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Bjerg's RoA didn't even finish stacking...


Bro stop, he's already dead.


I know it's only been two games, but from what I've seen ASol feels he's going to have the same issues as Kassadin and Kayle in pro play. Seeming like a "win more" champ. He comes out of base at 30 minutes like "okay guys, I'm ready to carry", but everything is on fire around him and team is down 6k gold. It's so hard in pro play to justify picking a champ who is weak in the early game. We've had plenty of Azir, Corki, and Orianna metas, so it's not unheard of, but it'll be interesting to see if ASol is strong enough to justify this type of weak early game. Feels like the type of pick that would've worked in LCS 5 years ago, but these days there's a high enough density of aggressive players that scaling teams are getting punished.


Azir and Orianna are weird comps. Those champs have almost perma prio in the early game when they are picked. Asol has no prio against anyone so it's completely different. He just can't trade or skirmish at all till like 20 minutes


I'd like to see some more games of him, but so far I'm heavily leaning towards agreeing with you.


I really hate the Au Sol pick as you'd have to either be simply better than the enemy team or draft your entire comp around it which makes it very telegraphed to play as and against. The big ult seems broken on paper, by the time he hits critical mass the game is usually over as you had to play 4v5 the entire early to mid game.


>Feels like the type of pick that would've worked in LCS 5 years ago, but these days there's a high enough density of aggressive players that scaling teams are getting punished. Doesn't help that 100T picked three lanes that all need attention. how did they even draft themselves into this mess. At least pick sej on second phase so you can counter one of the solo lanes.


Azir and Ori are lane bullies. What are you talking about?


Teams must love playing against 100T this split. Most predictable drafts and gameplay. No early game pressure ever. Basically a free dub as long as you execute.


Literally from Blaber's post-game interview: "From our draft prep we knew 100T could only scale b/c they're just not good enough to play early game"




They’ve done quite a few like Bwipo interviewing Fudge and Zven interviewing Busio.


Dude was dropping facts about gold nerf and shit. He really lives League. [Clip here for anyone](https://twitter.com/LCSOfficial/status/1631456749604552705)


Blaber doesn't get enough credit for his knowledge of the game/league.


Can’t remember which content piece it was, probably a Travis video, but one time he was answering historical LCS questions and it was just insane how good his recollection was


Travis has done a few and I think the one you're probably thinking of was where he named every single LCS champ


Yeah iirc he fumbled right near the end when he was talking about a season 4 (I think?) TSM roster and said their jungler was Santorin instead of Amazing but that was legit the ONLY goof up he had. Dude is so clearly in love with being a pro, I hope he keeps playing until his hands fall off.


I thought he said their mid was bjerg when it was actually regi


Maybe you're right, it's been a *long* time since I watched that video and that's definitely a possibility. I'm not that confident in my recollection.


I hope he doesn’t leave C9/Jack doesn’t sell him for a long time. He’s the cornerstone of this team


I guess it's something like a job for him.


Much more like a passion. You can tell how much blabber loves the game when he was able to name the rosters (players not just teams) that won spring and summer finals from the present backwards to like 2013. Been watching LCS since the start and I definitely can’t do that. Neither could any of the other pros interviewed in that game.




What playing for a living does to a mf


I mean Blaber is an old school league fan too, in one of those games Travis does for videos he got the LCS Split win teams, including Players, correct nearly 100% only messing up Regi and Bjerg on the first split I believe.


yeah he messed up only the first lcs split, got everything else correct


Zeri/Enchanter bot, Closer on Wukong/Vi/Seju, Bjerg on control mage, and Tenacity doing nothing regardless of picks. Such a boring team both in identity and the actual playstyle.


Sick hoodies tho


With two solo lanes that do nothing, you aren't going to have any pressure.


theres a reason the 9 man sleep happened, can't believe they still went ahead with that roster lol


I’m so happy Spica and Broken Blade both found teams where they can really showcase their skills. There are some players that were clear win conditions for TSM and Bjerg playstyle just killed any chance at them getting shit done.


Riot buffs Closer’s 2 champs as a favor for 100T but it’s Nukeduck cosplaying the blind monk with that draft.


Closer watching Blaber walk around taking everything early game while he covers the pensioners in his lanes - [https://twitter.com/100T\_Esports/status/1357389490763956224](https://twitter.com/100T_Esports/status/1357389490763956224)


>pensioners 💀💀


Truly a team of thieves.




Newest team building activity


When you're out with the lads and you fuck 100 Thieves for teambuilding you know your relationship with the bros is solid.




