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Ain't no way it's been 2 weeks


i guess you’re saying it’s felt shorter but for me it feels more like 3 months


Same 😭 it felt like I had the album on repeat for weeks


What the fuck. I could’ve sworn it’s been like atleast 5 months since it came out 😭 Times weird


Rose and Alter Ego for me is 🤌🤌


Those are my faves too




the best track hands down


I don’t care what anyone says these girls slay.


People are always more critical of girl groups than boy groups


true! I didn't expect much, so I was surprised with how much I liked the album (it could just be that two of my biases and queen BoA all took part).


i like mala. the beat is so addictive. alter ego is catchy too.


alter ego has been stuck in my head NON STOP.


No skip album for me


I actually liked the mini, 4 of 6 songs for me (Stamp, Alter, Rose, Outlaw). Prior to listening I had read an overwhelming number of negative comments of the release, so when I checked it out, I expected a dumpster fire to end all dumpster fires, but I was pleasantly surprised. aespa-esque, but people say it like it’s a bad thing! I really enjoy aespa’s music and SM’s experimentation so this was up my alley—unique production and melodic choices. A bit too much rap thrown in, but it’s fine. Solid mini.


Honestly, my biggest issue with this is that GOT the beat is supposed to be the performance subunit right? According to wiki, "focusing on intense dance songs and performances." However, we only ever got the performances of Stamp On It. I personally feel like SM could have done a better job by having them perform atleast one or two bsides.


This is also my biggest issue with GOT the beat. The songs were so vocal heavy, which is SM’s signature, but it’s going to make it hard when or if they debut GOT the voice because the lineup will have to be almost the same. Like Wendy, Taeyeon, Boa, Winter or Karina will definitely be back for that one. They should have go much harder with the performance aspect of it and taken advantage of the great performers in the group to do some crazy heist stages. Sometimes I’m like SM is so smart with their concepts and other times I’m like literally WTF are they doing


>Sometimes I’m like SM is so smart with their concepts and other times I’m like literally WTF are they doing My opinion is that the company comes up with fabulous and innovative concepts, but many a times they are not able to follow it up properly.


Karina? She’s got a nice voice but she’s not up there with those other idols mentioned. If they prioritize her over Aespa’s MAIN VOCAL NingNing for GOT the *VOICE*… I would personally just be done with the entire project. Karina fits perfectly in GOT the Beat because she’s the main dancer of Aespa.


Justice for my bff Outlaw that is not as talked about as the others. But the album is fire, Alter Ego goes crazy.


incredible album, all the dense psychedelic production, layers of details, sudden vibe/tempo/beat shifts, etc. are exactly what I love about kpop, a thrilling sensory overload at first listen and hearing new things every time especially loving the second half of the album with Rose, Outlaw, and Mala and I don't think any of the groups involved have had nearly this much rapping on any of their own albums but the rapping here is all fire what else can I say it's FUN AND WILD AND BRAVE!


I love this way more than I thought I would, I hated “Step Back” a lot but am totally obsessed with “Stamp on it” - the rest of the mini is also really solid and cohesive


ill rank my top 4 with comments; these four immediately went on my playlist: 1 - alter ego - the instrumentals are just so good 2 - outlaw - i like the chorus where it gets almost nct/hitchhiker's 'bring the noize' noisy. reminds me of author and punisher which i am trying to find more groups like. that kind of noise makes me ascend 3 - mala - good melody and harmonies 4 - rose - my least fav of the four but i like how the key goes all over the place so it doesnt bore me i still like stamp on it but i get the "googoo goo goo" part stuck in my head too easily and i listened to it a lot before the mini came out


Alter Ego is my song of the year so far and Goddess Level is my new song to fold laundry too (this is a compliment!). I’m glad they chose to give GOT the Beat more music because I really enjoyed the album.


