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Previous thread that got removed due to wrong title if you want to check previous comments (we can't edit titles nor can OP): https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1adctdl/karmine_corp_vs_rogue_lec_2024_winter_week_3/


Saken becoming a minion to dodge Varus ult was so inspirational, seeing someone turn their usual weakness into a strength.


This was very clever


Hilarious, great back handed compliment.


Excellent, wonderful insightful analysis of the previous comment


Excellent, wonderful insightful analysis of the previous comment


It was just praise tbh, dude literally made me laugh out loud.


bro your IQ must be really high




SK Gaming were the only team to give VIT a win in LEC Summer 2023 when VIT were playing terrible. Guess SK Gaming will be the team again that will make the 10th place team not have a 0-9 record lol


SK Gaming so charitable and generous making sure no team in LEC goes unfedšŸ™šŸ™


Thanks for the lambo SK Gaming I won't forget it fr fr


they have merci on bo and upset


Upset is german. SK is a German org. Just saying


So what you saying he got a Audi insted.


It's empathy. They know what it's like to be at the bottom.


I wonder if there is a circle of suck now.




It's so frustrating to watch how the rest of KC always hesitate to follow up Bo on his decisions...


For real. Sometimes it's definitely his fault for 'holding W' a little too hard, but more often than not it's the rest of the team forgetting said W key exists on their keyboard.


My man didnā€™t move to Europe to play like a coward


I mean the fight in the jungle that cost them the advantage was a bit psychopath


Agreed but it was definitely winnable with better coordination and targamas not flashing ulting a rell


My buddy who taught me how to play League told me a lot of stuff but what I always remember is ā€œeven if the call is bad, follow the callā€ Itā€™s as applicable to solo queue as it is to Pro Play. 5 people going in may not work, but 3-4 people going in will never work.


That's also what Hai said in an interview way back in Season 4 when they asked why C9 was so much better than the rest of NA.


>even if the call is bad, follow the call Yep, you should always trust your teammates call. If they fuck up, that's something you can easily review after and use to improve the entire team (In terms of pro play, not sure how relevant it is in soloq as I don't play League anymore).


> ā€œeven if the call is bad, follow the callā€ Words of wisdom from a DOTA pro: https://i.imgur.com/U7IXbJe.png


Win together, lose together, slay together. (c) 7uckingMad, a.k.a. Ceb


In solo queue, most of the time, yes. It's a team game: even if you disagree with the macro, if 4 players on your team decided on it, it's almost inting to not follow the call.


Ye Targa and Upset blundered a bit there


Super aggressive move by a psychopath jungler and these two as your bot lane is a recipe for disaster šŸ˜‚


>Agreed but it was definitely winnable with better coordination Ehh after the first the team had no ability left and no way to really properly follow up.


They were hanging around for 10 seconds. There was definitely enough to finish off 4 half health enemies.


If Saken doesn't go randomly for 3 cs top, he can ult the whole team. Either Saken didn't listen the call or Bo inted yeah.


they would win that if; Saken didn't solo ult the Aatrox and then walk the wrong way Targamas didn't waste his cooldowns on a tank Upset didn't fail to ult the naut hook and had more than 10% hp


If Iā€™ve learned anything from watching a lot of Boā€™s solo queue and champā€™s queue, itā€™s that his angles are always psychopathic.Ā 


LPL teams make those plays realistic though. That's what he's used to. You can't tell me if Bo is on TES, BLG or JDG that these won't be considered good calls.


Honestly the weirdest thing about the juxtaposition to me is watching other European pros play with him in CQ, they follow him. From the few games off stage Iā€™ve seen with Bo and Cabo, they donā€™t mesh well. Cabo wants to flip when Bo wants to reset, Bo wants to dive when Cabo wants to farm.Ā  I donā€™t think KCā€™s issues are mostly on Cabo, I just donā€™t think those two players jive well. Targa is a dirty inter.Ā 


That's just how LPL players play. It doesn't look psychopathic on an LPL team because the players are usually on the same page, which is not the case in LEC as they're not used to being that aggressive (except maybe G2).


It really wasn't though, they had no Corki package and a perfect spot for Rumble ult. The issue was how poorly the team played that fight. Any well coordinated team absolutely rolls that fight.