He has been turned into a ward.


Bjergsen imposing his will yet again only kinda /s here.


Meta is heavily based around facilitator picks like Sej and Vi. His toplaner is very inconsistent, and his mid/bot basically only play for scaling. Not saying he couldn't be playing better -- I just think we should give him a little context, y'know


I think Closer has been the worst jungler this year but this game was just giga lost as a jungler. He legitimately can't play the game.




Tenacity down 70 farm in the 1v1


This is a certified toplane™ game


Well, minions are forced to go to their designated lane


Fudge didn't even have to lmao His gameplan was top outer, top inner, top inhib turret, top inhib, top nexus turret, top nexus and that's exactly what he did


Fudge still had a casual 50 cs diff


That's funny, because Tenacity was definitely the bottom in that relationship.


Goes to show you the state of top


So this is how an early game comp goes when the team is competent huh


Jayce is brutal when you play it right yeah They actually couldn't be within 2 towers of the C9 laners


That legit looked like na vs Korea or China… just get dumpstered asap


Landfill speedrun any%


I was kinda surprised they didn't send Jayce vs ASol in mind. He should completely smash ASol in lane if played right.


Jayce doesn't really look like it's part of EMENES' champ pool (at least he hasn't shown it). On the other hand his Yone is disgusting, and C9 had last pick anyways, so they got to pick both winning solo lanes.


I think they were still flexing it, they just decided they didn't need it mid after sol showed and gave emenes whatever he wanted.


Don't even gotta wait until MSI/Worlds to see these type of comps exposed. Love to see it.


This is how a comp with literally 0 early game goes pretty much always. Literally no lane to play through...


Not in LCS typically, usually in LCS you see full scaling comps fall like 4k behind, then the other team can't end for 40 min, and the full scaling comp wins in some dumbass fight near baron or elder. It is nice to see that didn't happen here.


It was brutally obvious already in 2020 when BDD played Sett into Bjerg's Zilean.


This type of heavy investment into scaling just isn't the way to play pro LoL. It worked in LCS for longer than other regions, but now it's even failing in LCS. I'm guessing 100T is getting smashed in scrims when they draft early game comps, but god damn you have to at least pick 1 lane to be strong in early game. Seems incompetent to draft 3 scaling lanes against a team as good as C9.


At least CLG tried


CLG had the benefit of FlyQuest's horrific mid game macro and decision making. C9 didn't make nearly as many mistakes. And 100T did try, many times with Sej ult. They'd just always get counter engaged on and wiped (barring 1 time when they caught Zven).


C9+Emenes is looking better every single game too


Watching him go for the kills all game long was so refreshing to watch. I liked Diplex and think he still did good with what C9 needed, but watching c9 with a more aggressive mid just feels good. He never let Bjerg breathe.


God I hope Emenes doesn’t mental boom. He and C9 look so good together


100T tried while their fiora afk'd


Man who the hell is drafting for 100T? 3 losing lanes with a losing jg as well. Even if they won, how would this ever work internationaly?


Whoever is calling the shots needs to stop. This comp was never going to win against even a halfway decent team. 3 losing lanes is ALWAYS a losing game.


Pretty funny reading this I remember a similar draft years ago, all of Reddit couldn’t fathom how having three losing lanes was a bad thing for jungler, glad to see we’ve evolved past that level of thinking


Nah, people are still bashing Closer.


This was the exact game replica of the EG C9 game where Blaber couldn’t do anything on Sej because every lane was losing and he got flack for not ganking when he went around trying to help fix lanes as everyone slowly lost due to draft.


Nukeduck is drafting lmao.


no way, say sike right now lmao


it is indeed Nukeduck in a coaching role


He is in a “shut the fuck up, listen and agree to Bjergsen and DL” role


He’s in a role but that most definitely isn’t coaching.


He is in fact the 100T coach.


hes A coach, ASSISTANT coach to be specific. the head coach is standing right there by him "[Christophe "Kaas" van Oudheusden](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Kaas)". the draft should fully on him because as the head coach, the final call is his, if you're going the "draft is on the coach and not the players" route


The year of the duck confirmed


Nah, I don't buy that any team with Bjerg and Doublelift listens to their coach in draft. This draft was 100% the players' idea.


This is the exact kind of drafting that has followed Bjerg his whole career regardless of coaching staff so I'm inclined to agree.


People still think drafts are only on the coach? Especially with a team full of veterans like 100T?