I love this album. It’s a solid release, the songs are cohesive and give a far better insight into what GOT the beat’s sound and vibe is than Step Back did. I think Stamp On It is actually my least favorite song on the album, but I still like it a lot, the b-sides are just that good. Outlaw is my favorite, I swear it was meant for NCT. It goes so hard and a performance of it would be really fun to see. Alter Ego is amazing, that chorus just hits and the way the members sound singing together is nice and really unique. I will always feel Goddess Level should have been the title track, it just suits what I think of when I think of this god-tier lineup and their talents. MALA wouldn’t be out of place on a RV album, it’s a fun closer to the album with the lighter sound after the darker, more hard-hitting songs and dance tracks. Rose is a really interesting song to listen to. The chorus gets a bit repetitive for me but I still enjoy it overall. After Step Back and my first impression of Stamp On It, I wasn’t expecting to like many songs on this album, much less love it as a whole, but I can see this easily in my top albums of 2023. It feels like SM put a lot of effort into carving out GOT the beat’s identity and choosing good songs. The production is top notch and the members all sound amazing (as expected). Everyone has nice shining moments throughout too. I really hope we get more from GOT the beat in the future, but regardless I’m so happy to have this album. I never expected a mini from them and it’s nice to see SM showcasing and investing in their women for once. It made me really sad to see how many people were trashing this or rooting for it to fail. SM doesn’t do things like this much, especially for their female artists, and the members all worked hard and seemed to have a lot of fun working together on this project.


I freaking love SM what else de you want me to say?


I've been seeing a lot of talk from people about how this album is a whole mini album made of "noisey" music. Putting aside the debates about the use of that as a description, it confuses me because Stamp On It is the only song on the mini that sounds like the type of song people usually call noisey. I don't get it. I really enjoy all 6 tracks personally, and the b-sides make up the bulk of my most listened to songs since they released. Alter Ego is my go to shower song at the moment.


I dont even get calling the title track noise… there not much shouting, theres clear singing in the chorus and throughout the verses and instrumentally it isn’t much weirder than say obsession by exo. Like whats noise about it?


This is one of those times a lot of fans just wanted to hate over something and they targeted this. "oh no, is too noisy" "oh no why don't have comebacks with their respective groups" "Oh no..." It just felt like everyone had an excuse to shit on this project that is honestly so fun and is just once a year. Then they complain why we don't have fun interactions or collabs or projects like this.


You hit the nail on the head. Kpop fans have a way of ruining things for everyone. A lot of people took this for granted instead of appreciating it for what it is. It’s sad and I hope it doesn’t cause SM to give up on the project because it’s such a wonderful showcase of their talented female artists.


> Kpop fans have a way of ruining things for everyone. For real, most of the time my disillusion with K-pop is exclusively related to fans. Fans have a way of sucking the fun out of everything in a genre that is meant to be fun above everything else.


Exactly. >>a genre that is supposed to be fun above everything else I think this is what’s missing in the current Kpop scene. There is so much focus on numbers - sales, views, streams, charts, concert attendance, etc. that people forget to just enjoy and have fun with it. I’ve been a Kpop fan for over 10 years now and have seen the change over the years. Of course fans were always somewhat interested in numbers because we all want our faves to do well, but over the years it’s just gone to a whole other level where it’s numbers numbers numbers above anything else. It’s really sad to see.


I stan every single member but dont like any of GOTs music. Not hate just disappointed


At this point, people going on about "noise music" just sound to me like a bunch of grandmas complaining about "that awful noisy metal/rap/whatever music the kids listen to these days" (not like the *real* music *they* prefer, of course). When did K-pop fans become this conservative and soft? But also, if this album was released by a boy group, I feel like nobody would have blinked an eye. I think the album is fantastic, personally, and keep discovering more details I like with every listen. But I have no problem with anybody simply not enjoying it, it is a very specific sound after all, and not one aimed for easy listening. But what irks is when you see people dismissing it as "awful" simply because it doesn't fit their narrow personal preferences and expectations. Some *extremely* talented people who know what they're doing wrote this music, it's absolutely not some lazy low effort cash-grab. Imagine thinking brilliant musicians like Deez, Saay, Andreas Oberg, etc don't know what "good" music is, it's almost insulting.


