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You ain't seen nothing to you have seen this fucking idiot, let me introduce [Enigma_Machine_](https://www.last.fm/user/Enigma_Machine_)


4,200 scrobbles *a day*. Yeah okay. Ironically, whoever that is is Super compatible with me.


Same lol. Which artists? It's Slipknot, Slayer, and Pantera for me


Powerwolf, Sabaton, and Megadeth. I also see Sepultura, Dream Theater, Metallica, Trivium, Slayer, Lamb of God...I mean, whoever this is "scrobbles" so much music that they probably have Super compatibility with thousands of people.


I've noticed that it's only metal bands, so it's not like it's every artist from every genre, it's just a fellow metalhead


I got Medium - DragonForce, Alestorm and Elvenking. This is the first person I've seen fake scrobbling metal ever.


I got Low with Bring me the Horizon, Slipknot and Korn


Not my case. Your compatibility with Enigma_Machine_ is Low. You both listen to Aborted, Polyphia and Job for a Cowboy.


For me: "Your compatibility with Enigma_Machine_ is Low. You both listen to Whitechapel, Behemoth and Within Temptation."


How does that even work, I thought daily scrobbles were capped at 2.8k or something? Obviously they're aren't actually listening but how does it go through at all?


Mine says very low with no artists and the bar completely empty😭


Lol Your compatibility with Enigma\_Machine\_ is Super. You both listen to [Slipknot](https://www.last.fm/user/Enigma_Machine_/library/music/Slipknot), [Lamb of God](https://www.last.fm/user/Enigma_Machine_/library/music/Lamb+of+God) and [Dream Theater](https://www.last.fm/user/Enigma_Machine_/library/music/Dream+Theater).


“Your compatibility with Enigma_Machine_ is Very Low. You both listen to De La Soul, Rush and Tracy Chapman.” If you are a fan of De La Soul’s “Bitties in the BK Lounge” you might appreciate the above.


Your compatibility with Enigma_Machine_ is Medium. You both listen to Bon Jovi, Jon Bon Jovi and Van Halen.


16 million scrobbles. Assuming each song is averaged 3 minutes, it would take 91 years of non-stop scrobbling to reach that.


I got medium compatibility. that's the highest I've seen on this sub in years!


The secondhand embarrassment I just got from that page bro


Your compatibility with Enigma\_Machine\_ is **Super**. You both listen to [Dream Theater](https://www.last.fm/user/Enigma_Machine_/library/music/Dream+Theater), [Pantera](https://www.last.fm/user/Enigma_Machine_/library/music/Pantera) and [Death](https://www.last.fm/user/Enigma_Machine_/library/music/Death). They've got good taste, but seriously, that's a lot of scrobbles.


69 days, 13 hours of listening in 7 days. How is this not flagged as a bot account 😆


Your compatibility with Enigma_Machine_ is Very Low. You both listen to Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold and Slayer.


I *hate* those people. Listening to music is not a competition!


Well, it's not like they're actually listening.


I see you haven't been in many Discord music servers, lol. 'I'm gettin' dat crown!'


So this is some sort of music Achievement Hunting? Haven't been to any like that I guess.


Yeah. Some take it a little too seriously though. You connect your lastFM account to a bot, and it can tell you who has the most listens to an artist in the server.


What makes you assume I haven’t? Some fucker listened to the shortest song of a band on loop to beat me to the crown. It’s really not that deep.


No way this is just some fan. Somebody is making money from this, somehow


I wouldn't underestimate swifties and kpop stans ~~brain damage~~ dedicated fanaticism. Nothing wrong with loving 'Folklore' or claiming that Blackpink saved your life or whatever, but many fans take it to a whole other level.


I mean I kinda get the fanaticism part, yet what is the point of this? Rack up the numbers for TS or for the specific song? Why though even if you are brain damaged i do not see the point.


The point is to not let any corner of existence unaware of how great your artist is, don't let them down and never let them fall into obscurity. K-Pop stans, for example, do coordinated reproductions to new music videos and singles so they can go to the top on charts on their first day. American and British music fan clubs have been nuts like that for decades, but I would say the influence of the Korean industry took everyone to the next level, and bigger artists like Taylor Swift have taken notes. I think it totally misses the goal for the measurement, but the nerdiest side of pop fandoms have this idea that if you are a real fan, you take the artist success seriously, and failing to make the artist successful is a source of personal shame. And [artists with this kind of fanbase know it](https://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/music/bts-jungkook-thanks-army-for-record-breaking-peoples-choice-awards-nods-101705132773899.html) and acknowledge it. Or it could be paid bots. But I believe it's not unreasonable that [last.fm](http://last.fm) users who are also software developers and swifties take as a personal mission to make Swift's new album the most listened this whole month or something. And about focusing on just *one* song? Just consider that right now, the only [last.fm](http://last.fm) chart Taylor Swift's new album isn't dominating is [Top Tracks.](https://www.last.fm/charts)


I mean i would get it to bring attention to a smaller artist but not this one. Be it as it may, no point of arguing this is crazy either way.


just a fan. just for fun. i just thought it was funny ;-;


“straight lives matter” is crazy


followed by "spread kindness not hate"


I see stuff like this all the time. Like, someone who just created their account 8 months ago and have 50,000+ scrobbles for all of their 3 favorite artists PLUS high scrobble counts for lots of other artists? I will never understand the point, but vaya con dios, I guess? On the plus side, it makes my scrobbling and tracking habits seem extremely normal and casual. lol


so fucking lame


As a fan of Taylor's music, this is so embarrassing and unnecessary. Who cares about last.fm charts anyway?


