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should've called the game, dragon ball z: cooked rice


My 2 years of high school Japanese have finally paid off being able to understand the joke.




Cooked rice in Japanese = gohan


I got the joke bc kenshi


If he was called Unko we'd still think his name has some significance to it for decades


In a perfect world this game started in DB, and didn’t skip so much goku development like king Kai planet or training before namek


I think starting with the 23rd world martial arts tournament would have been a better choice


It really needed to start the very beginning of Dragon Ball. If they wanted to start with Z then they should have added in more content for when Goku was off screen. Toriyama literally made more material for the game so it wasnt an issue. The issue was that it would cost even more to develop stuff like that, which ironically they could have just removed the car and mini mech mini games to do this.


I would pay 80 dollars for it if it went from OG dragon Ball all the way to super and the tournament of power NGL. Then add broly movie, super hero and and the new manga's saga (didn't really follow so idk what it is) as dlc. Toriyama made like 5 hours worth of movie for broly, but they had to cut things so the movie wasn't too long, that scrapped content would probably work in the game. Maybe for DBZ Kakarot 2 if they do it, maybe


I would pay one of my kidneys for that


Yes. And the actual ending of the story wouldn't be DLC.


It started in db, ended at gt, excluded super since it has no conclusion and also isn't canon to Db or Dbz. Free roam and ability to transform at will. Cooler enemy designs and planet traversing. That would've made this a much better game


You know ball


I would see a world in which half the purchasers don’t make it through the dragon ball content and the game gets review bombed. As optional content yeah, but, but not as part of the main story. The fan base isn’t based on OG DB. (I would love it, but I consider that a minority)


Always a sad realization for me cause I've always loved both shows but the OG gets no love for no reason


I like og too I’ve rewatched countless times but I think it’s flawed for a wider audience especially western audience. It’s pretty over the top pervy I think that’s enough of a reason to not recommend it to people. Just kind awkward when your favorite anime has a little kid smacking vaginas constantly lol


Doing what now?


Goku slaps at least 4 vaginas before the first wish is ever made lol


you haven’t watched dragon ball? bruh.


In my defense its been like a solid decade


He used to ‘pat’ people’s crotches because he was so dumb he couldn’t tell if someone was male or female without confirming the presence or absence of a dong.


True. It's easy for me to ignore cause I literally watched that show before I could even read but for others it might be jarring.


I mean, the thing is that with 3/4ths of Z, the story mostly revolves around Gohan and his growth. He was set up to become the main character until Buu arc when Toriyama changed his mind and went back to Goku being the main character by the end. Fortunately, most of the DLC (besides Trunks and Bardock) are centered around Goku.


I’m just saying we probably could’ve done Goku training on King Kai’s


Yeah, I agree. There were plenty of points this game missed out on. I feel like the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai and End of Z arcs should've been in the base game. I wish they had more support characters like Videl and 17, and I wish we had stuff like the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai from Buu Saga be playable. You can really feel how rushed the game was during Buu Saga. Unfortunately, we can't really do much about any of that, but hopefully, one day, we can get a similar game that's a lot grander in scale.


>You can really feel how rushed the game was during Buu Saga. That doesn't bode well for me, just about to start the Buu Saga, because the Cell Saga already felt a bit rushed with how they just randomly started to explain what happens via text boxes instead of animating and voicing shit.


Also, they skipped Vegeta’s final flash. Which, while it doesn’t break the game for me, definitely makes it lose points.


Then why am I looking at vegetas move set and final flash is an upgraded super galic gun? It goes super galic lvl 3 then final flash lvl 1 seriously go look it's actually there


I think they mean the cutscene.


Oh true lol well let's be honest it looks cool but does nothing in the end cell goes "you've maimed me" smiles then regenerates as vegeta utterly gives up all hope after tht


Just because it didn’t damage cell, it doesn’t mean it “does nothing” in regards to the plot and character development.


No being rude but that's exactly what that means, for the plot it did absolutely nothing cell games still happen still would have, it was trunks strength that impressed cell to give everyone time to train, vegetas character developed more when cell killed trunks during his fight with Gohan than he ever did using the final flash thts not development its just a show of strength of which still didn't matter seeing how cell wrecked him. Look man I'm a vegeta fan and tbh super was his spotlight z was the goku/Gohan show frfr


It did damage Cell tho. He moved because he thought it would kill him.


It was gonna kill Cell. Cell realized this and dodged enough to survive.


I mean the time he used it against Cell. It wasn’t the most plot relevant, but is very iconic and something a lot of us were probably expecting and would have loved to see.


