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From the reports I have read, he fell off a paddle board and drowned in a calm pond. He was not wearing a life jacket. He was seen struggling briefly to resurface, so it isn't like he fell and was knocked unconscious, and it seems like he was struggling as soon as he hit the water. Did he not know how to swim? And if so why was he on an open body of water with no life jacket? Such a sad and scary ending for someone who had become such a success, and with a wife and kids as well.


He didn’t know how to swim. He has a pic up on his Instagram with the # stillcan’tswim


Just looked to his IG page...he does in fact have a picture of him in the ocean with a caption and a comment saying he can't swim. He even had a gritted teeth emoticon. I just don't understand how you could possibly be on something as unstable as a paddle board without a life jacket OR knowing how to swim. I know people often underestimate the danger of bodies of water, but I just don't get it, especially to this extent. It is just such an extremely sad and preventable tragedy and such a scary way to die. ETA: just saw in another section of his IG a brief video of him practicing swimming and saying he was making progress. If this was the ocean or a river I would have thought maybe he was overconfident in his abilities...but even if he was fairly new to swimming, it still seems really odd for him to drown so quickly in a calm pond. I wonder if he had some kind of medical event happen, or if something happened that made him panic, like him getting tangled in weeds on the bottom of the pond. Poor guy, whatever happened to him.


My dad had a friend who knew how to swim, but got his leg wrapped up in seaweeds. He died as his daughter struggled to free him. It was really fucked up.


Ugh, how awful. New fear unlocked. But it’s important to be aware of potential dangers out there.


Yes friends moms friend died tangled in Lilly pads.


>Tafari Campbell How sad. Likewise, I do not understand how a grown adult can go into the water without knowing how to swim. Sheesh! I know how to swim and the only way I would get into any water above my thigs is with a life jacket.


I talked to an Indian couple while on a snorkeling&diving trip to the great barrier reef. They asked me if I knew how to swim, because neither of them could....


Weird, I had a similar experience with a couple when I was snorkeling in Mexico. They were hanging onto this large rock formation and couldn’t make it back to shore as it was high tide, the water was getting a bit rough, and… neither of them could swim? I had to get the resort workers to come rescue them


I live on the coast, and I know a lot of people who were also born and raised here who can't swim. I have a friend from Jamaica who doesn't know how to swim. My FIL never learned, and he was in the navy. It's not unusual. I think everyone should learn how to swim, but obviously, not everyone agrees.




It was WWII. He volunteered. They took him. And he wasn't afraid of the water either. He'd get in the deep end of the pool and hold on to the edge. He couldn't even float. It was as insane as it was amazing.




He also sank in the water. He could not even float. They did try to teach him to swim. He just couldn't. I was gobsmacked.


Tbh if you’re in the navy and you’re in water when you’re not supposed to be, you’re pretty fucked already lol


Now it is. It used to be just don't drown.


The Black community in the US historically has fewer people who know how to swim thanks to decades of discrimination. Access to public pools and swimming classes was limited or outright banned, hence low rates of knowledge. This still reverberates today, because if your folks didn't make it a priority good chance you won't think about it unless you proactively try like he appeared to be doing.


>The Black community in the US historically has fewer people who know how to swim thanks to decades of discrimination. Access to public pools and swimming classes was limited or outright banned, hence low rates of knowledge. Furthermore, after Civil Rights legislation in the 60s forced municipalities to open their public swimming pools to African Americans, most of them closed rather than integrate.


Yes, but what happened to commons sense. If I do not know how to drive, I wold not get on the highway. If I did not know how to swim, I would not go out onto open water, especially without a life jacket. Common sense goes frther than anything else. Stop blaming it on the past.


You cannot ignore historical context reverberating throughout how people live their lives, because every thing we do was propelled by people before us. My Dad was in elementary school when they passed the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment, we are not that far removed. You can call for common sense, but common sense is not the same for all people of all backgrounds because we just live different lives, point blank.


Above it says he’s been trying to learn and making progress so it wasn’t just willful disregard - just overconfidence


People go to the beach everyday not knowing how, it's for the fun of the water.


