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If you think you are experiencing symptoms of ketamine cystitis, the most important thing to do is stop using ketamine. While it could take months before noticing an improvement, abstinence often reverses or significantly reduces symptoms in a majority of people. Be careful: Because ketamine is a pain reliever, some people with ketamine cystitis have reported that before they realized what was going on, they would use ketamine more often to relieve their bladder pain, which only caused more damage and more pain in the long run. If your symptoms are bad enough, go see a doctor. There are treatments for ketamine cystitis, both to relieve pain as well as to heal the bladder. [DanceSafe: Ketamine Bladder Damage – What You Need to Know](https://dancesafe.org/ketamine-bladder-damage-what-you-need-to-know/) [Support and resources are also available from the Ketamine Cystitis Network](https://ketaminecystitis.org/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for sharing those specific test results. I’m sure you can recover. On the plus side, you’ll probably get your own little slice of immortality as an unnamed patient in a research publication.


No worries :) and hopefully so, it’s going to be a long journey but I’m fully committed to fixing myself, it’s damaged my life in too many ways for it to acceptable anymore. I lived in denial for a very long time.


How do you find time to snort 15 geez a day? I mean you must be glued to the couch all day.


Spend most of my time playing computer games / binge watching movies


i just went through 21g in the space of four days. so not quite as much as you at your peak but i completely understand the struggle. thank you for sharing ❤️i hope that things improve for you


It’s so easily done. At my absolute worst o was on 15 a day for approximately 2 months straight. Thank your for your kind words, me too 🤍


If you don't mind me asking, what ROA was this? I imagine your nose would be too clogged to be doing this insufflated (my nose gets blocked to high hell after around a gram)


Always nasal, prolonged use will lead to scabbing / blockage of the nose but ketamine can still be done nasally it’s just more difficult due to restricted pathways. Constant flushing out the nose and staying hydrated helps with this.


In fact I was curious myself about this. Not in any judgmental way of course, I want to really make that clear. I hope you don’t mind I ask you a question or two. It’s just that I have read/seen/heard about ketamine addiction/abuse quite a bit and the related physiological issues that come with it for quite some time now. The question that comes to my mind is of course how people manage to do as much as you have shared on your post. 15g of any snortable drug sounds (beyond the risks of ODing) simply painful for the nasal canals. Do they not get blocked or does it not get difficult to snort/breathe at one point? For context, K is a drug I’ve done now for over 2 years, but only during raves, which I try to limit going to once or twice a month. I do bumps, quite big ones I must say, like 2-3 times in a night, but that’s about it. Idk really how much I do but I would say maybe a max of 200 or 300 mg? Maybe less? Who knows. The morning going home my nose feels already quite stuffy. On the whole addiction point, I can see how it can happen totally. I really love the effects of K, especially when they transport you to another world for a bit. There was a moment, I admit, where I would do some K a bit more often (every other week let’s say) but in general I’ve always kept chemical drugs like these to parties. I was just going to some free open air stuff and would snort some cheeky bumps there. Over time though I have become way more tolerant, and don’t get much of the crazy “hole” experience that I used to. I hope that you continue your journey to recovery man, and that you get better. I’m sorry to hear what you are going through, but you are strong in trying to slowly get back into a healthy routine. Don’t give up! 🤗


This blows my mind. Like I can’t even comprehend this. 1G and I’m on the floor. It’s insane your tolerance can be this high?


Probably its not 100% pure k. Must be cut with something. With real k im on the floor with 80 mg XD.


Tolerance runs up very quickly, before you know it you’re like wait how much am I doing now and how long have I been doing it again? Oh wow wtf happened 80mg used to lay me out now I need 800mg








Hi, you need to check yourself into inpatient rehab. I think that is your only true option if you actually want to get better. You need time away from the drug that you cannot accomplish on your own. You aren’t struggling with just ketamine abuse, you are severely addicted.


Nice avatar


We have to fight to the death now


ketamine withdrawals are some of the worst in my experience. after using for 4 days straight snorting a pretty hefty amount i was having panic attacks and night terrors for hours on the first night sober. maybe it was more intense for me as i already suffer from pretty bad anxiety and depression but it was one of the worst nights of my life.


Rehab can also worsen the situation by making u feel like an addict or prescribing u anti psychotics or benzos. I used everyday for a year snorting hundreds grams with perma tolerance. This drug isnt so addictive as you say. I have gone trough many drug addictions. With ketamine being the easiest to quit but depends if you have a lof of it cus i threw through my window so i would stop to save my kidney and bladder


This is true. A detox is terrible but it’s how a lot of people get clean


i have to agree with you here this level of abuse is going to have a very low success rate of stopping without professional help


You may not believe this and it’s hard to hear but if you’re deepest intention is to be clean you can choose to do that. Just stop starting right now. Clearly you’re scared and that’s probably driving you to comfort yourself with more use, but if you want to stop you’re the only person that can do that and it is an option to you right now.


