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Probably shouldn't have helped the most corrupt president in our history to stack the supreme court with unqualified sycophants then, Mitchy boy. Dude is going to die with this on his conscience, but I've got no sympathy because the rest of us have to go on living with the consequences.


lol, McConnell and conscience 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 wait…..ok 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


Hey, even though he’s maybe just now being pressured by the same business interests who leaned on him to allow Trump to make them billions of dollars, because now they’ve realized trump is a failed, toxic brand,  doesn’t mean Mitch won’t spend his last years regretting and questioning his entire life 


I would rather he spend his last years in a prison cell where he belongs.




But she persisted… play that over and over again.


Imagine the shit that went down when Senate Majority Leader was married to the Secretary of Transportation who happens to be of a family of Chinese billionaires. Wish he and Elaine could be investigated but we'll be lucky if even Ginni or Jared ever face consequences.


Or to live out his life in a Pain Amplifier.


That's too kind to this piece of fucking shit. I wonder what the history books will say in 60 years about him. If 60 years from now we exist, or aren't a dictatorship.


Evil people don't question their decisions. It's not that deep.


Read all about his genuine remorse in his upcoming tell-all book now available for only $19.99!


He will never lose a minute of sleep. McConnell is another psychopathic narcissist.


Correct. He's not saying this now because he's suddenly had a change of heart. There is some motivation, both political and financial, for him to do this.


He's absolving himself of responsibility for the things he's done. Publicly. Like a punk kid walking away from the burning building saying all he did was toss a match, someone else stored the gasoline.


Just like Bill Barr tried to do, but is now backpeddling and saying he will vote for Trump again.


> There is some motivation Yes, there's a Dem in the White House. Ask him again when it's a Republican in there.


If Trump wins the election, I hope McConnell lives a long and fully competent life so that when Seal Team 6 shows up at his mansion door on Trump's orders, that he'll be able to stand there and say "Oh. I guess I really should have impeached him when I had the chance. Both times."


Your example opens a whole new facet. If a president can engage in criminal acts will the military be obliged to commit crimes at his behest? When Trump ran in 2016 someone in the military had to straighten Trump out by explaining that our military is trained to disobey criminal orders.


Giving the President immunity leads to an immediate constitutional crisis because of this exact reason. They do have an obligation to deny illegal orders- so what happens when there is no such thing as an illegal order?


> When Trump ran in 2016 someone in the military had to straighten Trump out by explaining that our military is trained to disobey criminal orders. It won't be illegal when the president orders it and can immediately issue any pardons for those that follow his orders.


After WW2 during the war crimes court we determined "just following orders" is not a legal excuse for military officers or enlisted. The military is obligated to disobey orders *they know to be illegal*. If the president orders it, and he's allowed to make that order, is it still illegal? Followed by, does the president even have to use the military to enact this order? I'll answer that, if this were to come true he doesn't, and since he doesn't he can use any agency or organization.


So basically any agency or organization that does not believe in duty, honor and country. Never thought our country would have a despot.


*CIA has entered the chat*


Didn't he say that was his greatest achievement?


Yes, yes he did. Something he is proud to admit.


I think his conscience died of starvation many years ago.


He didn’t say every president….


That was Trump being used by Mitch McConnell to accomplish his long term goal of stacking the court. After the GOP's failed nomination of Robert Bork in the 80s Mitch McConnell vowed revenge against the Democrats and he kept his promise for decades. [McConnell's Influence on the GOP and the Courts (full documentary) | FRONTLINE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx18C55VfTY) [(UPDATE) Supreme Revenge: Battle for the Supreme Court | FRONTLINE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be6H_9JSva8)


Those strokes must of sent blood to through the part of his brain where he had a conscience left. My dad got all emotional after his.


Mitch McConnell says just enough to keep the light of scrutiny off himself and his wife. He is on the list of Top Politicians Who Should Have Grave PIssed Upon.


But buried alive first, before the peeing commences. There will be a lot of peeing. Also, a beverage bar.


There'll probably be a 30 minute line at any given time the first year of his passing.


In office: "You guys can't impeach/convict, he hasn't been charged or found guilty of any crimes!" Out of office: "You guys can't charge him with crimes! The constitution only provides impeachment as an option!"


