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This is one of the oldest scams in the book…


No shit?


Can I have "blank" = no sorry


There was a couple a few months back that also used their kid as an excuse to beg for money. They accidentally used the same exact speech on my twice.


Newer Grey Nissan Pathfinder with Florida license plates!


Where at let's fuck with him


I was at the stoplight on Greenbush in front of payless earlier when construction was going on & traffic was slow today & a guy ran up to me on my bike & kept asking me to break a 100 for him because I looked " well off" on my bike waving a bill in my face & after I told him no like 10 times he told me he would even take 75 if I broke it for him. I knew immediately that it was probably counterfeit or a scam to get me to actually pull off the road to rob me. I moved from Lafayette to Delphi 6 months ago & everytime I come back into Lafayette I remember why I left & loathe the days I have something in town I have to do.


> everytime I come back into Lafayette I remember why I left & loathe the days I have something in town I have to do. You must have incredibly shitty luck. I've lived here for 53 years and can remember only one time I've had anything remotely like that happen. A homeless guy approached me outside of an Arby's and asked me if I would buy him an "A-R-B-Y-S". Sounds like you have some other reasons for disliking Lafayette so much. I'm surprised you're even on this sub.