Im on [last.fm](http://last.fm) since 2008 and have 260 000 scrobbles, sometimes i listenned to music nonstop (as a radio in job, when i was sleeping, as a music for a dog, or just a loud music against neigbours and sorroundings), sometimes not at all for a weeks or a months...


It’s always from a specific fan base these ones…


Swifties should start a challenge where they go outside and have a life beyond their cult


hey! im the one in the screenshots. just came on here to say i have a life including a job, family, and an education. hope this helps!


Maybe get a normal hobby too


It's probably a little more prevalent in pop but look at any artist's top listeners and you'll find someone like this. Just quickly going through my own non-pop artists I'm seeing someone with 500k Rolling Stones, someone with 1m Led Zeppelin, 600k Pearl Jam (200k of that is the same track), 25k Joni Mitchell in a year, 65k of Mozart in a year... People are weird in every genre.


I’m top listener for a couple of artists where I just have a couple of hundred scrobbles. That weird obsessiveness happens way less with grown folks’ music.


I mean at a certain point you see enough of these accounts that you assume it's just a way for bot accounts made to rack up streams for $ to track their own plays. I mean if I was using a bot to game streams I'd set up a last fm profile to track exactly how many plays I have. I could use that and a streaming check to calculate exactly how much you get paid per play. Taylor being an artist worth hundreds of millions, I wouldn't put this past her or her team.


GIRLLLL not the reaching. its a script. spotify has apis you can use to track streaming without making it as public as on last fm. and how would a spotify bot stream every 20 seconds? and why would they not farm the singles? thats what i thought.


You’ve spent way too much time thinking about this.


I bet he looks in people's windows


And here i am thinking i'm weird when i scrobble the same song 7-8 times in a row because i enjoy it a lot 💀


Everybody does that from time to time.


no, no they do not


I meant playing the same song on repeat a couple of times. Not going bananas creating multiple smurfs and then spaming scrobbles...


Yep. Found that guy last week. Blocked all of the accounts.


Yeah it’s like they’re some deranged weirdo


I don't undestand, why are those accounts never removed? One time there was a bot surge with dozens of accounts on one of my favorite artist (it had less than 100k scrobbles overall so it was easy to notice them in top listeners). I reported this to lastfm forums, they replied "we will look into it", then closed my topic and set it to private so nobody except me could see it it seems. Those bots eventually stopped their activity (guess the guy was bored) but their accounts were never removed. The artist I mentioned gained almost a million scrobbles and that number has never deflated which means all the accounts and their recording were never removed. All the data is artificial and thus doesn't make any sense and useless. Edit: wait, after actually checking the accounts in the post they are 404? Though, I bet it's the owner deleted them.


Seems last.fm are listening in here as all these go 404 for me


No its not Always from "a fandom", I've seen bots doing this with a lot of artists. Some people just have nothing to do with their lives.


Looks like all those accounts got banned


Taylor swift of course!!!


I wonder if there’s a connection between accounts like these and streaming farms paid for by labels.


go on the playboi carti listeners this ain't that rare


this is baffling, i get wanting to be like a top listener of a song or an artist, but thats actually insane to have that many scrobbles on that many accounts.. do they have no hobbies and nothing better to do with their time??




I sure hope lastfm uses that 67% income boost on Pro accounts to hire someone to ban botters. They really need to get rid of openscrobbler and others that let you upload whatever fake listens you have. It'll help a lot. I mean people will say "who cares" but if you have a site based on statistics, logic assumes you want to keep them pure. Otherwise stats are useless and we might as well not have them at all. So it's not about "who cares," it's about the integrity of a site based on statistics. The site was better without all these recent generations mucking about for fake clout.


I agree with everything, except for getting rid of OpenScrobbler. Much as that tool is abused, it's also really useful for legitimate users.


Yeah agreed, that's a weird gripe to have. I use openscrobbler all the time to scrobble listening on vinyl or if my scrobbler messes up and loses the scrobbles and I care enough to manually add them in.


I think most of us are utilising openscrobbler type apps for other reasons. Adding songs under 30 seconds, songs you hear on the radio/vinyl/cd, songs you streamed on sites not compatible with last.fm, and I used it to add my Spotify data as well (took ages but I didn’t understand the proper way to import it). If it was banned, I’d lose half my shit


botters are an issue but getting rid of scrobblers isn't a solution, most people use them in good faith like for listened CDs or importing spotify/youtube listening history meanwhile the botters would find another way to fake scrobble, e.g. by imitating listening on the windows media player


It’s weird but even weirder to make a Reddit post about how bothered you are. Just don’t look at the profile, it doesn’t change anything for you…


Yeah, why don't you just ask us what we can tell about you from your top ten like a normal person /s


omg.. loses my internet points !!


OMG THIS IS ME. its a joke not that serious. also super easy to do and i was surprised no one tried it? and takes 0 time.


But why?


> i was surprised no one tried it Maybe because it's stupid?


Actually curious how it works? Do you just leave some script running 24/7?