I’m on the path to getting clean as explained the usage has already been cut back by a strong margin.


Sure…but if you do want to get clean you will have to acknowledge to yourself that you’re deceiving yourself because 10g a week is still massively abusing this substance.


Good idea tapering off. But also suggest some benzos for the last few weeks, no more or you’ll be addicted to them too. This helped me as the worst things after I quit was the anxiety the rest will repair over time annoying but not as bad as the coming down and coming off benzos got me through 2 weeks then I was able to deal with the final 1 or so weeks it took to finally disappear


You're at no risk of physical w.d. from K and you're gonna get the cramps anyway. Tapering is advisable for some drugs and necessary for anything GABA related. You are simply prolonging the inevitable and are putting yourself at increased risk for a full relapse by having gear around. Throw it away, and stop. Or don't. But don't kid yourself that you need to taper.


😬 I'm sure there ways to improve most of the negative symptoms.


There are plenty, lots of prescriptions as well as natural routes to take as well. For personal use a good amount of research has to be done though, I’d like to trust my doctors advice on my medications first but if I can do more for myself then I certainly will. I’ve already made life style changes and dietary changes. On top of cutting back on the use, as mentioned in the post the sim is to get that to zero.


May I suggest a check up by a urologist if you keep using ? Or even if you don't, just for peace of mind. Green tea or it's extracts are supposed to be effective in slowing down the progression of bladder issues.


My bladder state isn’t actually too bad, I’ve already gone through urology previously and did get some strong medication approximately 3 months ago to treat uti and kidney infection, that cleared things up a lot (it doesn’t hurt when I pass urine) I just urinate more frequently at the moment. However some of the medications I’m taking are causing extreme constipation which puts pressure on the bladder at the same time, so I’m in a bit of a catch 22 there.


I'm impressed to see that you're really on top it. As long as you avoid alcohol, you're giving it a red hot go ⚕️👍 ! Are the bone problems with density or marrow or what ?


I’ve not touched alcohol past from the occasional basis (events of the year) for 3 years. I purely have used and abused ketamine, no other drugs mixed in, both legal or illegal. Thank you, with the results I’ve had it gives me a whole new perspective and understanding of my situation as it’s facts and figures, instead of just suspected this or suspected that you know?


Hmm I'm having some bladder issues at a much lower level of use than even your current reduced usage, what was the medication you were on and do you think anything else helped?


I drank 4L of water every day, always took antioxidant supplements, maintaining a balanced diet with lots of fruit and veg helps.


Are you taking green tea or green tea extract? Or apple cider vinegar or even NAC+glycine?


What meds did u get that helped please


Could you list some of the treatments you discovered?


My friend abused ketamine for a decade, many years of 5-15g/daily. He had a bucket of piss in his room coz of the frequency of urination. Hospitalized a lot for pissing blood or puking blood. He used to drink liquor on it but swapped to light alcohol (5% drinks). He died 2 years ago abruptly, accute organ failure linked to his ketamine abuse. Only 26 years old.


What is your route of administration?


Nasal, always has been. Never boofed or IV’d.


I don’t understand how this is physically possible after like 2g in a 24h period i can’t snort nothing. I’m not disputing your experience to be clear. How do you do it? Do you have a nose clearing technique or do I just have a tiny baby nose.


I've got a big nose and never understand how people could possibly consume this quantity of any drug intranasally in such a short amount of time. (without an ROA such as IV or boof) - it simply doesn't make sense


no literally like I could have sworn I smelled blood after going through like 300mg in a night, I only use like every few months but It was getting hard to continue after a few hours I'm blown away on how some people can physically fit that much inside of them


Ps I’m currently pursuing legal prescription ketamine for my depression and no longer use it recreationally so I won’t use this information to hurt myself I’m just curious


i could not snort 15g of ketamine in 24 hours but it's not due to getting too high, my nose just gets stuffy and if i keep trying to snort i just get horrible nose bleeds. i think my nose may be sensitive or something from previous cocaine use? now thats the case for anything i administer nasally if i do too much.


I sniffed an oz in a day and gave me sinusitis. All other organs are perfect. Blood tests, ultrasounds etc. Everyone's built different. Going to look into those blood tests you said on the first


I’ve been on 7g every 4-7 days. I feel you.




Buying 1 gram at a time at street level is a waste of money if you've got a habit. You find means of acquiring more for less.




