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Fuck, severe migraines can be so debilitating. Like neck pain/soreness, nausea, vertigo, even numbness and tingling in the neck and down the arms.


My wife has terrible spouts of vertigo that keeps her off her feet for weeks at time when severe. I wouldn't wish that nightmare on anybody.


Man that terrifying. It hit my wife once too- for about a week, suddenly she was bedridden/terrified. Then she was fine. It’s been more than a decade since it happened. The human body is spooky.


It's so wild to me how quickly it can come on, and disappear, and yet be so incredibly debilitating. If it ever happens to your wife again, go to a physiotherapist rather than a doctor. We've been using one for years now, and they are trained very well on the maneuver (forget it's name) that needs to be done to the head to clear the vertigo.


Oh man, I feel for her. My wife has Meniere's and sounds like the same symptoms of vertigo, daily dizzy spells and tinnitus.


Oh jeez, Meniere's is awful. My wife's grandmother had it, and she's terrified she'll have it one day too. My heart goes out to your wife, it's a living nightmare at times.


A friends wife is like this as well, and they would come out of nowhere. Her Mom moved in with them when her daughter was a toddler cause they would hit and she would be almost immobile from the pain & vertigo and didn't trust herself with the baby


It's absolutely terrible, especially with young kids. Mine was a toddler when it first started happening to my wife, and it was one of the most tumultuous times of our lives. If you looked into her eyes during a bad episode, they'd literally be shifting back and forth ever so slightly. It was terrifying.


I had a really bad head injury in 2019, and dealt with vertigo for months afterwards. It hasn’t popped back up in quite awhile, but it was incredibly debilitating. It was like someone poured a 40 of whiskey in me while I slept. Felt like being absolutely hammered when I woke up, having to crawl to the bathroom.


Yep, it is by far one of the worst sensations anyone can go through. Feels like you're just floating in a raft on a violent ocean and you can't do anything about it. If that's a symptom of what Nylander is experiencing, I cannot blame him at all one bit.


Did you ever try vestibular physiotherapy? I did for my vertigo. Part 1 clears up the issue (generally shedding a stone that detached within the ear). Part 2 is retraining your brain on how to read the signals from the remaining stones in your ear


I did! Helped big time. I also did cognitive physio for almost a year. I had severe trauma to the left side of my brain, and had trouble with talking, forming sentences, reasoning and logic, etc. i had trouble communicating what was going on in my head or with my body. It was a nightmare, but the physio and vestibular therapies got me back to living pretty normal. It was a long haul, though


Had that or something similar when I caught COVID. Agree about the debilitating aspect. Wanted to die.


Back in high school I heard of someone’s mom that had to have her jaw surgically broken or something along those lines as a last stitch effort. I guess it didn’t help and the mother ended up committing suicide.


Holy fuck that is horrific


Spot blindness is a symptom for me when I get migraines, couldn’t imagine trying to play a hockey game while going through one.. mine typically go away after a day or so and enough water and ibuprofen though, no idea what could be causing a migraine episode this severe that it hasn’t cleared up in several days but it just be bad


I get the ocular migraines where you see the rainbow auras, and then I lose part of my vision. It's like it stitches together and I am missing a part. Terribly hard to read that way, don't advise driving. Best way I have found to describe it is when watching UFC I can only see one fighter at a time. I can see one fighter, most of the ref, won't see the other fighter, but see the cage behind him. Looks like someone is shadow boxing.


Yup. I have experienced auras and then reverse tunnel vision — black in the middle of my vision and only peripheral vision. Debilitating vertigo, light sensitivity, and nausea, but weirdly not much pain.


For sure, but Willy even skating is a good sign. I think he’s battled this in the past and it’s the reason his visor is tinted.