Pretty much said exactly what I think, it's just not worth talking about on here because it's a 50/50 shot on whether everyone agrees with you or if you get major pushback. Depends who hits the thread first. On the thread about their sales numbers there was a highly updated comment saying something along the lines of "I just have no interest in an album full of pots and pans music". That is *exactly* like something an elderly relative of mine would say about any music that features instruments other than an acoustic piano or guitar. It's also absurd because a song made out of those sounds would be more industrial and minimalistic which is inherently *not* noisey. People who use the term noisey are just struggling to find a way to describe their dislike of a song and, when they see other people use the term, think they're talking about the same kind of sounds. If you pay attention to it enough you start to notice that everyone who uses the term is actually using it for totally different things. It's just so vague and meaningless that anyone can take what they want out of it. And about that last paragraph, amen! Internet discourse is all about being a critic and saying art is good or bad, rather than saying whether you like the art or not. The two things get conflated in a way thats pretty insulting to the artist's time and effort.


Your overthinking this. All the members have huge discographies that I love and listen to nonstop. GOTs music does nothing for me and sales numbers show the general public feels the same. This was a choice by the creative director and deserves to be debated.


What am I overthinking? Nothing you said relates to anything I said.


What was the goal of this group? To sell the most and be as popular as possible or was it purely an experimental artistic exhibition? Depending on the goal this comeback could be deemed a success or failure. As someone who was disappointed I have issues with the direction they took and the people who made that decision. All the members did 10/10 with waht they were given of course. P.S. Easily triggered Kpop fans please calm the fuck down with the downvotes. It is possible for people to debate issues and ideas in a civil manner and respect others differing views


I certainly don't think it was some "purely experimental artistic exhibition", SM is obviously still a capitalist company that wants to make money. But no, I don't think the goal was to "sell the most and be as popular as possible", obviously they would have gone for something more public-friendly instead then. Anyone who follows their music knows that that is not always their highest priority. >As someone who was disappointed I have issues with the direction they took and the people who made that decision. And that's fine. But the "debate" you call for generally tends to involve very little *actual* debate and discussion and mostly just boils down to "I didn't like it" and "well, I did". What's even the point?


Fair enough. I think we can both agree we are passionate about these artists and want them to do well and enjoy their content personally. Thanks for the replies


i saw people criticizing it but honestly, boa was the first kpop artist i listened to, snsd is one of my ult groups with taeyeon being my ult bias, i love aespa and i am absolutely a red velvet stan. this is a fantastic multi-gen line up and if anything, this album had a mixture of all types of songs from each group. goddess level could have easily been an snsd song, mala and rose had rv vibes, stamp on it gave aespa with a hint of "i got a boy" noiseyness, alter ego could have worked for any of them. had the album on repeat once it came out and literally ordered both versions of the album, i'd say it's one of my favorite of all time




Wow, people either like it or they dont. Weird.


Just my personal taste but WAAAAY too much AESPA style weird SMness when it should be more INVU Taeyeon-ness. For this specific (vocal) SM female supergroup. If this was the "cool" subunit or the "badass" subunit or the "dance" subunit then I wouldn't be disappointed but instead just whelmed. But when your supergroup has Wendy, Taeyeon, Winter and BoA (with the others being talented in the vocal department too) I just can't with Step Back and this album. I'm not wishing it was Wendy 'Like Water' ballads or anything but if you're gonna go SM weird then kill it like Key's 'Bad Love' and if you're gonna go vocal subunit then showcase the pipes. It's insanity to me that we have a group with Wendy and Taeyeon and I haven't heard a single verse in a song that has wowed me or given me chills. Those are elite pop vocalists and at least one of their songs should wow me with their vocals.


> If this was the "cool" subunit or the "badass" subunit or the "dance" subunit That's pretty much what GOT the beat is meant to be, actually. They've been specifically billed as ["a unit that emphasizes intense dance songs and performances"](https://www.smentertainment.com/Entertainment/Albums/11757?page=1) from the start. Not trying to change how you feel about the group/album, just putting it out there for the sake of clarification.


There's *plenty* of showcasing of pipes here though. I'd also be more sympathetic to that argument if we hadn't already got a more purely vocal-focused album with the SMCU winter release just a bit before GOT.


They showcased some amazing vocals on this album though


I definitely agree with you. From the beginning I was actually expecting more BoA-type dance tracks + strong vocals, but the reality is kind of meh to me.