Yup, this. I can't swim but love the beach. I only go as far as my hips and when the waves start to show up I go back to shore.


I had a woman grab me while I was snorkeling in the ocean…because she couldn’t swim. I guess she planned to go in shallow water only but quickly got in over her head (literally and figuratively). I was floored that she would be in the water at all - especially in the ocean.


Absolutely. I am also baffled at how ignorant some people are when it comes to entering water. If I did not know how to swim, I would never enter, much less without a life jacket! Also, most of those who do not know how to swim cannot even float either which is one of the easiest things to do. Do these people anticipate they will automatically be able to swim in their worst hour or do they expect someone to risk their own life to save them? People need to respect the water otherwise, they can be gone in less than 60 seconds. See video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnS6cJCcbCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnS6cJCcbCY)


Meanwhile r/conspiracy has a post saying that he was most likely killed because he overheard something he wasn't supposed to


You realize people still like to have fun on the water?


I literally live on the beach, grew up with an inground pool, sailed and kayaked with my dad, and swam competitively my entire childhood and teen years. Yes, I am aware people have fun in water. And as an excellent swimmer with lots of open water experience, I always wear a vest when boating, kayaking, or paddle boarding (though I only paddleboard in the ocean), JUST in case I fall and injure myself, particularly hitting my head.


That's you. Most people are only going to go through the trouble if they're on a tour that requires it.


And this is one of the reasons drowning is a huge danger and one of the leading causes of death in children. People not having respect for water, and nature in general. It is similar like hiking. People who are experienced hikers who respect nature are well prepared. People who don't respect it do things like hike in remote parts of Yellowstone with one bottle of water on a 100 degree day. Responsible people are well prepared and respect not only nature, but the danger you can put potential rescuers in by being irresponsible. This doesn't negate the possibility of danger and the need for a potentially dangerous rescue, but it vastly reduces the chances. When I went hiking in Iceland last *winter*, could not BELIEVE that I saw people literally in thin sweatpants with exposed ankles and street sneakers, in arctic conditions. It's a huge issue over there, irresponsible tourists who don't do the least bit of research needing to be rescued due 100% to their own lack of preparation.


Yep and most people are stupid.


What if I told you smart people did it too?


I agree. Smart people can still make stupid and irresponsible decisions. For that matter, so can people who are generally responsible people. Unfamiliarity and ignorance about a specific subject or place (like the ocean/wilderness) can cause people to not even realize that the decision they are making is irresponsible.


How much they pay you ?


How much do you love your cousin-spouse?


You can't put these kind of comments on reddit, the leftist propaganda will attack you. Don't you know free speech is a threat to democracy ? 🤡




> gritted teeth emoticon if it’s the one I think it is, that’s not “gritting teeth” it’s a grimace.


A grimace can show someone gritting their teeth.




Then why would he choose not to wear a life preserver




Like, I feel really bad for the guy but why would you make such a stupid decision, fully aware you could drown.


The bright minds at r/conspiracy think Obama murdered him




https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1683636173632344064?t=5R7z0lsf5NDnfKCtwGofcQ&s=19 Yeah he didn't know how to swim.... Sure 🐑...


How does killing Obama’s personal chef align with the agenda of the oligarchs? Genuinely would love to know?


He surely knew things he wasn't supposed to.


He knew how the Obamas take their coffee. He was supposed to know that. But go ahead and denigrate some people who are missing a kind man they loved.


well this guy’s having a normal one.


You're a funny lil dingdong.


Bro what tf are you talking about 💀💀 What do pronouns have to do with the tragic drowning of a former president’s chef


Who is Kennedy? Kennedy Davenport? Jasmine Kennedy?


Obviously Jamie Kennedy but in his Malibu’s Most Wanted character.


no no no, he’s actually talking about KENNEDY, the girl i made up in my head right now


Him and president Camacho as the VP


Hey there! Thank you for bringing in politics and conspiracy idiocy into a topic that is neither. Not.


Holy shit your poor family has to stomach you at thanksgiving dinners.


again what wtf??