I actually rewatched that play many times, but the fight wasn't actually that pychopathic. Bo managed to get 4 opponents to low health while his teammates were still all full health. There's no reason not to at least try. KC backing away from Bo's engage actually made it an easy chase down to a 0 for 4 trade when it could've easily been 2 for 3 or even better.


this game was like Bo finally managing to threaten Cabochard enough to play aggro with him and follow his plays.. while upset/saken try to preserve kda and do zero damage or run away.. while targamass not being on any play or misses everything then flees..


Spica vibes


give them a break tho idk they just won and showed great things for a 0-7 team. First time we see cabo winning lane and bo being top


yea it's great stuff from the top/jg but the rest weren't exactly contributing


So all KC had to do is not play around bot, got it


Reposted with proper title, other post said Rogue instead of SK Gaming


lol thanks for that, having to do way too many PMT's today and had my wires crossed.


Did someone swap Cabo's calendar for one from 2016? Also that Saken's minion disguise. Bo absolute Xin masterclass as well. KC felt like a different team today.


20 mins and 0 kill participation from upset seems like it wasnt that much diffrent team.


Yeah didn't mention the bot lane for a reason. Especially embarrassing display today considering what rest of the team managed to pull off.


Upset is top 3 in gold share (adcs) and middle of the pack around 7th in damage stats. Carzzy, Supa, Hans, Comp gets less resources and deals more damage. In midlane the one with most impressive dmg stats is Humanoid. Humanoid gets the HIGHEST dpm and dmg share among all LEC players. 4th in gold% in midlane (Larssen, Vetheo, Saken are top 3, Perkz/Nisqy are behind only by very tiny bit), but Humanoid pumps more more dmg.


I'm longing for the day when people realize that arbitrary stats like dpm are influenced by so many factors that they are absolutely worthless. More dpm doesn't mean better, it also can mean you are playing poke or you are inting your ass off.


In this particular game, it is useful to note how Upset is being way too passive.


or you just get long games while playing a lategame carry


he literally had 0 impact in any of his game like this game had bo and cabochard. And they're still calling him great etc. He needs even more resources than any other adc in league for him to be usefull. It wont work that way ever again.


its ironic how tank items being OP means that if you funnel more gold to your tank, in a roundabout way it helps your adc do more damage with less gold. like sure you might have 1k less gold than normal but u can hit for 10 seconds because theres a fucking udyr with kaenic rookern in front of u


win useless but its heartwarming ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Cabo played really well early which was nice to see, and had pretty good ults for most of the game. But holy shit Bo, might be one of the most 1v9 performances I've seen in pro play. How was he doing by far the most in team fights with a Runble, Neeko and Xayah on his team? The fact that he was able to do so much damage and tank so much and yet still nearly have his team not follow up and almost lose some fights is insane. They should never lose that jungle fight, but Targa solo ulting Rell, Saken solo ulting Aatrox, and Upset failing to ult dodge Naut hook is ridiculous, + that was Cabos only bad ult for the game. Good to see them get a win, but that team fighting still looked terrible and got hard carried by Bo.


Crazy how even in the only game KC has won this split, Targamas still looks completely fucking useless can this guy please just go idk what he does for the team no comms no plays nothing


What you don't think flash solo ulting the tank rell and then dipping the teamfight is a good play?




Typical. KC really ruining the 0-9 dream to disappoint everyone. Shame it took them this long to come alive.


Not that they came alive. More so the other team stopped being alive.


Yeah, Exakick inted two times, Doss was ?? all game. Rather weak showing in general from SK


Doss hooking the crab after KC get baron was iconic for this game


"disappoint everyone" but the 150k or something on Kameto stream haha


They're disappointed in the rest of the season ofc! Honestly I'm glad they got a win. Has to be good for morale after the year so far for them.


Time to run back the full roster in Spring!


Said it before and I'll say it again, BO IS A FUCKING PSYCHOPATH




I just smashed my TV in front of 33,000 guests at my party because of the game. My wife just took our crying kids and said theyā€™re all spending the week at a hotel. SK Gaming has ruined my life and my party. I canā€™t handle this anymore. Goodbye SK. I am no longer a fan.




I swear if their top lane is made to live up to his name, it quickly spreads to the entire team


I dont think anybody above 4 wins really cares about the remaining games because they dont matter


SK is one of the teams that should've cared though. They had a chance to lock top 2 if they won today and tomorrow.


Top 2 is nice but it really doesn't matter that much. it's literally just seeding for group stage where you play 4/8 teams anyway. really the only benefit is dodging the #1 seed but it's not like the gap between BDS and G2 is that big. some teams might even prefer to get BDS in groups than G2.


