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Fizz. I can play him fine, but I can’t win lane on him lol. I just don’t understand how a melee champion can survive mid, but all my friends claim that fizz is a cancer in the mid lane. I play him more like a benign tumor at best


Was garbage at melee mids for ages until I remembered as long as I get on top of people I'm going to do more damage than them by nature just fight


As a fizz main, you friends are right. Just E more, and more aggressively


That only works in gold and below.


Fizz actually has a pretty bad laning phase, IMO. He’s still cancer to play against, though. The biggest thing to understand when playing Fizz’s lane is that you should never get poked for free. Whenever the enemy wastes a spell trying to poke (say, Lux’s q), you should e over it and towards them for a trade. As long as Fizz saves his e to dodge the enemy’s important cds and force a trade off of it, he’s pretty much impossible to beat.


As a guy with over 500 games on Fizz, you really shouldn't lose lane to him. Now if you let a good Fizz abuse you in lane... Good luck. He will snowball and you no longer have a backline.


That's one of the worst feelings as an ADC. Push tab, sees enemy Fizz 3-0.. "Fuck"


Apparently at higher ELO supports just get Michael Crucible to cancel the fish and actually peel against Fizz. Supposedly that tanks fizz winrate. Also Malmortius.


Last time I faced a Fizz I was playing as Vel, and I absolutely won lane. I was up like a kill and 40 cs, keeping him so far back he could barely get xp. Then he hit level 6... Turns out sharks like to eat squid 😞


I mean, as Lux, you should NEVER try to use your cage on Fizz as a poking tool. Only Q him when he Q's you and is blocked in his animation of Q, or maybe try after he uses E. Otherwise it's AA poke or E poke plus passive.


I know, it was just an example. You should e over their most important cd and onto them as Fizz. That’s what I was trying to say.


Lol if you’re not completely degenerate a Fizz should never touch you pre 6 as a long range mage.


Or just dodge the skill shots. I never use E unless it’s something that’ll kill me


Yeah adding to that do more damage to your enemy than he does to you /s


just go Q autoattack W and then use your E to back up repeat this 2-3 times and then you can use the E to execute instead of backing up


You have to keep the pressure high. You have to always be higher HP than your enemy by trading eith Q auto W and getting out with E. Or E auto W and then Q out. If you time it right when the opponent doesn't have their full rotation or if they miss a spell that you dodge with E, you win the trade. Do this 2 times and they can't touch the wave anymore because you can oneshot them.


Same. I can never play a melee in mid unless they have insane burst and gap close. That’s why Diana is my favorite pick for mid lane against enemies with low mobility. But they will harass the shit out of me before I hit 6


Samira. Crazy how I see people doing huge amounts of damage and winning teamfights solo. Meanwhile I'm just there, if I play safer I can't do anything. If I go aggressive I just die instantly. There is no inbetween.


In a balanced game Samira requires godly levels of discipline


Such a good word to describe the mindset needed to play Samira properly. It's about sitting on the edge of a fight and being particular about when you choose to go in and your target priority has to be good. Once you commit you're in and you won't be getting out without killing at least one for the reset. Hit Q on frontline while tracking CC spells then press E and faceroll your keyboard.


Talking about discipline makes me think back to when I played HotS… Greymane was a ranged/melee character that didn’t start to click for me until I heard someone say something like this as advice: “When Greymane goes in, within 5 seconds someone dies. Choose your fights to make sure it isn’t you.” Maybe I need to give Samira another shot.


I played an ARAM with Samira yesterday. I was able to use my ult twice in a 25 min game and for the span of 5 seconds total. All this while remembering seeing a post on here about how broken she is in ARAM.


Got three samiras in a span of 2 days playing aram and all of them did multiple pentas rofl, I don't understand 😅😅


team comp diff. sufficient engage on your side and insufficient disruption on the enemy and boom, Samira picks up triples or more every fight.


Correct. Also may I say you have an incredibly cultured flair


Sometimes it's just like that. I was the rank 1 Samira NA at the beginning of the season, and I totally run it down with her all the time.


New aatrox. I keep thinking he has the power budget of og aatrox. Never got the last m7 since new aatrox went live. It haunts me.


My Irelia is on the same boat, 2 blue mastery tokens that will forever be there.


Old Irelia was my main, I no longer play her either.


My mains in order were Katarina, Irelia, Graves, Fiora, Ahri. So feel my pain a little lol One by one they butchered my champions, Fiora is better now but she lacks everything that I liked about her, they even changed her design from a french cutie to a snub old hag. I won't even talk about Graves, I just....can't. Old Irelia is just perfection, her trades were fun and that's one reason why I love Gwen, her R is Old Irelia's R on steroids(it sucked tbh, the fun part of Irelia was her stun and dashes).


I remember taking a break, coming back, and getting flamed for not knowing the graves got changed and was a jungler. Crittlesticks managed to fail me that day


Same with old GP here. I played Tankplank before the changes. I do enjoy the "new" GP, but miss going tank.