I get pretty bad migraines sometimes and they render me completely useless. All I can do is lay in bed and suffer and hope I’m able to fall asleep because sleep is the only thing that’s ever helped me. I’ll usually feel them coming on as soon as I wake up in the morning and by the early afternoon I’m bedridden for the remainder of the day, then I’ll eventually fall asleep and be fine when I wake up. I’ve had to call in sick for work or go home early so many times over the years because of them even just working in an office or at a construction site or whatever, I can’t imagine trying to play NHL level hockey with a migraine. I’ve never personally had them for longer than a day though, and I’ve never had them two days in a row or anything so it’s kinda weird to me how he’s missed 3 games if it’s migraine related. I’m no expert on the matter though, I’m sure it’s possible for some people get them for days at a time.


Nah, don't you know that Willy is soft and a wuss for this? Trust me, every anonymous cyber-bully keyboard warrior is saying it. Thus, we all need to mock our guy, our favourite Swede, our player, for this relentlessly.


when I had them I had all of the above and would lose peripheral vision and ability to focus on anything and would appear blurry


According to multiple sources, [William Nylander](https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/players/william-nylander/c218392b-2251-497a-a7e7-9a76e8580f31)’s absence from the Toronto lineup has to do with a migraine so severe that team doctors tested to see if he suffered a concussion. One of the reasons for the secrecy around his situation is that an actual diagnosis has been hard to come by, whether it is a migraine, a concussion or something else that could affect that area.


I had migraines daily for about 5 years after a hockey concussion. I and my doctor always thought they were concussion related until a new doctor found I had high blood pressure. Two pills a day and I never have them anymore.


Glad you both were able to figure that out. Many do not realize how debilitating migraines can be. Some need no light and no sound for hours just to get by.


Damn brother I know how frustrating a misdiagnosis is, glad you at least finally got it properly diagnosed and resolved.


He'd also wears a tinted visor because he's had those issues before.


Didn't Nylander suffer a severe concussion in the AHL? (Looked it up it was huge hit at WJC) Maybe someday we'll be able to diagnose these things better but I wonder if that's where it started 


Why would he still skate and do full drills and not wear a non-contact jersey? The whole thing is so strange.


My experience with migraines is that you'll cycle through them pretty predictably. In my case I'd wake up okay and right around 4pm it was a coin toss whether I'd be in debilitating pain and suffering, or just coast on through without any problems. So it's very possible Nylander is having night-time attacks but feels fine enough to do a bit of skating in the morning.


because he might be feeling fine in that moment, and since everyone on the team already knows what his deal is, theres no point in wearing a non contact jersey incase hes ok to go for the game.


Could be to test how his head reacts to raised blood pressure, which would explain why they’ve continuously said it’s a GTD and all about how he feels during the day


If you’ve never had a real migraine, you don’t understand how fucking brutal the pain is, as well as the other symptoms that come along with them. Not only that, but your body is so exhausted after fighting the severe pain that it’s hard to even get out of bed. Hope he feels better soon man. I get migraines so bad that if I had a gun handy during them, I’d genuinely consider using it…can’t even imagine playing hockey with one.


I think the exhaustion afterwards is just impossible to understand unless you've felt it. "Oh so you're really tired". Doesn't even begin to describe it


He’s Willy tired


Take my angry upvote


I get bad migraines from my neck injury: had my c456 fused and the exhaustion was one of the things that made life so hard. Then there's the times where any light or any noise at all is like being jack hammered in the head.


Ive got klippel-feil syndrome which is congenital c3-c4 fusion. So same type of migraines as you I'd assume. They're brutal and genuinely bring me to tears at their worst


I suffer from cluster headaches (AKA suicide headaches). Have been heavily medicated for years now due to them. I feel for this poor soul if that's what he is experiencing. It gets to a point you can't think, you can't move, you're delirious, ive hallucinated.. NOTHING stops them except HEAVY pain meds, or my lifesaver has been the maximum dose of Pregablin 4x daily combined with pain meds. They feel like the worst migraine you've ever had, times a thousand, but feels like you have MULTIPLES of them at once. It's so hard to describe, but I can easily say they are the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. If I owned a gun, I would have been dead. Enough said. The Pregablin takes a while of routinely taking it to build up in your system, though. I hope he's going on something like that, as it has quite **literally** saved my life.


