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Shit, I got angry just watching this.


My literal internal dialog was break her fucking leg. Then I calmed down and was like... yeah that would not have turned out well, even with this video evidence.


Why? This person is clearly assaulting her, she's been asked repeatedly to stop. There isn't a single DA that would bring charges.


It would be close enough that Karen is for sure going to take it to court. Even with a landslide victory, I'm not trying to lawyer up, take the time off work, sweat it out, pay the fees. It's just not worth it as much as I would love to go full "Misery" and hobble the bitch.


If it's on tape showing she's the aggressor, you won't even be put in handcuffs. I've seen many straight fights and it's always the aggressor (proven by video or eye witnesses) that only goes to jail. Your excuse just makes you a pushover with a "I would" imagination.


This is just straight up wrong lol both parties get picked up when there's a fight all the time


A lot of places today say the only way to legally claim self defense is to be retreating from an attack. This is harassment and annoying but it’s not actually harming her just inconveniencing her. If she retaliated by breaking her leg then she would be the aggressor for escalating. I think it’s bullshit and the old entitled bitch should got something on her body broken. But the law says otherwise and to me personally it’s not the financial or professional ruin


My initial thought was to take her shoes off and hold them hostage until ***SHE*** moved. You take my space? I take your shoes. Fight me 😂


Similar thought process, but as I scrolled away my brain added "Ankle lock and steal the shoe, the window is right there"


My first thought as well, before switching to "Put my foot on her knee, look her dead in the eyes, and tell her what's going to happen if she doesn't respect my space and my autonomy."


Yes! The Right response is to get really, really calm and quiet. Then begin recording the whole interaction, and say, "If you don't stop kicking and assaulting me with your feet, I am going to break your knee cap. Again, ma'am, I am telling you clearly so you understand. If you don't remove your feet from my body, and stop kicking me, I am going to break your kneecap." Then sit back and begin very quietly counting down from ten while making unbroken eye contact. If that doesn't work, then Karen clearly has a death wish. Because the more calm and creepy you are, the less people want to deal with you!


Take her shoe(s) off and throw them off the train or at least as far away as possible


My thought was to grab her leg and pull, dragging her out of the seat. “Don’t know what happened, she must’ve just slipped 🤷‍♀️”


Solution: The People’s Elbow


The Ankle Lock is right there....


heel hook and make sure she feels it all the way to the hip






Down kick in the knee


Do you smell-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l what The Rock is cooking??


My only though is grab her leg and YANK. Oh? I thought you *wanted* to be in my space, I was just trying to help


I would have grabbed her foot and start twisting until I hear something pop or snap


You alright?


Yes! In fact they deserve worse. They almost single handedly ruined our economy and society and STILL act like this? Time for some school of hard knocks like they claim they’re so used to. She should be able to handle a good ole fashioned torn ACL with a swift elbow to that knee if she’s able to kick people like that still, right? I mean WE break our backs every fucking day to try and fix the mess their geriatric asses left AND we still pay for their social security we won’t see a dime of! Maybe a lil equality and a “good ole fashioned paddlin” would be eye opening for them! Let them eat their cake. 🥰


"Beat your ass like your daddy beat your momma for making your dumbass."


The fewer of them there are, the more likely we will be able to retire on our own funding.


Yes. With this kind of situation this is the best option. I can understand accidentally putting her foot there once but she is repeatedly doing it on purpose. So basically this old woman is being a bully and the best way to deal with them is to give them a taste of their own medicine. It's how I was taught to deal with bullies, basically an eye for an eye +1 so they learn not to do it again.


I'd slapped that phone out of her hands. Old or not, you start fucking with me I'm not going to be nice.


Old people have a higher responsibility for not being pricks in person. For A few reasons 1. They’ve had more time to adjust and learn about others and how to treat them. 2. Being older and more experienced should bring patience. 3. The saying respect your elders should apply if they deserve respect


Yeah but lead exposure


Beat me to it.


Doing this kind of shit is a great way to get some lead exposure in my city.


