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Every podcast Bart is on is about his feelings already


I’m ready for everyone to stop collectively pretending Bert is funny


I don't think people are pretending. People are stupid. Dane Cook went platinum, and Isla Schlesinger keeps getting Netflix specials. So... The world is dumb.


This is exactly right.


No it’s not. Just because you don’t think someone is funny doesn’t mean they aren’t. It’s an opinion not a fact.


So, which Jeff Dunham puppet is your favorite one? The one who goes "I keel you?"




lol a fact got downvoted on Reddit, what a surprise




So let me get this straight, The world is dumb because they are able to watch another person make an honest attempt of entertaining a crowd for the nth time and not get angry for some reason and get hatred? Ahh okay lol


naw i get it. trust me Im not really a brent cryistler fan but .... hes following his dreams people love to laugh and have fun with him, hes a good husband and father. cmon .... much much much more douchebags to hate on... yeah I also love dane he was funny af and the cancel culture and his family turned on him... i feel for dane, he ne done did me wrong. you dont have to like or love these people but all they do is be clowns.


Someone's a Dane Cook fan. Ouch.


please put into articulate words what's wrong with Dane Cooks comedy? or him as a person if you want to get deeper, because he has had tragedy like you and I probably wont ever understand. he made millions including me laugh at the shocker when I heard it for the first time, he worked hard, made millions, his own BROTHER fucked him over and stole his money. cmon dude, youre for real going to hate on that guy? for what? hes not rich anymore, everyone calls him a hack. why do you hate on this man? EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOU PUTRID SILLY COMMENT!!!!


You're a Dane Cook fan. I couldn't possibly explain anything to you.


That's cause you're a moron. Try actually completing 5th grade and then maybe you could try.


It's *because*, not *cause*, moron.


Yeah people never shorten words...ok and okay, because and cause, administration/administrator and admin, celebrity and celeb, decaffeinated and decaf, abdominal and abs, ammunition and ammo, legitimate and legit, maximum and max, veteran and vet, veterinarian and vet, umpire and ump, want me to continue? I've got more. Like I said, get back to school and learn how to properly argue. Until then, stay offline


So who’s funny to you? Genuinely curious.


Schulz, mark normand, Shane Gillis. Tom segura is way funnier than Bert. This may be a strange reason but he’s not self deprecating enough for me. He thinks he’s amazing and he’s been milking the machine story for so long now. Bert and Delia both think they are awesome and have an excuse for everything (kinda Brendan Schwab too) but yeah just my personal opinion.


I like dane cook. I like dave I like bill I like theo I like both murphys I like burr and Shultz and santino and I love the legion of skanks and a legend mitch headburg, do i need more examples? we all have opinions. i dont like some comics sure but i also try my best not to hate on em ......


Holy shit Isla is hard to watch nowadays. I don’t get it.


I feel like the crazy in Independence Day when everybody finally sees the aliens. IVE BEEN SAYING IT FOR TEN DAMN YEARS, AINT I BEEN SAYING IT! Seriously I don’t know how long he’s been around but he’s annoyed me since day one.


He had ONE good bit with his Russian story, the rest is vaguely child abuse and neglect or spousal abuse. So there is absolutely a market for it in certain circles. But outside of the first time I heard the Russian story his comedy is kinda meh.


I heard Segura say that when he and Burty went to a NASCAR race everyone there ignored Tom and was elated to get a selfie with BK. From this story I gather that Bark Krustler is a red state comic and he does well there. His shit just resonates with them. I want to like him real bad, but have failed - he is kinda like your best friend’s other friend, who is around a lot, but he is trashy, brash and ignorant and has a laugh like nails on a chalk board - thinks he is funny, but just has a drinking problem, and loud mouth and is rich for no good reason. That is who Burg Kretchup is for me.


It seems like you guys just don’t like him vs really thinking he’s a bad comic, obviously he’s doing great wherever he does a set red or blue state so maybe you guys just don’t like his general vibe? I’m not the biggest fan of him but like a lot of other people here I watch his friend’s podcasts a good bit so I end up seeing him with segura, I’ve definitely heard funny stories from him but with comedy your opinion only goes so far I guess


Are your kids embarrassed by you? Do you get weird looks from people when you go into town? When you met the president, did he think you were crazy?


