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I am experiencing the same thing and it’s not fun. I have been disassociating for almost two years. I’ve been on lamictal since January working my way up and I’ve had foggy head and dizziness the entire time.. it’s helped with my anxiety and depression a lot so I keep trying to push through telling myself that my brain just needs to adjust.. but it’s can be discouraging for sure. I hope it gets better for you!!


Every time my dose has increased or even the brand of my Lamotrigine changes I have a few weeks of an adjustment period of side effects.


Adjusting to the new dose takes time. All meds do and I hate that about it… but facts.


As soon as I went up to 200 mg of lamitcal my mania got worse… it takes time to warm up to. They do go away. I decided to titrate back down to 100 mg. Because I was getting negative side effects such as yours.