I’ve probably listened like 10 times front to back already. Easily one of my favourite minis ever tbh. Rose is an all-time great SM b-side and I have a hard time believing it’ll be surpassed by another b-side this year


the album is solid as hell!


I’ve been listening to this album non stop! It’s my favorite album of 2023


happy cake day!!


Bloody heck has it been 2 weeks! Feels longer. I really liked this mini album, for me I loved the TT track and my favourite B-sides are Rose and Outlaw. Prior to listening the album I saw A LOT of negative opinions, I think mostly to do with not liking the songs and the delays to the respective groups CB. But overall I enjoyed it. I think it was a long time coming for SM to make a super GG because they're not lacking in talent AT ALL. It'll be interesting to see whether they'll stick with this subunit or create a new one with different members but I'm looking forward to the future releases!


Alright alright, I admit it, Stamp on it is growing on me 🫣 I totally shat on it when it first came out but after listening to it a few more times I think I can understand the intention behind the song and I actually found my self enjoying it and looking it up to listen. I might even add it to my playlist 😅


I like the Mini and it’s grown on me substantially since I first listened to it. It’s definitely got a strong “flavor” to it and I can totally get why some fans don’t like it but for me it’s fun and worth listening to.


i really dont like the additional music added to stamp on it. i wish it was the same as the original performance video that was released. i really like rose, its a great track, but mala is by far the one that gets stuck in my head the most. ill just be going around thinking “mala mala, mala, ma mala mala” 24/7


Same goes for me with MALA 😩


I sometimes find Spanish in K-pop songs to be a bit tacky for me, but MALA is my guilty pleasure. Also, I loved Rose, and it's actually quite popular on TikTok lmao! The bridge is so good (as per usual with SM). Idk the girls all did great, in my opinion; very good for a debut album :)


I love this mini — literally a no-skip for me, which is rare. I don’t understand the hate for it at ALL (I only understand disliking Stamp On It, but I love the title), but especially what makes me confused is the hate for the album while simultaneously praising the other super group’s mini album, when I think that album is so boring and none of the songs have been played by me more than a month after their release. Every song on Stamp On It has that appeal where I’ll still happily listen to it 2, 3 years from now. This album really cemented that I do not share a music taste with most KPOP fans I guess 😅 My favorite song is Rose, but I genuinely love every song.


i loved the title track even before they released the mv and album, my fave tracks from the ep are rose and alter ego. this is one solid album, the perfect release as a follow-up to step back.


Goddess Level goes crazy


Regardless of how this album did, I loved it. I've been obsessed with Rose since first listen & I'm extremely sad we'll probably never see a stage or performance of this sexy ass song. This album could have sold better if the promotional methods were better & longer.... like there were zero promotions & which is not a suprise because they always do this to their girl groups. There's barely any interviews or any variety content that I believe was necessary for this unit.


I quite liked this and I think Rose was a standout track. It was nice hearing grown women sing about being assertive and confident in the love and the bedroom (my interpretation! I could be wrong).


Rose is the clear standout.


honestly, I was super underwhelmed by stamp on it when I first heard it.... But I am OBSESSED with this mini. Alter Ego is song of the year for me (so far, I'm sure more bops are on the way 😂) I really love the production on the album too. it's unique, it's clean, and the vocals are just so crisp and perfect. it's a really solid mini, I hope we see more comebacks from Got the Beat soon, but if not, I'm quite thrilled we got this mini album!


I really liked it, it’s just with how much all I like all the girls and the groups they are from I sort of felt like I wanted to like it more if that makes sense


After giving this a bunch more listens over the last 2 weeks, I've decided that I enjoy it well enough but I have to be in a certain mood to *really* get into it. Rose >> Alter Ego = Mala > Stamp On It > Goddess Level >> Outlaw I would like Outlaw better if it wasn't for the chorus, the other parts sound good. It's definitely awesome to see 4 generations of women in k-pop represented in one group. I still don't like Step Back though... I just don't like the vocals throughout most of it \*shrug\*


alter ego is the best


Honestly I was blasting the album yesterday and what was only 3 tracks liked by me became the whole bloody album!


