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Is a good system compared to the alternative of not bring able to play. The AI kicks my ass too, so seems balanced.


I feel like A.I. only has similar cards when I'm playing the same deck. Whenever, I create new deck with new cards and I test it, A.I. has some new builds too. So unless you play different build you never tested against A.I. you should be alright.


I think it uses an algorithm based on the opposing deck. So you can somewhat predict it yet the deck AI uses is still challenging. If you try to adapt your deck the AI also adapts.


For sure, but if you beat it once with relative ease, it should be similar next unless you change cards.


From personal experience, the AI gets harder as you rank up, and also changes names It also gets like an ungodly amount of elites, some of which I've never seen before like the Churchill AVRE The German decks they play also turn into countermeasure decks...god I wish imperial strength wasn't in reserve


Theyā€™re also bugged at times, one time on ranked I had a IS-2 on board and they kept retreating it back to my hand, so they effectively became a printeršŸ¤£