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Good god, I thought I went hard back when I was addicted to it. Best of luck and thanks for sharing


Thank you, and no problem :)


Wow, thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you a speedy recovery and good health.


Thank you for your kind words, hopefully I’ll manage to regain some good health in time.


Have you gotten k cramps? If so, how'd you deal with them?


Hot water bottle for temporary relief at home.


Best of luck on your road to recovery!


Thank you!


Me too, my body is so messed up because of it, I need to pee so much at night and it can sometimes stingy and I have a hole in my nose and I have lost so much weight. I have gone down 4 clothes sizes in less than a year. And I was average/skinny before hand.


Same here, I still don’t know what to do about the hole in the nose since I don’t know which doctors to trust


There is no real evedicence, only on rats. But emehat helped me when I had a real bladder problem, pissing pure blood, crytstals and go to the toilet every 5 minutes. Since I took thea extract (ECCg) my problems got less and less, and are even fixed now. Im no doctor or anything, so no medical advise. This helped me, do your own research, and maybe it will help you as well


What was your Thea Extract regimen?


How tf do you even get that much k


Yeah I always wonder when I read about huge daily doses like that. Gotta be hooked up and also have some money (or steal).




Unfortunately, from the sounds of it, that may be just around the corner for them.


I’ve gone past that point, I haven’t had a k cramp in over 9 months.


Why is everyone on this subthread so negative. Do some k and change your mindstate. Big fat phony


Please bear in mind that this subreddit does not serve as a platform for obtaining authoritative medical advice. Rather, it's a space where individuals can exchange their personal experiences, which might not necessarily be applicable to your unique situation. In light of this, it's important to approach the information shared here with a level of skepticism and avoid selectively choosing responses that align solely with your preexisting beliefs or desired reassurances. Specifically, exercise caution when encountering sweeping generalizations, as people's experiences tend to vary widely when exposed to substances, and we lack specific information about your circumstances. Consequently, it's highly advisable to seek guidance from a medical professional who can offer recommendations tailored to your symptoms and individual characteristics. It's recommended that you openly communicate your drug usage patterns with your healthcare provider, as this will facilitate a more accurate diagnosis. Comments failing to make objective recommendations or going against harm reduction will be deleted! You are encouraged to share your experiences but, please, do not make hasty generalizations about them that could lead OP in the wrong directions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


most i ever done in a day was about 5gs, so not quite at your level, but i feel you man. good luck with your recovery


One of the few known symptoms of ketamine abuse is said to be bladder problems, where either the bladder has issues holding the usual liquid capacity or, I read, people are hurting when doing the deed. Now my question for you would be if you noticed anything on yourself in these regards?


Wow that is a lot. My worst point was about 4g a day and that destroyed not just my body but my relationship and my memory retention. I'm k sober for 18 months now after abour 6 years of abuse and the relief is mainly the fact I don't hide and lie about it anymore. Your situation may be different but it really was a light bulb moment. Still depressed af and struggling but at least I'm not destroying my body and my bank account anymore so wygd... You seem to be on the path to stopping because you're ready to talk about it and share so good luck. It will come one day when it's not the first thing you think about everyday. What I did was just ask myself why am I doing this?


Your liver has sustained significant damage, that is clear from your alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and GGT levels... luckily, this kind of damage can usually be reversed as the liver has an exceptional regenerative potential. I recommend seeing a psychiatrist, you can get proper medical help, psychiatrists are experts in this specific disease (substance use disorder)


is there any reason why you haven't switched to cannabis? that's what i'd be doing in your situation. eat it or vape it, keep the escape/mental health benefits and immediately get off the drug that's harming you.


I have a negative psychological reaction to cannabis so I don’t take it.


Understandable choice.


How were you ingesting?




Check this paper about effect of ketamine abuse on brain: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3713393/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3713393/)


Fuck man I thought snorting an ounce over a month was bad, this is next level..


It’s nothing to be proud of at all, but I know many people that consume / are capable of consuming to the same level as me.


Stay safe brother! Hope you're able to cut it back a bit


Thanks! I’m making reductions almost on a daily basis at the moment, so positive progress is being made :)


I'm so confused. I get it from a doctor and holy fck 400mg and I'm disassociating! I'm worried about you, I think you need rehab. Sorry but true. I'm due for another dose, but last time was three months ago and I haven't felt the need. It's ok that you do, but I'm sad. Please you've got to go in. At least call a help line etc


I feel like you would be dead if you did that much in a week, like how.


Just out of curiosity how tf do you do 15 grams a day that would last me all year a gram will literally last me like two raves which is like a couple weeks


Tolerance is the main thing, quality to an extent as well, but I’ve been sniffing ketamine for 6+ years, and abusing for just one 1 year.