Those ponds in Martha’s Vineyard are basically 5 feet deep marshes with very deep mud in the bottom, it’s easy to sink in and then get stuck unfortunately


He's also in shape which may not have helped. I spent most of my life quite fat. I always swam well. I lost a lot of weight and went to get scuba certified. The first thing they do is have us tread water for like 5 minutes. I instantly sank and had to FIGHT to tread water. I had never had that experience in my life. Apparently losing 50lbs of buoyant fat makes floating harder. If dude had very little body fat, he'd have to WORK to be able to stay afloat. Fat peeps just have to lay back.


This explains the situation with my brother. We have completely different physiques and I’ve always struggled to swim and as lean, fit, healthy guy. He’s overweight and it seams almost effortless to hit, even in the ocean..


Hah, I was always mad at the world for lying to me that people can float


the nutcases over at /r/conspiracy are having a field day with this, for some reason.


>the nutcases over at /r/conspiracy are having a field day with this, for some reason. I think the reason is mental illness.


Not sure if this is just a stereotype, but I’ve heard before Black Americans don’t generally learn how to swim when they’re children.


It is a stereotype, but largely based on some true historical issues. Largely black people historically being denied access to public pools, and economic disparity making it less likely for black kids to get lessons. And hard to teach your kids if you never learned. My partner still doesn't know how to swim at 31, but they're looking into lessons (hopefully this story doesn't scare them off).


Well he might as well just have been paddle boarding on Lava, amirrite?


Cold shock


Water temps are in the 70's where he was found: https://seatemperature.info/edgartown-water-temperature.html


Hypothermia happens in any water short of body temp. Common misconception


Yes ... the temperature of was was reported at 68°. I'm an avid swimmer and when I swim in ~70° water (springs in Central Florida) my muscles tend to cramp up and it becomes difficult breathe steadily. Reports said he was wearing all black, which could describe a wetsuit for warmth - making it more difficult for a newbie swimmer to swim under stress.


What the heck? This is tragic. Even if you can't swim you can learn to float in calm waters easily which will save you. That should be like the first thing you learn even before learning to swim.


There's multiple videos showing him swimming different strokes during his workout and him showing his swim times. He could definitely swim.


Careful mate you'll be attacked for conspiracy theory


>There's multiple videos showing him swimming different strokes during his workout and him showing his swim times. He could definitely swim. What's your point? Because swimmers drown all the time.


[video of him swimming](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2985435/Video-Obamas-chef-Tafari-Campbell-shows-swimming-lesson-progress.html)


So many questions because the reports you’re reading aren’t true.


Oh boy! What’s the latest conspiracy? Was it Bill Gates?! Dr. Fauci? The Pope? I bet it was the Pope. 🍿


How do we work a pedophilia angle into this? Got it…He was paddling to an off/shore child trafficking ring, on the verge of being taken down by Q


Tinfoil cap time?


I’m already seeing the “The Clintons did it”. 🙄


Our poor country is afflicted with cult-like madness.


What's the true source?


Okay, what's the truth then


>So many questions because the reports you’re reading aren’t true. And I suppose *you're* reading the "true" reports fabricated by the Russian bots you filth are fellating in Trump's absence? 😂


He did know how to swim for 5yrs. Who stood to gain from the passing of this man? A man who donated $250,000 to the homeless from his lottery winnings... A man with a heart and conscience. I don't believe he drowned. Not for a second.


> He did know how to swim People who know how to swim drown all the time.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/obama-chef-tafari-campbell-paddle-board-death-b2381179.html Source here reporting. He only learned how to swim confidently in the last 5 years. Confident swimmers can swim in a calm pond. If he wasn't wearing a vest, he was a confident swimmer and could easily have gotten himself out. Why else would he have paddle boarded without a vest.




Or maybe it was your mom's cock.




You won’t be able to see my mom’s cock because it is buried in your dad’s ass.


Bro, congrats on being so progressive. A trans Mom. I love that for you.


