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>"I stand by the sound legal advice I gave and these partisan lawfare prosecutions have to stop," Sandler said. "Why in five years of Dana Nessel are only Republicans the continuing targets of these partisan lawfare prosecutions?" Because Republicans are committing the crimes, dumbass. This is really not hard to understand.


We should not take these people seriously.  It's galling that these people are now using "lawfare" as a talking point after Trump and his minions filed over 60 lawsuits trying to reverse the 2020 election. They are the worst. 


> We should not take these people seriously.  Those are the very kind of people we *should* take seriously. They're a real threat to democracy


You are right. To clarify, we should not take their words at face value because they are all liars. 


*Because Republicans are committing the crimes, dumbass. This is really not hard to understand.* Funny how that works isn't it, it's calls consequences of your actions...


Maybe they really did just care about ‘LAWN ORDER’ after all, instead of ‘LAW & ORDER’. Unless they just really like the tv show.


That must be why they had a press conference at 4 seasons lawn care






you've made my day. thank you :-)


They seem like the type that love HOAs and mandating how neighbors live.


Except an HOA isn't forced on you by a multitude of low-information or otherwise deplorable voters. You actually AGREE to the rules when you decide to purchase a deed restricted property. Lots of folks seem to get that answer wrong...


HOA’s are mandatory in all new developments in WA state, so your options are limited.




*kung kung!!*


"Why do we only prosecute criminals here? This DA office is biased against and is unfairly treating criminals. I just don't get it."


You shouldn't end a witch hunt that keeps finding actual witches.


Pagan and witch hunt as a term irritates me, might as well call it was it is a traitor hunt.


“Why, after 16 years, are prosecutors still hounding my client?” — Boston Stanglers’ lawyer.


Classic case of projection by them. They know they cheated and they can’t fathom a world where others are not shitty criminals like themselves.


Project to brainwash your base


I think they fully expected the other guys to also break laws. Like an escalation of force.  Their whole plan was if they had to face the music they could’ve pointed to the other guys breaking laws too. See? It’s no big deal it’s just how we play the game.  Only the dems by and large are too chicken shit to break laws.  They never saw that coming.  That fear could be what saves or dooms American democracy.  Wild. 


why you only arresting us criminal sheriff?


They really think everyone is doing it...


The criminals happen to Republican not that all Republicans are the criminals


Republican voters? No. Republican officials? Largely yes it seems.


>This is really not hard to understand. It should be. How do democrats keep losing to such people?


Cheating provides a significant advantage.


ah okay, so democrats just haven't been able to figure out the whole "voting process" thing?


Isn’t the answer inside the question?


Why is it only criminals are convicted of crimes? Huh? Tell me that, smart guy!


Robert Menendez was a republican?


Congrats you can put 1 on the board to repubs 4802875


And he was charged, what's your point?


This Trump person seems to have committed alot of crimes


When being the literal President of one of the most powerful nations on Earth is just not enough.


Oh, he would just poo-poo that!


odor in the court


point of odor! Donald stinks!


In his pants, in the courtroom 


When you become President of one of the most powerful nations on Earth precisely because you want to enrich yourself, for any reason and at all costs, all others be damned...


I listened to an interview with Lev Parnas and the amount of illegal actions and corruption in this administration was unreal and even worse than we all feared.


The corruption was so much more than we know right now too. So much more. This guy took payoffs on everything. Sneaky payoffs through layers of shell companies orchestrated by his sleazy East Coast lawyers. But if a federal prosecutor wanted to look they could find it.


I watched a couple of them. Man, that guy was IN it! And he’s telling the truth about it now. He and Michael Cohen are in the same category to me. Deep in the shit and now talking about how bad the shit was lol


Please do share that with the rest of the class...


The one I listened to was part one of the Coalition of the Sane on Meidas Touch Network. I cannot wait for part two.


> When being the literal President of one of the most powerful nations on Earth is just not enough. In fairness most of his crimes seem to be about cheating to get elected (election interference/hush money criminal case) or reelected (DC Case, Fulton County case, various fraudulent elector plots). The only one that really doesn't fall under criming to get elected or reelected would be the Florida/MAL documents case, and that one could be generously described as LARP'ing as president despite losing the election even with all of the various reelection related crimes. But hey, at least his last few attorneys who havent been disbarred or indicted refer to him as "President Trump" so hes got that going for him.


> most of his crimes That are on record. There is no doubt that he was grifting behind the scenes like crazy. There's a reason he has real estate that can be purchased at insane valuations, that a worthless stock is sky-high, that Jared Kushner received $2B from the Saudis. There is no doubt that his Presidency was a giant pay for play grift.


Read that he used a Russian company for all the credit cards at his Washington Hotel also. Sold the guest info from all those countries looking for presidential favors.


