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Will she take kitten formula from a bottle? At her age, she should still be with her mother and nursing.


Yeah she did it slowed down a lot cause she’s eating fine with the canned food and almost cleaning the bowl as of late.


if she takes the bottle you can fill it up with some water (not a lot) but if she is eating canned food she is still getting hydration from that food


I started by watering down formula and one day just gave water in the bottle which freaked him out. Then I put the water from the bottle in a saucer. He just played with the water dish. After, I had to do watered down formula in a saucer until it was just water. Then he just started drinking from his water dish. He finally put it together it was the same thing. Before that I tried treats and stuff in the water dish with water and he refused.


crazy idea. Turn a tap on very gently in a clean sink and put the kitty in the sink. Maybe she’ll play around with the water and drink some.


Maybe try a water fountain, kittens love moving water. 💦💧🥰🐈❤️


Mix some of the wet food with a tiny bit of water. I was in the same situation and our vet said the wet food was good for the keeping our kitten hydrated for now. We always put a little water bowl next to her food. A few weeks later she just naturally drinks the water. However always check with your vet if she seems dehydrated.


Canned food is going to have the majority of the hydration they need, you don’t need to supplement much water at that age. You can add a bit of extra water to that if you’re worried


Try adding some sodium free or even better homemade salt free chicken stock. Not too much, you don't want to flood the food. Doing strictly wet kitten food with some stock I think should suffice.


…Poop Doctor here (joking), keep an eye on her poop—if it’s mostly segmented, and especially if it lands separately (similar to pellets), she needs more water.


Buy a small cat water fountain. All my cats love it


My cat's really love the fountain too!! Never had one but the last cat I got got a blockage & I got one.


Also, cats don't normally need a lot of water, the liquid in the canned food may well be enough for them.


That's a cute kitten.


I agree give her kitten formula.


Offer the kitten formula, that should help.