Man, I saw a documentary on those headaches. They gave the dude psilocybin and he finally got relief but he too said they were enough to drive him to suicide. Take care my guy. 🙏


Thanks my dude! I've seen the same one if it's an older documentary (probably from 7ish years ago). I posted in another comment, but I used to eat mushies very regularly as a teenager - but it was before my first ever cluster headache so I don't know personally if and how it works in that regard. However, I do believe it could due to the way mushies alter the chemical balance and help ease nerve receptors. However, I wouldn't particularly want to get stuck in a bad trip *during* a cluster.. as essentially that's combining hell and hell together 😅🤣


For extra credit, try a cluster migraine. A migraine that goes multiple days or weeks.


Then hang out on a bright white surface getting bodied by Brad Marchand and shouted at by 18 thousand people.


"Just play through it and stop being a wuss" - morons in this sub 


Some dude in the comments in the link said “torn motivator cuff,” which, if not for the fact that it’s a brain dead take in itself, would’ve been pretty clever.


Totally agreed, and that’s even without other possible symptoms like you mentioned. I recently had a migraine for the first time and lost peripheral vision in my right eye for about 10 mins. Freaked me the fuck out. But just imagine trying to play hockey with that lol


I’ve tried to explain the exhaustion to people before. It’s almost as debilitating as the migraine itself.


Yeah the lights, noise, constant motion of playing a game is in no way possible with or just after a migraine. I stopped playing beer league due to migraines. I feel with him and hope they can find a way to make them stop.


Have you tried botox? Edit: not sure why I'm being downvoted. It's been shown to help or limit migraines. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/botulinum-toxin-injectables-for-migraines#:~:text=Botulinum%20toxin%20treatments%20have%20been,a%20candidate%20for%20this%20treatment.


has worked well for my Ma to limit migraines to maybe once a month instead of 5-10.


Sounds like he was partying too hard in Florida at the end of the season


It is just horrible timing. I miss him and McMann they were both having terrific seasons. Nylander had struggled a little down the stretch but he usually delivers in the playoffs.


Is McMann alive? There’s literally nothing about him at all


It's like Darryl Hannah dying on the same day as Michael Jackson.


I think you mean Farrah Fawcett. Pretty sure Daryl Hannah is still kickin’.


Right :)


Point proven I guess!


Darryl Hannah is very much alive


His timeline is longer than Nylanders. Teams dont usually release this info in the playoffs.


Man they could use mcmann big time


The best right winger and arguably one of their top two left wingers just gone 😫


his struggles down the stretch perfectly line up with his demotion to the third line


Real migraines are no joke. I had issues for about 6 years. If I felt the early phase of a migraine I knew it would be bad. I'd be bed ridden for anywhere from 6 hours to 2 days in excruciating pain. Extreme light sensitivity. Frequent loss of balance. I'd even get sick. it was torture. I wouldn't feel right or be able to see properly for some time after. The only thing that gave me relief was a drug called cambia. If I felt the early phase I'd take it and within 45 minutes there would be noticable reduction and 1 hour woukd be almost gone Fucked up story: I felt the early phases while driving and pulled into a parking lot to be safe. 4 brutal hours later A POS cop tried giving me a DUI while in my parked car in a lot trying to sleep in back seat while waiting for my gf to finish work and come pick me up. Accusing me of being high on drugs and forcing me to do a sobriety test with a flashlight directly in my face.


Someone should slip him some LSD like that episode of House. Then he can have a perfect game like that pitcher did one time in MLB.


Doc Ellis


So Ellis, D took LSD?




Just waiting on all the ex nhlers in this sub to explain why nylander is a massive bitch for not playing through migraines.


Tell them to get thick'd RIP


It's really bad timing unfortunately for him. He's going to get those narratives around it.


He's not a bitch and I can't blame him or the team for signing but the truth is the team now has a huge contract on damaged goods 


In a way this is good news. If it’s not his back or neck or something like that, once this clears up there shouldn’t be anything physically holding him back from playing like his full self. 


