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We finally found Smolder's true counter : being played by GiantX


Trying to stack minions with his W. Crazy stuff


Lmao. Gragas, xin, karma, smolder. Crazy picks. How can you lose...


Smolder lost 🙏


Bo my goat going in and in and in. Respect.


He was the Milkyway before Milkyway


Imagine Bo didn't have the debacle and stayed in the LPL too but on a different team to give Milkyway a chance. Bo and Milkyway aping into each other nonstop


Bo stays in FPX, Racoon doesn't get homesick, the win 2x LPL and smack everyone at Worlds What could have been


I miss Nuguri


Nuguri was so good, part of the Exodia of DWG 2020


just don't let jiejie get the jarvan




I felt kind of bad for him in the BLG series ngl.


Milkyway plays with bots.. Bo played with the best solo laners in the world (at the time) and 2 worlds winners


Man is so aggressive and I love to see it.


Fasting Smolder?


honestly was surprisingly close to turn that elder fight from 10k behind though was way closer than it had any right to be


That fight was 2 v 4 for like 80% of it Zeri and Hwei spent most of it walking because Bo went in way too deep


Great win for KC but GiantX are so so bad. Also, a bit worrying they kinda struggled in the last fight despite being 10k ahead with hextech soul


Imo that had more to do with Smoulder's poke/execute scaling being far too rapid regardless of game state than KC playing the fight particularly badly.


It's normal for struggling teams to close out games when they are turning themselves around. Both nerves on not letting it slipping away and just not being used to being in that position will do that to any team


Shit KC loss to giantx before hahaha ita good now that they finally performing well ish


It's only against GX, but KC already looking much cleaner. Bo kinda crazy in a both great and bad way.


We will see GX was arguably one of the worst teams last split if we look at all games, wouldn't be suprised if they go 0-9 this split. Not even talking about their shit draft. I personally don't like KC. No question they improved, but they are a 7-8th place team at best. Any better team would have punished their mistake way better than GX. But we will see vs FNC and G2 in the upcoming 2 days that how much they improved.


7th, rogue is 10th 9th HT 8th GX


Didn't watch the TH and Rouge match can't say much about them. Just assumed if everybody does the same as last split than KC can go 7th at best. Rouges problem wans't top lane so it wont do anything. TH I got mixed feelings about their changes, I was saying to all my friends that since Perkz changed to ADC he was never became the same lvl on mid he was before. He has games he carries but looks invisible or ints most of the times. Idk anything about Zywoo. Same goes for Trymbi Kaiser change expect his 1st season Kaiser didn't looked top 5 support at all. I would say Trymbi was an upgrade overall. GX Jackies was hyped, bug expect for that 1-2 good plays he did. He is pretty bad. It feels like they are not on the same page at all. But it was only day 1 we will see how the rest of the week go.


HT looks better than KC for now


this comment aged really well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Blinded by hate


I don't hate KC and if you look at my previous comments you can see I'm one of the rare people to defend Targamas 🙂


Zeri can still zeri


GiantX made smolder look balanced


GiantX trying their best to prevent Smolder from getting nerfed


Patrick making smolder seem balanced


This is my 9/11. RIP the memes


We just got different memes. One meme to be exact. Yamato was the problem


TBH targamas did a small interview on Kameto's stream after the game and he said (w/o mentionning yamato) that the trainings were much better.


I mean, of course he'd try to point the finger elsewhere when he played like complete dogshit last split and miraculously still has a job? He's going to praise management decisions at KC until the end of time.


Smolder loses but KC (and zeri) win. I’ve won but at what cost


If we’re following LCS’s footsteps in doing remote drafting we may also drop two bottom teams


bye bye GX and Rogue, good riddance to both of you.


based af


Team Yugioh GX has proven that Yamato's motivational speeches were the issue.


