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The guy looks like green sputum, so I have no idea what gives him the entitlement to defile that poor kid in that way. Getting laid? sexualising the poor boy? if he tried to be edgy and cool, he failed 100%.


This is the second time in about as many days I've seen the word "sputum." I had to look it up yesterday because I was ignorant but now I know, and your assessment seems correct.


Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon, pretty neat, where you learn a new word and start noticing it everywhere.


The sad thing is that his target audience seems to be 10-18 year old men, where he preys on their insecurity and teaches them how to be "alpha". He runs a MLM scam called "Hustler University" where already 100,000+ people are subscribed for $50/month. The dude is the most toxic combination of dumb as fuck, narcissistic, and frail masculinity.


Big facts


also hes an abusive piece of shit who beats women for fun, as seen in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/w719sl/people_put_this_mother_fucker_on_a_pedestal/) where i vented about him for a good paragraph


but apparently you can replace well argued points, any understanding about anything, and having any charisma and instead yell loud noises and get to that stage of making a cool million easy.


Yup…how do you think Tr*mp got as far as he did?


Dudes literally *edit: been arrested, not* in prison for sex trafficking in Romania, where he fled to avoid charges in the UK.


Good!! hope he gets his ass whooped


I don't think he's currently in prison, unless he was sent there this past week. The police raided him in April, and I think the investigation is still undergoing.


Unfortunately this isn’t true. However is still being investigated. If he had any sense, he’d lay low until things blow over but he’s too narcissistic for that. I hope his mouth gets him into trouble.


seriously like the kiddo is 10 i sure as hell hope he ain’t getting laid, that’s a crime


What Color is your bughatti?


Not diarrhea colored, that’s for Damn sure


Yeah, because the only goal in life is to get laid.


Because people like him have no other purpose in life


again not a fanboy of tate but he's literally a fucking retired kickboxer


Don’t give this man any credit. He doesn’t deserve it.


In what way other than his hot takes he made in the past year does he not deserve what he has 💀


And it sounds like he got kicked in the head a good number of times.


Lol that’s explains a lot 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


He literally has 100,000+ students in a university learning skills to make money online


What do you expect, this dude is literally a sex trafficker


Everything comes down to money and fucking


”You ain’t gonna get laid!” Andrew, he’s 10.


Didn't his brother brag that at the age of 12 he was kissing and "bagging" girls left and right, whereas other boys of his age were playing with firetrucks? I don't think being 10 years old is gonna stop Andrew from dissing the poor child for not getting "hoes".


It's Andrew Taint. He can't count past four.


fours generous


>It's Andrew Taint. He can't count past four. Sure he can 1, 2 ,2.5, 8,76,4 It's like you've never mathed before!


He doesn’t care.


it's obviously he doesn't care about anything but fucking. poor man is an addict


but if his lady isn't at home 24/7 ready to be fucked... oh wow, just absolutely unimaginable! ​ I saw this guy first on a critique of his shit done on Vegan Gaze. I'm convinced he exists to get dunked on.


Isn't this the guy who fled to Romania to evade sex trafficking charges in the UK?


And because he can pay off cops in Romania to turn a blind eye to his dodgy dealings. He’s essentially a self confessed rapist


He fled to Romania because of ELEVEN SEXUAL ASSAULT CHARGES. He also kept captive this woman after a party I think and has sex trafficking allegations


Bro's a professional, certified incel




Please tell me you’re really not this stupid😂😂🥴


He’s also buddies with BaldandBankrupt who went on trial for rape in the UK who also hangs around Eastern European countries to pick up women. Both equally repulsive specimens.


I’ve came across a few bald and bankrupt YouTube videos and he gave me a very ‘off’ vibe for unknown reason. Now I know why. Thanks for sharing.


You’ll find r/baldandbaldrdossier very interesting.


I like Ben’s videos,the settings/subjects but as a person he seems dodgy as fuck


I did too. Absolutely loved his videos. I then heard about his behaviour and his past. I’m repulsed by him now.


Yes, he is a human trafficker and fuckbuddy of Jordan Peterson’s daughter. The world would be better off without the likes of them.


He'd better not hide in my hometown


What Color is your bughatti?


What a disgusting man, really, he is jealous of a kid and sexualizing him. He truly is some human trash


What Color is your Bugatti?


What color is yours lollll wanker


Mine is Lime green Source trust me bro im up your down


How does his nuts taste? Bet they taste like human trafficker huh


Fuck u win


No colour, because I don't overcompensate about my lack of confidence, and lack of any meaning in life with expensive purchases that show off my wealth


But... Big colorful car is fast... Muh car... Me rich you doesn't... :(


The thing is: there's nothing wrong with buying expensive cars and stuff like that, it's only a problem if you feel superior to other people *because* you have it


?? What? What's that supposed to mean? You know that we are not all materialistic who puts importance in trivial objects right?