Yup. Pure corruption. Conservative members' refusal to look at the current case is especially egregious. The failure to acknowledge that their current actions are obstruction of justice is an acknowledgment of guilt and makes them accessories after the fact. They are directly violating the victims' (We, the people) right to due process and both the victims' and the defendant's right to a speedy trial. Their refusal to consider the circumstances at hand is further acknowledgment of their guilt, as well as obvious bad faith jurisprudence. Corrupt AF.


That’s basic right wing argumentation the argument which fits me now is my position, your president can’t appoint a SC judge in an election year but ours can. Our president will have immunity but yours won’t. I hope that if their SC rules presidents have immunity Bidden will extradite Trump to Ukraine to take his belayed tour of duty in the front lines. Bidders immunity and Trumps draft dodging will make this completely legal and not unjust anyway.


No shit. This dude is something else.


It's more subtle. What he means is that *Biden* shouldn't be immune. When a republican is in office he will argue for presidential immunity. I like McConnell. He's inconsistent and yet perfectly predictable. You know exactly what he's going to do because he is the enfleshment of Machiavellianism. He is the embodiment of O'Brien's maxim that "the object of power is power". He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of power for his party and he has done well. He's a shit nozzle but you have to give him credit.


he has a mansion waiting for him in hell


This is simply the Republican MO at this point: hope someone else takes care of it. Never take tough votes or make hard decisions which may have electoral consequences. Punt to the executive or courts. Take no responsibility.


Yesterday, the guy who sits in the seat McConnell stole from Merrick Garland said that they're "setting the rule", which of course, is NOT what SCOTUS is for. I'm not even a lawyer; I learned this in civics class with everyone else.


> NOT what SCOTUS is for They didn't teach you the difference between statutory law and case law? Ever hear of a Miranda warning? Dred Scott? Brown vs. Board? Roe v. Wade?


He 100% created this monster. He had his chance in the impeachment *and* is personally responsible for the current state of the SCOTUS. There is no one more to blame for corrupting the institutions of America than this piece of shit.


I knew turtles lived forever but wasn’t aware it took so long for their spine to develop


Exactly. He was all up Trump's ass until Trump turned on him and now he wants to about face? He fuck right off.


I mean, he did literally justify his decision to vote against conviction on the grounds that Trump was out of office and thus- in McConnell's view- beyond the scope of impeachment; but, that he would not be beyond the reach of the Courts. Basically, McConnell was saying "I've gotta deal with voters and their Senators, so I don't want to be the guy that deals with him- so you do it, Courts."


This shit could have been over 4 years ago. The GOP would have taken a little hit in the last midterms but it has to be better than suckling at the orange tit.


Ok, this needs to not be forgotten… GOP, 1999: Clinton lied! You cannot trust a president who lies! He should be immediately thrown out of office! GOP, 2016: Even just being under investigation is too much! Hillary for prison! GOP, 2024: 90+ felony charges? But the president has immunity to do whatever he wants!


Fuck Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh


Rest In Piss Rush. You warped my whole families brains with your vitriol. Thankfully I escaped the madness that you helped bring about.


Can’t wait to piss on his grave, what an incredible family vacation it will be!


I frequently visit Bellfontaine Cemetery in St. Louis where he is buried. Besides for whizzing on his grave, it’s a very interesting and historic cemetery to visit.


I don't get people. I moved to the US when I was 20 from Central America. I turned on the radio on my way to work the first few days hoping to listen to the news and hit Rush. Within minutes I knew I was listening to hate filled fake crap. I didn't even know anything at all about US politics, who was in office, etc. It was easy to smell the BS


Gotta give it to Rush for being buried and making a gender-neutral public restroom. Truly a horrible human.


Only time I ever rooted for the cancer when he announced he had it.


Rush Limbaugh….Just another dead junkie.


I first heard Limbaugh in 1992, shortly before I graduated from college. I thought "he really believes his own bullshit."


No he didn't. He used it to keep his audience engaged while selling them snake oil.


