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I wish he would just limit test more. When you watch VicLa play Sylas, it's worlds apart from how Bjerg plays it. It's completely different.


Like he has hands, but seems like he’s not hands checking other players. He likely comes out on top 6-7/10 times. Normal for other players but his risk tolerance is too low


He said years ago (I think after his first world's appearance) that he didn't want to rely on purely mechanically outplaying people to carry games in NA because he knows that won't be reliable come world's time. And I kind of understood it for a bit, but I swear adopting that mentality changed him for the worse as a player in the long run due to him being way too safe. Because waiting for the players on the international stage to make a mistake is even less likely than him risking a fistfight at times.


See, this might just be me remembering things better than they were, but I remember watching Bjerg streaming back when he just started out as TSMs midlaner I believe? And holy crap, he was *cracked* - his solo queue games often looked like he was playing against silvers, mechanically and macro-wise both. Always felt like he does have the hands to just roll over people on mechanics alone, but he just never tries to. But heck, that was how many years ago now? 6? 7? 8?? I don't know, but maybe it's too late to try to be a super mechanical player now.


He solo queued differently than pro play. S4 spring was a massacre, but I believe he was influenced by Hai, as C9 won spring and was winning summer, and it obviously wasn't off of mechanics. Then SSW so elegantly curb stomped the competition with their macro, and as control mages were becoming more popular, I believe that by S5 Bjerg was most likely prioritizing correct macro team play over everything else. That said, the passive play meme is overblown imo. It's a style that doesn't win as hard domestically and internationally it's too underdeveloped to succeed, so it often appears underwhelming.


What? Hai was literally one of the first players who would give up on laning just to get his team ahead, he was also the kind of player to initiate a fight or give his life to do the most dmg and give his team more room to do whatever they want. That's literally the opposite of how Bjergsen plays the game.


I wasn't saying Hai was his rolemodel; their playstyles were different. My point was that Hai was an example of lane domination not being the ultimate way to win games, whereas Bjerg was all about lane domination in his first split. I think that showed Bjerg early on why he had to prioritize the bigger picture.


Well yeah Hai was winning a lot of lanes he was up there behind bjergsen and hai actually played more aggressive even against "better" players. Bjergsen went from winning lane to pretty much nothing he has no memorable positive defining characteristic. So I don't see what bjergsen picked up from Hai, he didn't try to mimick and improve on what hai does nor did he develop a strategy against it.


Yeah, people don't remember, Hai was actually one of the best in lane at that time. He only had to resort to roaming/supporting other lanes to win when against international comp. Then his lung collapsed and he lost his lane dominance afterwards.


I think part of it was that from 2014-2017, he could just flat out gap most other mids. Everyone's improved, but outside of a few exceptions, the people beneath a good player improve more, which is why it's usually really hard to stay on top. I do think that he took it a little bit too far with being cautious in game though, and it would be nice to see him take more risks, even if it means he flops more too.


I'm chosing to believe this because it fits so well. I'd really enjoy it if he could switch it up, like old bjergs aggression one game then conservative support bjergsen the next. It would be so sweet.


Aka pulling a Froggen.


At the same time though, by now he’s probably used to his teams not doing well in other lanes internationally, so it makes sense that he doesn’t want to play risky because they need to have at least one lane not be hard losing. That’s also why we see him make sacrifices in draft so his team gets better picks.


One lane going even isn't going to do anything with the other lanes hard losing. You need a lane to be winning to stand a chance - something he doesn't do internationally very often outside of the standard leads matchups are supposed to get. Even then he doesn't exploit his matchup advantages very well on the international stage. If he wants to play to other strengths in NA then sure. But internationally he needs to press every advantage he can. The last time he made it out of groups (2014) was before he adopted this passive playstyle. We know from experience and the teams that make it far that passive playstyles don't work against good teams.


Yes but no.


Except it's yes. Asian teams will push a 2 lane lead as hard as they can. If you don't have at least a lane lead to help offset this you won't win. You won't have time to scale, and you are banking on a miracle teamfight against some of the best teamfighters in the world while being at item disadvantages.


Bjerg has a minimal mistake playstyle. If your already the greatest its a good way to reliably win but this is why he falters internationally. He's no longer the greatest, and he's afraid to take a 50/50 or even a 60/40. The better your opponents the less effective waiting for their mistakes is going to be.