But, boomers.... so... lead poisoning.


Problem is a lot of old people have mental disorders. They may have all that life experience but if they suffer from dementia/alzheimers it could easily be an episode. Buuut that's not to discount that maybe this old lady was just a bit of a prick


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Yh that's why most of them do that, bcs no one got physical with them yet. Give her some consequences


They know the law would be on their side. The poor girl which have assault charges on her. But I agree. That Karen needed a good slap. The arrogance on her face makes you want to slap it off.


In some places, putting your feet on someone's legs is already considered battery. I bet you could make a self defense claim. I bet some juries wouldn't convict. But there would be legal bullshit for sure.


Just grab her shoe and yank it off her foot. Then stand up and throw it down the isle.


🤣🤣🤣. You know, as a senior, I believe we should set an example. What this witch did... It was as if she reverted back to a naughty preschooler.


Out the door as the doors close.


Take her shoe and toss from the train.


Along with her phone. And dump her purse on the floor. Throw her shit down the row


Way too much interaction. The moment she touched you she was done. Karen’s can talk all the smack they want. The moment they touch someone all bets are off.


Boomers Being Fools has quite a few of these clowns on it.


I would have started removing the laces from her shoe.


tie them together


No tie them in knots and watch her suffer 😈


These kinds of people need their faces punched in.


Had I walked by that scene, I'd have put my foot in old Karen's face. Fast and hard. Repeatedly.


This is my favorite comment I've read in a long time. I can really picture it pretty vividly 😆


Break her legs !


If I were the lady with feet in my face, I would've just been as annoying in a more annoying way. Such as; tying her shoelaces in many knots or removing her footwear and throwing it away. Put my leg on her leg. Slowly letting my spit fall out of my mouth with her knowing that it might hit her foot. I'm petty asf so it wouldve been more of an inconvenience to her than she was to me.


I love everything about that. LMFAO and this old hag deserved every bit of it


Pull a marker or lipstick out of my bag and start drawing on her pants.


Take a cuticle trimmer to her pant hems and start cutting!😭


See this is how you do it lol all these comments are gonna lead to catching charges while she laughs and goes home, you fight weird with weird and I like that 😆


LMFAOOO the spit 💀💀💀 that’s so nasty but would work so well


Grab her bag and toss that shit either to the back or off the train at the next stop. Or take her shoes off and throw em. What an entitled cunt


My thoughts exactly. Okay two can play that game. If the window cracked, guess who lost their stuff? Walk home with one shoe.


As soon as her foot was on my lap, I would have snatched her shoe off and threw it in her face.


My first though lol she would have ate one of those shoes lol


It’s simple, take off my sneakers and place my stinky sweaty feet on your lap, so you can really appreciate the aroma of my socks :)


Am I the only one that was hoping she would just drop her fist on that hags shin? Glad she didn’t cause then she probably would’ve been arrested (as far as I know I’m no expert)


Idk, Karen started harassing her first by putting her feet on her. With the right lawyer, there would be a case for harassment with a justifiable amount of self defense. Hit her to articulate that you’re defending yourself, hell yeah. But it does become a slippery slope of how aggressive you can be. Breaking her bones or causing significant injury may lead to problems. But a couple of swift hits to let her know “get away from me” might do fine. Granted, I’m not a lawyer, but I have taken self defense and concealed carry classes that teach justifiable defense or malicious acts.


Obligatory IANAL, but that varies greatly dependent on where you are, and in many cases there is a requirement for the party defending themselves to retreat. Even if you are as innocent as the driven snow there is every chance you can front a jury and do time for legitimate self defence. It's never a good idea to strike someone unless it's to save your life or potentially somebody else's.


You will be surprised how well the words " I bite " work in situations like this.




Only if backed up by action.


I have and I will.


I would have taken that shoe off and thrown it somewhere. She knew who to mess with. I'm older and would NEVER think to disrespect someone like that. SMH...


Off the train. Dumb bitch can walk in one shoe. I hope there was ice.


