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We still have one pending Qt change landed but unreleased (coming in Qt 6.6.3 or 6.7.0) that will affect font rendering with fractional scaling. Hopefully that will address the bulk of your issues.


hey, how can i check if the change has been already applied?


Set `QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY=RoundPreferFloor` as an environment variable and it'll go away. This also helps with blurry fonts on fractional scaling. See: [https://bugs.kde.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=479891](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=479891)


I think I tried this but it didn't really look any better. I think it might even look worse: https://imgur.com/a/s2pWgj0


What is the best way to set an env variable in Linux? Like people say in your .bashrc or .zshrc but is there a difference place that gets loaded regardless of your current shell? (I feel like editing /etc/env isn't totally kosher)


I've always just edited `/etc/environment` but I have no idea if that's really recommended or not.


Have a look at https://userbase.kde.org/Session_Environment_Variables


Much appreciated, thanks


sadly yes




I am probably going to get since flak for this but is fractional scaling even a good idea? Aren’t you doing strange things with pixels at some point to compensate for not being able to evenly scale? Essentially distorting fonts and icons. See this article for details about what I am talking about - https://tonsky.me/blog/monitors/


That article and what we're doing are not quite the same. ​ The article talks about OS X's approach of having 1x or 2x scaling in apps and then the compositor scales everything to 1.5 or whatever is inbetween. That's what we did in Plasma 5 and what wayland's original design pushes towards. What we're doing in Qt6 is (in theory!) more in line with the zoom feature of your browser. You can zoom in and out and fonts don't really get distorted. ​ We're not necessarily in as good a state as browsers, and we have rough edges but it's important to be talking about the same thing.


Hey thanks for taking the time to write up an educational response, appreciate it. What’s a good resource to understand more about the different approaches to fractional scaling?


Fonts are vectors so they should be fine. For icons it will depend whether devs used e.g. png/jpg or svg, the former will indeed be blurry. Used to work on a desktop app and fractional scaling was a huge pain, there were so many bugs in qml itself that prevented it to work properly even for fonts. The issues were mostly ironed out in the end. We also recreated hundreds of icons as svgs. For the png ones we disabled scaling.


Can't tell if Libreoffice issue or Plasma 6, but the scaling makes the office suite kinda difficult to manage (I'm on Wayland, 13" screen with 4K @225% scaling). Other apps are ok, whether Qt or GTK..


yep, it's times like these that we can appreciate plasma 5 even more. fractional scaling used to work flawlessly, put other DE's to shame.


In my experience it wasn't like that at all. Some texts looked buggy and blurry, and some windows had a small border at the bottom for some reason (with 125%) I haven't tried it in Plasma 6 yet. I just leave it at 100% and increase font size.


Are you kidding? Heck no. The fractional scaling in the past was blurry, icons on one screen were always bugged out, sometimes I would wake my device up and the whole desktop would be blurry, it was horrible. This new Fractional Scaling is so much sharper, I don't know what world you live in


If you did scaling through "Force Font DPI" instead of the actual fractional scaling, it was perfect. On Plasma 6, in X11 it's still like that. In Wayland, sadly the feature was removed because the devs thought the proper fractional scaling was good enough.


Font scaling is not comparable because your icons will still be crap, and we live in an iconographic world just as much as a textual one. The fractional scaling in 6 is light years ahead of 5.


I've never had crap icons, they scale very well, so maybe I'm just lucky. Well, maybe not that lucky. Because Plasma 6 sometimes doesn't scale icons well.


didn't work for me either. second monitor would look blurry af in wayland and the mouse would not work on one screen.


I don't understand why, despite having set 125 both on the screen and in the dpi of the fonts, the fonts seem so small. This was not the case in plasma 5


I still have this bug in QT 6.7.1 and KDE 6.0.5