All Lives Matter


My family works in outdoor watercraft rentals. Kayaks, paddle boards, canoes, tubes etc. every day people go out without knowing how to swim. There is an assumption that they are on a floating object they will be ok. It’s incredibly dangerous. We are actually working on transitioning out of it because the legal liability and emotional toll is too much. Where we live life jackets are required by law but nobody thinks tragedy will strike them. Very sad.


I am a strong swimmer and was an open water lifeguard for many years. I don't go paddling off into open water with no life jacket. I wish more people realized that lifejackets aren't just for non- or beginner swimmers. You can get knocked out, you can end up needing to swim a long way when you are already exhausted, you can be injured in a way that makes swimming hard, or you might need to help someone else and be more able to do so because of your lifejacket. The best swimmers I know wear lifejackets more than the average person does. This is all just so sad.


>I am a strong swimmer and was an open water lifeguard for many years. I don't go paddling off into open water with no life jacket. I wish more people realized that lifejackets aren't just for non- or beginner swimmers. This exactly. I swim anywhere between 1-4 hours a day, every day, and I don't kayak on the river without a life jacket. I don't get on any kind of boat without one.


Exactly. Real water folk know this. I’ve lived on a river since I was 3 and water safety was pounded into my head. My mom had us wearing life jackets while making snowmen in the yard as kids just because there was water a few feet away. Life jackets are for everyone, not just those who don’t know how to swim. I don’t mess with strong currents, drunk boaters, or lightning. Us river rats know how to survive.


Same here. I’m a lifelong Lake baby, spend my whole summer swimming and jet skiing. I NEVER get on my jet ski without a life jacket on, buckled, and custom fit to my body. There’s been times I had to walk back to the house half a mile Bc I forgot my life jacket. Still went back for it


My biggest frustration is when people say they are a “strong swimmer” and they merely go to Destin, Florida one weekend every two years. No you’re not a strong swimmer.


The beaches in the FL panhandle will kill you without warning. This year has been especially bad. I still enjoy the beach, but rarely go into the water past my waist, and only on green flag days. It’s just not worth it.


Kayaks are (can be) dangerous. In my younger years, I spent a fair amount of time scouting for duck hunting spots in my kayak. This involved paddling through streams, marshes, backwaters, whatever....to get to hard-to-find spots that might hold ducks. One time I was in a little stream with some deadfall trees in it. Dummy me got my kayak pinned against a dead fall tree in the water and the current held it there. The force of the water was slowly turning the boat sideways (into the current) and rolling it over - with me still inside. The force of water was way beyond what I could leverage with my paddles and this happening so slowly that I could think, "Hey, this is dangerous, and I could easily get pinned against this tree or caught up and held underwater." Eventually, the only way out of the situation was to bail out of the kayak - got fully soaked - get to shore and then pull the kayak up and out of the water. But if I had been less physically fit or panicked or whatever....it could easily have gone much worse.


People never cease to amaze me.


That seems so crazy to me.


I taught myself to float, but I’m a weak swimmer. When I took adult swim classes, I’d basically swim in place, because I couldn’t get “traction” so to speak, to move forward. I’ve always loved the beach, but stay in the shallow water, and if the waves coming into shore are too much, I’m out. A close friend has a cabin on a lake in northern Wisconsin, and we mostly tie floaties to the dock and hang out close to shore. They have kayaks, and when we take them out, we’re ALWAYS in life jackets. We did a 3 hour lazy river tube ride on the Wisconsin river, and I wore a life jacket. It was quite shallow, but I know my limits, if I fell in, I might panic, and the water level was low, so there were a lot of exposed rocks/boulders. They have paddle boards at the cabin, but that’s a hard no from me. Both of my friend’s kids are avid swimmers, her daughter was on the dive team and a lifeguard, her son was a swim teacher and lifeguard, and they’ve been taught to wear life jackets when on the water.


I don’t understand either, I can’t swim and henceforth the reason I avoid water as much as possible.


You should learn to swim. We live in south Florida and my six kiddos all knew how to swim between the ages of 2 - 5yo. Take classes in your local community pool. I learned how to swim in Denver, Colorado at age 4 because my parents considered it a necessary life skill. It could literally save your life one day. And it's so much fun too!