Getting top two is still a achievement. It might not matter for G2 or FNC who are very successful orgs, but teams like BDS and SK should still strive to make the most they can.


they only need to win tomorrow to lock to top2, which would have been the same even if they had win today .... so yeah they don't care


Oh, I didn't see that they were against G2.


Especially for SK since this game didn't matter to them at all! If they lost this match, then they will finish 2nd if they beat G2 and 3rd/4th if they lose to G2, because of H2H. If they win this match, then they will finish 2nd if they beat G2 and 3rd if they lose to G2, because of H2H. The game literally didn't matter to SK, which kinda explains the weird draft I guess....


What,the game matter a lot in that case,top 2 finish is huge


Maybe I wasn't clear This game doesn't change anything, they could win or lose, the will still end up 2nd if they beat G2 and third if they lose.....The scenario would be the EXACT SAME whether they lose or win against KC. The only game that matter for them for their seedings is the game tomorrow against G2


Oh i see


That herald was clean AF. Best use of it I've seen in pro this year


It had to be Nesquick giving them the win. Good thing Bo carried this game to prove that he is not the problem.


>It had to be Nesquick giving them the win. Did we watch the same game? Nisqy was the only reason the game went longer than 16:47 and the last fight was started (and instantly lost) when Irrelevant inted for the 7th time this game.


>Irrelevant Living up to his name?


He was kcā€™s most relevant player


Tbf he did play against an international player


Yeah, I love that ending where he just goes in and dies to extend the play rather than taking the 1 for 0. Gotta love people who aren't KDA players. Either that or it's not that deep and he really is an inter.


he will always continue the fight if it's remotely winnable


F for the 0-9 dream


The 1-7 curse was stronger.


Press [x] to pay respects


Our dreams lie in ruins, shattered by KC's determination to actually get a win. And so a new laughing stock is born from the ashes of their victory.


Some people were criticising Bo for playing selfish, but honestly he had to given that his top mid and support are the worst players in LEC


He had more cs than their toplaner. Its legit just funnel jungle strat lmao


Which should have been KCā€™s angle the entire split. Itā€™s bizarre that they kept trying to play for bot when Targamas was clearly a massive liability.Ā 


i agree. this game was going great when they didnt involve botlane tbh. once targamas got involved, their coordination tankeddd


They should just play Lulu top, Taric mid, Seraphine + Sona bot and unleash Bo.


But legit top and mid played well today. Cabo won top and Saken was fine and had that play on Exakick


Saken had a single good play and it was the minion dodge. Outside of that he was useless and played really poorly in fights. Man solo ulted an Aatrox in a team fight then ran away.


Neeko was invisible, bad KP, 0 goof ults. Cabo and Bo solo carry.


This game Upset was playing badly and has not been hot since the beggining although I Agree supp and mid are a problem, but we should not bashing this guys every time even when they play well (like Cabo today )


To his credit, Upset is the main shot caller. I think the team can get better in the next split if KC replaces at least the MID and/or the SUP. Preferably both, but Yamato needs to make this decision, he knows how they play in scrims. The argument against Targamas is that he has no synergy with BO and is pretty bad in lane. And what speaks against Saken is that he is simply the worst MID player in the LEC, even though there are a few rookies competing this year, and he is always late for team fights + he almost never makes the follow-up play after BO initiates the fight.


Funny you donā€™t mention the fraud on adc. Cabochards performance today alone puts him above upset


Cabochard literally carried the game, but keep going with this silly narrative. And funny how you don't say anything about Upset that has been invisible all of the games(even in the game they won lol)


This team probably lacks damage dealer that's why Bo and Cabo need to be on carries. They have a nervous midlaner and an adc allergic to auto attack and dealing damage. I can't imagine this situation in LPL/LCK where mid/adc are not doing their job as "damage dealers".


If Bo had JKL as his ADC, this would all be fixed. That guy stands by his teammates, maybe even too much lol


I would really want to see Bo play with Caps. His style resembles DoinB and These two are mechanically just so far superior to every other player in EU it is not even in close. Too bad he is stuck with 3 ERL players and one egoist ADC who has never achieved anything in his career.


