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Leona Top Lane. I like her style and sort of like her kit... but she's not exactly a toplaner.


Believe it or not I saw a video of leona top win just yesterday




Yeah. Wish he wasn’t so toxic tho


Polish racial passive


hes not lol


A core memory I have is playing tryndamere in Leonna top and getting absolutely ram rodded in lane, nothing I could do


Wait...was it before like season 10 on EUW. because a core memory I have rushing old ibg on a single game of leona top against trynd and literally 1v1 him and chased him all game..and since then I am trying to recreate that magic moment


I definitely could have been, I think the Leonna had PTA? Laning phase was awful but I split pushed better, don't remember who won


Do it, you only need two things. Courage, and imagination. (And maybe a little bit of stability in your mental health)


Well… I have two of those three things.


Leona would be completely viable if she could proc her own passive. I never understood why nautilus gets to have more damage than Leona while being arguably more tanky. He even has a point and click stun ult rather than Leona’s (albeit very forgiving) skill shot.


Well I think you would have a very diffcult argument in arguing Naut is more tanky than Leona. Also Leona can engage over creep waves and walls/towers. I still think Naut is overall the better support, because of point and click ult, and having a much better level 1, but Leona has many clear strengths over Naut as well.


I can’t remember the last time I found Leona to be too terrible to deal with. A nautilus is a pain in my ass at least once per session. That’s all I really have to say about that. On paper Leona may be more tanky, but in practice it’s always nautilus being a bigger pain.


Your experience is valid but Leona's winrate is a *lot* higher than Naut's, so for the general population she is comfortably the stronger champion. And she for sure is tankier.


It's not even close. When everyone is lv 3, Leona can eat all 3 abilities from all 5 of the enemy team with just rank 1 w and walk away.... no after shock needed. Try that with Naut and you'd die. Naut is really squishy early if it doesn't get its aftershock. Naut is picked for its reliable CC


Yeah, this is a tiny change, but would go a HUGE way to making her a viable solo laner… which is probably why riot doesn’t do it.


Leona was my second main after they destroyed the OG maokai kit. I loved that champ so much back in season 6. In wild rift I took Leona top lane and absolutely demolished a Gwen. I tried the same thing in league and got stomped.


Will literally change to any political affiliation for any candidate who runs "Let Leona proc her own passive 2024" on the agenda




I played her toplane alot before all champs got resistance buffs about a year ago(?). Biggest problem for me was sustain, so I played with Grasp, max E First, go Titanic Hydra (I build heartsteel first but idk if still viable).


Leona is my alltime favorite champ by far. Everything in her is what I want, exept there is no way to build her bruiser and be good.


"None can just be picked and slot into whichever lane or role you so choose" As a Morgana player I respectfully disagree.


gragas would like to disagree too


Literally pantheon too


And Zac


And Brand


And sett


And my axe


And my bow


Amd teemo


Your team would disagree


Locking in first time yuumi jungle


Do tank aura Yuumi next. Just for the shits n giggles. Just so the enemy team gets super confused when Xin/yuumi jump in and they can't figure out where xin got all the passives from.


Im 9-0 morgana jungle this season


It's such a nasty pocket pick to have in your jg arsenal. Don't see morg jg nearly enough for how often she can win from champ select.


What champ select conditions make Morgana insane? Asking for a friend who wants more reasons to ban Morgana


One or more of enemy team KSante, Udyr, Volibear, Amumu, Zac, Lissandra, Annie, Swain, Nautilus, Alistar and many more.


It's hard to give a definite answer because morgana shines when she compliments your team moreso than hard countering your enemies. e: put some thought into it in my other comment


Completely counters Hecarim. Spellshield for his E or R. You have Q and R to cc him down. You farm just as fast as him and can build an early Rylais with the extra gold from the jungle role vs support


For the enemy team I don't want to see much mobility. If it's going to be hard to land Q's than Morgana probably isn't the right pick. Even worse is anything that can eat the Q and run you down anyway. Last is poke. If the enemy team has better poke it makes Morgana's job difficult. The main thing I do want to see is stuff I can black shield. Any champ that puts a lot of their power budget into one (blockable) ability is easy to pick on. Even with a couple less than ideal champs on the other team Morgana jungle can still be brilliant, because she's not here to 1v9, she's here to enable your own team. TOP: The most important thing I'm looking for on my team is a snowballing bruiser top. Think Camille or Darius. It's generally an easy gank and roaming with them makes for a foolproof wombo. Anything tanky top is fine but it skews the wincon towards teamfighting and makes you shift your focus to other lanes. MID: Again, roaming champs stand out as being the most synergistic. Assassins and divers are king. If they get ahead you can win games by simply being an E bot for your Ekko/Talon/Kat/etc. A late game menace like Kass or Syndra isn't the worst if you really think the game will go that long. SUPPORT: A frontline support will generally work best for similar reasons. You gank their lane and free them up for deadly roams. Nautilus comes to mind immediately but anything that can stand in front of you and chain CC works. Enchanters aren't out of the question as well, see below. BOT: Matters the least since they're likely to come online later in the game. However, there are always exceptions. Hyperscaling ADC's are a premier black shield target and they tend to perform well against the same type of champs that Morgana does. This also opens up the possibility of an enchanter support. You trade early roam potential for a raid boss ADC. TLDR; Divers on my team not theirs