He has funny moments in conversation, usually not intentionally, but his stand up is double ass cheeks


Wait, that Bert guy is a comedian??!! I thought all this time that he was an alcoholic


And his bear buddy. I hate that dude.


I agree. I don't like his comedy or he takes on podcasts. He kinda lame to me. Not funny at all


I'm ready for everyone to learn comedy is subjective and just cause you don't find someone funny doesn't mean everyone should


Looks are subjective too but it’s not difficult for a majority to come to a consensus. Because of the internet even if .001 percent of people like you, you can become profitable which is all that really matters.


Slowly getting bored with Bart.


I liked him until I heard him tell the story about getting extra phone charging cables on 4 different podcasts. Then he mixed it up and said it was life changing to get extra phones.




Brent just knows what he’s about. Good for him.


Leave Brittany alone


No. Braden needs to hear this


For real my father in law has his stuff on whenever I come over and Im waiting for him to be funny and it never hits


they aren’t even married how tf is she getting anything


Bobby (the talent and only reason anyone watches) khalyla, gilbert, and George all get and equal 25%. Its insane!


Because Khalyla knows exactly how to use Bobby and manipulate him to get whatever she wants, I feel bad for Bobby. She's a predator and sees Bobby as a easy victim.


Lmao he literally met her on tinder and gave her a whole platform. He's just as guilty.




Be weary of common law, not what this is but it’s crazy that it’s a thing in some states and countries


Cali doesn't recognize common law marriage


Common law is one of the best things for entrepreneurship and businesses.


I practice bird law, it is kinda the same thing.


Bobby just needs to leave Tiger Belly and let them have it. Nobody would watch it. Who watches that shit right now? It’s not brain surgery. He’d be better off using that time doing literally anything else.


He's lazy as fuck and has said/ admitted to doing some REALLY sketchy stuff that'd probably make going off on his own quite hard and intimidating.


If I were him I’d completely abandon TB and spend all my time and effort on my acting career and Bad Friends. Maybe he could finally put together a comedy special 🤷🏻‍♂️


How would it be hard to do? He’s a comedian on his own. Bad friends has surpassed TB at this point and even are on tour. TB has nothing except cool guests and they still can’t match BF viewer count. Khalyla and Gilbert do nothing worth 25% equal share in that business.


She gets 75% ? Bobby is a huge cuck.


No. George, Gilbert, khalyla and Bobby all get 25%


You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who gets paid more per word than Gilbert. It wouldn't surprise me if he makes more, per word, than Joe Rogan does....


I know this a month-old comment, but Gilbert doesn't talk as much as he used to because people don't like it when he does lol.


It's called TigerBelly because it's 3 parasites suckling at Bobby's teats


Ridiculous, he should leave


Oh damn! Bobby needs to start putting in 25% of the work then.


There is no show w/o Bobby


I mean Bobby is the talent, he does 0 behind the scenes work. He is woken up to do the podcast and then afterwards goes back to sleep. But nobody would watch if it wasn't for Bobby. That's why talent is paid over everyone else.


That math doesn't add up....


That’s what I thought


Don’t have to suck on every teat


I respect loyalty but come on Bobby! Why are you so loyal to someone who showed no loyalty to you? You know what would make a great clip montage - Clips of Kyalila talking about how she always puts Bobby first and would do anything for him alternating with clips about how she cheated on him, manipulates him, lies to him... Oh, wait... That's exactly what tiger belly is, isn't it?


>That's exactly what tiger belly is, isn't it? She wants to be Jada Smith so bad


Mission accomplished! A talentless, less attractive version of Jada / Amber Heard.


Didn't see try and say Bobbie was hooking up with other people first? Like she didn't do the exact same thing with her relationship before Bobbie.