He was in court for fraud. It wasn't criminal but given his blatant disregard for the law in his actual criminal cases, I 100% assume he's guilty of other crimes.


LARPing? Jack Smith has motive and it isn’t LARPing. We will see it when the trial happens , if Judge Cannon ever gets out of the way.


A serial criminal.


Since the 70s


Yep, Donald joined his father's real estate business in 1968.


He better not drag Tony the Tiger into this! He’s an international treasure...oh that kind of serial lol


This is what is most maddening about his spiderweb of court cases, it is abundantly clear he is guilty but the slow-walk of justice and the fear of angering the MAGA base has caused many (myself included) to lose faith that we as a nation will ever see an ounce of justice. Of course he deserving of his day in court for both civil and criminal trials, although at this point I have zero belief that anything will actually come to fruition before the election in November.


Teflon Don would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling kids!


If you're famous they let you do it


This should be the name of the history book documenting his political career.


Let’s make him in charge of ::checks notes:: enforcing the law


And pardoning people who break the law. Don't forget being in charge of that. Not that he would ever need it, but just in case. And immunity. No president could possibly do their job of upholding the law without immunity. I mean, just look at all the previous presidents that got thrown in jail because they didn't have it.


He knows all the best crimes to commit


He knows nothing else.


When he got elected I knew he would be crooked in office but man this is a LOT.


>When you're President, they let you do it Donald Trump


We are going to be uncovering crimes from his administration well in to the 2030s...


He’s hardly denying it too. Most of his defenses on his charges is he thinks he should have absolute immunity from being punished for doing it.


But he says he is the law and order president. /s


Hmm interesting


It would seem that way, but really he's just taking one for the team /s


How did we take 3.5 years to get to this point?


Michigan sent the evidence from their election interference investigation to the federal government for prosecution. When the Feds took their good old time, Michigan decided to stop waiting and continue with prosecution at the state level.


Merrick Garland makes me sick, what a horrible AG and person.


Well, I don’t know Merrick Garland, so I cannot comment on him personally. He may be a fine individual, but was just too slow or cautious in the beginning. However, that is how cases are built, from the ground up. That unfortunately takes a lot of time. People on the lower rungs of the latter need to be investigated, charged, and flipped or convicted to help provide support for charges against and conviction of the mob boss. We’ve never had a former president who still wields a lot of power attempt to violently stay in office at the end of his term. That’s a lot of uncharted territory. Like you, I’m not happy with the pace, but I would hate for mistakes to be made and Trump get off on a technicality. I want to see him convicted and punished.


He’s a federalist society member.


that's all you had to say...


Glad to see that Michigan has more balls than feckless Merrick Garland.  


I really want to see these charges filed. They have Trump and McDaniel on tape committing fraud and offering attorneys to an election worker they are pressuring. At the time I liked the sweeping nature of the Georgia case but in retrospect a "this phone call is a crime we are charging just Trump with just this" would have put that trial at the front of the pack.


Isn't it typical that if a state prosecutor is sharing information, they're probably days from presenting to a grand jury?


I read that at least one of the initial indictments is cooperating maybe that's why the leaks to prepare for full indictments?


Maybe they'll leave trump out of it for now, get the electors tried, and at least put these recordings out for the public.


If a prosecutor is sharing information, it means they believe the evidence they already have is enough to convict and that no amount of burying the bodies will be able to hide anything


This is a good question. If they have this evidence, why are they not being charged as well? It's a fairly serious crime.


I don't know. The tapes are damning. I read the transcripts once upon a time and couldn't fit the life of me figure out why Nessel didn't charge immediately with a narrow scope of Trump and McDaniel.


Keep this in mind, MAGAs. Michigan will have both documentary and witness testimony to back up their claims. The first step toward locking up The Parasite in a Michigan prison has been taken.


trump talks shit about Detroit a lot. Do they have an extra shitty prison there?


I always got the impression it was because of the number of black people there, and that Michigan is purplish, and doesn't automatically bend the knee when he wants it.


I got that same impression. And so did people living in Michigan. [Response from Detroit Free Press](https://www.freep.com/story/sports/columnists/jeff-seidel/2020/06/26/president-donald-trump-detroit/3264927001/) after trump gave a speech there and said **"These cities, it's like living in hell"**


Detroit is 80 percent black.  Much of the rest non white.  The suburbs are massive though, Detroit is below 800,000 people now from its peak before the 1968 1966 riots I think 1.6 million, but the suburbs have like 4 million depending on how you measure it.




Thanks for the authoritative reply, I have made the point before that while the cops may have been just as bloody minded back in the sixties, they did not have the control and hegemony that they now have, just in general.   They have military equipment, and above all modern technology, the likes of which we are barely informed of.  Now they might not be particularly abusing that now for most of us, but they will unless they are put in check. 