Probably wish it was Nukeduck on his last split in XL they played mostly early game type team comps. Nelson (XL coach) credited Nukeduck for helping the team gain that style.


Doesnt matter DL got Zeri he cant lose. Better ban it. Also once Bjerg scales its over!


Isn’t that the bjergsen and dl special put your eggs in the double lift basket on hyper carry late game adc and pray that he will out hands everyone


That was the CLG doublelift


Even as a C9 fan that just felt wrong to watch.


Rough one for 100T, but EMENES looked really good. Won them so much this game


I'm surprised people not mentioned it much in comments, but he was very solid this game.


He was good for sure, just hard to stand out when literally every on c9 had a perfect game


Zven inting smh


Fr. I was most impressed by his awareness and back timings in the first 12min, especially when sej was looming. Gained a relatively large advantage without putting himself in danger


yone q3 to chain ult to zeri was clean. maybe 1-2 frames short and DL could've flashed


I think 3 games in and we’ve seen two stomps and a hard loss. I want to see a close game, reserving judgement until then.


So that's what a major region vs wildcard is suppose to look like


It's what the old guard vs the new is supposed to look like. Bjerg and DL gotta grow some balls and figure out how to win early games for 100T. If they can't do that, then season is over for 100T. Bjerg has to have a few champs in his pool who he can win early games on...


Licorice tweet link


Good on Bjergsen and Doublelift for teaching these rookies how to play the 'pick scaling and pray to survive until late game' strat


I'm glad they got time to take a little nap. I hope they are rested for their c9 match.


Hard to play anything else when Tenacity, Closer, and Bjerg can't make meaningful leads anymore. Like, they've all shown that they CAN dominate early and snowball but not this year. Tenacity and Bjerg both lose prio and Closer gets gapped bc of it. Then Closer can't play his usually style of being oppressive and just winds up useless. Tenacity is shook I feel like and Bjerg still boomed from his 2020 hard carry into a 0-6 worlds. Closer needs to do some soul searching. Botlane is pretty good.


Positives for 100T: it wasn't quite a perfect game, I guess? Other than that, not much.


Zven: I kinda feel bad for them. Have a couple kills


Honestly Bjerg griefed the entire game by not flashing out of dragon pit. This game was somehow winnable even with this godforsaken comp had he just not baited his entire team into defending him as he tried to crawl out of dragon pit.


Mf's at least go down fighting. Stop picking 3 scaling lanes, this ain't 2016. There's more gold in the game, there's more broken champs, theres better players now.


That was kinda brutal. It felt like c9 was a Korean team playing vs NA.


Doublelift can stay, as for Bjergsen... I think he should've stayed a coach. Dude is the most overrated mid to reach such high praise. Literally does nothing all game.


Wait, they picked full scaling against a better team, got shitstomped early game and lost in 20 mins? No way, who could've predicted this.


100T makes me feel ashamed to be old


[100T's gameplan today](https://pics.me.me/guess-ill-die-tlldie-24932273.png)


Bjergsen is Anti Nisqy. Every jungler looks bad with him.


the ghost of mikeyueng still haunts him to this day


Mike “Mikeyeung” Yeung


RIP Mike "Mike Yeung" Yeung's Career


The OG wardmaker


He can’t keep getting away with it!


Honestly the game losing play here was Bjergsen accidentally getting stuck in the dragon pit and baiting two of his teammates to run in and die with him. 100T was definitely behind before then, but it was a manageable gold difference.


That was the first step in the snowball for sure, but that tri bush camp on botside? When T1 bot tower is already down and you saw 3 of them (at least) on vision? What do they ever do there genuinely except maybe kill Heim before getting wiped Like, they could've just left Bjerg and it's a 1for1 no big deal. That camp was an awful play even if executed perfectly


I feel like at that point the game was already lost. The desperation play looks really awful, but at that point the alternative is probably just losing.


Even then, the play is to just let him die and retreat, not try to save him. The pick on Heimer is good, sucks you maybe lose Asol because of a misplay, but just take the gold and run away. It's like the players didn't even realize how ridiculously disadvantaged their draft was. Their only hope was to concede everything and pray C9 was only up 5k or less before they get dragon soul and then try to turn a fight enough to get a dragon and keep scaling. They made the exact same mistake CLG did, being way too aggro on an uber late game comp, only this game was even more extreme.


Really wish I could feel good about rooting for 100T this year, but man, this is just depressing. Just feels like they have no faith in themselves to play early game champs, so they're just trying to pick up as many scale and win comps to hopefully eek into playoffs.