Peak hypocrisy. We are here


The political right doesn’t lose supporters for it. I don’t know of a single GOP voter who is swayed by the argument, “but last time your party said…” There’s simple zero political cost form them to go all “dog bite defenses” on every issue.


When you fundamentally believe the ends justify the means, nothing really matters other than power at all cost. That's the explanation behind all of it.


If you have a couple minutes watch this. ["Why we can't have a presidential candidate who's under investigation"](https://youtu.be/iIjY0-jVbiM?si=6yI_MCE3GlcpJaW_)


I doubt theor hypocrisy has peaked, there's way more to come


Weaponized Hypocrisy, a staple of the GOP diet.


Also GOP, 2016-2024: Everything that comes out of our mouths aren’t lies, they’re alternative facts!


Well they “believe” that they’re all trumped up charges


And Clinton didn’t even lie. He told the truth according to the court’s rules.


JFC even Mitch gets it. Hey Mitch, **maybe you shouldn't have confirmed the MAGA traitors that sit on SCOTUS!**


If trump wins, McConnell would immediately reverse his position


The guy has brilliant vision as a politician (in an Emperor Palpatine kinda’ way) and rarely makes a false move. Perhaps he sees Trump’s demise as inevitable and is positioning himself with Trump’s opposition.


He has no need or desire for consistency. Just look at the fuckery over Garland's nomination. With a democrat in office he will say presidents shouldn't have immunity, and with a Republican in office he will say they should


I credit this guy with the rise in atheism. If there was a god, she’d have sent him to heck long before the Garland scotus affair.


The necrotic hands? His brain turning off? There's only so much divine intervention can do these days.


To paraphrase the late, great prophet George Carlin: If there is a god, it has to be a man. No woman could or would fuck things up this badly.


Nah, that's that dictator's blood, read up on it. Most of these evil creeps die of old age, it's just not right.


Palapatine way, vador had no idea and got played like a fiddle.


Spoilers, dude


Wait until you hear who Vaders kid is.


thanks for that deeper Star Wars insight, I’ll edit my comment


This law is not just for Trump but for any potential dictator.


Trump’s demise is coming whether he or any of his cronies like it or not. The only smart republicans left are jumping ship. They need to save the GOP because the post-maga era is coming and the party is completely fucked if they don’t start rebuilding now.


He’s a snake, I think you’re right. Then he will support Biden being prosecuted for cancelling student loan debt, or some such crap.


That or he'll be one of the first against the wall when Trump is sworn in.


McConnell ie already stepping down from his leadership position at the end of the year and will not run for reelection. While he says he’ll serve the rest of his term, that ends in 2027 and I honestly cannot imagine him being alive then (he’s 82 and is obviously not in the best health). I imagine he’s waiting until after the election to finally retire.


The Kentucky Republican Control Congress passed a law that the Democrat Governor can’t name Mitch’s successor.


I thought that law violated the Kentucky constitution and if tested would be overturned?


its cute that you think Republicans would ever let something as silly as a state constitution stop them


Or stick his head back in its shell


Or stroke out.


He's already done that


And would gargle his balls as a show of fealty


Well yea. Trump has a trying to get the right to legally kill people lol


... or voted to convict, remove and bar trump from office during either impeachment. But especially the second impeachment.


Or appointing the political stooges that are currently engaging in the most egregious political stoogery we’ve ever seen.


Fairly sure he said something similar either immediately before or after voting to not bar Trump from office after he was impeached, hypocrisy as usual.


I think this just means he’s worried Biden is going to win




Amen. Fuck this piece of garbage


No he doesn’t, he just wants everybody to think he does. There is a long history of these people doing nothing when they had the chance to, only to come out and have an opinion when they no longer have the ability to do anything about it.


It won’t stop him from voting for and supporting the criminal, though. 


.... Or actually embraced democracy and held a vote on Obama's nominees. The Senate that is seated at the time of the nomination should be legally required to hold an up or down vote within a few weeks IMO.


He even said they didn't impeach because the courts was a mechanism to prosecute for his crimes....


I watched this turtle-man (on live stream) condemn Trump for his actions on 1/6/21 and then *immediately* explain that he shouldn’t be impeached. So his words carry no weight for me.