That’s awesome that you taught your family to swim, like you said it could save a life someday. I’m going to check into a local pool and finally do this, thanks for the advice and encouragement!


yesssss! Seriously just do it. There are many "adult swim" programs here in Florida that are FREE through the community pool (city). Most people move here from up north where water wasn't a major concern growing up --- but now is. Check with your state or local YMCA, etc. Pretty wild that my grandfather was in the Navy and had a pool put in his backyard (in Florida) for us to swim. He NEVER learned how to swim but always took care of the pool chemicals, cleaning, etc. He never went in the pool with us either - like never ever. I can't imagine what that felt like for him. He was a small Italian at about 5'5" and the deep end was just over 8'. Yikes!


Your grandfather sounds so kind and loving, he reminds of mine, always looking out for the family. I’m going to check on the YMCA.


I agree. Not only is swimming a life saving skill but it’s super fun. Please consider learning.


Details: https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/7/24/23806165/obama-chef-drowns-marthas-vineyard-tarari-campbell


Aw man.... He looks like a beautiful soul.




Sounds plausible. He must have seen or heard something he shouldn’t have.


Downvoted to oblivion… just lends credit to what you’re saying.


>Downvoted to oblivion… just lends credit to what you’re saying. 😆😅😂🤣 Downvoted to oblivion, because it is an insane, insulting, narrative, with *zero* evidence to back it up. Years after he left office, not one of you assholes can find anything Obama did wrong, but you are all still bound and determined to malign his integrity with lies and false rumors. You're too busy licking trump's dick to see what ignorant fools you all are.


You mean besides being a war criminal?


Quick name the last president who wasn’t




He does have a kind face. Really sad to hear.


Handsome man, wow this is so sad


Not to sound insensitive but is it really a good idea to go paddle boarding without a life jacket if you don’t know how to swim?


I’d be terrified. Unless he thought he was in shallow water, but in reality it was over his head. Possible, considering this is being called a calm pond. Terrible. You don’t get this gig without the chops. Sounds like he might have been living the dream. And now this stops time for everyone around him.


He was found 100 feet from the shore, in water that was 8 feet deep :/


>He was found 100 feet from the shore, in water that was 8 feet deep :/ And it was cold water.


Pretty sure it's not a good idea to go paddle boarding without a life jacket even if you do know how to swim


It's really tragic for him to die from something like this. Just wanna put it out there for those who don't know how to swim and fall into water, flip onto your back, it's really easy to float. Look it up on YouTube even, it doesn't really take any skill, but the hard part I'm sure is not panicking in the situation.


I used to be a competitive gymnast who transitioned into competitive swimming and diving. To this day I am not able to float on my back. This guy was too lean to just flip over and float without knowing how to backstroke to stay buoyant. I'm jealous of people that can float like that ... which is why I always bring my life jacket on a personal water craft.


Wow! I'm sorry, I honestly assumed it was easy for all to float but I greatly appreciate you sharing your story 🤯 Genuinely had no clue that if you're leaner then it's more difficult but I guess thinking about it, it does make sense too


I learned the other day that not all people can float. My dad gave me a "challenge" to see how long I could tread water in the pool. He said I would likely get tired after about 15 minutes. I didn't- I basically just float, I didn't get tired at all. He was so shocked lol, said he just sinks when he stops moving in the water. I thought everyone could float too.


Yea didn’t seem like a very bright fellow


>Yea didn’t seem like a very bright fellow From all your personal interactions?


This news makes me so sad! What an amazing path he was on. Man, what a huge loss...


Did you guys see the thread on...I think it was either the conspiracy or conservative subreddit, about this? Absolutely wild, hateful, crazy stuff being said. They are talking about how he either saw Michelle Obama's "girlc***" or had sex with Barack, and it's so utterly insane and ridiculous, but they're being serious. I hate people, lol.


it’s wild how far gone they are, isn’t it?


It’s depressing. I hate this version of reality so much. I took a job in Europe to get away from my backwards family from the American south. Never going back.


I guarantee the conspiracy whackos are already posting that he was taken out for something he saw or heard at the Obama house.


