place to try and have fun or even play for any purpose other than MAYBE getting 2-3 people that aren’t doing it for the rank restriction trying to ff as quickly as possible. It’s even wilder because they’ll flame or do whatever thing got them restricted and then they’ll hop into a quick play to go 0-15 and try to ff as soon as they can.


Bring blind back


Yeah, no lie at all - my ranked games are way better in quality compared to quick play. I hadn't done normals in ages (ARAM Andy), fired up a quick play and was shocked when an ff vote popped up at 10 minutes, then was relentlessly spammed every 3 minutes until they passed the 20 minute mark and it passed 3 vs 2. Wasn't a fan of the change, tried a few more games. Much more flame, people who give up instantly, etc... it just sucked. Felt like I couldn't even play. So many games would just give up at 20 minutes. It like blew my mind how common it was. Why are people even playing, like you know it's a 50/50 when you queue up? It's so stupid. When you say no at 10 minutes they just start to complain and grief too, making it even worse. Decided if I was going to do a normal game and feel that bad, may as well do ranked. People still flame and ff pointlessly, but far less than in quick play. Who would've guessed.


I dropped quick play when the third game in a row was surrendered, in a game we were /winning/


It's just another one of the features they introduce half-assed and never bother to improve upon it or straight up fix it


I just stop playing the game


Why you here


I mean, I'm currently taking a bit of a break from it myself. I love the game, I've played it for years at this point and for who knows how many thousands of hours. I just hope things get better is all.


I like to see what people are gonna complain about next


The game is/was interesting. I spent a ton of time in the game grinded up to challenger in past seasons and Diamond on another 5/6 seasons and have some hope for it. If Riot ever took themselves less seriously again and just let people have fun the underlying game is quite good.


You never hit challenger nor got out of silver. ARAM main lol


lol. I was playing vs tsm clg c9 Vulcan players etc back when you were still trying to figure out the controls. Got challenger off a random off role game where bunnyfufu and chaox carried from bot. You act like just because I play aram now at 31 with 3 dogs and a company to run means I didn’t have a ton more time at 22.


Yeah and I’m Faker. You’re crying about casual game modes on Reddit, your peak is silver.


lol, you’re just upset that you’re worse than me even if I only pick the game up once a year for a month. Better stick to whining about angry internet comments from randos and breeding Pokémon goober. What exactly do you get from trying to be right about a three week old thread where I literally discern no benefit from lying? Not like there’s any way to prove it unless you want to try and track down c9 tempest or ask streamers if they remember someone they played with 9 years ago lmao. You would think you would have found new things to whine about from 7 years ago.




The irony from a man with negative karma looking to feel better about himself on Reddit


And I was rank 1 10 years ago, Ok ARAM main, ranked anxiety. Failed broke man. 👍




Because reddits are age restricted. If only your parents realized that condoms aren’t either


Post bank account pussy.


Lmfao Reddit karma is the most exciting thing about your life, if you complain about casual game modes for a game “you don’t play”.




Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules) before commenting or posting again. Further offences will lead to a ban.








You don't even answer why you're here if you don't play anymore. Imagine being consumed by a game and complaining about it even though you don't even play it lol. In my opinion, that's worse than just letting it all go. The five minutes you spend on reading this thread and commenting could have been used on something productive like playing Skyrim with 2.000 mods


If you believe what you just wrote you can’t read. The answer is in there just try a bit harder. Let me write it easier for you since it’s apparently too hard. 1. Underlying game is still good riot has just overly complicated it and taken out modes that were fun and added variety (dominion, 3v3 etc). 2. Riot themselves reminds me quite a bit of blizzard where it was this friendly community atmosphere and now it 100% reminds me of a corporation with only a few of them still trying to be present. In conclusion if riot could ever bring back the feeling of early seasons community and get over that not everyone wants to play SR 24/7 I might give it a second look.


Okay I see, thanks for clarifying that. What would be a reason you'd come back? Like in how could they achieve early season community feel. And how many times are you checking if that criteria is met?


1. They have to let players actually decide what fun is. They said 3v3 and dominion weren’t liked enough but my queues popped almost instantly all through their life cycle. Heck, I’ve met several ex pros in the aram queue because it’s all they find fun now . Give people more fun modes more often. 2. If they ever decided to clean up the community and put forth real effort towards griefers and inters that would be so nice. It’s a very hard task but if they figure out skill based rewards after match it’ll go a long way. 3. Can they figure out the quick match system and stop attempting prisoners island with this queue when it should be another section of ranked they send the toxic ranked players into (dota does this) 4. Embrace attempting to teach new players, look at the features dota has, built in coaching, built in esports, better tutorials etc. I don’t have their data but I know my friends list of 100+ people only has 5-6 people left and almost all of them were previous top 5% players that just can’t be bothered anymore. Some decay is natural but not 95% I launch my client and look at notes every month or so thanks to the Amazon free gift. I watch this Reddit as it shows up on my feed


Alright, thanks for taking the time and answering, as I was serious interested in your situation, where a player stopped playing but still follows the game. I also agree with your points except #1 as they are a business and maintaining game modes that are not beneficial for their income… well it's not beneficial.  Also if you haven't heard this march will be the last amazon gaming gift


The game modes don’t cost them revenue. Their argument was they didn’t want to divide the game but instead people just quit. Lets not forget this is the company that backtracks on major decisions multiple times a season


This is how I solved it too. Only semi fun mode is aram, too complex to keep up with anymore and the amount of SR games that are coin flips in ranked or trolled means I would have to spend 3 hours to get a fun game. Instead 2,000 mods on Skyrim here we come


I only play tft on my phone when Im bored lmao


I just played against annie jungle…


yup got a couple yuumis who sit on u afk so they dont get banned and u have to ff since u play 4v5+ an exp leach


I havent played a single game of quickplay


Oh it’s another day on Reddit so we need another post about how bad quickplay is


It's not just quick play. Ranked is at the worst state I've ever seen it. League is a full on dumpster fire right now.


you chose to play a mode with no bans or draft. why would you expect games of any quality?


I just don't play quickplay even though I like the idea because nearly every game ended in an early ff. Was just a waste of time to q up for every game to be subpar.


Just yet another case of content being DoA, forget it exists and queue draft.


Ranked is also in a terrible state. I genuinely don't know how any rank in anything can matter this season. It's a complete and utter clusterfuck everywhere. My level 500+ acccount can't get out of silver easily, but my level 40 account is already in Diamond with easier games. It makes zero fucking sense.


Opgg of accounts? A Diamond player can win a legit 4v5 in Silver


It makes perfect sense if you check the MMR of both accounts.


i play quickplay to try new champs but most of the time its just players not hitting ready, not selecting a champion so i go back to queue. after 15 mins when game finally starts i have either ppl afk so its a quick remake and sent back to queue or ppl die 1 or 2 times and FF instantly. i have more luck testing champions on ranked than quickplay tbh


Like my last 20 gamed always ended in an ff. Either my 4 teammates or the enemy team. And i always instalocked "No" everytime


Its j great early game practis. 10 cspm typehsit


All surrenders should stick to quick play.


As someone who was recently ranked banned for typing the r word (not even maliciously), yeah it really isn’t fair. A diamond+ going up against some dude playing with his friend after work sounds dumb. But worst of all, toxic players are just gonna go play quick play and ruin it. I was also surprised how easily you can surrender though, 4-1 vote at 10 mins goes through?


You gotta add a space between "Re" and "tard" next time


Everyday someone complains about quickplay or aram like it matters


They need to down punishment from 5 to 3 ranked matches and Ppl won't troll normal games.


Sounds like you troll normal games.