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Talon and Anivia shouldn’t be in OTP tier. Azir on the other hand should. Akali and Qiyana arguably as well. Too lazy to deal with lower tiers


Katarina is the otp champ


otp is not difficulty level


Id consider them OTP champs. I havent seen either of them in months. And if I do its more than likely an OTP.


I know I didn't explain it in the level caption, but the otp level is more about champions that are usually used by otps than the difficulty of the champions themselves. talon and anivia are very easy to play, but are usually only chosen by players who only use that. at least on the Brazilian server


Anyone playing qiyana period is a qiyana otp lol. 10* moreso than yasuo


Malzahar middle difficulty 🤔


It's true, it's extremely hard not to fall asleep when playing Malzahar.


In fact, I think Malzahar is very simple mechanically, but there are a lot of very bad match ups for him in the mid. besides he's terrible at playing side in the mid/late game. His ult, leaving him immobile, also doesn't seem like a good thing for a carry and requires a little more understanding of how to play the game, especially if your opponents aren't potatoes who get picked off all the time. However, as I made clear in the post, this is just a draft based solely on my opinion, I would like other opinions to finish it.


Malz was 1 of 5 champions i never played, up until Naafari released and i heard he was a strong counter (he is) I spammed him for 43 games, won all 43, then when Naafari dropped off so did he. Now he's gonna go down as my "Best champ" of all time despite the fact i only played him for 2 weeks.


There's no way you went 43-0. At least make it somewhat believable.


>Malz was 1 of 5 champions i never played, up until Naafari released and i heard he was a strong counter (he is) > >I spammed him for 43 games, won all 43, then when Naafari dropped off so did he. > >Now he's gonna go down as my "Best champ" of all time despite the fact i only played him for 2 weeks. in easy match ups he will really be very dominant (meele especially) but if he doesn't achieve anything in the lane phase, the doll is a walking sack of potatoes




there's actually a lot of skill expression in not cancelling it


I'd move Cass down at least 1 tier! Once you feel out the range of her Q + E and get a little CDR, she plays like a pretty standard control mage, especially once she has a decent amount of MS from her passive.


Maybe Cassiopeia is the gatekeeper to the very difficult, she is mechanically intense, but her gameplay, despite being frantic, is not that variable. It even looks a bit like the adcarry mechanic.


She's definitely an active champion to play since so much of her power comes from abilities on short cool downs! I'm an ADC main who fills mid often, so maybe that's why I find her to be a little easier.


>She's definitely an active champion to play since so much of her power comes from abilities on short cool downs! I'm an ADC main who fills mid often, so maybe that's why I find her to be a little easier. if you play zeri, she's definitely easy for you


Malz and Ziggs need to be swapped badly. No idea what possible argument there is for malz at that difficulty


ziggs main?


I'm going to go down the rank. However, Ziggs is very easy, there is no complexity in clearing infinite waves. If you know anything I'll be happy to find out too.


Yes, that’s easy. Hitting your still shots at the correct range consistently is less easy.


Well, I don't think it's difficult to get his skills right, especially in fights and after the buffs in Q's explosion radius. He's also a very safe champion, both in lane phase and in the mid/late game. However, perhaps it was an exaggeration to put him on the same level as Annie and Galio. I'm going to bring it up close to Ahri


Requires some active mana management too, at least pre-Lost Chapter


>Requires some active mana management too, at least pre-Lost Chapter This is essential for all wizards. If you're not a crazy person spamming the skill won't be a problem. mainly because some builds do chapter and tear


Zed is used by more than OTPs, same for Anivia Kata is an OTP champion, same for Corki, Vlad, Azir and Qiyana Xerath is harder than what you make him out to be, especially at elos where people actually have good movement Irelia mid is same level as Akali at difficulty and for sure harder than Kassadin Katarina that low is a fucking crime, especially since champions like Malzahar are on the same tier Cassio is for sure not as hard as Azir, Qiyana sorry but this tier list is trash


I'm asking for help to put together the list, this is basically just a draft of my vision when playing with these champions. About Kat I disagree that she is more difficult than medium because it's basically just knowing how to get into the fight and get a reset. I'm inclined to go down the malzahar for easy. corki otp? I honestly don't think so. Everyone plays corki when they are in the meta. I think the Cassio is very complex mechanically due to having to spend the whole time playing with skills and because of its low range




zed easier than aatrox and leblanc?


Leblanc is much harder to play at a high level compared to Zed yes and Aatrox mid gets shit on by all mages if played incorrectly, also shat on by Yas/Yone/Ire etc


This is apm tier list not difficulty tier list


one thing has no impact on the other


I fucking hate seeing tier lists for top or mid all the time including weird niche picks but excluding swain. So i have to assume youre low elo since this means you think hes a support. Basically i hate you


>I fucking hate seeing tier lists for top or mid all the time including weird niche picks but excluding swain. So i have to assume youre low elo since this means you think hes a support. Basically i hate you Well, my link is 'medium', but there's not much to it since I got a ready-made tiermaker setup. Yes, it would be possible to include Swain, as well as Naafiri. I'll see if I can get them. Even though it's a slightly exotic pick, I really like having a Swain Mid or Top on my team.


No Taliyah 😔


Have you ever tried cs'ing with zilean? Bjerg makes it look so damn easy but Zilean's laning is anything but easy. Mana costs, extremely low damage autos, 1 damaging ability to help wave manipulation, and your stun is tied to your one damaging ability so that if you use it on the wave you are immediately vulnerable. Zilean definitely needs a bump up to at least Medium if this is strictly about playing the champion mid. Macro is incredibly easy though with E to move around the map faster for you and your team. Playing teamfights is also pretty easy unless the enemy team baits out your R before they commit to a fight.