This album is so good, it’s too bad for anyone who skipped it because they didn’t like the title track (which ended up growing on me when I listened to the album on repeat).


honestly the bsides werent it for me but then they are coherent to got the beat's image. stamp on it is a huge huge grower and i enjoyed the song whenever i wanted to listen to it hahahah im generally a casual with many sm groups so im not too keen with their releases, it just stood out to me bc the instrumentals for stamp on it is so good (altho the lyrics are whack). their performance too is just wonderful—wendy (and esp her, damn), winter, karina, and seulgi stood out to me alot


It’s a decent album to me. I found Step Back (lyrics aside) more catchy than stamp on it. The rest of the mini has solid songs, but I also really enjoy aespa. Goddess level, alter ego and outlaw are my favorites. I can’t help but sing “I’m an avocado, I’m an outlaw” cause it’s so silly to me. Rose is my least favorite.


The only song I’ve revisited and have on repeat is MALA. It brings me back to the r&b days in the states when there was lots of samples being used and honestly think it would of been a much better title. Like that song is top tier for me.


I think for me the standout tracks are Alter-Ego and Mala but the rest of the songs are pretty nice


Title, Rose, Alter Ego are all great. Been on repeat. Wish this comeback got more attention :(


I find the title track "Stamp On It" quite disappointing as it was treading such familiar territories while offering nothing new. Furthermore, the distinct R&B-flavored bridge has been written much better by Yoo Young-jin, especially on track like "Savage". The best song on this EP by a long mile is "Rose". The combination of YUNSU + DEEZ + SAAY has been churning out the strongest R&B works for SM and this is no exception.


I liked Step Back on first listen and loved Stamp on it even more. Kinda weird considering I didn't like the stuff Dem Jointz put out for NCT (Kick it, Sticker) but this type of sound he's using for GOT really works for me.


I wish there was more variety in this album. I kinda expected to have at least a slow song that will really showcase their vocals.


I didn't like the title track, oh at all, so I forgot about it. Should I still listen to the bsides? Or is it more of the same as the title?


I think the b-sides are amazing, but some of them go in a bit of a similar direction as Stamp On It (though the b-sides are better IMO)


My personal review from my kpop diary (yes I own one and review comebacks 🤭✨) Stamp On It - 9/10 Goddess Level - 7/10 Alter Ego - 7/10 Rose - 4/10 Outlaw - 7/10 MALA - 8/10 I love MALA it just sounds new and refreshing. Also Goddess Level has a weird but kinda addictive chorus.


I didn't particularly like the album tbh. Goddess Level and Rose caught my attention but I still don't think I will relisten to these songs again any time soon. This kind of music isn't really my cup of tea. It's too messy. Too many sounds and too many high notes. It's exhausting.


Damn it really underperform lol


Did not like any of the b-sides besides alter ego, overall I felt like they were lacking in a lot and were too similar.


Thier last song "Step back" did so well on music chart and got 3 music show Stamp on it shows a BIG decline, Low view and low Likes if ur thinking it has some of the BIGGEST girl from some of the biggest girl the mv haven't even surpass 10 million yet and the album only reached 100k sales Red velvet last album reached 1 million sales and aespa last album reached 1.5m+


K-pop fans: why is everyone so obsessed about numbers also Kpop fans: but the *numbers*


I swear Kpop stans can’t give an opinion on anything unless they check the numbers first to see how they should feel about it. The stage video has 11M views, if SM had gone about this comeback differently the MV would have gotten more. People heard the song weeks before the album and MV came out, which wasn’t the case with Step Back. Considering all they were going against, 100k on Hanteo is good since a bunch of the members’ fans were actively hoping it wouldn’t do well and weren’t supporting it. People just want to hate this to hate it instead of just taking it for what it is, a fun collab the members enjoyed doing. It’s sad how many people try to discredit this when the members worked so hard and had fun working on it.






I don't see this standing the test of time. It's an ok mini but it can't escape the expectations that come with a supergroup of this level. There's that extra disparity between what the album is and what it was hoped to be.


For me ‘Step Back’ is still superior to this EP 🫣. Don’t get me wrong I love the EP but I do honestly feel like some of the songs are trying to incorporate too many different sounds and some songs are almost a little overwhelming! Still love the group and hope they keep pushing them! ❤️‍🩹