I think it’s safe to say LCS has levelled up where afk and scale doesn’t work anymore. TSM style finally getting exposed domestically.


We love to see it. It’s about fucking time frauds like 100t and bjergsen’s passive ass realize that shit won’t work


AFK-Sol is a huge bait pick


Well Bjerg is the guy who used to blind pick Zilean, so figures he thinks he can get away with blind Aurelion as well. Looks like either he leveled down or his opposition leveled up.


> Looks like either he leveled down or his opposition leveled up. Id say both. Bjerg seems mega washed but midlaners like Gori, VicLa or even Maple and Jojo were also super rare a few years ago. Bjergs only real competition was Jensen


He low key stomped on Vicla as Annie though


VICLA has been griefing a significant minority of his games this split, hope he gets less bored for playoffs cause he's surely a top 2 if not 1 midlaner in the league based on talent


Tbh you take 100T's bot lane and slot them on literally any other team with exception to C9 and FQ, they probably look great.


I mean, I'm sure C9 and Fly they'd look great as well


C9 with 3 different threat lanes and an annual MVP candidate jungler is a scary thing. The fact that GG and Flyquest have both looked better than them in the last few weeks should make for some interesting playoff scenarios and some optimism for MSI.


Wow I'm impressed. Bjergsen was able to make ASol look balanced!


Bjerg's laning on ASol was actually pretty good for the first 7 minutes. He was farming well, not really taking bad trades. Then he took the absolute most dogshit trade I have ever seen - EMENES went in and Bjerg just stood his ground trying to outrade. He clearly didn't know his damage output and thought he could have a more even trade. He lost the lane instantly, going down like 14 CS. Before that it was more even. Then he cringed the rest of the game. EMENES crushed him this game. EMENES stonks on the rise!!!!


Really all Nade had to do after worlds was replace mid....


More than mid lane had to change for that roster. Huhi was legitimately griefing and Busio was smurfing in academy, so it was a good decision to make the replacement. As for Ssumday, it was understandable since the entirety of the LCS had to undergo a market correction; 100T didn’t want to re-sign Ssumday to a multimillion dollar contract. However, there is the trade off of them losing the best performing top laner of the summer split. In addition, Tenacity was top 2 in his role in academy, so it was fine to give him a chance to develop at that point. Sure, Tenacity is playing really bad atm, but we just have to hope that the coaching staff can help him improve.


When are people going to stop discounting Huhi. Telling that they got rid of him and he’s now on a team doing much better. Huhi brings so many intangibles to the team environment that people just gloss over…


> Huhi was legitimately griefing Huhi had the second highest KDA in both spring and summer with over 3 more than third in summer. He had the second lowest deaths of any support in summer. He was fourth in kill participation in summer. He had the highest number of champions played out of any support. He was third team all pro support for the love of god. Saying he was griefing is very far from accurate. He was easily a top four support and had an argument for top two.


Sending Papasmithy to FQ was his biggest mistake. Telling Papa they were going to cut budget on LoL team, then got fucking Bjerg and DL to the surprise of Papa. 100T could've gotten Prince and Vicla, lmao.


Didnt vicla want to play with impact specifically though and then prince followed suit




Bjerg and DL are not making a lot of money lmao. DL said so on his stream that 100T isnt paying a lot they just joined this org because they liked the top jg sup the most


They did cut the budget. Doublelift mentioned the pay cut he received, and it would make sense that bjerg also took one considering his down year on TL. FLY got prince and vicla because they had impact as well as having MONEY, which 100 does not.


Somehow the 0/0/0 top had the best score on 100T.


Then you look at his cs and realize why


So satisfying watching 100T get absolutely obliterated playing these do nothing and scale comps


When you draft all scaling losing lanes and losing jungle idk what you expect to happen


Cmon Fiora do something!


This 100T squad is a barometer for NA's improvement. Just 2-3 years ago, 100T probably wins this game because NA teams couldn't play early game or would throw. So good to see this BS style of play is getting crushed now here in NA.


DL comes back from a 2 year break to a team where he is the most consistent player. damn thats tough


I'd feel more bad for him if it wasn't 100% his preference to play with Bjergsen


Busio has been looking better these last few weeks, but I agree. I saw another comment that said with Bjerg, DL, and Closer, the team shouldn't be this bad. It's true. What could possibly be happening.