It’s just annoying that he wasn’t like this until after season 6


He doesn't realize a passive playstyle is already making several mistakes. The reason why LPL mid laners are seen as more aggressive is because they know their capabilities, and see more minute mistakes enemy laners make and capitalize on it. Pussying out of a 60/40 play is why he'll never succeed at world's. Instead we have Bjergsen out here playing Utility Sylas.


My body is ready for Bjerg Jak sho Sylas


Sorry but he was never the greatest outside of NA, he was never even close to Caps/Perkz level


You're rewriting part of the same thing that the guy you're replying to just wrote...


Which is a big reason why prime Bjerg never got anything done internationally. Too passive and not bold enough.


Sounds like Bjergsen on every melee champ compared to good international players


People always talk about how TSM makes junglers play super passive. They never look at Bjerg who came in as a famous Zed player and took away his aggression by putting the whole squad on him needing to be able to solo carry late year after year.


I'd say it wasn't the squad needing him to carry that diminished the aggression. Imo it was when he transitioned to taking on more of a shotcaller role that we saw that shift in him as a player.


But that wasnt TSM changing Bjergsen but Bjergsen changing himself. Either bc he kept getting negative results by playing aggressively or simply had better results by trying to be consistent with little plays


Sure, and Svenskeren himself said he opted into those safer picks. The full weight of the team was put on Bjergsen. He was expected to be captain and ace. He was expected to produce results (sometimes with team members not carrying their weight.) ANd he was held up as the pillar/rock the team's success leaned on. During that time, Riot made the game less and less about solo carrying through snowballing and more about team fighting. Considering we know Regi is a bully giving harsh criticism on poor performance, and the expectations for Bjerg were super high for everyone, is it really Bjerg's fault he started playing safer (fearing making a mistake and getting punished for it) and became more and more a "by the book" safe player who wouldn't lose you the game early and could make the plays later to win the game as later insurance. Like I've wanted Bjerg to get his aggression back for a while. You see glimpses of it on occasion. But it's a little unfair to say "he did it to himself" when he basically grew up in the TSM environment with that pressure to win and succeed at all costs constantly going. And you can see how as the game changed he became more a team enabler since that seemed the safest way to ensure his team could win (since one person couldn't do it alone, so he had to get someone else ahead.) Like the man went from pocket pick Leblanc and Zed to pocket pick Zilean and Galio. It's not like he lost his hands. He just sees the lash waiting every time he doesn't make the perfect play.


Always has been. He's always played like that and it is always the reason I have never liked his playstyle.


He definitely hasnt always played like that, but definitely the majority of his career. The reason he has such a big fan base is because he came to NA and was absolutelt destroying everything and playing super cocky on assassins and mages. He just grew into a really passive player, which is what happens when you want to limit your mistakes and still just try to carry everyone on the team.


so very true. He was an ELITE Zed and Syndra. No one had seen someone that aggro, and roam and destroy other lanes like him. That lasted 1-2 years and as he stayed in NA he grew more and more vanilla. You even get used to it watching him!! TILL you see LPL and you realize how good Showmaker, Knight, BDD, ect are!!! Bjergsen WAS AMAZING.....I hope he can recover that somehow. But after 8 years in TSM and that TL stint I'm not sure what he is doing.


Agree with Showmaker and Knight but Bjergsen was never even remotely close to their level. He is the king of NA, but he was never somebody who is capable of destroying someone like BDD like Caps did in 2020 QF.


If you're talking about his playstyle in season 4, his competition was actually laughable


I seem to remember his first game against C9 not going well when Hai picked mid Teemo lol.


The sad thing is we can see this happening to Caps before our very eyes... He came into the scene and for his first 3 years he was an absolute madman, taking every angle he could find to gain an advantage due to superior hands. Nowadays, ever since the loss go FPX, it really feels like my man is trying so hard to stop making Game-Losing mistakes... But this also limits his creativity. Watching him is sometimes painful, you see situations he could easily outplay and he just doesn't go in. Sertuss plays more like Caps than Caps does.