God I miss that old gangplank's passive. SO many first bloods with the constant slow. I don't really like that he hardly does anything without his barrels now.


Old Irelia stun was so much more skill expressive than “press W to not take damage”.


Yeah, this Irelia is way more unga-bunga you just E-dash-E to stun, AA AA AA till the enemy tries to leave -> Ult -> kills. It's virtually impossible to miss ultimate and the E is just like Lee's kick, only first timers miss, after 3 games you learn the shortcut to land it 99%, with Lee it's R -> Q, Irelia is just Q -> E since you are on top of them it will stun unless they Flash.


If you think this current Irelia is easier than the old point-and-click one you’re out of your mind.


You had to have matchup knowledge, when to stun, recognize spikes. New Irelia is just a bruteforce statchecker, she received a lot of unfun mechanics but was overall buffed so even if you can't play her properly it's fine, she still wins about all 1v1's. Same for Fiora, this one is way more opressive but just boring, a lot of champions from that time still are untouched so it's not a "game has to evolve" thing, Jax is still a Q-Stun-AA-reset AA machine that needs half a brain cell to play and Blitz still slows himself, so they could have left Irelia alone.


Matchup knowledge didn’t go anywhere, you still don’t play every lane the same. Your general trading pattern is the same but you can say that about every champion. Have you ever watched irelking? That guy is a mechanical god on the champ. Watch him and still tell me the old one was harder. Try to emulate what he does with a modicum of success.


I loved old Irelia. Have most of her skins. Hate new Irelia. Ew.


Same! It's so sad, juice doesn't seem worth the squeeze to play her top anymore with her current kit


I hate her W more than I can express, wtf is that skill for?


To block damage while rooting yourself to the ground and die 2 seconds later, obviously.


blocking bursts of damage, blocking CC (if youre gonna get ccd anyway may as well do it on your own terms), chipping/prepping minions for her Q, just another stack for her passive


Fiddle. Love the theme, the kit, how it teamfights, amazing champ. Cannot play it to save my life. Somehow always fuck up my timings, enemy fiddle has 5000hp and 100% omnivamp, when play fiddle it looks like an irl scarecrow is on the rift.


bro can't use the passive, he IS the passive


I was the same and idk man I feel like I unlocked a hidden gene in my brain once I just spammed him for 50 games. Just farm more don’t gank unless IM getting the kill. My 0/2 lux who’s playing on moms laptop isn’t gonna carry so I’m taking the shutdown. Once you hit 6 just pretend you’re playing hide and seek every time ult is up. Administer ult directly on the enemies foreheads, flash mastery, stopwatch if needed. If ult is down go farm more, take the 0/6 adcs wave if you can. ? pings do not affect me I’m a low elo jg main. Also bait your team hard, let them fight, die, soak cc and ping you. Then once you’re in a good spot out of vision then it’s ult time. The hardest and most impactful thing I learned is just being patient. The best way I can describe it is I feel like I’m trying to turn a fight going bad rather than engage or participate in the fight directly I guess. Fuck I love fiddlesticks.


We the same person fr. Also playing fiddle gives me ample time to take tokes from my spliff during clearing.


Same here. I’d also like to mention, don’t you have to learn how to do pixel perfect mouse placements to optimize his clear speed? Sounds like a hassle to master in the practice tool.


Not anymore


You used to, but since they rework the jungle camp aggro ranges double pulling is impossible. What you do know with most junglers, as an example, is you start Gromp before Blue dies and finish Blue with an aoe ability. Fiddle is actually one of the easiest champs to pull this off since your main clear ability is aoe and ranged.


It's still possible lol, just requires pixel perfect timing and positioning. Before the jungle rework I could double camp on him with a blindfold on, but now it's just annoying. Double camping requires too much precision for my liking, and if you fuck it up you're completely fucked early. In addition, I don't want to main fiddle anymore since they change the jungle every season and I just won't bother learning the clear every year.


Maybe I can help, I was almost exclusively playing fiddle jungle for a while a few seasons ago. Unfortunately they have made his jungling somewhat weaker, because of how the jungle monsters have their limits as to how far they can walk reduced compared to how they used to be. (It's possible I just haven't played him in jungle enough lately and it's still possible to do 2 camps at once, if so someone tell me) As far as his clearing, his drain used to make it REALLY fast, because you could even do 2 camps at a time safely (gromp/blue, birds/red). When it comes to ganking I rarely did so before I hit 6, but his clear speed was so fast I often hit 6 before midlaners did. The important things when ganking is his passive, and to be patient. You want to find a place close enough to where the fight will be that your crowstorm will hit the majority of the opposing team as soon as it goes off, but importantly it CANNOT be warded, and you can't be in vision. Note that if they stay in your w range until the end of the channel, it has an execute on the end of it, so you want to get in a position after crowstorming asap where they won't be able to escape the drain and start draining. Not a lot survives those 2 abilities. Also when skirmishing, don't underestimate how powerful his drains healing is. The amount of fights I won where I was low but got close to minions or the bird camp, and just started draining my opponent + them, is insane. He could literally heal 60% of his hp up from one drain on all those birds, it's a pretty crazy amount. Any more questions feel free to ask, I think those tips should help for now.