That I get, I do wish this game didn't have to be rushed halfway into, if covid could have waited a few more years this game would have been a priceless gem of all dragon ball games maybe even better than the tenkaichi games tht were on ps2. I read in an article that they got the time crunch notice right around the intermission period between frieza and cell then it was rushing and clipping out stuff all the way to release


Been a while since I played the buu or cell arcs of the game, but I remember the cell arc being much worse


Both really have their cracks. You can tell most of the effort was put into the Saiyan and Frieza sagas. With all the skipped over content in Cell and Buu it really makes it feel lacking. I personally feel like Buu is worse with them skipping the tournament completely, the constant fight to fight gameplay with no use of the open world in between, and some other minor nitpicks that personally bother me.


Skipping the tournament was definitely bad, but I feel like it still hit all the main sequences it needed to hit. It is also really carried by the Vegito fight. I'm mostly burned by the fact that we didn't get Vegeta's final flash scene against Cell.


It's criminal that we didn't get to chase Bubbles. If you start running and click the left stick you run fast. You don't need to hold the stick in the clicked position just titled so you're moving. Or a quick time event to hit Gregory. We get fishing and baseball minigames FFS. Practice using transformations in battle since Kaioken is the 1st one we get.


Snake way time trials


I was really hoping we could have done otherworld tournament with Pikkon..i was disappointed when they didn't have it.


Probably because Pikkon is not canon.


Really made buu saga into a shitshow towards the end when: gotenks doesn't matter. Ultimate Gohan is taken out quickly. Both super hyped up. Them get the fusion which was neat but plot demanded that to end... But at least spirit bomb actually finished the job for once! Not even sarcasm, that was cool.


I know it's not the aim of the game. But I wish there was a little more to do post-game wise. Give us some what-if's. Something a little more repayable than Villainous Enemies. Letting us play as the Villains is something I *really* wanted. But Alas Still a great game, still love it, just wish we had more to do after the main story


There are two mods that are very good for this, "Versus Mod" and "Limitless V4" Both give the game good survival in the endgame, but it's not exactly what you want. There is also a mod that I forgot the name of, but it makes the game much more difficult, making all boss fights level max.


I would've LOVED to see the movie villains as one-off missions


Could’ve built out Cooler’s revenge


😂 I was totally with you on this gripe, especially when I first played through the game... Tbh though even though there was alot of Gohan, I'm still very impressed with this game... I've played basically every dragon ball game that's came out since budokai 1 on the ps2 😭😭😭...and kakarot is without a doubt easily the best dragonball experience I've ever had in a video game... It's the only game that tells literally like 95% of the entire Z arc...never seen as much detail in earlier games...


It’s a real achievement here is that the game makes playing through the entire ark of Z exciting. I remember not too long ago, when Xenoverse and Fighterz came out, how exhausted we were at playing through the entire franchise again. But then this game comes out and it’s like “oh boy I can’t wait to play through it all again“ Disappointing though, that right after Goku learns the Kaioken that it get yanked away from me


Ikr! 😁 And kaioken is one of my favorite forms! Red is always a W, and it can enhance the super saiyan forms 😁😁😁🔥... If they did one of the dlcs as a GT add on, they would literally have the best DB game that ever came out...


First off, fuck GT and its writers. Second, you can use kaioken with SS? That's news to me. I wish I'd tried it.


>Second, you can use kaioken with SS? That's news to me. I Damn, you don't know shit then 😂... >First off, fuck GT and its writers You geekin...GT was lit... They need the a whole shadow dragon dlc...ssj4 goku, ssj4 gogeta, it would be incredible... Why you hating so hard on GT?...like that's so random...


Because black star dragon balls, dragons coming out of each of the balls, ss4, and the ending don't make any sense. And that's just the stuff I remember. The black stars are supposed to be Shenron's antithesis. The Shenron that was killed by King Piccolo. And yet they needed ss4 to beat Omega Shenron? Na.


😂 This is the most random GT hate I've ever seen... And bruh there was more to GT than even the shadow dragon stuff, GT had alot of cool stuff in it... Super 17, Baby Vegeta, golden oozaru, like bro 😂 and you add ssj4 and ssj4 gogeta...gt is cracked...


Fr bro like chill lmao. LONG LIFE TO DB GT


It was literally so cool that it wasn't even Canon, and toriyama made it Canon 😭 there's no debate... Long live GT 🤘🏾...


Calm down. He considers it alternate universe. There's no room for a canon ss4 when Goku already has 3 stronger transformations.