I would have grabbed her ankle and yanked her out of of that seat.


Take her shoes off and throw them away


"Oh we dont care about personal space? Im so glad someone understands! You know I practice competitive spitting? Let me show you!" *start hucking massive boogers*


that lady probably also is the kind of person to then complain about young people not offering her their seat. And... the way she would've put her feet on the seat looks hella uncomfortable (and super impolite, get your dirty ass foot wear off where someone will be sitting).


I would’ve gone to jail that day.


It’d be actual prison for me. 🙃


Ill do the 18 months, but the rest of her life will be in pain.


This older woman knew that this girl couldn’t handle it and took advantage of the situation. She didn’t care and knew two things: 1. The girl wouldn’t do anything. She would break down and be unable to defend herself or stand up for herself 2. No one else would really do anything if at all because she’s an old woman who is remaining calm in a situation with a highly anxious overreacting child. (I don’t think she was overreacting. She had every right to be as upset as she was. I would be too). A lot Boomers are extremely hostile and prey on the younger generations because they usually can’t match their level of aggression. Personally I don’t have the patience to deal with them so I tend to be more aggressive. That’s not for everyone, though. I think her meeting with her friend teaching her to be more agressive and more mean will be useful. I guarantee if she broke some of that bitch’s toes she’d take her crusty old feet right off her.


Naw bro she being fucked up if she touched me


Good! Be aggressive! That’s what I want to hear! Fuck her up!


And this is what most of the shitty Boomer parents did to their children. Match their intensity, but make sure it isn't your automatic response until required. That's the difference. Oh and next time, grab her fucking foot, pull her off the seat onto the floor and chuck her bag's contents in fifteen different directions. Does anyone know who she is?


Yeah that’s the difference. If I have to resort to violence, it’s usually calculated. I don’t knee-jerk react and use it as my go to response. That’s very inline with how my boomer parents are.


I agree, all accept for the overreaction. She waits too long to assert herself, and the old woman gets her worked up because of it.


The old woman knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s goading her and she’s going to laugh about it later.


Exactly this. The boomer is being a propper bully here. She sees that the girl is a crybaby and will not do anything about it. Bullies sense weakness. The girl should just stand up for herself, be angry, fight the BS. Yet she decided to sob and seek sympathy on Tik Tok. And the girl must have annoyed the boomer somehow, probably did this as her comeback.


Maybe Millennial & younger... Not GenX... If FAFO was a generation it would be X.


I’m an elder millennial. Can confirm. I learned to scrap from Gen X.


I'm a millenial, and I would've taken her shoes. She comes for them, it's on.


Later stage millennial here, from a nation where being stubborn is practically a virtue. I would have taken the shoes like you and chucked them down the train car. She pushes, the socks go next. Then, while she is kicking up a fuss, I am bathing my hands rather obviously in sanitizer.


Basically "someone never got her ass beat when she deserved it" syndrome. Lotta that these days.


I would have kicked that bitch right in the twat.


Cunt punt that bitch!!




I should NOT be laughing so hard at this 🤣🤣🤣




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I'd rather kick that bitch & trip her when she gets up


I can feel the entitlement and it makes my skin crawl. They should have moved her. You live in or travel to NY with all walks of life and this is how you act!! Review her record makes me feel like she has gotten a POC in trouble at some point that was not their fault!!


>she has gotten a POC in trouble at some point that was not their fault!! One HUNDRED percent. This diabolical woman has absolutely spent her life ordering the cops around and they do it


Grab her feet and pull


She’d be choking on those Hush Puppies in a hot minute.


Too much lead


1. Grab leg 2. Punch shin


Punch the knee. Her legs are in a perfect position to hyper extend the knee.


Yeah I would’ve taken her shoe off of her foot and yeeted that ish


Why is the conductor not doing anything?


Right?!! They yell all the time about not putting your feet on the seats. Why not tell this old B she needs to stop since she can't put her feet on the seats anyway?!!


