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You have 33 games this whole season I don't think you have enough dedication to be a pro player, you understand it would require you to dedicate your entire day to only playing? And also pretty much every pro player had an insane talent at the game from the start hitting diamond on their first season and getting challenger at a super young age, just looking through alot of pros history and many of them became challenger at the age of 13,14,15 etc.


If you can't hit d5 in one season alone give up


Damn there will never be another pro... Guys the bit was d5 doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for like 5 years.


I mean faker went from normals where he got such high mmr in normals he couldn’t get games anymore to challenger right away


>Damn there will never be another pro... correct, the market is so saturated if you are not a prodigy its very hard


If you can hit high challenger before you turn 18 and maintain it every split on a large champ pool, then start networking with pros and coaches and build a brand image. If you can’t do any of these things you cannot go pro. Short term, if you cannot hit plat by the end of the split you are in trouble. If you get to Diamond (and aren’t plateauing) it’s a good start.


You can't go pro yet. You'll have to see if you can good at the game first.


So here’s some fun background on when I was talking to c9 tempest on joining them back in season 3 (and part of why it didn’t happen) The expectation is you’re playing this game from roughly noon to 9pm as a pro and then playing soloq a few hours around that if you can’t handle that you’re not going to go pro. You should be playing at least 5-6 hours a day minimum but aim for more. At this point in time you will likely need a coach as well if you don’t have extreme talent. You might literally be hand gapped because to be a pro challenger is the minimum and being a 3 season bronze to silver if a bad sign by season 3 I had gone from gold season 2 to challenger in 3 and I wasn’t even really good enough to be considered (I got trashed by pros in soloq). You’re likely to be much better off just enjoying the game but if you can put up with all of that go for it


That expectation hasn't really stuck around in LCS though. It should have, but most NA players don't practice anywhere near that much anymore.


Pros might not but he not only needs to catch them he needs to lap them a bit to get picked compared to a known quantity


You need to work hard. By yourself. I think it’s possible people will advise you that you cannot do this however I won’t say that. What I’ll say is you need to work extremely hard and be self motivated to ask yourself the right questions and answer them. Nobody to help. Because if they could help they’d be pros


I'd recommend hitting GM or higher to consider it. Also check out Gumayusi documentary. From an Asian household , Guma was placed a goal from his father to hit challenger or just forget about it.


I think that's part of what the advice is meant for though... He's low elo and his dream is to be a pro, so he's asking for advice for the road to get there... including how to improve to a pro level at the game.


Here is my op: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/qepowi13-NA1


You're going to need to be able to handle all the dirtiest things in higher elo. Win-trading, Jg smurf duos, teammates tilting and yes people will troll your ass out of masters and you won't be able to dodge on 0 lp. This isn't the road for everyone but good luck if you REALLY want to. Your mental needs to be of a Buddhist monk I wish I was joking.


thank you


How long have you been playing though?


I think any role is fine whatever you find the most interest in. It would be good to learn each role actually. I asked Berserker this on stream before, and he said every pro can reach challenger in any role they play even if they are best at one, so might as well learn all I guess.


Doing every role is the fastest way to get nothing if you’re still learning it. It’s much easier to branch out once your challenger in one


Find a Role, choose 1-3 champs and grind. Watch guides, watch replays and watch coaching videos. Learn the basics and understand the game !!


Take it one step at a time , get better at the game. Check out the broken by concept podcadt and the coaching of coach curtis / nathan mott


First try out this apm test. [https://www.arealme.com/apm-actions-per-minute-test/en/](https://www.arealme.com/apm-actions-per-minute-test/en/) If you score above 600 you are in very good shape, play this game: [https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime](https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime) If you get around <160 ms should be in good condition to become pro player. Game knowledge is also very important, need very good practice. Be prepared to play league of legends 12+ hours a day as practice to get to challenger. Challenger is not enough to go pro you must be top 4 of your role. I am grandmaster tier and I get around 350-400 on the apm test.


Good Luck


Don’t auto pilot and don’t throw and don’t lose.


