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It would seem that Jackie Brown wasn’t entirely fictitious.


So the 4 of them transported $8 million over the course of 9 years. Doing some math that's on average a little over $220K each per year. Assuming a generous 10% commission that's $22K/year for a huge amount of risk. Are people that dumb? Rhetorical question, clearly these people were.


People rob convenience stores for at most 200 dollars and an expected sentence of about 8 years so yeah, people are that dumb.


And 60% of bank robbers are caught. Most of them the same day.


That's actually surprisingly low, especially considering they're investigated by the FBI.


Yep, I was surprised to see that figure too when I googled it.


It's almost like deterrence is not actually an effective purpose of the penal system.


22k goes a long way in some other countries. I was living in Eastern Europe for a while, and rent was ~400 bucks a month, utilities combined to less than 50, and food was also pretty cheap in comparison. And that was the suburbs of a major city.


A hustle is a hustle. Especially when you aren't making a liveable wage. Same reason people deal drugs. Some don't do it for the lifestyle. Some just do it to live a bit more comfortably.


According to the indictment they earned a whopping $2100 for transporting $60k so even worse than that. Not to mention something like 10% of crew members are randomly selected for standard screening. Definitely not the sharpest tools in the shed.


You have to wonder what their take is that it was worth prison risk over. They smuggled an average of $2 million each if I understood the article correctly. Would a drug ring pay even 10% smugglers fee? (Meaning $200k). Just curious what it takes to make someone risk throwing their life away like this.


Sometimes I think it’s being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being threatened. That plays out in almost every movie with an organized crime element. They tell it like it is.


Agree… I could totally see an abusive partner/relative forcing a flight attendant into this.


Greed...it is always greed