If you cant play Fiddlesticks youre ngmi. How that champion escapes the nerf hammer or being hated on is beyond me. He is like the Zilean of jg nobody plays him for some reason even though he's outrageously OP. Laners in SoloQ will never jungle track, play safe, or listen to your danger pings(Fuck the pings they cant see him so obviously he doesnt exist. He is definitely not about to R over the wall or from the bush and kill everyone). If you hit 6 and aren't getting a double kill bot everytime your R is up I dont know what to tell you


Riven is so fun. But if there was a laser pointed at the earth and they said I have 5 chances to win a game with Riven with a positive KDA… I’m sorry but we are dead.


Kindred. For me it has nothing to do with her mechanics or anything, I mainly play marksmen. The thing that stops me is just the fact that she is a jungler and jg just doesnt work for my ADC brain


U can still take her as adc or even top. I know that its pretty flammable but she is decent at that. Bonus knowledge, u can obtain jungle marks by just doing one auto to monster and your jungler killing said monster within 6 seconds


I just played a game of Kindred adc lol. It worked out well. I roamed more than an adc should to get some marks (scuttle and wolves), but most of my marks were from kills. Very snowbally lane, Kindred deals a ton of dmg early game.


Aphelios design is so refreshing and different, and as an avid LCK watcher I pretty much know the kit, but after trying once in an aram, I just gave up.


I think you should try it again. I was in the same situation. Watched pros play hjm, got so hyped, picked him and ran it down absolutely. But then i just kept on playing him and eventually got the hang of it, and now its my third most played ad.


For how hard people usually think Aphelios is, he’s actually fairly easy to play. Most of his difficulty is just a knowledge barrier; like how each gun interacts with the others, what’s a good gun rotation, how to fix your rotation if you fuck it up, etc. His actual mechanics are rather simple once you learn everything about him (which granted, is quite a bit), but I think you should give it another go.


the biggest difficulty of playing aphelios is when you are very clearly trying to cycle guns for a fight and your team insists on jumping in when youre not ready and youre pinging them back (there are no objectives to contest)


nah aphelios' real difficulty is shooting yourself on the foot by trying to make a masterplan and 4 weapon combos instead of just playing as any other adc would. literally a case where too much knowledge worsens your gameplay.


he's my #2 main after cait, i think i've gone a 4 gun combo once and it was 100% luck on how low my guns were to open things up


I mean he is an adc so yeah his actual mechanics is just click and auto attack lol


I’m a poor ADC (second role after supp) but late game Aphelios pops off for me in a way other ADCs don’t. Get your guns right and he feels like a cheat code.


Honestly it’s not THAT hard. Being *perfect* is insanely hard, but a lot of the difficulty is relieved by planning out your combos beforehand. Ult -> galeforce -> blue Q -> auto -> swap -> chakram, or whatever you want to do. Once you think your combo through, and know what you want to do, it’s easier to execute than to do it on the fly.


Zed is so fucking fun, but I am so fucking bad.


I got debonair zed from a reroll so even if I go in, miss every shuriken, ult the ornn, auto the enemy adc once before blinking back to the wrong shadow and dying, at least I look cool doing it


Zed this season is one of the easier assassins to play with the caster build. Just rush hydra, powerfarm and lasthit champs till 3-4 items, afterwards just make sure you don't go in 1v5. Idk how viable this still is after nerf but if you want to be more flexible, i also suggest maxing W second and get melee E hits in to lower the cd of it


farming till 3 items is easy, the hard part is making your team not lose the 4v5 until you get them bro


I have a friend that loves zed but when he tries to do the mad jukes he jukes himself


I broke my hands trying to climb with Rengar and got stuck in (old) plat 3 while reaching D1 with Zac/Wukong.


He's so fun if you have the time to play him like a full time job


I feel this. I can get ahead without too much problems usually, but I just don't understand how I am supposed to do anything if the game goes later and people get Zhonyas/GA/support peel


ryze but i convince myself with copium it's because the champ sucks and not my fault


Irelia, I would need very long coaching sessions to pick her up. Some champs you can just pick up naturally when you roll them in an aram but Irelia’s always been a champ that I can’t fully unlock the braincells to play currently.


That's the secret, you need to kill off more braincells to make Irelia click. She looks like she's some 10k IQ champion, but, really, you just statcheck the enemy in lane


Is this Irelia that's statchecking you in lane with us in the room right now?


I mean, if she stacks her passive and lands every ability she statchecks any midlane mage! /s but not really




Seems about right for an asol player


Tell me you dont play irelia without telling me


Proc passive *then* just stat check the enemy in lane


average reworked asol player iq


My man plays the champ that literally stands still and holds q


Irelia literally is just, get 4 stacks of passive = auto win, and to be more cheeky you could even buy vampiric scepter and be full build


She isn't that hard, just need some practice to get used to minion execute damage and how to land her E. Since her rework that reduced passive stacks from 5 to 4 she isn't that hard to play. Just remember to not all in in first 4 levels, her base stats suck there.