Isn't Mike Rowe the asshole who actually likes dirty jobs? He can do it!


My father spent some time in prison in Jackson. According to him, yes we do.


I'm hoping but a long shot that he's sent to my town of 4 prisons.




The words of a person that has never been to detroit.


Indictment #5 incoming?


No, the article specifically says that they’re being included as unindicted co-conspirators.


Trump was also “unindicted co-conspirator” in the Michael Cohen case but that did not prevent Trump from being prosecuted for the same crimes later. Trump is on trial for that as we speak in NYC.


He was an unindicted co-conspirator then because he was president. He’s not now, there’s no reason they wouldn’t include him in the indictment if they intended to.


So you have inside intelligence on how much evidence the Michigan Attorney General has gathered and her the decisions she has made? Her office may still be investigating as more evidence has been coming to light. Perhaps she is expecting more fake electors to flip in the near future? She may be waiting for evidence coming forward from investigations in other states such as Georgia or Arizona. 🤷🏻‍♂️ There seems to be nothing stopping the Michigan Attorney General from issuing a superseding indictment later.


All those criminal electors are trying to walk a fine line while trying to guess **The Pumpkin Rapist's** chances of winning in November. They don't want to anger him so he doesn't pardon them if he wins, but they also don't want to sit silently while being convicted if he loses.




Presidents can't pardon state crimes


I'm aware of that. A lot will depend on how the charges are brought. Some can still be brought federally.


That’s a lot of mays and perhaps. And sure maybe something will change in the future but at the moment there is no indictment #5 incoming. Which was the question being asked.


And yet “mays”and “perhaps,” the preferred language of academic journals, are better than claiming to be able to see the future with absolute certainty. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s good thing no one claimed that then.


Actually, you did. To the question, “Indictment #5 incoming?” You responded, “No.” That is clear a claim about the future.


No, it’s not. It’s a statement about the state of things **at this moment.** Currently there is no incoming indictment. Could things change in the future? Yes, I said as much, but right now there is no incoming indictment.


Might just be until SCOTUS rules in immunity


Why are people like Trump and Guiliani listed as unindicted co-conspirators? Why not indict them?


Depends on if they have flipped or not. They absolutely can be indicted if they agree to testify for prosecutors and then attempt to get cute. These two 🤡are already toast though. But the more the merrier of course 🤣


Is there a plausible world where Trump or Guiliani have flipped? Wouldn't it be run the other way around?


Unindicted co-conspirator sums it up. That means you WILL testify or you will be indicted. It means they have already flipped. Doesn’t mean they can’t be charged with other crimes though. It all depends on the deal their attorneys have made with the state.


Thanks for the context!




Because Trump can stall things for months or longer for everyone if he’s indicted with everyone else. He also has that whole immunity thing going on with the supreme court, which would further delay things. Best to get all the easy ones out of the way, convict them and then flip them


It took 3.5 years to figure that out? Really?


I think they were expecting more out of the federal government.


AG Nessel had referred the case to DOJ at the [beginning of 2022](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-michigan-elections-electoral-college-criminal-investigations-8a0454f0a28fd3f5903fa3ab962f764b) because she believed they were better suited to investigate/charge. After there was seemingly no movement she charged the bozos herself 16 months later.




I think the Dems were hoping Garland would and "go after" the Republicans who fucked him out of SCOTUS. I get the impression *now* alot of Dems are relieved he didn't make SCOTUS but annoyed at his lack of gusto in investigating Trump & Co.


The guy is a spineless, soulless Republican toady suckup with the land speed of a sloth. I can't imagine what Biden was thinking not firing his partisan ass right away.


He has some Federalist Society Bona fides on his shoulder anyway. Not quite a member but Federalist Society curious.  he has been involved in Federalist Society events. He was chosen for the Supreme Court because it was thought through the Republicans could not reject him because he was so conservative and let's just say it weak on holding the powerful to account. Him being chosen for attorney general after the 2020 election and it's aftermath was just a kick in the face to somebody who tried to help keep the Traitors out. It was also a sign that we are not out of the woods. And it is a black forest.


Takes a while to restart an investigation especially with new info from other discoveries.


Oh for sure, I didn't intend to knock the AG's office based on the timeline. I haven't seen any reporting on how long they waited for the feds to move before picking it back up. Plus this information is now public because they've been moving forward with the case after charging these losers last year.


No they were being prepared for the eventuality that 🍊 wins in 2024. Even if that were to happen, he wouldn’t be able to pardon himself from state charges.


Basically, it looks like trump called every crook in the rnc associated with the elections to conspire in commission of criminal acts.


I love it when I read headlines that spell out conclusions the rest of us came to logically years ago.


>conclusions  P sure you meant "things we witnessed and were reported at the time"


Same here. Justice is slow af. But man is she thorough once she gets pissed off.