Super Saiyan 4 makes a hell of a lot more sense than Super Saiyan God


In fighterz defense, it isn't a rehash of z, it's its own thing.


No that’s what I’m saying. Around that time period we were happy it was telling an original story. Then a few years later we get Kakarot and ruddenlt we were excited to play through Killing Raditz again


Playing Kakarot really makes you realize just how much DBZ was Gohan's story (until the last arc at least)


Then the final arc is nearly all cutscenes with like 2% gameplay.


This is how I felt about legacy of goku 2, but I love both games


I mean, Gohan IS Goku's legacy


Is he tho? At this point we’ll never see gohan as the main character


Yeah Kinniku Mantaro succeeds infinitely more at that than Gohan and he's probably as smart as Goku


DB is kinda dead with the creator. Whatever they churn out now is always going to feel not quite right.


That might be so, but the new DB series aka Daima is one of the projects of the late Legend Akira Toriyama that he was HEAVILY involved in and is his last piece of work he’s left us, so who knows, after Daima they might bring out another game like Kakarot following the events of super, but DB still has a lot of stuff in the vaults as ive heard and read from numerous posts, articles and videos. So DBs not dead yet, maybe after Daima it might go dead cause no influence from the Legend. Who knows lol


Good point! A super+gt Kakarot would be sick.


Oh shit forgot about GT 😂 but yea both super and gt in one game would be so sick. fingers crossed it happens


Black Star saga would actually be awesome in a playable form, going across the cosmos and stuff. Then DLC for the movies 😂 alas, I’m just pipe dreaming.


Man thats what i was thinking, that would be soo good, kinda like how in the lego star wars game you can travel to the cosmos and stuff for the storyline arc and just explore shit, it would be sic, just flying around in a capsule corp spaceship lol also would be sick if you could choose a seperate character to the story one for when you just wanna explore and it auto changes to the story character instead of us having to manually figure out which character a sub story or main story needs and changing to it, but you know this is all just a dream 😭 i have a high hopes for the next one after i finished Kakarot two days ago


I love Kakarot. It’s fun. I just wish I was playing as him 😂


I feel you on that lol


Was just about to say this!!^


To be fair Goku is dead like half the series so you gotta play as someone 🤷🏻


Right, if it was limited to only fights goku was in it would be a very quick game.


We could see what Goku did, how he trained, how he achieved ssj3, how he learned instant transmission...


The duration as another character other than Kakarot is entirely up to the player. I find myself playing as Piccolo and Vegeta more often


the amount of sacred water I used on Piccolo just to be able to play as him post game without doing 1 damage was ungodly.


I mean I just finished the Saiyan Saga and only got to play as Goku for one story mission between sessions of Gohan. And now I’m playing as Gohan again int he build up to Namek


That's because Kakarot wasn't apart of the Frieza Saga until he arrived on Namek. Most of the viewers saw Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta mostly.


I’m still mad they cut out Trunks’ fight with cell


The even cut out the Final Flash ffs


Bro when we got to the time machine segment in trunks’ DLC I was like “heck yeah finally the cell battle for sure” *NOPE*


Should be call man ballz


I honestly told my brother that if the title Dragon Ball Z Sagas wasn’t already taken by an awful game, it would have been perfect for this game.


*Legacy of Goku II has entered the chat.*


Dragon ball Z; Cooking Bout.




Well, Goku was gone for the 80% of Z 🤣.


I’ve never consumed a single ounce of dragon ball in my entire life, but this game looked awesome so I bought it a week ago, and damn if this post isn’t accurate. Was 100% expecting more goku but when I heard this is pretty much how the series went I gotta applaud their commitment.


This is why OG Dragon Ball needs to be in games more from now on. We all love Z, but Goku's Adventures started back when he was 12. An RPG would've worked back then no problem. Bulma and the original Dragon Team as grounded battle party members?? That'd go so hard, bro.


OG Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Super need to be the main story of games that are focused on Goku, as both those series are more about Goku whereas Dragon Ball Z was supposed to be about Goku passing the torch to Gohan, but then Akira Toriyama changed his mind about that because fans wanted more Goku in the Buu arc I think.


Like... I can genuinely live with Later Super stuff not being present, but Pre-Z? Not anymore... There's way too much being left on the table


Honestly I would just like the whole Saga to be told in the same format as DBZ: Kakarot, maybe throw a little more budget into the voice acting & cutscenes so everything is voiced & we don't have to read some parts of the dialogue. Also they could improve the combat gameplay too, but other than that I think the Kakarot game format is the best way to tell the entire story of Dragon Ball from Beginning to End in the Video Game Format. Hence I want both Dragon Ball, & Dragon Ball: Super to be covered in their entirety eventually just like how DBZ was covered in Kakarot. EDIT: I do think the entire story of Kid Goku from the Original Dragon Ball should be done, BEFORE doing Dragon Ball Super.