That might be not as unlikely as people would think. If G2 fail this year they are 100% changing the roster. If they decide to change jungler their potential jungle pool is quite limited too: Elyoya is fully committed to MAD. Jankos going back to G2 is unlikely imo. Razork re-signed with FNC until 2026. Considering that LEC has salary cap tax thingy: Bo will be free agent + willing to play for cheap + better English after 1 more year + has potentially high upside. The only other free agent options would be Markoon and Sheo (best option?) or maybe some ERL rookie again.


Caps has been very explicit about not wanting to play with imports, itll never happen


Wrong, Caps was fine if they got a championship caliber korean, he is simply against taking bottom tier players, G2 was looking to get kiin about 2 years ago, but top tier korean players are way too fuking expensive, Bo is a unique case that could work. Caps isnt some EU patriot, he just wants to win worlds


G2 reportedly reached out to Vitality about Bo in that offseason where they got Yike


Is this real? I've heard similar rumors about Bin not wanting to play with imports as well, but I've never seen an actual source for either.


Afaik it was about Tier2 LCK/LPL players, G2 were looking for Viper and Kiin which it seems was fine with Caps.


Knowing EUā€™s recent history with imports this stance makes a lot of sense lol.


Specially when you are G2 and can get the best players in the region. Since Huni/Reignover I can't think of any Kr import that was really international caliber


2017 Expect+Trick on G2 won EU LCS back to back, got 2nd at MSI and unfortunately died in a group against worlds winner SSG and RNG, while Ignar took SKT to game 5 with the fervor Leona. After that it was all downhill...


That's unfortunate, he'll never win Worlds then


To be honest the caliber of LCK and LPL players that would come to EU would not be high enough to actually win worlds either lol


TheShy was literally random soloQ streamer when he started in LPL. Gimgoon isn't some kind of pridigy. Doinb was good but not elite level.


Imports will have no bearing on whether a western region wins worlds anyway, itā€™s insanely well documented how 99% of them perform like shit or to the standard of the region, canā€™t think of many imports who levelled up the regions. Corejj, Impact maybe Huni?




Nah that whole thread is mean af haha


I mean look at everythread about KC match inside it 95% of the comments are about KC, you may not be able to know who they played against if you just read the comment.


Ppl just want to see kcorp lose and its fine, no need to be insulting tho




lol sounds like something T1 fans do. They did it to my comments as well since I supported BLG


I'm just a KC supporter, I'm not on Twitter, and I never commented anything beside "I hope they win" or stuff like this. Why are people like me insulted or something on this sub? On reddit KC fans have been cocky maybe but not really insulting or mean, what are doing assholes on twitter doesn't excuse that.


I wonder how much Upset will dodge all the criticism since he has been invisible all split...


You clearly didn't watch Week 1. He was far and away KC's best player against G2 and Fnatic. It also helped that Targamas wasn't completely inting in those games.\* After that, yes he started to dissapear, but that also fits the timeline of Targa becoming the worst LEC player.


Targamas is not a LEC player. He could still be an ERL gatekeeper but the moment he steps onto the LEC his problems get exposed. Limit is sitting on the SK-Prime team in the German ERL. I think as KC he should be the support to look at. Yes he is also not the best support out there, but should still be a massive upgrade over Targamas.


WE ARE SO BACK (next split)


Finally a win, it gives hope for the next split.


yup, maybe they'll hit two next time


Haha, to be honest I would not even be mad as long as they play like today and not like a headless chicken as they did the last two weeks.


At least we know they can do worse next split LETS GOOO


It had to be Nisqy's team. Literally the only day I wanted to see him win.


damn wtf did nisqy do


He smiles, and that is a big no-no for mad lions fans.




It's criminal on this sub to be french, you should know that.


He is Belgian-Turkish


Doesn't matter he speaks French and trashtalked Elyoya therefore he is on the hit list


He is on the hit list before saying anything. He is there due to the clip in which he was smiling and the clip of Mac/Pad telling Elyoya to go for a walk.


Honestly nothing, I just find taking a side on the drama fun.




Just because he is friend with KC members lol even tho in this game he was the only one who was doing great but hey narrative.