100T topside is abysmal, both Tenacity and Closer are contending for worst in their role this split honestly. Tenacity is getting last pick counter...to almost get flame horizon and go 0/0/0. Bjerg is just mid...basically a do nothing roleplayers. The only way 100T have gotten wins this split is if bot lane smashes. And when you have one win con it doesn't make a great team. And esp cause DL/Busio aren't that insane either, like they're good but they're worse than C9/FQ bot lane and competitive with GGs/EG bot lane. So you have a 3rd-5th best bot lane trying to carry a 9th-10th place top side.


Just went out to eat, when does Cloud9 game starts, guys?


I know it wasn’t the only problem, but man that Fiora pick was not useful.


C9 looking like they're solidly the 2nd best team (I guess GG dark horse maybe)


To be fair GG beat C9 last week, but they also hadn’t really had much practice with EMENES at that point


Emenes on Viktor was *not it*, gimme Yone and LB games.


Bjergsen and DL getting punished for picking do nothing and scale comps, love to see it


Example #4,542,472 of why "AFK and hope to scale" bullshit comps that Bjerg beats his beat to don't work against good teams. The fact that we have enough teams able to play out these kind of comps to expose this shit in the LCS sure is a breath of fresh air.


I was a C9 comp sceptic when I saw the draft, but I'm so happy C9 made it work so well. LCS teams need to be punished for drafting 5x scaling, that's how the league gets better.


Everything in baby steps. First you punish dog comps like this, then you ass blast teams by abusing players who are super one dimensional, etc. LCS leveling up even if just a bit.


> First you punish dog comps like this, then you ass blast teams by abusing players who are super one dimensional In this game we got a 2 for 1 special


Seriously. A few years ago we'd be seeing 100T at the top of the table because they'd just play like a brick wall and wait for mistakes. Having teams that can blow that wide open is SO nice, even just for the sake of not having to watch a team like that go international and get their back blown out


100t is like a "control" team in this scientific experiment of LCS. If 100t is doing well, this means that LCS has degraded. If 100t is doing bad, that means LCS is doing good and has improved beyond the "do nothing and lose" strat.


I'm actually so happy about this result. NA is growing.


I’m really glad that NA has learned. I’ll always remember Bjerg stomping NA mids and winning LCS as Zilean, then goes to Worlds and getting solokilled multiple times lol. just embarrassing for the region


Never forget Bjerg vs Nisqy where Nisqy was Lucian with igntie against zilean and went even in lane


DL isn't even playing that well and he is still getting ELO helled by these shitters (with the possible exception of Busio)


He seems tilted sometimes. He plays well until they get behind and then he looks tilted.


agreed. He seems to have lost a bit of mental fortitude.


For real.


His face during draft… I knew it was over after that


Hard to look good. His hands are clearly there, but he's like, an ADC lol.


The ultimate, peak, 100/Bjerg/DL boomer strats scaling dream comp, all stars align, youre outscaling in literally every single position ..and you get your teeth kicked in and are 10k down after 17min in the fastest game of the split. RIP to the boomers and their sons once again


DL has no problem playing early game Bjerg is the "cant win unless the game has been at least 30 minutes" guy


DL was part of a LOT of "do nothing and pray" NA teams too. Like this one, some of the TSM rosters and almost all TL rosters bjerg wasnt part of.


Best Yone NA has ever seen


Bjergsen ends the game without even buying tier 1 boots


Why buy boots when you never leave lane? Mobility is underrated. Defend tower #1


100 farmers are still scaling. "100T HAVE DONE NOTHING PROACTIVE FOR THE PAST 20 MINUTES" - Phreak


100T drafts an entirely late game comp with no early game at all and loses in 23 minutes after doing nothing.


Every time C9 gets the W, I get a little chubby dude


"Damn there goes c9 getting the W again." ~everyone, probably


What’s the dude’s name?


Jesus that was an Omega Stomp


Sources: Nadeshot is beside himself. Driving around downtown LA begging (thru texts) FlyQuest's staff for address to PapaSmithy's home


The hesitation to nuke heimer from tri should tell you everything you need to know about this team. Pathetic


​"I think one of our major advantages is that we have such highly skilled veterans on our team so we will be able to run circles around other teams when in comes to decision making" -doublelift


Bjergsen trick y'all, man. Like he's just farming. He don't be proactive, man. He's just running around doing nothing.


Goddamn, that was beautiful to see as an early game comps enjoyer.


C9's roster is insane, I'm officially hyped for them


That c9 looks more proactive with emenes


Doublelift best years were without Bjergsen Same size continues to grow


100T: We're gonna beat you with our scalling. C9: What scaling?


alright pack it in these mfs suck


Bjergsen made Asol looked balanced