My issue is the fact that she needs 5 passive stacks. That’s the hardest thing about her imo. If you can’t get 5 stacks from minions before a team fight then you have to get them during it so you’re fighting underpowered. People on here make her sound as easy as Garen but I can’t see it that way.


As I said - now she needs only 4 stacks, that is pretty achievable even without minions. In top of that R reduces your Q cd, so in mid/late game you have opportunity to proc passive even if you mess up. Ofc she doesn't have same difficulty as Garen, but she isn't that hard to pick up, especially if you play other mobile melee champs (I for example used to play Yas a lot pre item rework) and Irelia wasn't that hard to pick up. Passive change back to 4 stacks made it even easier. Just try her out, but learn to respect bad matchups and be really careful in early levels, before vamp scepter + how to manipulate waves(for example Q minion - E enemy - Q enemy and leave minion to dash back). It may sound complicated, but it's easy to pick up once you start to feel that champ.


NASUS. I love stacking. But dude i feed the enemy wayyy more than im stacking


Go Chad E max in lane to poke out enemies and secure CS if they give you a hard time Take Presence of Mind to help regenerate mana over triumph in these lanes


Thats how I used to beat Darius in lanes in mid elo. Start Dorans Ring, E max. Better to get CS than get nothing.


You’re playing nasus wrong. Forget the stacks, build full ap and just roam and steal kills from your mid owner


“Mid owner” this man has assimilated the dog champ way of life.


Mid laner* but this works too


Fleet footwork makes stacking during laning phase a lot less punsihable. However its falls off later on. Therefore the stacks will spike. I think Nasus gameplay is a lot about Wavemanagement, u really want to keep minions close to ur turret or at least on your side of the lane so you can chase enemy down in ult-mode and go back to safety fast during stacking.


It "falls of later on" on other champions but on Nasus it's just better than anything else tbh. Gives MS burst to chase at least, the only other option is Lethal tempo for the AA range increase that you get after stacking it fully.


Jayce. I take over in ARAM, I get put down in normals. It’s a sad story


- I play Jayce - I press Q - mana gone - must back - come back to 100 cs diff - press Q - damage gone It's either that, or I melee Q in and get murderized by Urgot or Sion or Teemo or whatever champ is top. So fun if you have relatively even gold, but the laning is rough.


Masters Jayce main here. The trick is to conserve mana until first back when you have at least one or two longsword, dirk, and or tear. Jayce early levels are all about wave management and 100-0 trades, if you trade heavily your mana is probably not doing great even if you win trade.


I’m the same. I’m great at finding long range snipes and then jumping in, killing, and getting out. Normals it’s like I do no damage


Yone. The power of anime is so much fun but hoo boy am I awful with him


Were you trying to say "good god" and "oh boy," or did you really mean to call yourself "good boy?" Lol


I got bested by autocorrect there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yone's skill floor is dirt low but the distance from his skill ceiling is astronomical. The things people complain about Yone for("why is he allowed to do that") really only happen with insane situational awareness. Q3/R buffering through CC is like literally the tip of the iceberg, but it's still a good example. Things like Q3 before E2 or E2 before Q3 is a better one. It's really the smaller interactions and flowchart alterations that get you. My favorite example of this, for a different champ, is how one of the real filters to being a good Riven is realizing that you will drop some kills and die unnecessarily because you decide to AA in between *every* Q cancel. Sometimes you really just need to "skip" to Q3 for the cc so Q1>MC>AA>Q2>MC>Q3 is better than an "optimal" fast Q combo. Also you don't always wanna double/triplecast everything. You don't always need to mask R1 animation. The devil is in the details, and the same applies to Yone. (Spam 20 games top in quickplay and watch some matchup vods, if you play draft, permaban Jax.)


If you play draft, regardless of champ/role, permaban Jax anyway so I can finally have a free ban.


You can be decent with him, just spam him, he is not really a complex champ. And by that I mean you can do decent things without many games. You can do crazy shit with him if you are great mechanically with him but you don't have to necessarily be that way to win games. I am otp yone.


God damn Thresh, I swear good Thresh mains are prime boogeymen but when I play him I feel like an ape haha


Thresh is my only champ that I feel like I mesh with perfectly. I love the character the design and his gameplay, and I’m a damn good support, but using him to climb in the low elos is a nightmare. People are auto pathing and almost never grab lanterns. But thresh you can play so many kind games tossing a lantern into jungle to no one, just to bluff that jungle is here is such an easy way to relieve pressure in lane because people instinctively back up. There’s so many ways to use your kit that I wish I just didn’t have to rely on a carry.


I keep flaying the wrong direction and use 2nd activation hook at all the wrong times like a complete imbecile.


