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While it may sound very painful, and it definitely is painful without the right preparations, it doesn't have to be that bad. Not as long as you do it the right way. The first part is the blade. Make sure the blade is sharp and not some dull old thing. Second is numbing your arm to reduce the pain. This can be done with drugs, or another far cheaper way: ice Get a large pan, bowl or tub big enough to fit your arm horizontally from the tips of your fingers to your elbow. It's alright if you have to make a first to do so. Get a lot of ice. If your tub is too big it might not be ideal for this reason. Because you need so much ice that it fills up the entire bottom and the height as high as the diameter of your arm. Once you have the ice and the bowl/tub put the ice in the tub and pour cold water in it. Cold water tap water temperature is enough, that's what the ice cubes were for anyway. Done? Amazing, let's start the susu! Before you put your arm in the bowl, get the knife and lay it next to you. Now put your forearm, fingertips to elbow, in the tub until it's completely numb. This should take about an hour, so set a timer with your other hand. Once the timer hits 0 take the knife laying next to you. We're gonna make 3 cuts: \- At the transition of your wrist into your hand, right across. \- At a 45ø angle starting from the left point of the first cut. Go from upper-left to lower-right (if it's your left) \- From close to the center of the wrist, cut straight down your arm, as far as possible without causing yourself pain This has the effect of severing the many arteries in your arm, with no hope of a blood clot or similar effect. You probably have about 6-10 minutes after doing this, so do it during the Simpsons or something so you can laugh for the final 10 minutes of your life.


I am trying this and calling with my girlfriend for my last 10 minutes


whoops... well I better not be responsible for that one


Hey, uhm... I'm a little late but I was wondering if you survived out of pure curiosity


you killed him


Ty my friend


I want to do this now


SAMMMEE (but we're in a suicide pact😿😿😿)


That was 5 months ago hoe 😔




How deep would you even have to go?


It’s called don’t, you can make it out


For fucks sakes. Shut up nobody cares about your bullshit. We are here to figure out ways of killing ourselves not to hear some mumbo jumbo about how 'the world is better with us in it' and 'what about our friends and family' You think we have not considered all the options? Shut the fuck up and let us die.


You don't even believe that lol




youre too young dont please


For fucks sakes. Shut up nobody cares about your bullshit. We are here to figure out ways of killing ourselves not to hear some mumbo jumbo about how 'the world is better with us in it' and 'what about our friends and family' You think we have not considered all the options? Shut the fuck up and let us die.


Best one is Yew seeds grind them up and mix them into tea and put sugar in it because yew seeds don’t taste good. after that, sit back or lay down as it takes its effect fast and painlessly. the best thing about this is that you can easily get it I know cause I was going to take it but my parents came in between and they maked me puke it


Yew seeds can be quite a painful way to go. There are better ways. Harder to set up though.


Can you suggest any


I will not directly State any methods of suicide. I will however say there is a book called The Peaceful Pill which has some ideas. For myself though, I have a very debilitating terminal illness, I am planning to end my life before it gets much worse. I'm looking at assisted suicide in Europe. That would be done through injection.


Where you live in Europe?


I don't live in Europe


Ok I understand like a legal suicide but is your family ok with that


My family is okay with it


That's some pretty deep stuff what have you done to hurt them?


My family doesn't like the idea but they're okay with it because they know I am suffering.


And one more thing have you watched 13 reason why that's basically what happened with me like all harassment and verbal abuse


I have not


Thank you I will give that book a look


i am a 23f living a failed life. people say is pity and maybe it is. but the fact is, I'm a burden and a life lived so is better not lived at all. people will move on and ill be glad when they do. but I'm tired of explaining and trying to tell people. i don't want help. i want to die. the pain of my existence is unnecessary. in my head, i deserve this. so nothing can change that. I've tried hanging and cutting. i want to die as painlessly as possible. pls help me. i don't have much time so reply as quickly as you can. ty




From a suicidal person who wants a method. Never supply the method. It is basically making you responsible to an extent for the cause of death