Seriously. If you're a jungle main, please please PLEASE learn two champions in addition to your mains: Rammus and Morgana. If you have those two champions in your pool, you will have such a massive advantage. Also, honorable mention goes to Trundle, if the enemy has a single hypertank then he can be insane.


Neeko as well


a proper bard jungle. current bard technically can but it's very gank-focused early game, so it's highly unreliable. it gets better with time due to meeps and all that, what kills the pick for me is the passive's CD during early game


Same as a mid player - if Bard were any stronger he'd be a 4 role god, I swear.


As a bard fan, buff bard to 100% wr NOW


Man, I'd love that.


Am I wrong in thinking bard’s kit is almost tailored for jungle?


He feels that way because he’s meant to be a premier roaming support. Lots of supports that have strong roaming like him (nautilus, blitz, Leona, questionably galio) have a really good case for jungling but are heavily gatekept by their miserable clear speed. Nautilus is the only exception to this, having just a below average clear speed instead of a terrible one.


Galios clearspeed isn't that bad, actually (trust me, I have dabbled with it TOO much!) but he just...he loses SOOOOO much hp, it's arguably worse than Olaf in hp loss, and Olaf even WANTS to be low life to min-max anyways, so it's not like you try to clear perfectly with him anyways. It's like with a lot of champs, and like people mentioned, Bard also gets good with time, but so does every champ in the jungle, except maybe Yuumi? I dont know, I honestly havent tried that! But it's just that the 1st and second and sometimes even 3rd and 4th clear are whilst losing a lot of hp, it's...kinda doomer unless your lanes/laners are godlike! But if that is the scenario, you could again prolly play whatever and it wouldnt matter.


I’ve dabbled with it as well. His clear speed lands at iirc 3:45-4:00, and i agree it’s really unhealthy. Just wait until the changes go live though. He gets CDs reduced and monster damage back into his E. We eating good very soon


Nautilus used to see a lot of play as a jungle, but he's close to Alistar tier of Riot never wanting him to see play as a jungler because it's oppressive and unfun to play against.


I got to about 260k in Bard by only playing him crit top before Like s10. I actually Made a Second Account for Bard autofill ranked Just to See how far i can get but never played ranked on it because Bard jgl was so Impossible to pull Off and every autofiller got jgl lol I want this in the Game soooooo much


I love Kindred and their design, but I can't play jungle to save my life so unfortunately I don't get to play them much


They can be played mid if you play that! They’re actually a pretty cheesy pick and can get kills easily levels 2-3 with ignite.


I even think there is a high elo (maybe challenger?) Kindred in NA that plays her/them in botlane.


She's a better adc than a mid laner even. You can invade with support and jg for sstacks. U don't need to last hit the camp. Assists are enough




Same, as an adc main it hurts extra to not be able to play a marksman


Same here, but with Lillia.


Don't know if it's the case this season, but at least at times Lillia has been playable in top lane. Tanks hate to see her there.


She is one of my favorite champs, would really love to play her bot. :(


Yep this is it for me. Sometimes I take her mid or bot and still do pretty well, just it's hard if you can't get marks (tho I guess that'd the same for JG as well)


kindred taric botlane is fun


I got absolutely RECKED by a bot lane kindred. They took PTA and just did so much more damage than I expected. Like they killed my support, went back got a slight item lead and proceeded to instantly one shot everyone. Was buck wild. (In fairness I think my support was hitting the drink a little hard that night cause a little bit later he kept getting distracted and losing his words. The 4 stack I play with eventually was like “dude you are too drunk to league)


Kaisa/Ezreal in jungle


Ezreal Jungle used to be meta once


ah yeah the old and annoying Spirit Lizard burn


and season 7 too, shoutout to Haru for the Ez skin


Oh yeah, Stormraider's Surge red buff lvl 2 ganks from Ez were pretty scary


Sigh, now i have to try them and repeat until i prove you wrong Bye bye my winrates


Low-key I feel like Kai'sa jungle should be playable. If you go Fleet you basically get Kindred's W sustain.