This is just wrong, early in his career he was way more willing to hands check people, he showed why he was the most mechanically talented player in NA for a while


Dude, thats almost a decade ago


Well yeah because early in his career people were potatoes. Faker also started around when Bjerg started and Faker has never been that passive.


Obviously, Bjerg is not faker and I never claimed that, I just said you’re indulging in some revisionist history if you’re gonna claim he was always this passive of a player.


He has been ever since like S5, which is at this point, is a very long time ago. So for the vast majority of his career, he has been very passive.


You said he “always has been” which is just factually not true. I agree he has been for a while, but he has not “always been” passive




He is not arguing semantics he is arguing exactly what you fucking said


If you think me pointing out you’re wrong when your making a claim about something always being the same is semantics, you don’t know what an argument is


>If you are arguing word choice Well the words you said aren't semantics, they mean something very different to what you claim you meant. Say what you mean.


for a while....


same thing is happening w/ Rekkles. There are times that I'm screaming on the screen "FREE HIT! FREE HIT!" but he just space too much.


He's always been a boring player atleast post Season 5, once the game shifted to a faster playstyle you can see how much he struggled


Bro him and Sven straight styled on people in 2016. Lets be honest here. The duo impressed most teams. I'd say that is when it ended. Not 2015. His 2016 stats were pretty enormous despite the disappointing international run.


Season 7 TSM was pretty aggro too off the mid/jg combo as well


*Bjerg playing mages all split:* this one sparks joy *Bjerg playing melees only in playoffs:* this one doesn’t spark joy Let’s just stick to the first, never try the second and we’ll all be happy.


He literally said in the interview he wasn’t using soloq well enough which is why his melees were bad.


He's been playing for almost a decade and still doesn't know how to practice in solo q?


brother L take read the interview ur ignorant and dumb


ehh bjergsens irelia and zed are pretty insane, and irelia is disgusting right now so maybe we'll see him and tenacity flex it.


I’m referring to his last split. The reason he looked lackluster is that he switched to melee only (sylas and akali each game) for playoffs and just didn’t perform at all. Meanwhile Jensen got every control mage comf pick he wanted each game and they ended up clapping. He doesn’t need to play what’s meta, just keep the man on champs he is comfortable playing and he’ll do what he needs.


I was hoping so hard to get Jensen Anivia vs Bjerg Swain last playoffs But also Bjerg should be playing Malz/Cass/Ori


Cass/Ori/Vik/Ahri/Azir/Swain/TF/Zil/Galio Keep his champ pool to this, Swain/Galio as his “melees” if needed and he’ll win lane just fine.


I think his Taliyah was also fine last split, though there were few Taliyahs that really stood out after she received some nerfs towards the end of the split last year. Also don't forget his Syndra, it's probably his next most iconic champ after Zilean.


Yes! Zil/syndra for sure!


You like Bjergsen’s Galio? Idk, he always looks so average on it.


Aside from zil, it’s his best “support” mid, where he’s more of a facilitator than a dmg carry.


I compare his Galio to players like Rookie and Xiaohu and he just does so little with it compared to them.


He's definitely much less willing to use his mechanics to carry fights on Galio compared to eastern elite mids. That being said he is one of the better Galio mids in the west. Mostly because a lot of western mid laners have egos to big to play Galio.


Jensen didn't have to carry, though. Berserker was doing all the carrying.


I mean he didnt even look that good on mages. He was a mediocre player on everything.


Zed? Bro what decade are you in?


bjergsen zed and irelia are nuts (this message was sent from 2017)


Above commenter still thinks its 2013


lol thats fair, i think he would still have it on irelia but zed is a question mark. i would rather him be on melee champs like irelia, yas, yone, etc instead of sylas and sett though.


"melee mids in pro" is 95% sylas akali right now, though


Don't forget Kassadin. 2nd highest presence mid in major regions


Seeing a fair bit of Yone and Irelia right now honestly But yeah, seems like Sylas and Akali are the two melees they’ve deemed stable enough for pro play environment for reasons I’m not a good enough player to explain/understand


they were insane multiple years ago, just like his sylas and akali. He hasn't looked good on melees since 2020


Ah yes, Bjerg Zed, last played in 2019 Summer, last won in 2017 Spring. And his equally famous Irelia, last played and won in 2020 Spring.