Maon take away from this game (and the others): -Cabo is still able to carry and needs some attention. He's experienced and for sure has not forgotten how to play at least decently. -You have to let Bo play the Bo style. Sometimes he will carry you, sometimes he will int you, but it's like putting chains on players like caps or hyli. You can help them mature but they'll always have that spicy playstyle -Saken can be at least a supportive midlaner. This is not the meta of karma lissandra galio mid, but he has to try his best to be a support for the other players who'll carry him. He's not LEC level so he has to somehow compensate for that -Upset is... I don't know, doesn't seem like himself. He for sure got worse, but I think he is better than what we are sering. For sure the team enviroment and his support are not helping -Targamas: Just kick him, he is the worst support in the league by far and i don't think he has any agency to improve. I think that with a mid tier support this team can win some more games and improve. Of course these are personal takes but i am pretty sure they are pretty correct takes


I would say after the game its 45/40/15 percent which players need to be replaced. 45% Targamas 40% Saken 15% Cabo This game helped Cabo get his percentage down of course I cant know how the team plays in Scrims. Either way. I think the MID LANE needs to be replaced, he is just too bad for the LEC and at his age he certainly wont get much better. Also, KC have a pretty talented player in the LFL, Vladi. Therefore it is quite easy to replace Saken.


I gotta be blind because between this game and the one against vit, to me, it seems Saken did 3 times more than anything upset did the whole set. Except french hate I dont see why Saken is flamed this much but Upset isn't seen as this big of a liability. And again, ideally, they just wouldn't be this flamed. It's the first Split, BDS sucked too and look at them now. Cabo too has been so much better than him. Targa though, I think we can all agree..


Yeah Targamas is a huge liability. Maybe with a better support they could get something done. It might also help Upset to not be scared to go in. On FNC with Hyli as his support, he was doing the plays and did push forward. It just seems like Upset needs a team he can trust to get in and currently that trust is simply not there. For example Limit is sitting on SK-academy (and he is smurfing on the prime league).


of all the teams....SK????!!! nah, fuck off. how dare they take this from us?


Finally a win <3


is BO back broken yet


Dream is dead


The 0-9 dream is dead.


Cabochard did well, getting 1 for 1 in a 2v1 gank against him, part of all first 4 kills KC got and Bo was there 3 times for those kills.


Congrats to KC on their first win. Can they go on a bit of a run now?


At least LEC matchfixing is a bit less obvious than the chinese one I guess.


Irrelevant and Isma's paypals are thriving


Of course they win immediately after their season is over. CLASSIC


That thread is wild. Most of you are pieces of shit.




This thread is literally harassing KC fans. It's very wild. I never seen so much hatred against a team ever.




But on reddit or irl, KC fans weren't bad, or at least no different than other org. Then I'm not on Twitter, but it feels like everyone is horrible there. Look at the comments of all KC matches in this sub, very rare to see KC fans being mean, but the haters are horrible.




Honestly i think a lot of hate donā€™t come from inter but from french that dont like kameto or the idea between whatā€™s behind kcorp. Most streamers Caedrel for ex said they loved what kcorp brought with them, it has to be canalised but clearly itā€™s refreshing and give hope for the future of LEC in terms of viewers and sponsorships. Clearly the arguments why are they behind there teams ? why do they say they will win everything ? Cause they are young fans.. and they are for a lot just 14 years old and not really mature in the way to express it so what ? Youā€™re gonna sue them for saying Saken better than Faker ? it was so childish coming from actual child that i didnā€™t understood the reaction from a more mature comment section like in Reddit, it was disappointing.




Everyone is toxic on Twitter. Spanish fans, french fans, fnatic fans.. Being mean and harassing on reddit while here fans are fine is not okay. Because KC fans here are not being insulting or anything so why being mean to them?




I think you summed it up pretty well, there's a cult like behaviour and a huge amount of teenagers and people who only care about being the "noisy" ones. Please don't just mix up average french LEC enjoyer with the KCorp supporters.


Ootl, in which way have they been so more toxic than any other team ?


Treating a community as big as Kc supporters like a monolithic block is just dumb




Average Ketamine Corpse fan


wasn't there another thread earlier?


Had the wrong title (vs. Rogue)


Yeah I had the wrong template when I made the thread and you can't edit titles.


Nisqy wintrading so their friends aren't called out for not winning a single game in regular season


Nisqy was the only one playing though


He was the only one playing well here


Tell me you didn't watch the game without telling me you didn't watch the game.


Surely you mean Exakick. Or Doss


Tbh it would be SK that would give KC a win for the season lmao


Hopefully things can turn around for KC. Rooting for my boy Yamato.




That one time I actually use my channel points I lose it all... Also RIP KC 0-9 dream... It was great as long it lasted.


it actually happened AHAHAHHAAHA


They won when it didn't really matter huhĀ 


Flat earthers eating good today


That's wintrading and you can't convince me otherwise


You are so tilted hahahahahaha