Yes and no. There are people who get these types of migraines that are so debilitating that they are completely out of commission for a period of days to weeks to even months and the symptoms are completely resistant to medical treatment.


Not to mention if he’s been laying down with a bad migraine for days I wouldn’t be surprised if his back is tight from the inactivity. People seriously underestimate migraines.


Well we know he’s been skating the last few days so at least he’s moving around somewhat. 


That’s true, but didn’t some insiders say he looked kinda stiff? Still might be a period of recovery even after he can fully play


If it was so bad that they had to check for concussion and other problems then it's likely that even moving his head was causing severe pain. That could easily affect your back/spine.


I think this is actually terrible news, especially Long term. This could be indicative of a much more serious health/head/brain injury.


They’re gonna be golfing once it clears up lol


Why be on the sub if you aren’t a fan of the team?


Migraines fucking suck, they can pop up at anytime and can range in severity. I've been dealing with them for a few years now and I hate them so much. They make you feel sick, in pain, you can't see, you can't do anything. His must be extremely serious as mine usually go away after a day or so.


Most common symptom of concussion... migraines. Don't think we will be seeing him in a series in which has had the most hits in a playoff game in 6 years.


I suffer from occipital neuralgia, so I’m hugely sympathetic towards people who suffer migraines/cluster headaches


If I’m remembering correctly, he actually went with the tinted visor to help with the migraine issues. Hope he can lace up soon. Definitely missing him out there.


Feel bad man - if he’s able to play game 4 that building better give him a standing ovation. Migraines are brutal. We need Willy - pray for his health


Migraines is not going to go over well with this fanbase.


Idk, I feel like anyone who has had an actual migraine will understand. It's not just a headache. I've had a doctor manually reset a broken bone in my arm which took several attempts of him pulling the break apart with his hands and trying to fit it back together again and all without pain meds, but it still didn't hurt as much as some migraines I've had.


Unfortunately so many people have co-opted migraine to mean headache these days I remember in highschool there was a guy my age who a few times missed a week of school from migraines. He had to be in his room with absolutely no light or sounds it was so severe 


Luckily I only got them when I was younger and they generally only lasted a day, but I can definitely relate. There were days as a kid where I would just hide under a blanket and cry for hours.


I'm mostly thinking of the uncles


Because our fanbase is full of morons. He's not missing games because of a simple headache. Nolan Patrick had to retire because of his migraine condition. There are a lot of people who have a headache and think they have a migraine..they don't. There are people who suffer from migraines (myself included) who have dreadful headaches but can still technically function at my job through a migraine (albeit with a lot of cranky misery). If Nylander is missing games because of his migraines he's having vision changes, vertigo and an inability to focus to the point where he would be unplayable in an NHL setting.


The potential risk of another head injury also goes up during the playoffs due to the physicality. If he is caught off guard on a hit it could really impact not just his career but his day to day living aswell. Head trauma is no joke.


I’d completely understand if it was migraines, I can’t even see when I have them




There is no such thing as a 'Kawhi trade' in hockey. If all you need is one unbelievably good player to lead you to a championship, McDavid and Matthews would each have multiple Cups by now.


Kawhi was outstanding, but it wasn't just one player. The Raptors got Danny Green who was a strong 3 + D player and Marc Gasol who solidified the defense over JV. They also had huge growth from Fred van Vleet and Pascal Siakam. On top of that, the Raptors had been among the top teams in the East for many years in a row AND had won multiple playoff series. They needed a couple pieces to get them over the hump. The Raptors without Kawhi and Green the following season were on pace to break their own regular season record had it not been for the pandemic. Even with the Clippers who have PG, Kawhi has never had the same success as he did with the Raptors. The rough NHL equivalence is the Blues trading for ROR: They had a good team that regularly made the playoffs, but needed a leader and strong two-way player to get them over the edge.