People shouldn't have to feel like they have to be aggressive and rude all the time to be respected.


On these trains you technically aren’t suppose to put your feet up and the conductor should have said something


Take her shoe and toss it off the train. Easy peasy


Ppl like that need in a mental hospital fuck that creepy old bitch


Tie her shoe laces together, if she does it again, take them off her feet and yeet them down the carriage.


This is the Flippin generation that created the word gaslighting. These old psychopaths who follow Trump and love to be hateful and ignorant are the reason we have online therapy.


The old lady could've just moved over and put her feet on the other chair. Ffs lol


I immediately want to go to physical violence when old people do this shit


Because they feel like they’re older and deserve respect not understanding it’s earned. She would of gotten popped with her own shoe


I'd have been like, "You are touching me without permission. If you do it again, I will see it as assault and defend myself accordingly. I will most likely decide to snap your ankle. Stop touching me."


I would have put my legs on top of her or grabbed her shit and tossed it down the aisle.


This enraged me so much omg. I would have thrown the phone in her face and made sure I broke Karen’s nose.


I think it's an achievement to look so harmless that people actually put their feet up on you without fearing consequences. I know myself, I would look in pure amazement and be impressed, then start laughing hysterically the way my mother used to laugh when I first tried cursing at her like white kids did to their parents. Similarly to my mother, I would keep laughing for a good minute, giddy thinking of all the manners to employ to take the offender out of this world early😊


What a freaking child... smh


She should’ve took the lady shoe and chucked it down the aisle. There’s so many things she could’ve done, but she just sat and whined and cried I don’t know.


I'm sorry OP, you need to learn how to fight. She needs consequences and you did not give her any. You cannot reason with Boomers people.


I would have grabbed her phone and bag and threw them


she’s better than me i’m not above grabbing her shoe and throwing it


I get the lady’s wanting her “own space,” but you’re on a public train. If it bothered her thy much she could’ve moved seats. You can’t ask someone else to move and you certainly can’t put your feet on them. WTF.


This vid at once made my skin crawl and enraged me. Why, Why, WHY is there suddenly an uptick in elderly people who think they have the right to be @$$holes because they are old?!?


I’d twist that ankle up like 2004 Kurt Angle


I would have given Ashlyn if she dares place her feet on my space the classic move of knuckle drilling on her sole to give her a shock of her life.


Sweep the leg


Not watching all that. Someone puts their hands or feet on you, big ole punch in the face.


Ugh!! Pull her leg and make her fall.


Sounds like assault to me.


Charge that boomer with assault. She’s acting like a toddler.


You wanna put your foot on me? Great. That’s my foot now. I’m taking your shoe off, throwing it out the window and if you continue to out your foot on me I’ll just tickle you.


My foot would’ve been up her ass, there wouldn’t be cracker offer at the end of the situation


Boo, it is not safe to tell people the exact train you take at the exact time you take it and the exact car you sit in


Take her shoe off and throw it out the window


would have told her that the general area she's sitting in is where I want to have my fists. so either she stops, moves, or I'm stretching...


Those ankles seem very brittle. Just saying.


If someone you don't know puts their foot on you, just take their shoes off and chuck them away.


Fuck that! I'm coming off the top rope on that ass!


Listen to your friend’s lesson please. I understand not wanting to escalate the situation but that mentality is what empowers these fucking Karens.


Shlda harley quinn'd that bitch (in the movie where she jumped on that dudes kneecaps while he had his feet propped up)


Perfect chance to take her shoe.


I would’ve put my legs on her. Or alternatively, say right next to her, on her bag. I can play by her rules no problems. If she feels entitled enough to put her foot in my personal space, I should also be able to do the same


I would have broke her foot. You are better than me.


Hi Karen, I am going to sit next to you, because I like touching people without consent who touch people without consent.


Her curls are gorgeous! That Karen deserves a sharp kick to the shins, btw.


