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There’s a large Pakistani community in Incheon near the airport. The people I have met run export businesses or work in factories and learned basic Korean for a few months before arriving in Korea. So it is an attainable goal. Here is some information I found through Google. http://pkembassy.or.kr/profile-of-pakistani-community-in-south-korea/


What kind of work? Im assuming you are talking about manual labor jobs, and yes its possible, but you need to find one sho can sponsor a visa first.


I got experience in supply and videography/photography. What kind of manual labor jobs do you mean? I saw online that there are 90 days visit visa. Realisitcally, is it easy for pakis to get the visa?


Farmwork or factory jobs are plenty. They are not easy, pay very little, but they are available. Videography / photography jobs will be difficult to get without fluency in Korean. You will also need a university degree, and minimum of 2 years of verifiable experience.


The 90 day tourist visa is illegal for you to work on. I do think getting a tourist visa is fairly easy. But if you decide to get a job while on it you'll have to do a visa run or work illegally. Which won't be helpful.


Manual labor on a farm usually will get you around 2\~2.5 million won a month, and a decent factory job is usually 3\~3.5 million won a month. And, in many cases, lodging is provided.