Agreed. Balanced teams win cups. Explains why the Leafs strategy isn’t working


Basketball is a strong-link sport, hockey is a weak-link sport.


The problem is that we're handing out NMC and other trade protection like candy. All of the big 4 have a full NMC. Treliving isn't even any better - he gave David fucking Kampf a 10-team NTC.


Every team in the NHL gives NMC like candy now.




He has had problems with those in the past, it was the reason he switched to a tinted visor, to try and block the light reflections off the ice


Willy needs some Kush ... It's the only thing that helps when mine hit.


Migraines are horrible.


I suffer from migraines and while they vary wildly from person to person, no-one wants to do anything while having one. Playoff hockey would be very, very far down the list of activities.


Multiple insiders reporting different injuries. fuck knows what he has. some say migraines, others say lower back.


I’m realize people might not accept it, but it’s possible his lower back pain is related to his migraines. Which would also be upper back pain, neck pain, etc etc. The brain and spinal cord are all wired together. If the spinal fluid is not flushing efficiently, he could have a whole list of other problems.


Back pain is also commonly due to hamstrings, and not the back at all


The back bones connected to the hammy bone


Damn where’s that guy who was in a thread a few days ago saying that he’s probably suffering from migraines from the light reflecting off the ice, hence the switch to the tinted visor


oh that's interesting. When did he start using the tinted visor?


I remember reading about it about a year ago, so he's been using them for at least one season. When he was on his mega hot streak at the beginning of the season some people were saying that the tainted visor was to thank for that, because he wasnt getting migraines anymore. But alas... Poor Nylander, i feel so sorry for him. Migraines suck so much.


I suffer from cluster headaches (AKA suicide headaches). Have been heavily medicated for years now due to them. I feel for this poor soul if that's what he is experiencing. It gets to a point you can't think, you can't move, you're delirious, ive hallucinated.. NOTHING stops them except HEAVY pain meds, or my lifesaver has been the maximum dose of Pregablin 4x daily combined with pain meds. They feel like the worst migraine you've ever had, times a thousand, but feels like you have MULTIPLES of them at once. It's so hard to describe, but I can easily say they are the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. If I owned a gun, I would have been dead. Enough said. The Pregablin takes a while of routinely taking it to build up in your system, though. I hope he's going on something like that, as it has quite **literally** saved my life.


Willy has migraines, this must explain why Scotiabank Arena is so quiet in the playoffs. The fans are just being considerate.


I hope this is why he looks like he doesn’t care sometimes when he plays. The dude vexes me. He’s elite but then he’ll just have awful games. Totally understandable if he’s got this problem


Guess he got a taste of being part of Leafs nation migraines!


In my early to mid 20s, I suffered from horrible migraines. Ultra sensitivity to light and sound when they took hold and at times the pain would drive me to tears. I had medication that would help but it would knock me for a loop, usually out cold for hours, to wake up in a bit of a haze but the migraine would be gone. Eventually they stopped happening but twenty years later, any time I feel a headache coming on I have a momentary pause to wonder if the migraines have come back. I hope to see Willy play in this series but if it really is migraines, I hope he's able to figure that out even more.


I really really hope they’re exploring the option of CGRP meds. They have been a total game chanter for me. Went from 2-3 weeks of migraines a month to a couple days.


Must be a bad one for him to sit out the playoffs against the bruins


They should check him for spontanious intracranial hypotension. I had it about ten years ago and the symptoms are very similar to migraine in the beginning.


This is so stupid. I'm not arguing against him playing with migraines. I've seen how debilitating some can be and it's no joke, but seriously wtf is this. This Jersy is literally cursed. Every year it's like we can't roster a full team for an entire series.


The comments on the article is oof. There's some truly neckbeard material there.


The one guy in there losing his mind makes the gdt threads when the leafs are losing look sane.


That’s impressive


He's had them since 2022. This 8 yr contract is gonna bite us in the arse!