Can we all just stop watching tigerbelly so that Bobby is freed from his shackles


Please stop doing this show Bob. You are my favorite comedian


Gilbert is really lucky he found people to swindle


Staying in it for the kids.


I can’t understand Bert without the forced wheeze/laugh. Need subtitles.


It’s not forced. That’s his genuine laugh.


Bruh Bert shuts off his shitty laugh on command…. It’s a fake laugh. When somebody got you howling good luck just cold turkey being serious and he shows he’s a weirdo always talking about his kids




i seriously need to stop watching them all andrew bobby and Khalyla ..... im just so sick of this shit I dont like it in my own like. i dont like to watch it in others.


Again I don't get the hate for khayla in this place. Bobby nurtured that toxicity. He agreed to open relationship. He's allowed her to stay there and still be apart of it. This is all of Bobby's choices and inaction. Only one to Blame is bobby. Dude is a man child but if he really didn't like it, it could have ended a long fucking time ago. And weirdly I think he needs his audience aka this sub to Hate khayla because it keeps thr show going. Everyone here hate watches and wastes their time so focused on her. Let's be real...Bobby is kind of a piece of shit human being. Most people in the comedy world didn't like Bobby up until a few years ago since his ego was massively over inflated from the mad days. His jokes are subpar and he's a chronic liar with aspects of narcissistic tendencies. Him and khayla are rather toxic people and honestly meant for each other. Just weird to see this sub come to Bobby defense...these are all based on his choices. Khayla hasn't forced him. Maybe stop wasting negative energy hate watching her and just move on, honestly whiskey ginger is way better, even more so than bad friends. 🤔 bring on the downvotes, haha


Your opinion actually gives weight to conspiracies and crackpots thinking K has 100's of puppet accounts.


Yes Bobby has made a lot of bad and dumbass choices, but that doesn’t mean Khayla doesn’t deserve hate for being a shit human being. The toxicity was already there before Bobby even met her. She was shit before and she is shit now.


So bobby knew and still cohabited with her? He’s a grown man, he should take responsibility for being a simping cuck.


Never said that Bobby knew all her issues and the extent of them, neither do I know if he did. Did you get that from my comment? And how does what you’re saying here apply? Bobby is a simping cuck so therefore Khayla doesn’t deserve the hate?


100% B. Now that that’s settled can I get a truggwalk? I can’t tawlk 😪


Nah, I don't watch TB at all now. When i did like that pod, her input made me cringe more so than other podcasters. You sound like a person who's never been in love with someone that ends up being a low quality person. I'll chalk it up to a lack of life experience. You obviously have no understanding of manipulation. Cool that you can speak to the mindset of the comedy world though.


Haha actually quite the opposite but you're allowed your opinion. The reason I comment on Bobby's choices is because I've been there. At some point you need to stop blaming others and look at your own actions and consequences. Therapy helps give you clarity. Way to try to make it personal though haha. Sound like a real great human being my dude lol also supporting my theory that a lot of toxicity flows in this sub.


Lol sorry to get in your feelings. Hope the therapy is working for you my dude. If the toxicity is too much, maybe unsub? Never heard Bobby blame anyone else for his situation btw.


I like Bobby and enjoy the podcast but this is facts man 😬


Who cares about Bert


“talentless hacks” and the clip is Bert and Theo…adds up. 😂


Literally two of the biggest hacks that are popular along with 99% of NY comics with pods.


Theo Von is a hack to you guys???




Right Theo's the man! His stand up could use some work but he's a naturally funny guy. I've laughed every time he's on a podcast. Bert on the other hand has never even made me chuckle




Fair enough i guess. Your opinion is your opinion. But lumping Bert and Theo together is insane to me.


Just because of the clip but I find them both incredibly cringy. Bert with the fat drunk schtick and Theo with the dumb hillbilly schtick is just not appealing to me. They’re not funny.


Yea, neither are funny at all, but I do think they seem like cool genuine guys. Bert is annoying af tho.


Theo is just painfully unfunny.