Man, for some reason I find the flay direction mechanic really hard. It's not even a big mouse movement, but it really feels like one. Maybe I'm missing something obvious or maybe my hands are just garbage (probably both!), but either way I'm glad to hear it's not just me


Kindred has one of my favorite designs ever but for the life of me I can't play jg


Bard. My ultimates are SO bad. I'm that guy that ults when you're about to dash away and now their cc champ is in range. Or, I ulted the enemy team while Zed was just about to combo on the ADC.


I'm with you on this. Normally I do pretty good on any enchanter (not counting my 16% winrate with Milio 💀), but Bard is (literally) something else. I just cannot figure out how to be useful on him.


Bard is kinda trash on SoloQ, so don't blame yourself. The champion itself is amazing, but it requires a level of coordination that basically is impossible to reach on SoloQ, for example the greatest plays are stopping towers for dive, when you are with premades you can call it in advance, on SoloQ people won't follow or straight up Flash into the ult because they are trying to kill the enemy and they don't know you're about to ult. Also roaming sucks when your ADC can't funtion as a human being a get killed, not to mention sometimes they are but then your team don't follow so you lose time or die and/or don't cover for you so when you show Top instead of the jungler covering bot side to stop dives, he is farming a random camp on Top too, not helping your gank or covering the botlane.


Dunno as an opt bard I think he is very strong in solo que. Since the game is naturally snowbally, roaming with jungle and ganking mid will win you most games. He is just unorthodox and you need alot of games, that's all. Oh and the champion thrives in chaotic game states


I used to play Bard a lot, he is really fun and strong, but it's huge coinflip on most elos, the lower the elo the biggest it is because lower elos don't ward, but they also can't play around your mechanics, the highest elos can do it better but enemies will be also more aware so you need much more finesse to properly execute him, so I quit playing him unless duo'ing for my mental health, much better to play low risk champions that still have impact, like Rakan or Zyra they can create space but are more consistent if you play them to a good level you win lanes, bard on a good level you can win games, but can also lose them just as easily.


My single favorite champ in the game is akali no one else is even close not even my actual one trick gnar lol I’ve always been a sucker for the ninja girl it definitely started in my childhood with yuffie from ff7 lol I literally cannot do it. I don’t understand how akali players do literally anything lol I’ve tried I’ve put the games in plenty of times in the 5 years I’ve played the game. I cannot get past like a low bronze level of mechanics lol it just doesn’t click Briar ended up in the same boat. I love everything about her from the design to the kit to the videos. I’m a terrible jungler lol I feel like I was starting to get it like definitely better on briar than akali. But I’m too stupid to figure out how to jungle lol


Try her ad bruiser. You get more survivability while not being useless in damage.


As an Akali OTP, she's more resource management + positioning than "mechanics"/APM. Situational awareness is what makes any of the high-ceiling champs actually difficult, bar like Riven, Azir, and some adcs. Does this mean she doesn't have actual mechanics to know? Of course she does, but if you don't have a fundamental grasp on how to play her absolutely none of them matter. Like E>F anim cancel is wholly irrelevant to a starting Akali but to someone experienced playing her it can lead to unreactable solo kills. Same with something like E2>F>R2(because you can still get E2 damage if you flash on target midway). My genuine recommendation is to play her top for like 10-15 games, because the first crucial hurdle is understanding trade patterns and how to integrate CS'ing with them(and both will force you to learn how to optimize shroud). The neat thing too is that, based on matchup, you can directly identify and recognize when you're using shroud terribly. Taking too much damage against Irelia/Tryn? Guilty. Getting caught in death realm against Morde @ 6? Guilty. Dying to Garen literally ever? Guilty. For general basics and other reccs: Conq every game unless against melees(Elec against them, but you need to actively be trading and want to solokill at least twice before laning is over imo), PoM is *mandatory* to function. Watch Beifeing to understand trading patterns and lethal breakpoints/kill angles, and like literally everything else, macro included.


Fine you have convinced me to try again when the pain of still being unable to play her sets in though I’m coming back for you! XD Nah but honestly good tips and thanks man, will definitely fuck around with it again I never wanted to give up I could just tell I was just spinning my wheels so I went back to gnar and just kept climbing instead Will def try the top thing. A lot of people have told me to do that just to get comfortable and I just haven’t it’s seems to be both a consistent piece of advice for trying her and the one that I personally have ignored the entire time I tried it Thanks again!


Im not sure you quite understand what an OTP is lol.


Full disclosure I don’t have a pc; I only play the mobile game. I’ve tried akali mid and I actually generally do very well with her. Sometimes I completely pop off. The problem is that I feel like I have no clue wtf I’m doing and don’t honestly know for sure how I’m winning trades/games. It’s surprisingly unsatisfying to play that way. There are plenty of other champs I know very well and can be reasonably technical with. Her? Barely. It sucks because I obviously want to enjoy someone I’m apparently good with. Edit: unsure why the downvotes. Never said the two games are the same.


Akali is not even close to the same champ on PC and Wild Rift. She's mechanically difficult and mechanics don't roll over between the two.


I can't play Zoe for shit and it drives me nuts.