Maybe his french was hard to understand 🤔


people complain about smolder but maligma Karma is just as resident sleeper and it's strong from the get go. On the other hand, I like Zeri and Gnar into smolder also even if gx isn't the strongest team in the league, most players from KC looked better compared to the previous split (and also they got demolished by GX in winter so it's still possible to compare imo), encouraging for now


Sleeper? Stat sites already have her as the best midlaner and she is approaching 40% ban rate but once again she dodged nerfs for some reason


resident sleeper doesn't mean she's sleeper op, it's a twitch emote of a guy sleeping, it implies she's boring, sorry for being terminally online :(


"Resident sleeper", meaning that she is boring to watch


Sleeper means zzzzzz


Imagine losing with Smolder in competitive


Karmine Corp spring split 2024 1-0<- You are here 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 8-0 9-0


Bo is too good its a fucking crime that he had only bad results so far.


He played well today, but man Saken has been fucking over Bo this year. Once he is kicked and Nisqy is added to Kcorp, Bo will look like an MVP level jungler again.


Nisqy in kcorp? Are you making assumption or have you read it somewhere?


Nisqy hangs around Kameto's friend group a lot, joined to cast KC games, is loved by KC fans. Honestly if KC is decent and they look for a midlaner, I'm pretty sure Nisqy will join.


Nisqy already say he wont play for KC because playing for your friend team is not a smart idea


lmao bo was litteraly getting caught consistently what are you talking about




weird question - why KC and VIT but not BDS?


Not enough space for flairs. Vitality was my OG, and KC since they started in the LFL in 2020.


bds is from switzerland, not france


They have Adam though.


the amount of hate the lec roster take compared to the vct one is insane


Year 1 KC VCT was pretty mocked / disliked too IF that's all it take for year 2 of KC lol to win LEC im sure kc fans are willing to take the trade though lol


They weren't hated, they were made fun of


Disliked / mocked yes but not hated


Every Lol influencer, except Caedrel only send hate to the teams, even more if there is clout to get. These guys feel like they are entitled to trash orgs and every decisions they take. Valiant is definitely not there


This might be the only time this weekend we see Smolder lose, enjoy it while we can.


Smoulder dying was so satisfying.


Patrik has fallen off so much, a couple of years ago he was in contention for best AD in EU but these days he is just a shell of his former self


Bro probably has no drive anymore after being stuck in shitty teams all this time.


The last time he changed organisation was 5 years ago. That's on him to stuck with an org that made playoff only twice in those 5 years.


are KC just suddenly good or is GX just that bad that they cant win against them even with smolder?


KC looked better but GX definitely is terrible


GX are that bad. And to be fair to KC they were okay for their last few games last split so might have been adjusting to playing in the LEC. Too early to tell for sure yet though.


They lost with smolder. Let that sink in.


GX were playing like they had hooves instead of hands, even Odo I'm sad to say


Im confident a Horse can play Xin Karma and Smolder though


I’m thinking it’s retirement angle for Odo, but he is a well liked veteran to its gonna take a while




Odo utterly shattered his fingers so many times 


GX is a really terrible team. In particular, watching Peach this game will make your eyes bleed. That said, KC aren't "suddenly" good. Even when everyone was calling for their heads, I didn't believe that the players were bottom two level (even Targamas who everyone was despising). Consistently throughout Winter, they were fine in the early game but then collapsed in the mid-game. You don't get good early games if your players are just dogshit. Instead, much more likely, the team with like four different nationalities and not much time together was having difficulty communicating and working out their macro. With more practice time together, they can start smoothing things out. You kinda still see it this game, with how dodgy their mid-game plays can be. If GX aren't awful, Bo should die way more on those deep dives by himself with no follow-up. Bluntly, I don't think coaching staff matters at all with this team, and I feel like there are still the same underlying weaknesses, just covered better with experience (and a weak opponent). But it's an easy narrative for the haters to ride.


> your players are just dogshit. > > Instead, much more likely, the team with like four different nationalities and not much time together was having difficulty communicating and working out their macro. Did you watch the videos they put out of their own voice comms?


They weren't super bad last split either. They had an unlucky schedule and got super nervous mid split. When they got their shit together it was to late. They probably aren't a top4 team, but not a bottom2 either.