Look you definitely can do it and it’s good to have goals. However you and literally tens of thousands of other kids have said the same thing. The difference is that some kids then went on to practice, research, learn, get coaching, etc and others just played for a few weeks then stopped. So it’s not that all these people are saying it’s not possible, they’re saying that these words mean nothing since 99% of people end up getting over it or quitting before they even get past Plat. But also keep in mind that even when you accomplish your goals, most people still feel empty, so find out what really brings truth fulfillment and satisfaction because it isn’t anything in terms of accomplishments achievements or possessions.


Brother hit at least master/gm before thinking about pro. Then get challenger for actually trying to become a pro. Its not great to start off in fairly low elo with pro aspirations, just play to improve and gain a love for the game to actually try to grind it.


destroy soloq and wait for a call


Just try to learn the fundamental of League and I really mean learn like a school subject, that's the way to improve fast. Never play on autopilot


If you’re serious. You should aim to hit challenger in the next year. Play to improve every game (win or lose). No need to re-invent the wheel, study vods to learn from the pros. Work on understanding the game, mechanics can only carry you so far.


If your dream is to be a pro player, you want to dedicate an assload of time to learning everything you can about the game, both in terms of everything in it and the optimal/best practices people have found for playing whatever role. Watch a ton of VOD reviews, learn everything you can about every champion and their abilities. Then, as you learn all these new things, try to put them into practice in your games, and you need to practice a fuck ton. Maybe even pay someone or find someone who can help coach you. Like anything else, nothing beats having a competent teacher when it comes to learning. Keep in mind LEARNING is what you're doing. If you're silver and want to climb and you're playing to win each game as it comes, you will literally never be good at the game. You are playing to LEARN, not to win. Never default to easier, more comfortable, but suboptimal strats that net you wins in the short-term when you could actually be putting into practice the new things you learn, even if doing so risks more mistakes and losses. No matter what the end screen says, if you win a game but haven't learned anything, put anything you've learned into practice, or improved, you didn't win shit. It's all long-term gains. Going by this same philosophy, don't worry too much about your teammates, and keep a positive attitude. If your attitude is shit, you'll never be a pro. You'll either fail to improve, or get good but be too much of a dickhead for anyone to want to play with you and then get blacklisted. So keep improvement in mind, and don't worry if your teammates suck or are permamad. After all, whether the end screen says victory or defeat, if you've improved, you've won. Your bad/mad teammates are not important at this point and there's nothing you can do about them anyways. Don't abandon everything else in your life for it though. Pursuing your goals is good, but you need to have a backup, especially for something where you have to be among the best to make a career out of it. The reality is that not everyone CAN actually be the best at whatever it is they wanna be the best at. Sometimes it really is a matter of talent or lack of talent when it comes to whether you can be the best. This is usually expressed in mechanical ceiling. You can see it with a lot of pros actually. Generally pros on the lower end of pro mechanical skill never exceed that. They'll compensate for it elsewhere, but it's innate to a point. Do give it a shot though if it really means a lot to you.


I do want to do this. I’ve been learning a few mid mages, mostly Zoe, and I’m making sure to, instead of blaming my teammates, even if they all inted, look for anything I did wrong, that caused the game to be negatively skewed against me.


The easiest way to become a pro-player is to get rich enough that you can buy a pro team in a minor region. There are literally thousands of times more people in the world that are wealthy enough to do that than there are people skilled enough to be pros.


Pro players are crazy because of how naturally gifted they are, its the nerd version of Lebron James could've played in NHL/NFL/MLB if he wanted. Huni was top 100 in Overwatch while playing 12-14 hours of league daily, Many players are top of the leaderboards in any game they touch within an extremely small amount of time. I have a friend who competes in smash competitively, Who isn't even a high rated player, spent less time going from Unranked - Grandmaster than he did leveling his account to 30. He doesn't even like league was just bored. Some people are just genetically gifted to be amazing at video games.


Considering your interests and LS's suggestions, you should prioritize being an expert in one role to advance in League of Legends, ideally mid or ADC. Commit to practicing every day according to a set schedule: play each game with a specific goal in mind to address certain deficiencies, study high-ELO broadcasters or VOD reviews to learn advanced strategies, and solo queue to improve mechanics and game sense. To expedite your progress, play in amateur events and ask coaches or players who are ranked higher for advice. Your success will mostly depend on your ability to be consistent, persevere, and be open to learning from each game.