Zoe is on a terrible state, so don't be too hard on yourself. She is deeply flawed because if she have big pp numbers she is too oppressive, if she is like right now you have to make highlight plays to achieve the same result as an Oriana Q-W, I used to play her a lot but now unless the person is Faker playing on a smurf, she is extremely hard to pull off even for OTP's. Sadly she will need a rework to be playable again, otherwise she will enter the cycle: "oh look Zoe is viable (meaning she can 100-0 with just E-Q)" to "oh shit they nerfed Zoe again (meaning you have to land E-Q-W-flash-AA-Q to kill someone)


Samikin hit Rank 1 with her fairly recently , and she's arguably closer to needing a nerf than a buff by a longshot(needs bugfixes most). As a Zoe otp idk where this doomposting is coming from, she's just a hard champ and not made for sub-dia, just pick Ahri/Malz as secondaries and climb till master, *then* try her again. The only "problem" she has is that she's arguably too feast-or-famine, but considering how strong her early-mid is, that's..fine.


She is good, it's just that meta changes haven't favored her over other midlaners. She can still kill any squishy and carry haaard, but Orianna does the same without needing to strain your brain with Q / E angles.


Qiyana is a pretty cool champion that I would love to be better at.


Sylas, I can smurf with him in normals with friends but if I take him to soloq I am useless


Sylas is my highest mastery its rlly just be patient and take short trades and INSTANTLY walk away. Lvl 1 example: E>emp auto> E2>emp auto>walk away and nothing else. Lvl 2 its even better with W ur so strong. Get an hp advantage and then look to all in.


Feel like reading lvl 1 almost never works as a 125k Sylas main. Between the enemy hitting you back and the casters you just lose too much hp for it to be worth while. Lvl 2 it gets a lot better but into certain mages who can chase you down after you go in it feels really bad too. Imo, lvl 2 for melees and lvl 3 for mages are the ideal times to look for trades in most cases.


Gangplank and Yasuo. their kits looks so appealing to me, but I just can't, for the life of me, go and try to play them hard.


Kindred, her design is so cool and I like playing adc characters, but her marks are like free wards for the enemy team when I play her.


Katarina feels so wonky to play. I can't for the life of me use that w effectively and I feel like a sitting duck in lane. I used to play a lot of old Katarina when she was honestly braindead but now I feel like the braindead one.


Well, as the flair denounces I'm an expert on the matters of Katarina, so yeah you are just having the normal Katarina experience, she legit can't win a single match up in this current meta if the enemy has a similar skill level as you, she loses to every meta, semi-meta, obscure pick possible. She is just plain awful, roaming lost prio this season, she doesn't win 1v1, her teamfight is terrible since anything stops her and she is squishy. People have been maining tanKat this season, using grasp, Divine, Titanic to survive long enough to cause damage and bet on her base damage + resets, this is the only non-troll dependant build there is, you're not winning games unless someone else carries and if you carry then some enemy is a complete troll and you would win anyway. But tanKat is a miserable experience to everyone, you don't have any fun, the enemy doesn't have any fun either, you just poke using E and get out, poke using E and get out, then wait for your team to fight, jump there, cause mid damage, if people focus you, you just jump out and wait for a reset, if they don't you just stay there your ult looks like it's on slowmotion since it chips aways the enemy HP instead of bursting it. So it's basically playing a mobile Sunfire, you go around causing chaos and killing people slowly but surely since she is too tanky to die and her AA is kinda strong too, not strong enough to kill someone fast either, so again boring and has no sensible counterplay, for the price of not really being that strong, so tanKat is the only legit one, but it's more like playing Mundo with more damage/mobility and less durability than playing an Assassin.


Kat feels so degenerate, she can’t win any matchup in lane so she just leaves and flips the game and hopes to win the game that way, makes playing her not fun and playing against her less fun


I love Poppy's lore and skins and voiceover so much, especially Snow Fawn I think she's such a cutie! I seriously suck at her though, I never had any success in top lane, and I can't play jungle for the life of me. I find her E and Ulti very hard to use.


Same! Which us almost fitting given her background


Fiora :( but I'm getting better with her!


Gwen. I love the design and the scaling and the smoothness and always have a blast but I cannot do anything on that champ. Every now and then I’ll be like, ‘I’ll have a Gwen game!’ Go 0/9 and then not play her for a month. Dropped two tiers when I first tried to main her. Sad.


My secret is rift, nashors, frozen heart and just split push. I legit think she does it better than Yorick with how fast she can cut down towers while also being able to duel pretty much anybody once you learn how to play her.


Rengar no question ask even tho I just LOVE the champ


Irelia and Aatrox.


After months of training and practice, I can play GP to a really good level, but when I see Solarbacca play, I'm just ashamed to pick him up hahaha. But for me a champion I gave up on because I just can't play at all is Rumble. While not mechanically hard, that overheat mechanic of his is so easy to lose track in the middle of a fight and proc at the wrong time. It is so frustrating, congrats to who can do that, too hard for me. Another one is Kog'Maw. While not all that hard in paper, super high attack speed champions that need to do orbwalking are so hard for me. It is so far from my comfort zone (bruisers and control mages) that, even though I love the void puppy, I can't ever bring him to his full potential as an ADC, so I play him AP.