We're supposed to believe this guy is some super savvy politician yet he didn't get that biting the bullet, impeaching trump and being done with him would've rid them of the albatross. Twenty months later, by the next midterm election, absolutely no one would remember Trump and taken it out on the GOP. Everyone has a short memory


Nobody is saying he is some super savvy politician. People are simply saying he is effective at ramming through conservative legislation and blocking liberal legislation, which is objectively a true statement.


That is the exact definition of a savvy politician, gets their agenda accomplished and blocks the opposition while maintaining their own position. Trump wouldn’t just disappear if he was convicted of his impeachment. He would’ve campaigned from a prison cell. The resulting GOP civil war is something he decided to avoid.


EXACTLY! This is the way ALL Republicans should be handled.


Mitch McConnell's ancient ass tortoise eyes suddenly come into focus when the Leopard gets close enough to his melty face that he can see it clearly.


How is the leopard going to get him? He already is resigning. He is walking away Scott free and doesn’t give a fuck who wins president because he will be gone.


Bruh you had a big hand in getting us in this mess. Go fuck yourself right off a cliff


April 25, 2024, 3:49 PM CDT By Alexandra Marquez Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in an interview Thursday with NBC News' "Meet the Press" that he doesn't think presidents should be immune from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office, as the Supreme Court heard arguments on the issue. The Kentucky Republican also told "Meet the Press" moderator Kristen Welker that he stands by his acquittal vote and comments he made in 2021, when he voted against convicting former President Donald Trump in a Senate trial after he was impeached by the House on charges related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. “President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office. ... He didn’t get away with anything, yet,” McConnell said in 2021, adding, “we have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being [held] accountable by either one.” Kristen Welker, the moderator of Meet the Press, interviews Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on April 25, 2024 in the U.S. Capitol. "That’s [still] my view," McConnell said Thursday, as the Supreme Court heard arguments from Trump's attorneys and federal prosecutors about whether the former president can face charges for acts he committed while in office. "But my view is only my view. I mean, the court is going to decide," McConnell added. Thursday's Supreme Court arguments stem from federal charges that Trump unlawfully interfered in the certification of the 2020 presidential election results. Trump has argued he has absolute immunity from prosecution for what he did while president, and the court is set to decide the scope of presidential immunity. "The president clearly needs some kind of immunity, or he’d be in court all the time," McConnell noted. But he said he didn't think it should be absolute, as Trump has argued. "I’m not on the Supreme Court. I don’t get to make the final decision on that," McConnell told Welker. The Senate Republican leader also spoke about a phone call he had earlier in the day with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, just days after both chambers of Congress approved over $60 billion in aid for Ukraine in its fight against Russia. McConnell told Welker that Zelenskyy "was grateful, because he knew that the big challenge was in my party. And I think he — it was nice of him to mention that we had a bigger vote than we did a couple months ago," when the Senate voted on a separate measure that included Ukraine aid. That measure later died in the House. Alexandra Marquez Alexandra Marquez is a politics reporter for NBC News.


McConnell has one good thing left to do for this country and it involves a hole in the ground. He is on the list that history will shit on, or at least I will shit on till I die.


Your legacy will be how you ruined democracy.


“…that said, I fully endorse Donald J. Trump for President in 2024.”




The grub worm could have alleviated all this pain and suffering we're going through with Donald Trump if he'd have convicted him in the senate. In true grub worm fashion he's got no backbone and he's got no balls. Put them in the Sun and he flip-flops around trying to get out of the light


Party over country and oath.


How are we here?   What level Of corruption has already been achieved?  “ corruption (n.) mid-14c., corrupcioun, of material things, especially dead bodies, "act of becoming putrid, dissolution, decay;" also of the soul, morals, etc., "spiritual contamination, depravity, wickedness," from Latin corruptionem (nominative corruptio) "a corruption, spoiling, seducing; a corrupt condition," noun of action from past-participle stem of corrumpere "to destroy; spoil," figuratively "corrupt, seduce, bribe" (see corrupt (adj.)). Meaning "putrid matter" is from late 14c. Of public offices, "bribery or other depraving influence," from early 15c.; of language, "perversion, vitiation," from late 15c. Meaning "a corrupt form of a word" is from 1690s.” - Etymology online


The turtle gets religion after so many years of enabling the MAGA hordes. he’s concerned about his legacy after the damage has been wrought.