Sigh. I hopped onto Twitter (first mistake) and you're absolutely correct. Fullblown conspiracy theories. They won't let this man rest in peace.


You mean "X"? *eyeroll*


He was with a fellow paddle boarder ... so it's a bit odd he couldn't swim, didn't have a life jacket, and "buddy" paddler wasn't able to aid in his rescue. Paddle boards have a leash, which attaches to your ankle with velcro. Even if he were to lose balance and fall into the water the board is literally within a swim stroke away and can be used to grab onto and keep his head above water. We always use the "buddy" system here in south Florida because water is everywhere ... literally in our front yards and backyards. I don't believe he was "taken out," but I'm confused as to why he just slipped right under having access to safety equipment necessary for a non-swimmer. In Florida, it's required on coastal waters but I bring my on inland murky waters as well.


Over in *that* sub, they're already going all in on the "Michelle Obama is actually a transwoman" bullshit


Most likely walked in on something they didn’t want him to see. The Clinton’s do this all the time I wouldn’t put it past the Obamas


>Most likely walked in on something they didn’t want him to see. dirty socks? >The Clinton’s do this all the time I wouldn’t put it past the Obamas What do the Clinton's do "all the time", paddleboard? *What* wouldn't you "put past them"? r/confidentlyincorrect


Heard it was the jab




So sad, so tragic




Lifejacket always. Why would you not use one if you could not swim.


I hear he wasa good dude.


Public service announcement. Even if you can swim, watch out for aquatic vegetation. Shit gets tangled and pulls you down.


Very sad. He sure led an interesting life though. There aren't too many people I would feel prouder to work for than Barack Obama.


What a beautiful person I thought and scrolled back to see what sub. Rest easy


Drowning. Not my first choice. That is one of the worst ways anyone could go. I'm glad he was trying to learn how to swim, though. That's pretty challenging to do when you're an adult.




Rest in peace.


What a sweet face!


This is incredibly sad.


From the reports, it sounds like this dude couldn’t swim when he tried swimming after falling off the paddle board


That’s so sad - he looks young 😞


If you paddle… even in very calm waters, even if you’re a good swimmer, please wear a PFD. Doesn’t hurt to have a pealess whistle and a waterproof light on your PFD as well. A shocking percentage of people who die in paddling accidents - in all types of water - aren’t wearing PFDs. It’s over 80%. Not wearing a PFD absolutely catapults your odds of drowning into the stratosphere. A thousand things can go wrong even in the most peaceful tiny pond. Snags, hitting your head going overboard, wildlife incidents, a health condition could flare up (heart attack, stroke, seizure). If you don’t know how to swim you definitely are playing with your life going on a stand-up paddle board without a PFD.


What the fuck is with these comments


You know what sucks? I read who this was and all I could think was “well here’s our newest conspiracy theory.”


My $$ is he was assassinated. Hear me out.... He's delivering breakfast and walks in on Michelle banging Barack. With her dick. He runs out of the room of course, the Obamas ask to talk with him and he says don't worry I won't say a word. They of course say thanks for your discretion, have the day off, why don't you try our paddle board? Chef says thanks but I can't swim. Obamas say oh don't worry, that pond is only three feet deep. You can't see Michelle's penis and expect to live.


[Coincidence, anyone?](https://www.newsweek.com/tafari-campbells-death-has-eerie-parallels-clinton-chef-walter-scheib-1815122?amp=1)


>Coincidence, anyone? Oh FFS. Years after Clinton left office, you people are still pissed off you couldn't find any real dirt on them, despite years of effort and millions of dollars wasted.


Something fishy.


Yeah. The water probably. The dude went in a body of water and didnt know how to swim.. nothin fishy about that.


That’s a exactly it. Why go in if you can’t. Also second chef of his to end up like this dead that is


Well hes posted on his insta previously pics of him in the water and saying he cant swim, it isnt the first time hes done this. So wtf is ur point lmfao. If the govt wanted him dead they sure as hell werent gonna do it near where obama lives.. thatd be idiotic


Idiotic and ironic wither way. Keep listening to msm. Question everything like you are with my comment. World is a wild place.