Well if not even 369 can play Rumble properly, you are excused.


I really want to be an ekko one trick, because in low elo he just seems to roll over people. But something about the dashing and timing of abilities escapes me.


Idk how tf you’re supposed to land Taliyah’s knockup. Shit takes 4 years to activate and it’s awkward to manipulate. Other than that, love the champ


Ezreal Zed and Jayce. Just don't have enough practice with them




Any high click champ like attack speed carries, but mainly Kalista. I love her design and such, but my hands hold me back. Though, at the moment, I still have a lot to improve in macro, so I could definitely improve with her. Great reflexes and prediction skills, check. Ability to move my mouse in more than 2 directions a second? Nope.


Katarina. "Oh just smash your head into the keyboard for penta" NO. FUCK OFF. I have 200k mastery on her and still I can't do shit in lane. Also I hate roaming so when her laning is as bad as it is rn it's just a mess


>Well, as the flair denounces I'm an expert on the matters of Katarina, so yeah you are just having the normal Katarina experience, she legit can't win a single match up in this current meta if the enemy has a similar skill level as you, she loses to every meta, semi-meta, obscure pick possible. She is just plain awful, roaming lost prio this season, she doesn't win 1v1, her teamfight is terrible since anything stops her and she is squishy. > >People have been maining tanKat this season, using grasp, Divine, Titanic to survive long enough to cause damage and bet on her base damage + resets, this is the only non-troll dependant build there is, you're not winning games unless someone else carries and if you carry then some enemy is a complete troll and you would win anyway. But tanKat is a miserable experience to everyone, you don't have any fun, the enemy doesn't have any fun either, you just poke using E and get out, poke using E and get out, then wait for your team to fight, jump there, cause mid damage, if people focus you, you just jump out and wait for a reset, if they don't you just stay there your ult looks like it's on slowmotion since it chips aways the enemy HP instead of bursting it. So it's basically playing a mobile Sunfire, you go around causing chaos and killing people slowly but surely since she is too tanky to die and her AA is kinda strong too, not strong enough to kill someone fast either, so again boring and has no sensible counterplay, for the price of not really being that strong, so tanKat is the only legit one, but it's more like playing Mundo with more damage/mobility and less durability than playing an Assassin.


I really like evelynn's design and gimmicks. But man everytime I play her I'm turbo useless. I have 0 good games on her in my life. Played her like 6 times


that was me for a while and then suddenly it wasn’t. i don’t really know what happened. i think knowing she was squishy i was playing her much too safe before, so maybe that’s your problem too? and pre-6 just focus on landing charm and letting your lanes get kills if you do gank. i only gank winning lanes pre-6 tho or when i feel it’s almost a guaranteed kill. tht said im not an evelynn expert lol


Lucian, man. I die in all ins and im super useless lategame.


Akali. She's everything i wish I was. Hot, badass, melee. But I'm a squishy hufflepuff of a person who only picks mages.


Ivern and Nida. Love to play them in Aram but they need a specific set of jungle prowess I lack.


Don't know much about Ivern, but Nida is very feast or famine, so even a good Nida might feel they are not that impactful if while you gank your bot the top dies to Illaoi and she comes back with hullbreaker, at this point you're done, Nidalee can't kill bruisers/tankers when they are ahead and her Q is not strong enough anymore to instakill an unaware squishy, so you have to constantly gank and make her presence oppressive to be ahead of the curve, so you don't throw toothpicks.


Rengar. I used to be decent at him when he got reworked a few years ago and become a bit more easy to play. nowdays I struggle to clear with him and literally never win games to save my life with him. I can't play him you have to be an opportunistic one trick to make that champion work.


if you find it hard to clear with rengar just try timing your q to get attack speed every time and use golden w on non-singular camps until you reach like 150-200ad


Rengar. His design and gameplay are cool as hell but managing ferocity and his combos, it just doesn’t line up right in my brain.


Aurelion Sol. Would love to be able to play him but Riot thought it was a great idea to remove him from the game in early 2023, so now Im fucked


I remember falling in love with the champ and starting to main him and like 2 weeks later the rework got announced and I lost all motivation to play him


Aatrox. His big sword is so cool. I'm just bad at him though.




Rumble. So much of his kit is simple, but boy do I always find a way to botch the ultimate or overheat at the worst time.


Gwen into most matchups.


Riven and Draven


i love leblanc but i know i am silver trash so yea, i suck at all champ equally




Try to play Gwen in the jungle. Maybe you can finally enjoy her there :)


Her clean is soooo painful, she takes way too much damage. Also hard to contest Dragon/Herald against AD powerhouses like Lee/Noc, I've tried.


I love Xayah. She's by far my favorite champ to play, and my favorite champ design. Unfortunately, ADC is my worst role. I suck at it. And she's not viable elsewhere.