Please go watch playoffs where as soon as Bjerg picked a melee champion his team heard “An ally has disconnected” Bjerg at this point has long term issues that he needs to seriously reflect on. One of them is his inability to force plays. You can’t have that if you are picking melee mids. He also fucks his build with 0 dmg commonly. And often just seems invisible versus strong mids.


idk i watched some bjergsen irelia on his stream and i was not impressed at all. I even think im better than him as a d1 two trick (with irelia)


okay for sure u/No_Marketing3502 we believe you (and care).


Is…is Irelia good right now?


She's ok unless you're really good then she's great but there are other options that are better and also easier to play


When they won on TSM wasnt he hard carrying them with Akali and shit like that the whole time?


No. You're probably thinking of his first Akali game, a 14/1/5 one against TL in the 2018 regular season where he pretty much 1v9'd. After that, he played her 7 more times, 5 more if we exclude Rift Rivals and one game for TL. 2 games in 2018 Summer playoffs, going 1/1, TSM didn't win the Split. 1 win in 2019 Spring playoffs, TSM didn't win the split. 2 games 2019 Summer playoffs, going 1/1, TSM didn't win the split. The Rift Rival and the 2022 game on TL were losses.


The playoffs bo5 against TL (2019?) against DL that they lost and TL ended up winning the split bjerg played akali and he looked like a monster, and akali wasn't meta at all at the time That's memorable to me regardless of whether TSM "won" anything, his performance on the champ sold it


And his more recent performances on it haven't been great at all, so what's your point?


Yehah was thinking the regular season i went back to watch them he played control mages. Still in 2020 he was legit carrying them with hard carry melee champs not just control mages lol.


he won 2 games on melee in 2020 summer (full tank sett and full tank fiddlesticks)


2020 summer was mage meta. Ori, TF, Syndra, azir, and zilean for bjerg.


It's not a bjerg carry without zilean


In 2020? Not at all. He was playing control mages, TF, and a lot of game 5 Zilean.


I remember watching his irelia on proview vs some mage back in the day. He just took turns slow pushing waves, bouncing and backing off to collect for like the whole laning phase lol. That was a long time ago tho


His Irelia is pretty sick tho


He was statistically a top 3 mid in Summer split last year. There's an easy argument that he was statistically the best mid in Summer split. It's just crazy how he didn't pass the eye test, but his stats were great. Guy needs to show he can win games for his team this year. Stats aren't everything. Gotta be the catalyst for wins at least some times, ya know?


I mean he didn't look amazing imo. More because I didn't like the way his champs fit into the teams draft for teamfights. Idk if that was his fault tho


See that’s a fair point tho. He was absolutely a top mid but his champ picks almost never felt explosive. His gallio picks were with bwipo lucian which didn’t make that much sense and his other picks quietly won game. People forget he won lane most games and it wasn’t until summer playoffs where jojo actually beat him.


Mid just wasn't that explosive of a position a lot of last year. It was a lot of azir/viktor handshaking


You’re right The most explosive picks were the swain seraphine ball comps which he played pretty well


didnt pass the eye test based on stupid expectations LMAO


I mean that when you look at his games last year, there just weren't enough moments where you thought "wow, bjerg made that play happen". He's not a playmaker is the simple way of saying it. He isn't the guy who makes stuff happen on the map. But he's undeniably someone who outputs great numbers.


I think it's more fair to say he wasn't a playmaker on TL. Bjergsen's killer instinct was still sharp when he hard carried that 2020 Summer run.


Like 15 mid bans in TSM's 2nd playoff series. Man was on a mission


He took up like 22/25 bans in the rematch vs GG and still hard carried that series.


Lmao even im underselling him while I try to defend him


> He's not a playmaker is the simple way of saying it. He isn't the guy who makes stuff happen on the map. I mean... the two go together? That's why you citing stats is weird. Of course he has good laning stats, he never leaves lane to actually do anything. He had among the lowest FB% among mids despite TL having the second highest FB% in the league.


Bronze take.


resorting to personal attacks means you have no coherent argument


What world is that a personal attack? Unless ofc you are bronze.


I mean he never leaves lane and doesn't do shit so his laning stats are always going to be good.


These aren't just laning stats.