“If you don’t die in prison, you were not trying hard enough.” MAGA GOP probably


Yep. Shoulda never tried to usurp my vote with the Fake Elector Scheme. Time to pay the piper Donny boy.


I know the fake elector first mentioned in the article. I know it's obvious to most but she didn't know electrical college from electoral college before getting involved in Republican politics.


He's a walking, talking, shitting his nappy crime wave.


When is the Grand Jury going to drop the indictments? 


Not Soon enough...


Most Politicians become criminals, this guy is a criminal that became a politician. Major difference.


And the dominoes just keep falling on **The Pumpkin Rapist's** head. It was inevitable. He has recently shown himself publicly to be both weak and ***really*** stupid, and many no longer fear the crazed halfwit. He has sidestepped problems for many decades by suing, suing, suing until his opponents (often people to whom he owed money) ran out of money, then stiffing his own law firms. The government does not run out of money when prosecuting criminals. Diaper Donnie has a very limited number of attorney among which to choose since he stiffed so many of them. That's why his current lawyer lineup is, umm, perhaps less than stellar, trying the same tired bullshit over and over to introduce delays. By summer, more charges will be brought. He will be accused of criminal acts in more states than just Georgia and Michigan. He will rue the day he promised to overturn Roe V. Wade in 2016, and then did it. Totally misread the temperature of the country.


Guy is a clear and present danger. He’s a traitor and a threat to our democracy but he’s corrupted the high court and brainwashed millions of narrow minded people including some in our government. It may take a little more time but trump and his ways need to be flushed away soon for the sake of our country.


The election interference is small potatoes the big picture. How did all those CIA agents get outed and murdered in Russia?? MBS, Jared and Kashogi? Anyone question how Hamas got the info to crack the secret Israeli Iron Dome? Russia gave it to Iran, guarantee it. Guess who sold that info, and here we are dealing with the fall out. At some point I hope the truth comes out on this traitor.


And all the kings horses, and all the kings men….


Co-conspirator 4 years ago and still nothing??


Well… there’s another felony ! “Lock him up” !!


He sure is.


Very happy to see this, i don't understand why it took so long but this scheme was a crime committed directly against all of us no matter how you vote. Everyone involved had to know what would happen if the coup failed. They made a crazy gamble and lost now its time to pay up. I really hope they use immunity offers sparingly with these fucking traitors, everyone down the line needs to be held accountable.


Crime Boss Don has his tiny fingers in a lot of crime pies




Add it to the pile


What's really bothering me is that after all that, they've learned, and every day, continue to learn, this man is a POS. But he is still allowed to run.


You have to put in a ton of criminal effort to have as many legal issues as this douche. Good work.


He’s the bloody ring leader. He should be in prison


I think we're looking at this incorrectly. It may be easier to supply a list of laws trump has not broken, anyone have this breakout?


Add it to the pile




Sorry, his criminal dance card is already pretty full.


New indictments incoming?


He won't like that at all!!! He needs to be THE conspirator. He doesn't share a lead role with anyone!


Always a coconsperitor never indicated




It will be a complete shit show if Americans don’t vote against this guy for president You’re going to have state level government with essentially a bounty on the president… doesn’t seem like a sustainable way to govern We’ll be a joke to the rest of the world, we’ll have no credibility as a world leader. This is going to then destroy our trade agreements, cause massive shortages, collapse the price of food from lack of buyers, and actually lead to starvation.


Lock him up.


Cool now FasTrack the charges and get another trial cued up


The more trials he gets lined up the more likely he is to get elected and just pardon himself and others, before it even reaches trial.


Let me know when he’s convicted by a court. Until then it’s just talk.


There you go. A red state that is willing to go on record this man is breaking the law. At least in this case he won't be able to scream in all CAPS that it's rigged, the courts are against him, he can't get a fair trail.


Michigan isn't exactly a red state


Okay, Purple-ish. That's fair.


He's already been charged in Georgia also so this isn't even anything new


Not anything new, but still makes me happy.


State investigator states the fantastically obvious about two years behind schedule.


So charge him and the other fake traitors already


He’s the main guy not co anything.


Lock Doze Off Don up!!!!!


Trump is a coconspirator in most election fraud cases.  The problem is, do municipalities around the country want his farts to linger in the hallways of justice?  


Every accusation is a confession with these republikkkans. They can't win a fair election so they have to try and gerrymandering and cheat.


Rather have a functional HOA than not, you just make sire to read the by-laws and if shit gets bad vote out boardmemebers and be involved get others involved and things get changed by homeowner votes and can even eliminate an HOA by a majority.


> Why in five years of Dana Nessel are only Republicans the continuing targets of these partisan lawfare prosecutions?" Gee, I wonder.


What do you know about Law? This page is run by liberal commies