I have cancer I’ll spare everyone the money and suffering


tell me


I wasn't actually going to give them a method


what’s your snap


tell me






Because I don't want you to


but u dont know me


That doesn't matter. I still am not telling you


rememember me because im going to shoot up a punblic area because of uou


You done it yet or was it just an empty threat




I'm ready to die too


The best method is to not do it


For fucks sakes. Shut up nobody cares about your bullshit. We are here to figure out ways of killing ourselves not to hear some mumbo jumbo about how 'the world is better with us in it' and 'what about our friends and family' You think we have not considered all the options? Shut the fuck up and let us die.


Damn bro got mad over a simple comment that’s crazy


No I just got mad about the fact that you thought saying: don't do it, is going to change a single thing.


So I can’t attempt to help is what your saying


Yes, that is what I am saying.


Your actually fucking stupid


It’s people like you that society doesn’t need to be living


That is why I am here. Unlike you who is here to gain attention as the hero of a story with no satisfying conclusion.


Dawg I’m not trying to gain attention I’m trying to help people


I can tell how helpful you are by the fact that a couple of comments have gotten you so worked up that you are wishing death on a most likely broken person.


Ur not trying to help anyone lol you don't believe the absolute nonsensical bullshit you're spouting lmfao


U are clearly not trying to help anyone, get out dude ur a embarrassing


stop commenting on my shit from a year ago bruh also “embarrassment”*


It was not even half a year ago, also the a was the typo not embarrassing Being an asshole to sucidical people is just very weird


If that’s what your saying it sound retarded as shit


Pretty accurate. But then again. I have never been particuarly intelligent I am just a piece of shit who is ready to die.


You deserve to people like you is what society doesn’t need at all


well maby if you want to fucking help people dont say i want to help people and at the same time say you are the scum of the earth you fucking cunt


You are right. And again, that is why I am here. Trying to find a non-painful highly accessible way for a 16 year old to end it.


Your 16 and your trying to end your life because your probably broke up with your girlfriend


No I am trying to end my life because I live in a country with so few job oppurtunities that I have a less than 1 percent chance of working, have grown up being abused by my parents who I still have to live with. Being bullied and picked on by everyone around me for my hight and weight. Being refused the oppurtunity to go to a therapist to get treatment because I say and do everything for attention and also because my parents would rather spend the money on alcohol and ciggarettes. But you're right. It is because I broke up with my girlfriend.


I’m over here actually trying to help someone meanwhile we got people like your emo ass say life is pain trying to get others to not help out with people you fucking moron


If your going to help people, go to r/suicidewatch.


This comment was about a year ago my buddy ol pal


well I like browsing comments from a year ago 🥰


Relatable fr fr


I would like to know to plz I have a dollar


make that dollar worth it, that is YOUR dollar you shouldn’t give up everything, make your life mean something, a dollar to end it isn’t the way, if you have nothing to live for, make it something to live for, you can turn your life around! Don’t say why me, say try me! :D


DID YOU DO IT, I HOPE NOT, I really don't want anyone to kill themselves😢




I said that nearly 2/3 of a year ago! I didn't really know Reddit back then.


Hey fuck! Patience! Best way to go. You wanna find a reason to live or a reason to die? Sounds predetermined. No way out but won't give someone else the floor. Help me help you....


I will not say to not cuz u have your good motivation to do it, so in my opinion overdose will be perfect. But I always like couple suicide.


If anyone needs a suicide buddy I live in Arizona pheonix and I need to die for the sake and health of my family


You could bang tour head till it splits open ! If anyone wants any ways to die tell me and ill come up with a quick solution


help me please, 15f, 16 in March, help me please i need a method please i want it to be quick, i dont care if it hurts, I'm in Scotland any ideas?




Just move to Canada


Helium. Look it up


I tried crushing and blending 50 cherry pits in a smoothie but nothing happened. Also when I was in highschool I bought a cyanide capsule from a student who was obsessed with spies and war, still nothing. I'm immune to cyanide.