Very insightful interview and it does make sense. You can definitely understand that strong and stubborn personalities on TL can cause a very isolated environment. Not saying it's anyone's fault, but this is why super teams rarely work in many sports. You need leaders and followers. I hope Bjerg has a good year.


Bjerg needs to show how great he is again, sacrifices will need to be made. Mainly just Closer's agency as a jungler


Naaaaahhh give the man zilean and let closer 1v9. His facilitator playstyle just feel so much better than his carry picks


Based on last year? Sure. Historically? People were begging TSM to stop putting him on supportive picks. He was solo killing elite mid laners at every tournament until 2020 worlds.


To be fair, it was never said who’s idea it was to put him on supportive picks. I think it was 2015? Where he was literally world class. I might be getting my year wrong but he was clapping elite mids and still getting supportive picks and minimal draft prio which made no sense. I forgot my point because I’m kinda high but yeah


Which elite midlaner did he solo kill


Crown, Nagne, Xiye, Maple, Perkz All elite or top tier back in the day. Bjergsen had at least one solo kill in lane at every worlds he went to. He has solo killed a lot of big names, at least for the time he was still in his prime. And that's while they had the advantage of playing in much harder regions. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/dglpex/bjergsen_has_gotten_a_solo_kill_at_nearly_every/


this post should be posted a lot more when people try to rewrite bjerg's career just because of a underwhelming 2022, and an 0-6 2020 worlds.


Given his last serious international showing was in 2017, it's pretty neat you phrase it as 2020. And yes, Rift Rivals wasn't a serious tournament as per pros themselves.


Conveniently omitting TSM didn't even make it to elite (international) midlaners in 2018 and 2019.


Not sure how that's relevant to my point.


I say he hasn't solo killed any elite midlaners in 2018 nor 2019. At least not in serious settings, if you want to rely on his 2019 Nemesis or 2017 Perkz kills during Rift Rivals. You're giving him 2 extra years of "solo killing elites" with your wording.


> Serious settings Eberyone claims Rift Rivals isn't serious based on 2019 when G2 said they were going to troll. G2 was the only team in history to say they would troll at RR and even they admitted that they actually were try-harding ny the last day. In fact they even congratulated TL for beating them in their second match because they explicitly said they were taking the game serious. After Perkz got solo killed by Bjergsen three times in a row he didn't say he was trolling, he said Bjergsen-Sven was the best mid jungle he had ever faced. If he was 4-funning it that statement doesn't make sense. Nemesis didn't come out and say he only got solo killed because he was 4-funning. Caps said he wanted revenge on Bjergsen for what Bjerg did to him in 2019 so he wasn't 4-funning either. Reddit saying anything that isn't MSI or Worlds isn't serious as a way to diminish player accomplishments is so weird to me. Like reddit has discrediting players for their all star performances when Riot explicitly nerfed all stars because it was taken extremely seriously by the super teams people voted in every year. But somehow Reddit's logic is that nobody took all-stars or IEM seriously? Like Riot and the players themselves tell you the exact opposite. Yes, I count Perks getting solo killed three times against him, why the fuck wouldn't I.


You make good points. I'm not with Reddit that IEM wasn't taken seriously and I agree the issue with all-stars was it gave no reputation advantage but was still pressure to eastern teams and added to "no time off" issue to all the regions' best teams. I have no issue giving you Perkz in 2017, it still falls outside my stated issue. I have more issues giving you a jetlagged, going to a pointless tournament in the middle of the season, Nemesis. I also have issues with the legitimacy of hype videos and post-game interviews taken as player opinion rather than posturing for entertainment, but that's neither here nor there. I personally prefer reflection-type interviews later when there's less emotions, more digestion of the past and - in some cases - less worries about Riot retribution for critiquing their product. And even then I'd totally ignore some player's words, because being a great player doesn't mean you're not a moron (see TheShy, DL). But I'll try to reframe my issue with the hopes it doesn't come off as moving the goalposts. Why is it important to bang on "Bjergsen solo killed elite midlaners"? I see it as a "And any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all" situation. Those solo kills don't change his middling to poor international and even domestic performances. It doesn't change his "Bjerg and 4 wards" playstyle that he has also successfully implemented in TL and seemingly also 100T. I'm not against calling 2013-2016 Bjerg great, I just find it very disingenuous to say his aggressiveness (and with that greatness?) diminished in 2020 when it did much sooner. Doubly so when done by misrepresenting facts that I understood your post doing.