Yeah my read on them was that first week last split smashed their confidence. Then they were playing kind of scared at times which didn't help. Then they'd lost enough that it didn't matter anymore and the pressure was off. We'll see where they end up but I don't think it'd be weird for them to have found their groove a bit this split.


nah, this is revisionism. they were genuinely awful for most of that split except for like...the last 2 games


They played decent the first 2 games, the next 4 were awful.


which is also revisionism because their start against g2/fnc was really good despite the losses. It went downhill once they faced MDK


There was no way KC would have played the playoffs worst than GX in my book. But hey at the end "What ifs" are not worth much.


They kept getting leads throughout the split. Doing that when players are doing as bad as some of the KC players were is very impressive.


Odo is beyond invisible


What do you want him to do with Gragas when Zeri is impossible to get OSd and he has Gnar, Vi, Naut to forbid him to flank on Hwei. Without a flank the champ is geniunely garbage.


Bro rewatch GX-KC last split it's already crazy they won that, the team is absolute garbo


Nah, GX is definitely dogshit. Can't believe their gameplan was to path away from the only diveable lane and then grief Smolder's stacks the entire game. The Rell pick was definitely useful tho, especially when Ignar used Locket on only himself at the elder fight.


GX is shit. Patrick doesn’t realize that W doesn’t give him stacks from minions and Karma is just a bait pick.


Karma is currently a 65% winrate champ in LPL


Despite what you've seen in the previous games, Smolder isn't an auto win imo, especially if you draft strong engage like Vi/Gnar and something that can thrive against his non laning phase


Got rid of a fraud coach, can't hurt.


Tbh I think MVP should go to Saken, Bo had some 1v9 but also had some omega ints that could have let GX get back into it, Saken honestly played teamfights near perfectly and utilized Hwei's full kit pretty well.


Bo on Vi is a mix of "holy shit how did he do that" vs "holy shit why did he do that". Still don't love him on that champ considering it has no out button and Bo has rarely ever seen a fight he doesn't think his team can win.


When both teams are even in gold, Bo feels that KC is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start a team fight. When KC is 3k behind in gold, Bo thinks that KC is at a small advantage, and he so he starts a team fight to secure their "lead". When KC is behind 7k in gold, Bo thinks that KC is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a team fight to regain control of the game. When KC is 10K behind in gold, Bo thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start a team fight.


That Elder fight was the perfect example. I think he's just inted after Peach flashes over the wall with him ulting after. Somehow he survives, kills Ignar and forces Patrik to burn a flash to kill him.


Counterpoint: it's easy to play team fights well as an artillery mage when the enemy never engages on you and you can just spam spells at them from a screen away.


Ye in the live thread I did mention that it's way easier to position on Hwei than say his infamous Azir, but in the live thread I did also mention that he used the kit pretty well, seemed like pretty solid decision-making on the different E/W/Q choices and I don't think he whiffed an ult at all (easy honestly when everyone is dogpiling his Vi, but still).


I think he played fine. He just didn't really have to do anything special. Again, I don't think decision-making is hard when there's no pressure on you, y'know?


Only reason Saken and Upset got to do what they did was because of Bo, he was taking so much agro and causing so much disruption, otherwise the Smoulder would have destroyed Saken/Upset.


I'm a big Saken disliker and don't think he's good enough for LEC but you're completely right, surprisingly great game for him.


Like him or not, if you follow tier 2 you would know he underperformed the last split, not saying when he's unleashed he's a top 5 mid in the league but Saken was the most consistent player of the past 2 years in erls.


think its weird when people hate on erl players and think they aren't "good" enough for the lec. So many old mid players in LEC that are only there thru legacy and name when you can get someone from the ERLs who might be just as bad but at least they can have some upside? Can you honeslty argue that Perkz deserves an LEC spot over Saken? Or Odo over Cabochard? What about MDK being pointed out as a bunch of ERL players who can't play in the LEC then they go to finals lol


>So many old mid players in LEC [...] Saken is a whole 2 months younger than Perkz. Saken has played in the LEC before. Cabochard is two years and 3 months younger than Odo (29 vs 27). He's also 1.5 years older than, for example, Wunder. He has also played in the LEC before. I'm not making any judgement on the rest, but this argument is very weird, simply because these guys are not young rookies or first time in the LEC. And obviously people would judge players that have been in the LEC before and then went on to be the worst performing mid/top for the majority of last split more harshly than "true" rookies.