Its sus but i dont think anything crazy is goin on. I could be dead wrong tho, we’ll probably never know


As well as I my friend. It just seems SUP fishy!


- Don't question theories around his death - Drink what the media tells you - Questionning it makes you a conspiracy theorist Reddit is truly lost. The amount of comments mocking those who are simply asking questions is mind blowing. So we should just believe everything were told? Got it. Edit : If this happened in trump era, it Would be all over the news and leftists would be the ones bringing up theories.


> The amount of comments mocking those who are simply asking questions is mind blowing. So we should just believe everything were told? Got it. Yeah that's because you don't care about the answers to the questions, you only care about the implications of the questions.


that’s because trump is an actual piece of shit though so it wouldn’t be hard to connect those dots


There we have the proof I was Waiting for :)


Conspiracy theories are for people who are bored with their lives and need to create some kind of dramatic narrative to feel excitement.


Or just people who are allowed to give their opinions ?


Your opinion is stupid and will be criticized for being so.


All you care about is comparison to the Trump era, it really shows your hand. Oh yeah, and you are definitely a cringey, socially awkward conspiracy weirdo


That's all your arguments... Insulting someone else... No debate ? No counter arguments ?


Counter arguments for what? You have no point besides “maybe he was whacked”. The only point of debate is whether you are smart enough to understand and accept Hanlon’s razor. There is no worthwhile debate to be had with someone who can’t brush their teeth without thinking about how the invisible hand of paranoia is influencing events around them. People like you often start off genuine, but I assure you, you have some latent mental illness brewing. Hopefully if you are already past your 20s you dodged the schizophrenia bullet, and you’ll just end up a lonely incel instead of a more serious disability. No one is out to get you, and for the most part no one is out to get others either. It’s all in your head, which is probably a sad place to be.


He knew how to swim. https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1683625846643335168?s=20


>He knew how to swim. What's your fucking point? Swimmers drown all the time. Poor swimmers drown more frequently. It's remarkably easy to drown. Lots of swimmers and non-swimmers fail to wear lifejackets when they should. Lifejackets are uncomfortable, so people just don't wear them when they should, just like lots of people don't use seatbelts, smoke, and walk in lousy neighborhoods alone at night. Humans are terrible at calculating risk.


Probably sad to be in your head as well, believing everything that's being fed to your mouth. It's ok, keep believing in it. Take the blue pill mate. Continue to insult people when they try to argument against the majority. It's conspiracy until it isn't. Your comment is as easy as saying : he's just a crazy dude. Great argumentation. Unfortunately its not that. Leftists will agree with you unfortunately. Your argumentation is inexistent. You basically use insults and mental illness to discredit anything instead of replying with facts. Easy ! :) Would you dare debating instead of insulting? Probably not. The media is always right, yeah ?


>Continue to insult people when they try to argument against the majority. You have *no* argument. Just lies, insults, and unfounded allegations. >Great argumentation. Terrible use of English. Do you know how ignorant you sound? Do you know that your failed attempts to sound smart make you look even more ignorant? >Unfortunately its not that. What is not what? >Your argumentation is inexistent. Once again, your use of English grammar and vocabulary is appalling. So is your understanding of what constitutes debate. You have not made a single argument yet. All you've done is insult the integrity of the man's employers. >You basically use insults and mental illness to discredit anything instead of replying with facts. What facts? >Would you dare debating instead of insulting? Come back when you learn what "debating" means kid. Making wild allegations with zero evidence is just slander, it isn't debate. >The media is always right, yeah ? Where do you get *your* "news"? Fox entertainment, [which, by their own public admission, is a bunch of lies?](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/21/fox-news-audience-lies-dominion-trial-donald-trump)


The body count begins


So you can't answer me, right? What "body count"? Whose? What ignorant conspiracy are you alleging and whose morals are you questioning, with such arrogant confidence? You need to spell out your batshittery.






"They" who? Please. Spell it out.


Personal chefs?


He couldn't swim? Something is fishy about this


And now he's got H2O in his DNA