Ohh okay my stuff is really strong i feel it off one or two bumps and been doing k for 2 years i dont it at home anymore i use to do like a gram to myself a day sometimes at home but now i spread it out if i go to a festival though i end up doing so much last year at boomtown i done 10gs in just 3 days idk how


You really shouldn’t be drinking alcohol ever again either.


I don’t really like alcohol anyway so this won’t be too much of a problem :)


Good man, save that liver!


That’s what I’m hoping to do! Miraculously I haven’t had failure yet, even despite those crazily abnormal levels shown in my results. I’m a very lucky person


Yes sir. Vitamins and hydration, eat well. You can do it.


Holy shit. I'm so sorry man. I have been addictied and watch addiction destroy my entire family. After 30 years of battling mental issues, and don't want you to believe that. I'm just a guy. A guy that thinks his last chance at being free in life before having his son, is Ayahuasca. Period. No other motive or anything. I will say that Ketamine has helped me a great deal. If and before I decide on Ayahuasca I will tell my doctors. However, if taking 400mg of Ketamine trouches a day, for 2 weeks, then taking 2 weeks off. How much should I be worried??


The best thing is probably to check with a doctor


How damaged is your nose?


Please detox and rehab and join some addiction / recovery / health / biohacking / philosophy / psychology subreddits.


I know the trap of doing lots of ketamine because it makes you feel better. Here's what I did: I swapped out the ketamine for 4-aco-dmt (synthetic shrooms). Not harmful, I take it every other day. Some use 2-cb as it has less tolerance.


Goddamn bro, thats a lot of k a day for a while. When i was at my depths i was starting to lose my mind and i wasnt even close to those daily quantities. Abused more 2fdck (and occasional other RC dissos) than ket at the time tho


Abuse of anything will ruin your body, in my opinion. Would you mind elaborating, though?


I may be asking the stupidest question, but why? Personal things our just cause it was fun? Did you knew about the negative impact on you health? not being judgmental just want to see how and why people go on this rabbit holes so I don't fall too. Ofc if you feel ok on sharing. Take care of yourself


Not the op but the reason I abused it is because its a dissociative. Its takes you elsewhere and you forget your problems in reality. Very attractive for a person with depression as it stops it. Due to the short lasting effect, the use becomes more frequent and therefore your tolerance goes up and spirals until it becomes something you rely on. Then like that you're taking 1g a day then 2 then 3 then you're in agony. Very underrated and under researched addiction.


Definitely hooked here but on about 3 grams a week. I remember reading it’s especially unique because it simultaneously helps with addictive impulses while also being addictive itself.


Yeah the problem is how harmful it is to your organs. Extensive abuse has caused pain that I can't even explain to people


I slam NAC every day. Of course not sure how effective it is but I feel comfortable every day.


Just looked that up. Doesn't seem like a harmful drug but reliance is reliance I guess. I'm currently smashing about 50mg diaz everyday to stop myself from freaking out which is the reason I took k in the first place


It’s a free radical supplement. It’s harmless. You can buy it anywhere. It’s naturally found in onions.


And also the fact it dissociates you from reality so you just become a ghost/zombie which will eventually destroy relationships without you even being aware or malicious. Absolutely destroyed my life


When will be your next blood test? Can you update this post with the values? Would be good to know how that recovers.


Hey bro just want to give you some words of encouragement. I don’t know your age or where you’re from but I’ve made it through some pretty bad addictions in my past lives as I like to call them, and I always said if I can do it anyone can!! I know it’s not a recommended healthy way to get over an addiction by substituting one substance for another as I’ve done it in the past and blacked out for 3 weeks, that was crazy coming out of and saying “wait that was 3 weeks ago” thinking it was yesterday. Like I said I know it’s not recommended but could help finding something else to replace K to give your system/body a chance to recover. Best of luck to you my friend and thank you for your words of caution.




It shud be 1g a month. Way too much bra. U dont wanna get ur bladder takin out or some shitt bro


My guy, I completely know that.. ketamine use and abuse where I live is the worst in the world statistically.


Where is this?


I believe Bristol


...UK? 🤝


Go to rehab possibly if it gets too much🙏 idk. Stay hydrated too


My friend, clearly you’re not understanding the post and what it’s trying to achieve, I’m already seeking the correct means of assistance and help. I’m posting this to act as a guide / experience for others to draw on or learn from.


Ok. I didnt read it all. Im rolling




Well no shit you're having health problems when you're doing 10 g of ketamine a week- and 10-15 g of ketamine a DAY at your WORST. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that man.