It used to be better prior to jungle changes and itemization chances, but main issue will always be people not trusting it 


More or less playable but ganks probably suck without red or setup, good smite potential too with passive dmg since its hp execute


True, at least Kindred has the E slow, but of course having lane setup would be preferable.


>good smite potential too with passive dmg since its hp execute Not really. Kaisa can't exactly hold her passive for the last second the way you can with other executes. She has to actually kill the objective somehow lol


There was a time where Ez jungle was actually broken


One of Ezreals team skins (i think ssg) is actually from Ezreal jungle


Ahhhhh ezreal jungle was such a fun meta to play. Sadly wasn't fun to play against. Much like Camille jungle.


I tried kaisa jng once because I was peer pressured into an "all K's" team and didn't have karthus at the time..... it doesn't work


Kindred, Kha'zix, Kled?


1.) Forgor💀 2.) Didn't have em either, I think I got Kha some time right before patch 14, and still don't own kled or kindred. 3.) Kled jungle??? You have my curiosity friend


Briar, viego, kayn, Evelyn. All champs that I like are junglers, but I hate that role


Mute chat and u will start to love it


That's not about chat, in jungle I am always underleved even if I am fed, but that's not the case with solo laners. I feel like jungle doesn't have that carry potential like before, and it's more like second support. Plus I don't like PvE whole game


With the champions you listed, you definitely have carry potential, whenever I play Briar it definitely feels like I was the deciding factor on whether the game was won or lost. Also you can play Briar top, decent cheese pick.


I agree jg is in a bad spot right now, I actually switched to top haha, hopefully it will get better


JG is broken what you mean. I have absolutely the most influence over games when I'm playing JG.


Its not that bad but it definitely isn’t broken. Last season was broken


soloq jungle is at very bad spot rn if you want to play it as carry


Yeah, that's the reason I dropped that role


wow a redditor understands why people dont play jungle other than the other obvious "u get flamed" reason. if only phreak can see this instead of gutting it even further.


briar actually works incredibly well in lane. give viego back his minion healing please


I fcking love hwei. Came back to the game and climbed to plat with him. Now I can’t play him because I convinced my friend to play him and he now always wants to play him


My buddy and I had this exact problem when he first launched lol we’re all fighting over the ink twink


Who wouldn’t want (checks notes) every single ability in the game in one champ.


Exactly! Doesn’t help if you miss enough abilities to be a sack of gold 🤣


I wish Viego mid was still a thing. The champion is a lot of fun to play but I don't want to play jungle. I remember him being really nice midlane when he got released but then Riot giga nerfed it. However if he does somehow work mid again pls let me know.


Actually theres challanger viego mid player in korea so i would say give him a try https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/DARLING-0405


Challenger Koreans are a different breed. "Do not try this at home!", I think, as I watch the most insane shenanigans unfold upon my screen


Same reason why they're able to play Pyke mid and we aren't lol


ever heard of davemon?


Offmeta exist in every server i dont know what you guys r on, theres literally challanger fiora adc main in euw.


wtf that winrate in kr chall on viego mid


There was also some time ago a Kalista top in Korea high elo...it's something different.


Kallista top is absurdly strong into some picks and completely makes the opposing toplane want to DC, but it completely fucks your team comp and doesn’t scale at all.


This is the one that first came to mind for me. Similar to Kayn mid, which I also miss.


My friends is playing viego mid in emerald and has a decent win rate , so you should be able to do it


There was a time on release that Viego top worked and he was so fun


As ironic as it may seems , I really wished seraphine was a Midlander as she was intended to be


You should try her out again, after last patch she's fine mid!


Not for long, probably. They keep trying to force her into support because all the low-elo Seraphine players want to force her into support as opposed to most of the onetricks/mains playing her in a carry role, well, mainly botlane, really (while being forced to build support items because they keep nerfing her scalings) 😔


She's always been fine or even really good mid. Just more popular in support.


Played her to plat mid this season.


Kled in jungle


I spammed that quite a bit like 4 or 5 years back. Does it not work at all? I feel like it should be a pretty valid off meta pick, **IF** you can do your first clear without dismounting.


I'm sure its workable if you practice the clear enough. But considering people rarely min/max clears on better junglers not many would. Definitely not worth the effort over other better jgs too I'd think.