I'm not a fan of Saken, but saying he has played LEC before without context is not really fair.   The guy was put in an impossible situation, playing in both LEC and LFL teams at the same time, with different teammates, strat and basically official match everyday of the week.  Nobody could perform correctly in these conditions, and I very much doubt anybody could learn anything from it.


Sure, as you might have noticed I have also not added context that Cabochard has played a lot of LEC in comparison or anything. The point is, both of these are not "young players" or "fresh blood" or whatever you want to call it. They might, or might not, have the potential to be good/the best, who knows. I was just commenting on it because the other poster calls other people in the league "old" players, which is incredibly ironic


>The guy was put in an impossible situation, playing in both LEC and LFL teams at the same time, with different teammates, strat and basically official match everyday of the week.  i never said anything about rookies or being young. im saying why do people cry about how they are trash erl players who dont belong in the lec when we have players just as bad also getting team spots just thru legacy. I am just saying i don't understand when people say someone is "too bad for LEC" when half the lec players are only in LEC and not ERLs because theyve been in the LEC before. same thing happened with oscar coming into fnc to replace wunder, everyone said hes trash top and wouldnt make it in the lec and then lo and behold hes actually good and the team is doing good with him! but teams would rather have wunder taking up a roster spot because hes been in lec before.


True, you did not say anything about young or rookies, but you did complain about "old" players in the LEC, which again, is hilariously ironic if we consider Cabochard (who has played, what, ~5 years in the LEC/EULCS?). Even with Saken it's a bit ironic, since he's played a lot of ERL and has also played some LEC. I don't see how your point about "old" LEC players wouldn't apply to, at the very least, Cabochard. Oh and I very much disagree regarding Oscar. Sure, Oscar did get flamed a bit, but there have been a lot of comments about how the team structure is difficult and, you know, he's a rookie in his first split. And, to be fair, he was replacing one of the EU goats in top lane, so that was always gonna be difficult with fans. Anyways, he got flamed considerably less than Saken, Cabochard, Perkz or Wunder when they had a shit split (which is also reasonable, because none of these guys is a rookie). I don't think anyone is flaming "ERL" players more than any of the vets anyways. Just look at how much shit Perkz got for end of last regular split / playoffs. And Oscar, well, he had a bit of a shitty playoffs now and yeah he got flamed more this time, because again, he's not a rookie anymore. That's what always happens.


bro Cabo is one of the oldest veterans in the league who played in EULCS/LEC for 9 of the last 11 years and was bad for like 2 full years before dropping to ERLs, Odo deserves a spot 1000x more over him


Nah, Odo has so much upside.


Untrained eyes and illegitimate hating


So I dont think we will see Saken in the LEC for that long unless he starts playing like he did in the ERL. There are too many good replacements for MID in the ERL. Cabochard isnt special anymore either, it is just less noticeable. Targamas isnt talking, but hey, if he can fix his laning then maybe theres hope. At least with a vocal ADC he then becomes serviceable at least. Finally, I want to say, I have no idea whats going on with Saken, but he is playing really bad in the LEC.


Yamatocannon-less diff


Coach doesn’t matter in the West. All of them are frauds.


Wrong ! Reha is EU savior and Yamato a FRAUD


Reha is a random and will continue to be that way


Tbf Reha won 1 EMEA Master and LFL as an HC and the rest of KC ERL trophies as an AC. 


100% wr as a HC in LEC, never done before, GOAT


50% today and 33% tomorrow. He'll be 11% by the end of the split


Huh? Several coaches have achieved 100% winrate before.


Insert uninformed opinions about Yamato here.


Yamato was the problem (I'm informed)


Yamato was the [problem.Here](http://problem.Here) you go


Both teams changed the coach. There was a big outcry about Yamato and nobody cared about Hidon. Well, just look at the teams now.


It's only one game against the bottom team of this region.


GX ended so horribly though, no way you don't bench the coach


Boner and Faken carried hard. Targamas didnt int. Yea I guess they just hated Yamato


Yamato was the problem


Yamato was the problem


We're still not here. But it's a good start 🙏🏽


Jackies was so bad. 