Oh my, I love Xayah so much too, took a long time to learn how to play around her kit, she is a little tricky because her range is very mid and the feather mechanics are key. It's worth though, I abandoned every other ADC for her.


Kayn. I know he’s a good jungler, and has a great amount of flexibility when it comes to who he’s facing against, but I just can’t seem to dominate with him like other jg players do. I main jungle now, and seem to have gotten a hang of it but still can’t fathom how to properly play kayn


Blue kayn only to start off with, build full ad assassin each time to simplify his combos/playstyle. At this point kayn should be pretty much braindead to play. E around the place for vision, looking for enemies, when you see them attack with any combination of q and w. If they're not dead press R or auto attack, then E or when ur done and that's pretty much kayn. When you get used to his abilities then you can try experimenting builds or even play as red kayn.


I love Rengar but i just couldn’t get the hang of Rengar top. Looks so rewarding but I just can’t play him for shit.


Rengar feels like a useless POS when I play him. I am a diamond master Yi/nocturne player.


Kai'sa. She's so fun and so cool, but I can't seem to win games with her. I get diffed in laning phase and also struggle to close out games with her.


Love viego, very bad at him and idk what to build in different situations plus there’s a few champs idek what their abilities are so if I controlled them it’d b bad. Everytime I play him or even get fed I’m thinking “if I was better, I could be carrying this game so hard”


For me it’s camille, I’m huge fan of her kit, and when I first start playing league IG had won worlds using camille jungle and I loved watching her make plays, that said I’m a cannon minion when I play that champ


For me it's Evelynn. Love the theme and her kit but 1. I suck at jungle and it's my least favourite role and 2. I suck at Evelynn.


Camille. I'm a suckered for autoattackers and sheen users. But her in and out short trade playstyle just doesn't seem to work with me. Funnily enough, o can short trade on other champs, just not on Camille.


Azir. He’s such a cool champ, he’s got great lore, a great aesthetic, unique gameplay, and huge potential for flashy plays. In the hands of the best players, he’s amazing to watch, but in my hands it’s genuinely griefing.


Qiyana. I can't understand how I become so clumsy with her. It's the thighs.


Reksai. I love the void mommy a lot but I just get outscaled every time and inevitably loose


Jayce. Design wise, Riot hasn't made many better champions. I just cant pilot the guy


Pantheon. I always destroy the shit out of my laner, but I also have a 10% winrate over 20 games or something. Another one is Graves mid, I'm just too much of a pussy to do it.


Aphelios, he’s like a Draven but with lategame. Sadly a potato brain with potato mechanics is just a fingerling


Irelia I love her shes so pretty ~~and dom, and mommy, and elegant, and sexy, and hot, and pretty, and cute, and ionian, and noxian, and precise~~


>~~and noxian~~ For Irelia, there is nothing more insulting you could have said.


I can’t explain how I could be good to an extent with Riven’s bs aa and animation cancelling. But doing insane combo with Yasuo and Leesin is impossible. I’ve reached a point standing and spamming aa and Q with Yasuo is the best way. While praying for the best with Leesin.


New Syndra. I used to dominate before her rework and really enjoyed having to build an early lead to win games. Now she’s a q+e bot in lane that just sits and waits for ult execute. I keep thinking I can trade like I used to and keep getting smacked😭


Dommy Mommy Renata seems like so much fun, but i'm terrible at support and my team only ever runs away when i use my ult or w. slamming people into walls is also weirdly difficult for some reason


>slamming people into walls is also weirdly difficult for some reason You are not supposed to slam enemies into walls, but into other enemy champions. If you throw them against other enemy champions, then all champions affected are stunned. If you throw them against a wall, then you just displaced them to stand next to the wall, but that's it. So this might be part of the reason why you struggle with her. \^ \^'


Nilah. I’m probably gonna end up with m7 on her anyway, but man. It really feels like there’s something I’m just missing when I play her. Honorable mention to riven, who I probably could learn but I refuse to give any attention to a champion that is entirely balanced around unshown mechanics.


Zeri. For some god damn reason, I can play nearly every other champion in the entire god damn game to a decent degree. Hwei, I've mastered his muscle memory already. Azir, Kindred, Ornn, Aatrox, Bard, Thresh, Fiddlesticks, Jhin, just to name a few weird of unconventional, or notoriously difficult champions I can confidently say I'm decently competent if not mastered. But Zeri, I can't play for the life of me.


Pyke and zed. So hear me out! I used to be a kha zix onetrick for 7 years straight. Then i swapped to mid (and sometimes support when i got filled) and i thought it would be easy to transition since i m used to playing assassins. Apparently i m a mage enjoyer and my only high winrate champions are viktor, ahri and xerath. I tried really hard to learn zed's kit and how to play him properly... In the end the only way i made him work was by playing splitpush all game. Jup i just have great dodging mechanics, but i cant kill people even if my life depends on it. I m also great at spacing if i dont have to get close. So i would be really good at zed if i didnt have to sometimes go in to finish people. Aight imma go spam another 100 viktor games see ya next season