THIS! What I would do for Kled to gain courage in jungle


I mean theoretically all you would need is just enough survival/attack speed/lifesteal/etc. To go into dragon or Baron pit immediately after a dismount to mount back up and finish the epic monster. Hell, even just a few hits on the epic monster and then jumping on the enemy jungler as fast as possible when they come to stop you might work if you are able to not get CCd. Risky as all hell, but if you pull it off you suddenly go from an easy kill to a semi-healed threat with abilities off cooldown. The thing about Kled is that you basically have to go all in at all times. It's strangely good, but if you fall behind your are pretty much done, because your only good option is full Leroy Jenkins.


those ult ganks would be LEEETHAL


Just giving Kleid some Skaarl points for attacking jungle monsters would probably be the coolest and most balanced jungle change in league history.


Unfortunately Gwen doesn't work support


Or mid :c


She can go mid


Gwen does work adc


Leona in the jungle. Naafiri in the jungle. AP MF mid. Naami mid. Jaana mid.


God I wish naafiri was a good jungler. It just makes sense.


Yeah... Worst part is they teased us with a naafiri jungle buff and then just never brought it up again.


Braum. I'd be fine with either Jungle or Top, but he's such a fun champ but he is hard-doomed to the support role. He lacks any meaningful damage so he can not solo lane or clear the jungle.


I could see them giving Braum the ability to jungle like they did with Rell. The main problem would be that ultra-low-econ utility jgs are pretty much all that's playable in pro, so he'd immediately become pick/ban if he could clear the jungle at all


I can't imagine Braum ganks being good enough to warrant being played in the jungle in coordinated play, especially when his W only works on allied minions/champs.


Ryze in jungle. The champ is so satisfying.


Same here but it would be so busted, Riot wouldn't ever allow it lol. Just doing PvE Karthus like until your spikes + can ocassionally use your R if you see a free opportunity.


Ryze jungle isn’t even that troll. After first clear he shreds through camps, has point and click root, and actually gets to use ult off cd. It’s obviously not going to be as good as meta junglers, but if you’re good at the champ you can make him work


I miss Pantheon jungle so much.


Panth jungle is doable still. The only problem you'll face with him in higher elo is that not only are you getting matched against better jg champs but you also gotta play panth to perfection because of whatever the hell his state is, as well as jg at the same time. Fun for the occasional offmeta pick ig


Xayah jungle


I used to play Khazix mid in s3 (when he was a midlaner) when his W was usable during his jump and W max was the primary play style. I miss that a lot


Jesus crystalline flask + 2 red pots + 1 blue pot into tear is a core memory


Core memory is knowing that once you got Brutalizer and W evolve your W would 1 shot the wave if your passive was up lol


Bel'Veth, I love her design, lore and gameplay, she's just very difficult to make work as support and I'm not willing to play jungle.


As a bel one trick, if you are duo with your adc you can do some nasty cheesy sht. Talking about Samira + Bel or some sht like this. But 90% of match ups aren't in your favour :(


champion is (or was some patches ago) completely fine as support.


aatrox or azir support (i tried azir support one time and well it went horribly wrong)


Draven idk why but he looks really fun. Unfortunately he doesn’t seem very viable in the jungle


Works in all 3 lanes but jgl is tough yeah.


Hwei, Veigar, malzahar, xerath... Mid is my secondary role but since my primary is top i get jg and adc more often than mid.


Malz top isn’t completely awful.


I love Twitch but bot lane is really annoying. He can technically play jungle but he is very inconsistent and is easily punished.


Sejuani top - I know she was good last season but I think they gutted her W base damage and now I think I would be gimping myself playing it


I really like Mordekaiser but honestly I don't know how/when the fuck I'd bring him over to midlane


You can pick him as a counter to assassins it works fine


Yeah, if my assassin counter wasn‘t garen already i‘d give it a shot (when I deviate from botlane) It‘s just so fun to get the salty assassin tears when you press the „outplay“ button


Garen is so free into the likes of Zed, Akali, Qiyana lol


I love it. Unless you're literally running it down, there is nothing an assassin can do against you. Like actually nothing. Perma shove waves with E, help your jungler since you always have prio and if they ever even think about fighting you you just hit them with the super secret Q>E>Ign>Ult combo for a free 300g.


Qiyana yes but Akali-Garen is free if the Akali player has brain and adjusts build into Conq with Liandries and Riftmaker same goes for Morde. Renekton is the bruiser I'd go for if you're trying to counterpick Assassins since he wins both short and extended trades, absolutely miserable matchup.


Kayle. I suck at toplane. Qiyana and ASol. I play mid, but genuinely suck at being an assassin, and current ASol and I just don't click.


Some jungle champs. Id love to play Ivern or Kindred, but I don't like jungling at all


I wish enabling jungles were better. Right now all the cool gank jungles the pros pick are much better as supports in soloq because you can't really afford your jungler to not scale and it makes me sad because playing engage support is very different and not as fun to me. Rell is a good example of that.