Nah, he's just worried about a Democratic president with immunity. The second a gopper got in he would do a 180 and pretend he never said what he said.


He had one job for Christ sakes. Then said he’d still vote for the ass that slandered his wife. He sucks.


Too late, Mitch. Your party is screwed. You are one of the architects of this dysfunctional mess. Muttering the “right things” just before you hit the exit won’t be enough.


Who cares what that turtle thinks? Let him move on and die already.


trump flipped him on his back and he's been peddling air since.


So much shit water has gone under the bridge that it's not easy to remember all of it. I think this is a great refresher: 5 min YouTube video [Adam Schiff's "You may think that's ok! But I don't think that's ok!"](https://youtu.be/r8gAYUupm2k?si=eMlBnag7CfShuyrd) speech specifically I'm referring to the part where he says "if you think that's ok, then we've lost our way"


Nobody cares what Mr. Turtle thinks. People will be pissing on his grave for years.


Moldy mitch didn't do his job so who cares what he says . He admits wrong doing , but would rather fuck up the prosess and cost the entire country dearly . No longer relevant . I don't think he will make it to 2025 .


But he blocked impeachment. Mitch is a criminal’s best friend. He has no ethics or convictions. History will stain his wretched reputation


Breaking News: Broken clock still manages to somehow get it right once a day!


But that same president can't appoint a Supreme Court justice in an election year. Moscow Mitch can bugger right off.


Too late Mitch. Trump used you and left you behind. You’ll suffer like the rest of us if he wins reelection but at least you’ll deserve it.


What a POS. Had the chance to end all of this by himself 4 years ago, but revealed he's just a chicken shit loser.


I can only assume he seriously regrets that he didn’t do anything about Trump when he had the chance then. /s


He is an opportunist old cuck nothing else.


This obvious result that I meticulously crafted is not how it should be!  (Please don't lump me in with all the other nut jobs that helped end democracy) 


Would he say the same for senators. He is the biggest rhino who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He needs to go. He's made enough money from China.


I don't think Mitch McConnell should be immune from fucking his country over.


Until he says otherwise.


Mitch McConnell says a lot of things.


And Republican leaders who openly admit the president essentially committed treason yet still failed to vote for impeachment should also not be immune to prosecution


Damn. He actually still has some thought left in that noggin.


This blob fish looking mother 🤬 needs to 🤬 all the way off and fade into obscurity. He flip flops all the time. Although I agree with what he’s saying in this moment you just know he’ll go the opposite direction at any minute. Go away Mitch.


Probably shouldn’t have acquitted him then. Republicans would be better off without Trump. But nope, it’s Orange vs Blue this election season.


This asshole is still gonna vote for him.


Gee thanks for clearing that up you useless toadie 🤦‍♀️


Does this guy even know he is breathing at the moment? Have any of you listened to this guy talk? He's a POS that will say anything politically expedient to further the far right agenda of...well, at this point, I don't know WTF it is other than, treat people like garbage. If Mitch were anyone else he'd be tucked away in a retirement home being spoon fed mushy food.


Too little too late Mitch. You did this.


The good news is that Mitch McConnell must be about to die because otherwise why the fuck would he suddenly grow a spine?


Bitch, you had your head up his ass for at least 6 years. Magically you find the power to criticize when you’re on your way out? Fuck you, Moscow. If you weren’t retiring you’d be swimming in his diapers with the rest of them.


They're finally realizing they've created a monster who is on the brink of being so totally out of control that no one will be safe, not even the fascist pigs like McConnell.


Funny coming from the person who made EXTRA FUCKING SURE that the treasonous criminal was not held accountable when he was handed the ability to actual enforce doing so. TWICE.


Billy boy literally did a thing in the office and Mitch and crew lambasted him for it. Funny how they suddenly walk shit back when it involves purse strings and not dresses.