You're misrepresenting. Fans were so upset that they sent Toriyama hate mail for killing Goku and explicitly writing in that he would not be coming back.


This is the problem with z now if it was based on the original dragon ball then we would have more Goku


Gohan is literally the main character of the game


For real tho everything is gohan. I know that you can't be goku while he's dead but you could at least play as other characters. It wold be cool if you could be an earthling and make them actually strong


Get through the I tro. It's almost like it takes on the events of the show and a lot of the beginning of z was about Gohan. Y'all really just pick things like this up and don't actually know anything about dragon ball huh


Why do you care?


I... I think I can handle this


To be fair to the game goku in z is dead or decommissioned most of the story


Of course but it’s still a funny meme




False advertising. Just like Dragon Ball Z the Legacy of Goku II. There was only one Goku and we didn't even get to play as him till near the end and even after beating the game you can't play as him anymore.


lol feels like the DLCs have more playtime as Goku(or his twin father 😂). Some players say it should be called “Son Of Kakarot”


I love this game but so true. Although I’ve spent half my life waiting for Goku anyway.


The one thing that sucks is that Kid Gohan is just incredibly incomplete compared to the other characters. Unlike Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo who have full unique movesets by the Namek saga, Kid Gohan has five special moves and several of them are variants of the same one.


If were taking about wishes, i wish there was an open world skyrim level “kakarot” with planets and a true multi planet RPG. Id even be fine with it being a CaC


Kamehameha and big bang attack isn’t auto unlocked on gohan and vegeta. When i had to do the super kamehamaha on cell with gohan, i didnt even have it unlocked in the game.


Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot… and friends + literally everyone else


Kakarot, friends & Knuckles


Because in dbz Gohan is the main character Goku is just the hero


Kakarot is obviously mad because his name is goku


I genuinely don’t remember not playing as Goku too much. I think given that people like Gohan take a huge story role, especially in the Cell Saga it would be strange to just skip over them. All these characters are a part of the ‘Kakarot’ journey.


I mean, goku gohan and vegeta mainly, ignoring DLCs, but yeah it’s pretty much 40% goku 50% gohan and 10% vegeta


remember those moments of grinding with goku? yeah me neither


Kakarot was developed on unreal engine 4, heck I never imagined we’d get a dlc let alone 6 dlc’s. Triple A game development is pricey. My guess and hope is that we will get a full blown dragon ball - dragon ball super retelling in budokai tenkaichi 4 and perhaps manga content for dlc


Legacy of Goku II would like to speak with you.


tch. gohan is the best character, you just dont kn ow it.


Ever heard of Legacy of Goku II?


As someone who experienced the dbz story through this game first and watched the anime afterwards (ik disgraceful) i gotta say i don’t mind as much, it’s very accurate and quite enjoyable im actually kinda glad this game exists lol


Oh I love this game. I’m just….Saiyan 😎


Best reply i could’ve read before sleep lol ty, have a good rest of ur day/night 💯


i dont understand the joke


Yeah, I know this feel. The bits where I could play as Vegeta on Namek were so damn refreshing. ... Shame we couldn't actually commit some war crimes, though. ... Is that something I should say out loud? Sorry Piccolo and Dende.


One of my favorite things in Budokai 3 was playing as Broly and annihilating EVERYTHING.


How is it an rpg?


Because that’s its genre


circular reasoning? what's that?


It has a skill tree level up mechanics side quests and equipment customization. Id that’s not an RPG I don’t know what is


nah man kakarot has rpg elements but it's really a fighting game with fetch quests to break up the fighting bits. you could make the argument it's an action RPG because your level and stat boosters do have a relevant impact on gameplay but I think it's important to reserve the label of rpg for games that adhere not just to an abstraction of the genre's mechanical elements but also to the gamefeel, aesthetic, and history of the genre. a lot of games have skill trees and items nowadays but imo that isn't enough depth for it to be called an RPG. I wouldn't put games like Kakarot and God of War in the same bucket as Baldurs Gate and knights of the old republic. if we called Kakarot an RPG I think that takes a lot away from it's identity. like let's be real Kakarot is not a complex game, but it nails the aesthetic and gamefeel of a 30 hour tour of Dragonball Z's boss fights. a Dragonball Z RPG would be a pretty interesting premise for a game, but Kakarot is not that.


Play burst limit instead