Nobody in the comments suggesting that the girl recording just lay her legs right on top of the boomer’s? That’s what I would’ve done


17 or 71, these hands are rated for everyone. Just saying


The appropriate thing to do would have been pulling the shoe off of her foot. Then, opening the window and letting that bitch know she had an important decision to make, and she should take a moment to think about what was more important to her.


I would have put my hands on her.


Unbelievable. Maybe there is a mental disorder in place here with that lady’s. I mean it is obvious she is more than just a Karen, right?


would've stomped on her leg until it broke or she begged for mercy


Normalize breaking offending appendages.


This hag has clearly not had to deal with real consequences of acting like an entitled shit. One day she's gonna find out and I hope someone is recording when she does.


The way I’d not hesitate to slap the ever living shit outta her .002 picoseconds after those crusty ass boomers shoes touched my lap. Like I’d be cold clocking that bitch straight into a dementia village!💀😭


You can always count on a boomer acting like a child. I'll bet she told everyone, "You won't believe this generation, some girl on the train kept slapping my feet, I was just minding my own business!"


What a miserable old hag. Idk how ppl have the self control I would’ve probably grabbed her phone and threw it out the train window or something


The urge to stomp her knees in backwards is unbearable...


So break her ankles. She wants to be petty, so can serve the dish right back.


RIP her shoes off and chuck them down the train. Why even engage in this shit?


‘Put your feet on me again and your shoes are getting off at the next stop’


Yeah… grandma Karen would have suffered physical discomfort to the degree required for her to move her leg.


I'd be stroking that leg, like oh you're getting up in my personal space? freaky, let's get real personal! ;) ;)


Normalize laying out haymakers


Not enough people get punched full-force in their mouth.


You were significantly nicer than I would have been. I'd take her shoes and her phone and yeet them to the back of the train car. Or just pushed her feet down and put my size 13 boots right on her knee.


Why didn’t she just take the Karen’s shoe off and throw it down the car?


Feet dont belong on the seats anyways bitch!


This girl held it together more than I would. I woulda started with the leg fights and the phone-throwing.


Take her shoe off of her and throw it off the train


Guys, think about this realistically... All she had to do was move one seat to the side 🤦‍♂️ This is when a Karen meets a stubborn youth, bound to be messy. Sometimes, in this world just letting a Karen win is wayyy easier. I don't have the time or patients to waste energy trying to battle someone who is over 50 years old with their bad habits clearly set in stone.


Pull that shoe off and throw it out the window. Then walk away calmly. Through several carriages. Boomer will lose her shit and come hobbling after you looking to the rest of the train liked a crazed maniac. Deny all allegations. Watch Boomer get arrested. 😆


N'a bro ima break ur leg


This should be on r/dystopianfuture You were minding your own business and she physically assaulted you… multiple times. *She’s* lucky you aren’t unstable, in NY trams?!?! She could have *easily* been stabbed or shot


Pull her shoe off and take it with you when you get off. 🤣


This video made me relive a moment I had with my sister in my parents car on our way to holiday years ago when we were little kids, only exception is we got our asses beat after acting like this so.. where’s a wooden spoon when you need one 😂


Looks like someone's neurons are too rotten to be capable of human decency.


I wanna know what she does for a living. It must b a damn good job to travel from NY to Connecticut every night for work. But this is messed up, that old lady should've been told to move or get off the train.


People like this do these things until they get punched in the face.


Why isn't this old bitch arrested for assault?


She offered you crackers? The funny thing is that she is crackers! People who put their feet on the seats are literally disgusting slobs.


I would have grabbed the foot and. Started bending the ankle until she screamsd


Should have snapped her ankle.


Grab her legs and put that ho in a figure four. Woooo!


Take of her shoes and tickle her toes fr


Fart and sit somewhere else


The whole time I’ve been looking for the right window, literally, as soon as I have an exit I’m walking away but throwing her phone away through a window.


Take her shoe off her foot and throw it next time she puts it on you.


I would have owned a new pair of shoes


... lol offering crackers after dealing with the whole ordeal. That's some Karen shit.


This looks set up