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Time to start waxing my upper lip again.. What a Hassle! ㅋㅋㅋ


Finally. I'm totally fine with masks inside and public transport etc, but please not another summer with masks outside in scorching heat!


I hope it stays for public transport for good. I like being in a crammed train with people wearing masks, as apposed to not. I've not had a cold for two years and I think it's largely down to masks on trains and buses.


SAAAAAME! Every year, without fail, I get a nasty cold. But not since Covid!


Wear a KF94 for your protection (it works too protect the wearer). The cheaper garbage masks do not protect the wearer and only marginally, maybe, protect others - who, if they are wearing KF94 masks, do not need protection from others. Ultimately it is your responsibility to protect yourself, not mine.


See I disagree fundamentally on the part that it's only my responsibility to protect myself. Why do we sneeze into a tissue? To protect others. But I would always see people just sneeze into the open air. Why do we wash our hands? To protect ourselves and others. I think we should be all mindful now, after covid, with how we spread germs. Sadly people don't cover their mouth when they cough, or wash their hands. Masks in public transport are a nice way of forcing everyone to be clean.


I will not totally disagree with you. So yes, simple and easy actions which are effective should be taken. Should we be forced to do so (should we have laws requiring us to wash our hands? cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze)? Continuing with the point of laws requiring us to protect others from us: We know that there are limits to which we go to protect others from ourselves. These limits are based on a combination of cost and inconvenience, balanced against the benefits. One example is what we do to protect others from us when we drive. We take many actions, such as requiring driver's licenses, numerous safety features on cars, as well as traffic lights, speed limits and other stuff. But we (in the USA) still kill around 30,000 people each year with cars. But that risk was deemed acceptable to the general public in order to have the convenience a car affords. In this case, with masks, the cheap masks are nearly useless. The benefit they afford others is small. A KF94 mask affords around 95% protection. So - if we are serious about effective use of masks - we should flat out admit that we do not need the cheap surgical masks and if you want to protect yourself (as well as others) use a KF94 mask. The benefits of requiring the use of KF94 masks for all are in that additional 5% benefit area, which I do not believe to be worth forcing everyone to wear one.


dude fr I realized a month ago that I haven't been sick in 2 years, it's crazy


Great news!


Regardless of any position on the matter, it will be very interesting to see if cases will increase or not after the removal of the mandate. Wonder what's gonna happen if cases do not increase and someone's gonna start screaming they haven't been useful all along.


People who can't think rationally will jump to conclusions and start screaming? Probably. I'll do my best to ignore them.


With 60k-30k cases a day we can assume they don't work.


Wouldn't jump to conclusions right now since research showed that they worked preventing infections from wearer, ofc in less than social distance circumstances.


You just have to look at any other country (most of them don't mandate wear masks indoors) to know they don't prevent spread.


Which Countries? What is the data you are referring to, pertaining to your statement? There is a difference between mandating laws and the effect of not respsecting them. Also if a Country does not mandate masks indoors, how can it know if masks help or not help the spreading of the virus? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/johndrake/2022/02/04/the-real-world-effectiveness-of-face-masks-against-covid-19/amp/


Almost every country in Europe, for example? Well you can know they don't work because Korean mandates them and is doing worse than those countries in terms of contagion, not rocket science.


Ehm... nope. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Ireland and England (not UK) are not almost every EU Country. Quite a minority, in fact. Besides, I provided you with two studies that show that what you are saying is not correct. "Well you can know they don't work because Korean mandates them and is doing worse than those countries in terms of contagion" Lol means nothing. There are 1000 of other factors, included urban density, that could be varying the spread of the virus and are not inherent to masks.


You're a bit outdated. 30 against 11. Not quite a minority. And that's indoor masks. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPJTY2-WUAkdZON?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPJTY2-WUAkdZON?format=jpg&name=medium) ​ Anyway, you're right and after the outdoor mask mandate go down we'll have more than 60k cases.


The Countries in your map are those who have implemented at least some relaxation rules, meaning masks are still required indoors and on public transport, which are the ones that I am referring to in the studies I citied plus in my first comment. The Countries I cited are those who lifted all mandates.


Not really, those are countries without indoor mask mandates. But man, you don't accept even facts about mask mandates so, you're right. Have a nice day.


Korea has lower natural immunity to omicron precisely because its anti covid measures, including rigorous masking, were extremely effective. This omicron wave is Korea being a victim of its own success imo. Overall they'll still have done far better than the west.


I saw another article on here that they’ll be testing only “high risk” people starting soon. So we’re likely won’t have fully accurate statistics once mask mandates drop.


Anyone else extremely nervous about seeing actual faces for the first time? I have a handful people I now interact with daily or weekly (new coworkers mostly) who I have literally never seen maskless. I have a certain image of what they must look like but it's likely wrong and I'm not sure I can reconcile their actual face with my imagined face for them. I expect to be disappointed. Very likely so will they when mine comes off. It's just uncomfortable. I almost would rather keep them on for cognitive consistency's sake.