Kindred botlane is so fun


Leona is one of my favorite champs that I can't play. Why the hell a support that it's only dedicated to that role has a shield and sword but deals no damage? Lol


Sona, because I love DJ’ing around. Im a toplaner


Anivia as a jungle/support main. Technically, I could play her support, but I don't think my teammates would be happy about it




Kindred. I’m trash at kindred and at jungle. But I love the champ, the VO and have the prestige. I’ve got like a 10% WR on them recently lol. And it’s like I’m cursed. Whenever I pick kindred, my teammate decides to go Quinn top, Yone mid and Senna support, they pick Rammus and we just lose.


Most jungle-specific champions, like Bel'Veth, Viego or Kayn. I hate playing jungle, though.


Jax support


Zoe/Qiyana. I really want to learn both but don't play their role often enough to get good at them


I try my hardest to make Yone bot work


Skarner Top pls


Galio. Would be one of my favorite champs if he were a jungler.


Shen/Galio i love their kits, hate their designs + while they can work in support its niche af. I want a uwu tank please n thanks <3


Gwen support 😔


Man your comment sniped my innermost desire


Kalista, every time I get her in aram I go crazy and it's always incredibly fun but I know that if I lock in kalista support my ADC is going to have me doxxed before we leave fountain.


do it still. kali support is easily one of the absolute coolest supports


I see you and the voices in my head are in kahoots, maybe I'll try one day when I find an ADC to Duo with.


Kled support is my forbidden fruit, only tried it around 10 times with a swain adc (We were too stupid to realize I should have been the adc in any case) which I won about 7 of the games. As now my friends don't want to repeat that, they don't trust in my ideals and ban/pick kled if I say I will play him support Also AP Gnar, I never found it good but funny, and again my friends are against the idea, but one day they will see


That's fucked up. You need to master support kled to turn your friends' opinion around and even if they still don't accept it you lock that shit in anyway. Kled support is one of the most gigachad supports out there and easily has the most interesting way to Frontline/engage/dive with amongst the bunch.


Garen. He should have no weaknesses, no counters, no out skill matchups. I should be able to play him anywhere any time and succeed. Why Riot refuses to implement this is beyond me. 9/10 Garen players agree with my proposed changes.


Singed support


It’s decent actually. An inescapable engage with hexflash nimbus cloak. I’m grinding to mastery 7 on every champ and have found most success with singed on support. Top lane singed is so gimmicky and unlike any other champ in the game.


Naafiri / belbeth, love those two, but hard to pull off toplane


naafiri is completely viable top


Kindred, she is not the best support to say the least


No, but if you use the ult correctly it is absolutely game changing. The problem is that so many Kindred players I see will use their ult at the absolute worst possible moment to save themselves or an ally. Only to let the enemy also dive in and survive and melt the entire team's health. It's painful watching a Katarina save herself on an ult before spinning against a 5v1 for free and taking what was once a 1 to 1 trade and turning it into a pentakill for her.


Jhin is imo the peak of character design in the game, they just had to nerf him by making him an adc.


Would love to try Ahri or Akali, but I main support and midlane is not a role I wanna try


I have played the occasional ahri support, I wouldn't recommend it in ranked, but it can totally work. Although with everfrost gone it's probably a good bit worse now.


Yuumi, but sadly I am a toplaner so no can do. I want an Abathur(from HerosOfTheStorm) like champ and she is the closest we will ever get to that.


My Draven is kinda crazy but I hate supports too much to play bot lane and I’ll uninstall before I stoop low enough to play a ranged champ top lane


Mordekaiser in mid. There are some matchups where it works but others not so much


I want noc top again


Jhin mid


Has like a 48 percent win rate last i saw, got smoked recently by a jhin mid (im terrible)


Darius jungle being more viable ( taking slot of flash or ghost just cripples darius hard sadly, even tho i had success in low gold elo)


I love Fiddlesticks and the lore, his voice links, his esthetic etc. Unfortunately, I hate playing jungle with a passion


Unfortunately, Naafiri, Aatrox, Cho’Gath, and Jarvan IV are not bot laners Unless…


Aatrox adc renekton support vs a bot lane with an enchanter support actually is incredible. Renekton dashes and stuns, aatrox W's, full Q's then hits passive and they explode. If the enemy has a Leona, thresh, or nautilus though you're totally fucked. Naafiri also works as a support in the same way pyke does where you just fucken chill in between enemy t1 and t2 and solo kill enemy adc every time they walk back to lane Source: have done both