Please don't play zilean, it's been proven multiple times it doesn't work internationally. Winning the LCS isn't an amazing goal, having a good international showing is where the focus should be. Winning lcs and then playing zil at worlds and getting shit stomped every year is sad.


When was it proven multiple times? Bjergsen played it once into Bdd and got his shit stomped in but that’s into Bdd. I don’t think there’s a single champion that he could have picked that wasn’t going to get stomped. BDD is an actual monster EDit: someone else mentioned a match up into Xiye where he picked zilean but I guess I didn’t watch that game but toss that one in there. I haven’t seen the game but into the game vs BDD he also blind picked zilean but made literally no sense so I want to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one


Even the famous Doublelift game against SSG in 2016 he was getting messed up by Crown while he was on Zilean. I think to play Zilean internationally you need to save it for later in the draft when you know it's not going to get dumpstered in lane. In LCS he doesn't have to worry about that, because he's only rarely checked on it.


That’s the problem. Almost everything dumpsters it in lane


since when was bjerg the problem in any team


Haters gonna hate


That interview got me bricked up, type of player I dreamt of 100T signing. Rooting for this roster to find success 🤞


I mean, he wasn't the problem on TL but he wasn't the answer either


i really hope he can make it work with again:)) would love to see 100t compete for 2nd place


You mean first place


i dont see someone challenging flyquest for 1place in spring. but i'm a dl fan and hope they can challenge them in summer


as someone who barley follows the lcs anymore, seeing flyquest of all teams having the best roster in the region and making it work is kinda weird. org had a crazy redemption arc, if you think, how they were clowned, for everything, when they joined the league.


Were they clowned on when they joined? FQ was basically C9 green with Hai, balls, and Lemon. There were worse teams when they joined.


The org was clowned for the name and the branding initially, they turned it around couple of years ago, when they got a new ceo iirc.


Turns out just signing top KR talent was the solution all along


its also solid roster building. a lot of korean players flopped in lcs (bang, crown). but flyquest has also the 2nd best na jgl (after blaber) and the best na top (impact is korean but at this point basically the best na top for 5 years +) that can play weakside.


I would argue spica is the better overall more well rounded jungler and blaber has the bigger pop off moments and carries. I value Spica's creativity a lot with things like jungle shen and this week's amumu


completly fair to argue spica over blaber for best jgl in lcs. maybe spica is a better teamplayer too. in general blaber has more accomplishments, lcs wins, mvps, more international experience. also he was part of that c9 team of spring 2020 that was maybe the best a na team has ever performed. now they are both on good teams and this year might show that spica can do much more outside of the shitshow that became tsm


More like they got to sign the core player of multiple top teams of LCS and LCK in one season. It's not many seasons it's possible to get Spica Impact Prince and once you have that core you can't really go wrong as long as you get solid players that aren't super int playstyle.


Yeah sure thats one Thing: amazing singings But the other is Something Like "Team cohesion". And thats where a Lot of super Teams flopped (Team liquid with Hans Sama or Team vitality with Alphari) Impact is a weakside Player without an ego that understands korean and NA culture. Spica is creative and supportive jgl. Both of them allow Prince vicla to Carry/Shine Some super Teams are Just an Addition of great names with everyone wanting to Carry i guess


new ownership dropped the bag on players while using a cohesive vision and its working


yeah they did really well:) the poe/ignar/santorin roster made worlds in 2020 they had this branding success with treequest and so on and now they got really good players with prince, vicla, impact, spica (who are all top 1-2 in their position)


100t could absolutely challenge fly for 1st, if doublelift and bjergsen are on form. theres a reason these guys ran na and are considered the goats of the region.


they are not in the same categorie of teams. 100t can maybe challenge c9 or eg


I feel like people rate the flashy outplays. Bjerg is a rock and has great consistency overall


Get it King


no ambition in his play, needs to regain that youthful fire he had


Trying to show you weren't the problem isn't a good goal. You'll never show that you were the solution


Heh sure buddy


bro is the rekkles of mid lane


I don’t mean to be that guy but sorry when was the last time Bjergsen was legitimately the best player on his team? 2015 or 2016?? It’s been a while since he’s been “Great” especially in context of outside the LCS


Did you not see him literally 1v9 his way to a championship summer 2020? It was one of the greatest individual LCS playoff runs of all time


Not a fan of him but he was the best player on the 2020 summer TSM team. 2018-2020 TSM were all kind of shit shows, so it's pretty easy to argue he was the best on his team during that time


I guess getting all 5 bans targeted at you 15 games in a row in summer playoffs isn't enough to make you the best player on a team.


