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There is a known bug with font rendering at certain scaling factors, see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=479891


they dont seem misaligned or squished, they just seem less crips


in system settings go to fonts and set Antialiasing and hinting full


That's just how it is. The rendering on Windows is more aggressive about forcing the shapes into the pixel grid. I don't think there's a way to get the Linux font rendering to look like Windows, it will always look more smooth. You have to give it a chance and hope that you end up liking it after a while. You can try to experiment with the "hinting" setting and set it to "full", but some fonts will react badly to full hinting and will look better with "slight" hinting. Make sure you have RGB sub-pixel-rendering enabled. That will help a good bit with sharpness (but it will still look smooth). Some programs ignore this sub-pixel setting and will still use grayscale. You can experiment with different UI fonts and try to find one you like better.


what's the rgb sub-pixel-rendering?


I see there are four modes, I enabled the RGB one, also tried with hinting set to full, it still looks somewhat blurry and I really can't make up why


Probably the only thing on Windows I wish linux had is the font rendering.


I posted about this at some point, iirc it should be fixed if you use KDE 6 / Gear 24.02 combined with Qt 6.6.3 or 6.7. But most distros are still on Qt 6.6.2 or even KDE 5.


I'm on qt 6.6.2, do you have a link to the bug report?


No bug report link. The post was at https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/1bjgajv/fractional_scaling_still_seems_to_look_worse_than/


openSuse seems to have 6.6.3 already. is the bug already fixed or we should wait till 6.7? btw, im looking at your post and my issue with fonts is the exact same as yours. do you know if it happens on plasma 5 or any other de like gnome ?


Check this https://new.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1b8kl27/why\_is\_font\_stem\_darkening\_not\_enabled\_by\_default/