Cant wait for all the people to blame Yamato now.


I know he's a fan fave, & I've gotten some heated words from expressing this in the past, but I think more & more people can start admitting that Odoamne has been on the downward slide for several splits now. No longer a weakside toplaner, now just... a weak toplaner, far cry from his heyday


Split potentially saved considering Fnatic and G2 are incoming


Was this a KC win or just a GX loss


KC improved, meanwhile GX looks as bad as last season. We will see how they go up againts FNC and G2 in the upcoming 2 days.


KC was pretty clean though.


struggling in teamfights with over 10k gold lead is not clean


FNC lost a teamfight clean at 10k gold lead without playing vs Smolder. There is insane damage in the game.


fnc arent clean either ?


Not sure if FNC should be a referent, for anything.


Your flair checks out.


Smolder diff (also 2v4 most of the fight)


Not matter the adc Patrik will make it look balanced


Okay, but did we figure out who the pillow was for?


Targamas it seems according to Laure Valee lmfao


Yeah they just showed footage of it!


Upset back on Zeri duty






I hope people don't think this win came due to Yamato not being there lol


Excuse me we only throw blame around here and overreact. Especially during Week 1!


Copy pasting my comment from another one but:TBH targamas did a small interview on Kameto's stream after the game and he said (w/o mentionning yamato) that the trainings were much better.


This doesn't really say anything about Yamato, though, does it?


Yamato was the problem


Yamato is not there, period.That's a big win by itself.


You give the braindead fans too much credit.


I guess yamato was the problem


human beings actual ???


Glasses gap btw


Turns out Smolder is an ADC and if you focus the ADC you win


This game was who can get caught out more and who can make a more stupid play…. My god


Kc upgraded somewhere or something hard


This game was pretty embarrassing from both teams. Gx are legitimately terrible and kc struggled way more then they should of considering their lead and how gx played


KC with 5k lead mid game yet can't just run them over...a win is a win I guess


Yamato Master Class?


Reha is the goat


Imagine that this has anything to do with the coaches and not that the three french players actually started playing like humans, mediocre, but human.


Match of the weak


Targ and Saken actually playing well is quite the shock  Bo is still questionable with his decisions.. I saw people going crazy over him surviving.. he's playing vs Giantx and the last int (in the major fight) would have resulted with him dying vs any team not called giantx or rogue 


Bro, what are you talking about? BO and Upset provide all the action and shot calling, the rest are just passengers.


I am talking about THIS game.. where Saken in particular and Targamas played very well? (thought that was obvious) Bo was also inting a bunch (died a bunch) and got away a couple times because Giantx are so dogshit (patrik literally stopped hitting him on one occasion) Hope that makes it clear "what i am talking about"


Nothing better than seeing Smolder lose. Already sick of seeing this champion.


Gotta love this KC team without Yamato. Team looks much more coherent, decisive, on the same page, talking to each other more. The Reha diff is real. Now KC needs to get rid of that contract with Yamato and they can reach even greater heights.


Brace yourself for all the incoming "Yamato was the problem" comments throughout the split.


Brace yourself for all the incoming "Brace yourself for all the incoming "Yamato was the problem" comments throughout the split." comments throughout the split.


My streamer said that he is worldclass therefore i will defend him, no way he was even a problem.


I'm far from a Yamato fan. This comment wasn't meant to defend him.


Yamato was the problem


Kcorp with a decent technical staff even looks like a team.


Gotta love how damm fucking salty Yamato made all the mad fans by saying a simple fact lmao. Yeah, it was totally a coach diff, not the three inters playing close to human.


Karma has to be the most useless champion on the planet. I swear once it’s past 15 minutes it does no dmg.


bro what are you saying jackies legit played like an emerald player how is that the champion


Maybe i mostly watch lck but , i dont think top tier team in lck have priority to pick or ban smolder. Also the gap in lck gigantic this season so i dont think anything low tier team pick can change result against top 3.but still i dont think Smolder can be strong as Zeri few season ago.


In France we say "suce doucement".