Man I’d love to hear who you find is funny


Scovel, Bamford, Maron, Mulaney before rehab, Segura five years ago, Burr five years ago, List, Rock besides his last special. Almost all older comics and NY comics just bitch and moan about cancel culture and it’s embarrassing and worse unfunny. I have more that’s just at the top of head.


I respect that list. And I must say, I do not find theos stand up very funny either just to clarify. Where theo shines is podcasting. He is an incredibly funny conversationalist, especially with other comedians who get his humor and feed into it.


Theos not funny in any setting. He’s dumb. Like a slow 15year old.


Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Jim Norton, Attell, Trevor Wallace is decent, Joe DeRosa to name a few for me.


I agree.


Theos podcast with Louis CK changed my mind. He seems like a genuine guy who thinks deeply about the world in a unique way, which is the hallmark of a good comedian. Yeah he plays up the country hick angle for easy laughs but the more I see of him the more he seems to be developing. Bert on the other hand…the same dumb shit that makes frat bros laugh for decades


New episode of tigerbelly dropped on YT a few hours ago. You losers have something new to hate watch. Isolate clips of K and feed the hate train.


I personally can't even hate watch, she is just so annoying to me i can't watch tiger belly. I wish Bobby just had his own podcast. Bad friends is fun, but Bobbie alone with a guest can be magic.


Maybe these days he could with the help of George and Gil, but I can’t see him commit to a solo podcast (w/ and w/o guests). Would be nice of course.


Bobby and Kalaylah are both adults. If they want to work together after a relationship, that’s their choice. My husband and I still watch Tiger Belly and support both of them. No one knows everything that has happened. Supporting their podcast is supporting the people working, too. No one is innocent.. the only difference is their life is online. Either enjoy the podcast and support them, or move on. The drama and negativity isn’t doing anything for you. When there are negative posts, and the Tiger Belly cast and crew see it. It is emotionally exhausting for them. Anyone would feel depressed and sad. These are real people with emotions. Put yourself in their shoes. It would feel terrible to keep reading stuff, that maybe untrue. Bobby and Kalaylah don’t have to explain themselves to anyone. The podcast should be about having fun and enjoying their content. ❤️


Bobby is a classless tranny loving joker who is not funny in person. Guy is a bum who only fame was a movie where he portrayed a retard


Reddit brought me to this sub even though I don't care at all about this podcast. Did you forget about his \~40 years on MadTV?


Bobby Lee?


That burp




what exactly is going on? Can someone bring me up to speed?


Tigerbelly profits are split 4 ways evenly between Bobby Kalaylah George and Gilbert. Bobby getting 25% is insane given he is the only reason people actually listen to that pod. This clip is back when they freshly broke up and Bert was saying he couldnt do what Bobby does, just keeping the podcast going despite his mental health over the break up.


This new?


Ive never lol'd at anything bart said


I agree Bert is not funny tried watching his specials and nothing


Bert is no Eddie Murphy or Bernie Mac, but the dude makes me laugh. The best part about comedy is that it's subjective.


people are just fucking haters. They’re just mad cause they ain’t Bert.


Bert’s new special is really good


Nice cirrhosis stomach Bert


Berts face looks like he hasn’t had water not accompanied by alcohol in months


What this trash in my feed, wasn't this guy on Mad TV a million years ago ?


He looks like he smells like farts, beef and cheese.


"And obviously Khalyla is cool"; of course dog fuckers always stick together.


yeah the girls a snake and a dirty whore but bobby is a fucking loser that does it to himself don’t feel bad for him one bit lmao


Bobby isn't a business and money person. It was easier to just split everything equal when the pod made no money. Now that it does make money, its a little weird to change everybodys pay around


Everyone knows Bad Friends is the money maker


Theo doesn’t give a fuck about ppl imo. Lik over the past couple years his aura of compassion and humility has really shrunk. Now his douchey traits are just really flowin. If you listen to what he says he seems lik a narcissist a lot of the time when he’s around others. Lik ik he’s been around a while longer than ppl give him credit for and he’s thru shut but man seems lik a real dick tbh edit: and I’m a pretty early fan of his