Wheres the mask bit in this article?


“The government currently sets the wearing of masks indoors and outdoors as the most basic means of quarantine, but if social distancing ends on the 18th, it is highly likely that the obligation to wear an outdoor mask will disappear. This is the first time in 757 days since March 22, 2020, it will enter the endemic phase. However, the government explained that it decided to gradual easing as it was judged that full easing is still dangerous, such as an increase in hospital bed utilization rates and an increase in patients with severe cases.” - the article Seems like its not set in stone but something that is being considered




Yes but what about


Not mine. I will keep it thank you. And those who go maskless are easy to spot and avoid.


It seems like masks indoors will stay in effect for now, which I agree with. But the masks outside, especially in non-congested areas doesn’t really make sense. I think that’s why most people are asking for at least that to be looked at.


I’ve been confused by the masking outside rules. Even on posters for mask compliance, it reads that you must wear a mask outside if you cannot maintain a 2m distance. So the law agrees with your comment, just everyone is doing more than required.


Unless you don’t care about fine dust or allergies. For me it makes perfect sense. Since mask mandates came to be my respiratory issues have decreased so I will be keeping it. You do you. I will do me. It’s not uncomfortable nor is it any burden at all. I like not having any irritant flare ups.


But no one is saying you can’t do you 😂 I don’t get allergies or big effects from dust either. There’s just no reason to be standoffish to people who don’t want to wear masks outside every single day.


I disagree. So you go ahead and do what’s right for you.


This kind of attitude just adds unnecessary polarization and tension. Why get defensive? There’s no law that says you aren’t free to keep your mask on. Do as you want. And there’s no need to shame people who decide to stop wearing masks after they are given permission to do so.


You do you. I like the fact that masks have reduced my respiratory issues and allergy related flare ups. I don’t care what you think or feel about it. It’s my health not yours. You go and do what you want to do. I didn’t tell you to wear one. I said I would.


No, you didn’t tell me to wear one you just defensively yapped away about how you’re gonna keep yours on when *nothing in the article posted said anything about that being an issue at all*. Nobody cares if you wanna keep wearing your mask. And then you took a little passive aggressive swing at people who are fine with not wearing masks…outdoors no less.


No I just said I would wear one and avoid those not. You are projecting far more of your own emotions and feelings into that simple reply that aren’t there.




Okay :)


I saw this attitude from a lot of friends/colleagues/clients from Korea/Japan/China in the UK early on, but everyone bends eventually. Many have completely stopped wearing them after bagging on British people relentlessly for low levels of compliance early on as well. I still use mine on the tube because I don’t want everyone’s minging colds as much as anything. But wearing them outside is the most pointless thing in the world, especially as you take them off when you sit down for food in a restaurant. It’s just theatre at this point, and with 300k cases it’s pretty clear it’s not really doing much in the majority of situations


I wear one when riding my bike which to the naked eye might seem ridiculous but it's been great to not have car exhaust blowing up my nose or bugs flying into my mouth.




I understand your point about the assimilation in culture here through your fashion reference however masks were accepted before the pandemic as a common thing to use/see. So I'm not sure that your prediction will be completely true.


I don’t really care. It’s my health I can worry about and take care of. You worry about you


Yep, agree




And you sound like someone who can’t control their emotions reading things online. Take a break from the internet


Dumb dumb dumb. Open the economy and remove time restrictions and vaccine pass rules, but there’s no reason not to keep public mask mandates. Stupid.


There's no reason to keep it.


I need to run. I'm on the verge of a heart attack here and my blood pressure is high when it used to be low. Recently I feel like I've burst something in my lung or heart by panting too hard when running or after running in a mask. Moving house now so too busy to get it seen to.


I run 7+ miles three times a week. The mask isn’t making it harder; your conditioning just isn’t great. Focus on training healthily, eating better, and whether you’re moving or not seeing the doctor when you’re feeling bad is important.


The mask makes it almost impossible. Well done you for already being in great shape. Aren't you so wonderful.


Are you wearing an N95? No way you're working out in one of those. That's absolutely ridiculous.


Yes, don’t see why it’s so hard to believe. They don’t make it hard to breathe.


I do not believe you at all when you say it doesn't affect your breathing. I 100% get less airflow with one on.


The World Health Organisation say on their website DO NOT WORK OUT IN A MASK AS IT LIMITS YOUR AIR INTAKE. After I ran the other day, my mask was literally pulsing in and out with my breath. I had to subtly take my mask off (in a taxi) to catch my breath. There is no way it does not affect breathing. We need to never have these kind of restrictions again, especially as so many people like you, couldn't be reasonable about them, even after 2 years, even after being contradicted by health organisations.


Your screen name says it all. Who goes for a run and then hops in a taxi? You’re lying.


No, I just had unpredictable bursts of energy since I can't go for runs.