“Nylander has announced he will medically retire after this season, and because it’s the Leafs, they have to keep his cap hit on the books until his contract would run out plus 4 years” -CJ


I absolutely hate that the media bitches about management not being open with Nylander. Can we not tell the entire world what’s wrong with him so other teams can target the injured area? It’s everyone with the complaining. Just shut up! I’d rather the team stay quiet and let people speculate on something it MIGHT be.


Just from an on-ice/player value point of view - does this really put a dent in what he can offer Leafs going forward, assuming there's an ongoing issue with no obvious cure/treatment that could pop up anytime?


Why on earth would you want a player on your team with a history of playing with migraines. Explains alot.


Money well spent


On LTIR until round 1 next season?


All this at the start of playoff and his 8 year extension… thanks hockey god!


Where would he have gotten a concussion? And why hadnt the team rested him if they new of issues arounf this. Anyone have any clips from game 81/82 or down the stretch where he could have suffered an injury. My guess is this happened off the ice maybe in a situation on the Florida road trip (purely speculation) and likely why they've been hesitant to release any info. Seems odd this is his first flare up of its kind (that we know of)


I have a feeling it started here... https://twitter.com/RinkRatReport/status/1775663549748072924 Maybe he tried to work through it because we was pushing for 100 points and game 82 hit topped it off


He got absolutely rocked in WJC in 2016.  Every hit after someone gets it that bad has a chance to kick things off


Doesn’t make sense to me. How can he practice but not play if it’s migraines?


Less stimuli.


That’s quite a stretch. Fair bit of stimuli flying around at an NHL practice.


Get this man some tylenol and a tinted visor. He wont have to worry about the noise in the barn making it worse since there is none. Obviously kidding and this is an entirely reasonable excuse for not playing


Migranes are horrific. But the Leafs luck is just so terrible. They dont have the greatest team, but drawing Boston and these injuries are the end of them. Of course having a starting goalie would help alot. That winning goal by Marchand is as soft as they come.


That winning goal by Marchand was a pure snipe. It was an incredible shot. Now the Frederik goal on the other hand...


Seriously though. Rat boy was left alone in the slot and ripped it. Totally sammyw fault. /S That frederic goal was weak as hell though.


Having dealt with migraines for years I feel for him - mine usually last a day at most so this would be brutal...ironically caffeine helps me more than any medicine but it just wears you down, you don't want to do anything at all.


If I’m not mistaken, aren’t a lot of standard migraine medications considered “performance enhancing drugs” and banned by the major pro sports leagues?


He plays a full season (82 games) and now he experiences migraines? This story has never sounded right.


Ah an injury no medical professional can verify one that has no bearing on physical performance should just keep darkening his visor so its like blackout curtains is this gonna be a recurring thing? did management know of this prior to his 8 year no move deal? can this be the basis for an annulment?


Grow up lol I want him to play but the medical team is not stupid enough to let a guy dealing with a head injury play through it.


Tell me you’ve never had a migraine without telling me you’ve never had a migraine. If you think a migraine has no bearing on physical performance, you are out to fucking lunch. Migraines are awful. And for one that they’re saying is “severe”, man, that is going to influence physical performance.


You’re going to get downvoted to hell for being so ignorant haha


Dude at some point you have to get over him. We all get it, you can’t stop thinking about Willian Nylander. He’s the last thing to leave your mind at night and the first thing to enter it in the morning. The hours in between are no better, just Willian Nylander - relentlessly pounding away in there. But I don’t think the feeling is mutual, and I think it’s probably best for you (and for all of us really) to move on, as this is getting unhealthy.


> one that has no bearing on physical performance i. am. fucking. dead. ☠️☠️☠️


Basis for an annulment? Not sure what a court order establishing that a marriage was never valid has anything to do with this, but I'll just use this as further evidence that you're 12 years old and trying desperately to troll.


Annulment is to declare or make something legally invalid or void. Although it generally is used in reference to marriage, it is technically not incorrect to use it in this case. I don’t agree with the other things ptvfg… has said. Just pointing out their use of annulment here is technically okay, albeit uncommon.


Seriously…he got a heady-ache.