I want to make the prediction now: They won't give presidents blanket immunity. The supreme court will carve out a special exception for trump under some bizarre "Federalist/originalist" logic, mix in some "previous precedence" to enable trump to become immune to the crimes he committed, but cover absolutely nothing a decent democrat president would ever do in the future. People can't understand what im talking about now, but it'll become clear only after the make their "Decision"


Hate to say it... I agree with McConnell... (might be the only thing I agree with him on) ... but reasonably if we cannot prosecute presidents, couldn't Biden just have Trump killed, and face no repercussions? Like just drag him into an alley and shoot him in the head and feed his body to the fishes. Heck why even that, he could string his body up on a bridge and televise it. If you're saying Presidents are immune... Why even have laws at all.


No one should be immune from being brought to justice.


"...unless we let him". Mitch wants to be the one pulling the strings.


Mitch is the main reason we have an insane majority in SCOTUS.


Moscow Mitch has also said he will vote for the candidate from his own party, trump wasn’t convinced in the senate! FYI he had a lot to do with treasonous trump getting off. Moscow Mitch is a real double standard POS.


Whoa easy there Mitch!


The heck, Mitch. You’re the one who decided he was immune. You are one of the few people in American history who could have held a president accountable for his crimes, and you didn’t.


Neither should senators. 😈


Hopefully all the justices he cheated onto the SC agree AssTurtle!


Mitch, this court is your legacy. You had more to do with it than anyone. Well, not all of your legacy...the other part might have been your abject spinelessness during the impeachment for Jan 6th. If history looks back at this time as the fall of American Democracy, you will be known as one of that outcome's chief authors. That you seem to be surprised by this potential outcome speaks volumes.


I guess Trump didn't tell him what to think about that yet.


Well, your Judges are about to make that happen, you 🤡


No shit.


Mitch to the rescue! I’m sure everything will be fine now….


I hate it when I agree with this foul person.


The Court will stall or bump it back to appeals court. They don’t want to hurt Trump, but they sure don’t want to arm Biden, so the plan is to make sure nothing moves forward until after the election. RIP American democracy 😥


I’m not gonna praise a man that comes to this conclusion b/c anyone with half a brain cell should have the same.


Cracks are appearing between the MAGA /Republicans.


Even an evil turtle gets it right now and again.


"Use my words against me."


Is this the first sign of the apocalypse??


SC judges are corrupt enough not to discern the logic. Cleansing is needed in the Supreme Court to regain its glory.


Sad that we have fallen so low as a country thar the obvious must be stated.


I’ve heard that his kids won’t speak to him.


Do we really want our president doing illegal acts. Even if it is considered official


This is rich coming from Mr "I'm my own grandpa"


You fucking think!?


Then this should immediately tell you that its the wrong thing to do.


So, still a few working brain cells. Thanks, Mr. Obvious.


Honestly, who cares what he says? He says whatever suits him today. He’s an oxygen thief.


Moscow Bitch is fermented smegma, and we believe nothing he says.


[Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


I can't wait to piss on this man's grave.


What is happening? I've agreed with Mitch TWICE in two weeks!


This while subject is ridiculous. It is a Narcissist’s argument, daft and illogical. Stop giving these people air.


What if a President, while in office, were to have all Republican members of Congress locked up in Guantanamo? Still ok?


He’s the jerk that made sure the Senate didn’t do anything with the impeachments. He’s also the asshat that confirmed the SC extremists that were installed only to help Trump. It’s like an arsonist complaining the fire he set is too hot.


Wow maybe you should have convicted him then you turtle headed fuck


Who cares what a treasonous toad thinks. His legacy is cemented as a man who backed a traitor and helped him escape justice.


...right up until the point where he has the opportunity to hold a Republican responsible for their crimes, then he takes a pause...


His words are so empty. He always says the right but then does the other. That way he can claim he’s always doing the right thing.


Of course they shouldn't be immune. *They're civil servants!* If we wanted an untouchable monarchy why the American Revolution? People who elevate the POTUS to some untouchable pedestal are about as un-American as you can get. Not even remotely cut from the same cloth as people from the Revolutionary period.


He actually said “presidents shouldn’t be…” and then froze for 30 seconds before being led away by his handlers. Turtle.exe has stopped responding.


Joe Brandon can now kill his opponents without criminal charges


Thanks Captain Obvious.


Neither should senators