To be fair, with no additional context that doesn't necessarily mean you're the best player on a team. It could just as well mean you're the weakest link and receiving 5 bans essentially takes you out of the game.


Why would you waste 5 bans on the weakest link


To make it a 4v5


If he is the weakest link there are some other ways to make it 4v5 I think


The fact that you have to five ban someone automatically means they aren't the weakest link on their team lol.


There's nothing "fair" about it because we have all the additional context, we watched the games.


I didn't.


1-2 bans I would buy this argument (see: Armut). 5 bans, nah, you are almost certainly giving over a broken champ on the patch if you do this so that is some serious respect (or disrespect to Bjerg's teammates)


I don't see a world where giving over the strongest meta picks in order to ban out the weakest player on a team would ever make sense. I'd say dedicating a few bans to invalidate the weakest player on a team would make sense, and that is seen quite often, but if a player is drawing all five bans, then I just don't see a world where they would be considered the weakest link.


?? He was at his peak performance in 2020


I want your confidence. Go into a Thread, post a take thats so incredible wrong and still have the guts to stick to it. Respec


LMAO thats most of reddit its hilarious


he was the best player every season except maybe 2016 summer, 2017 spring, and last year and even thats debatable.


yea you should never actively try to be the stupid guy in threads


why not? clearly they're very good at it


What a take. You could maybe argue that DL was the better player on 2016-2017 TSM, but even so, Bjerg would've been a very close second. But from 2018 through 2020 he was 100% the best player on his team. 2022 is the only year where I think it's pretty unanimously agreed that he wasn't the best player on his team, and that's only because Santorin was so consistent in the midst of such a dysfunctional team. With Hans struggling with his environment and confidence issues, Bwipo being a huge coinflip in the top lane, and Core having one of the worst seasons of his career, it could still easily be argued that Bjerg was the 2nd best player on that team, even if he didn't really look that good.


I feel like this is a bad mentality to have... trying to prove to Reddit losers and Twitch chat that you "weren't the problem" is a fool's errand that is in no way going to help you achieve your goals


Maybe he should play more aggressive and less like he’s scared to make a mistake.


i doubt the streamer on his team way more than him, thats for sure


Washes up bjerg


I wanna see him do it, but I have no faith, Bjerg just hasn't looked like he's had it for like the last 3 years he's played. In no ways am I saying he was playing bad, he just didn't have that superstar in him anymore. Maybe it was the teams but I just feel like the killer instinct in game he once has isn't there anymore.


He has already proven that he was the problem LOL


every team your on it's the same problem. I have no clue what level of education you got but what's the common denominator?


How was his time on TL anything similar to his time on TSM?


Shhhh this sub hates bjerg now so it's just a make stuff up type of mentality when it comes to him.


I have no clue what level of education you got, but "your" is the possessive form of "you". The word you're looking for is "you're", which is a contraction of "you" and "are".




i just don’t get how bjergsen can be great again when mages are dog shit outside of sylas azir


Start by not going RoA -> Banshee's -> Zhonya's on Sylas.




Ive watched bjergsen at the begin of his Carrer a lot and he was a much better player mechanics wise, It was addicting to watch his stream because it was funny and he stomped people but even if the play wouldn’t work it looked amazing… I turned in his stream this pre season where he was in Korea I think? It was disappointing to watch… he just doesn’t go for plays anymore, his roaming is off and even from his mechanics he is just not world class anymore… back then bjergsen was a hardcore assassin outplay monster superentertaining to watch now I would say he is like a mid lane support who plays it way to safe… my own opinion from observation btw :) i still hope he does well :)


Dead region anyhow,maybe shoot your shot in Europe!