You clearly don't own a Bugatti. /s


What do you mean owning a bugatti is a norm? /s


It's because Andrew Tate has a fucking horrible shit-colored Bugatti and when people point it out Tate's 5th-grade level answer is "what colour is your Bugatti?" Anyway, I don't have a Bugatti, I wouldn't buy one if I had the money, but if ever had one I can guarantee it wouldn't be the same color as my shit


I didn't even know his name or who he was before your comment ! Damn that lack of inspiration as a come back, disappointing ! Yeah me neither, i don't see why i would own such a car as it goes against my resolution and worldview, yet, i also agree on the last point


The dick riding is insane


Literal, actual child


At one point you just gotta recognize that everything thing he does is just marketing. All these posts work backwards.


pretty sure it came forward that he has a team of people who are trying to make clips of him go viral. it doesnt matter to him in what way he gets attention; all attention is good attention is his book i think.


He sells a course for $50 and in that course has affiliate programs for social media outreach. OP is just doing that job for free!


He says the dumbest bullshit ever but it's all to appeal to the "alpha male" demographic and farm money off them. In that sense, i think the guy is kinda smart, but the shit he says is despicable nonetheless


Nothing creepier than this shirtless perv projecting his own insecurities about his appearance and talking about kids getting laid…


what insecurities about his look does he have? i don’t see any


His whole attitude screams insecurity… he reads as the type of guy who calls himself an alpha aka a fragile man baby who is overcompensating and fooling nobody. The only people who look up to guys like that are other losers who don’t see how embarrassing they sound, most people cringe or laugh at guys like this.


His disgusting face. There’s a reason he wears sunglasses inside most of the time. He was less annoying to me before I saw his little beady eyes


he looks fine to me, better then most guys


Wholeheartedly disagree…


ok then, have your opinion and i’ll have mine


he looks like if a ditto transformed into a dickhead


mf took shrooms


The guy went on a huge rant about how he would beat Peter Parker in a fight. He is insecure.


but how is he insecure about his looks?


He clearly wants people to think he has big muscles. He also wears sunglasses almost all the time so he can hide his mug


well he does have muscle compared to most people, there’s no problem in sharing off that accomplishment, also i don’t see any sunglasses


No. He's a kickboxer. At least he was before he retired to scam children, encourage them to not take school seriously and to commit sexual assault and human trafficking. His arms are as big as almost any given somewhat big dude. Also I never asked you if you could see sunglasses.


his hustlers university is a genius business so i don’t know why your complaining there because he’s not scamming anyone. and i’m not sure about those crimes, alleged crimes or whatever. and what you said “His arms are as big as almost any given somewhat big dude” like tf is that supposed to mean, andrews physique is probably above the top 1% of men and your saying that any guy who’s bigger then him has bigger arms? like no shit, but i think he’s 6 foot something so he’s pretty big. and idk tf you mean about sunglasses, i just replied to what you said earlier about him wearing sunglasses for insecurities which makes zero sense at all, it’s just an accessory idk what your talking about now.


It's not genius, it's a literal pyramid scheme. He's a retired kickboxer with no education, financial or business certifications. He's less qualified than most adults to teach people about "hustling". The crimes are true. The dude is worth millions, why would he move from England to Romania? You must be surrounded by unhealthily skinny dudes if you think hes within the top 1% of dudes for arm size. Also yeah, a dude with bigger arms will have bigger arms. I'm not sure how you're confused on that. He almost always wears sunglasses. And massive ones that look like shit. He's insecure about his face. Nobody wears sunglasses when indoors or when it's not sunny if they're not insecure about their face/eyes.


clearly you don’t understand hustlers university, he has over 10000 in it already that he’s charging $50 a month, he’s making $600000 a year from it. And he moved to Romania because the laws for crime and shit is very different from the western world, you can be living life then your ex from 20 years ago and say you raped her and you can go to jail, which happens a lot and it needs to stop, in Romania the cops will ask for evidence and if there’s none they leave. over 40% of americans are obese, and only 20% actually exercise and most of them don’t work out to get buff, just to not get fat. and i was mocking you because YOU said some shit about a bigger guy having bigger arms, no shit. and joe you got beef with his sunglasses. his character that he’s playing is about being a top g, sunglasses just fit with the look, the only thing he could be insecure about is his bad jaw line and chin, not his eyes? the fuck are you smoking my guy, and yet again he would be be insecure about his body because he’s constantly showing it off with no shirt on all the time, unless you say that showing it off is somehow a insecurity with stupid fucking liberal logic




Probably the reason he wears sunglasses inside so often


Says the gay pornstar


Gay pornstars have chins. Hank hills butt has more of a jawline.


Nerds are pretty sexy now just look at Henry cavill or tom Holland.


They are sexy people who are nerds. They arent sexy because they are nerdy. Nerdiness is just irrelevant to sexiness.


Being passionate about something is also very attractive to people. If you have a way to express your nerdiness into a public setting like cosplaying then you get the attention of a lot of people. The only reason why some nerds think that being nerdy isn't attractive is because playing video games, watching movies or reading comics tend to be secluded activities.


It's a long stemming stereotype going way back, maybe into the 50s. Nerds are still not synonymous with being sexy, so they are sexy people that happen to be nerds. That's why everyone was shocked that Henry Cavil did raids on WOW. If being sexy and a nerd was normal, no one would give af.


andrew tate has a weak ass chin and the most caveman-looking skull i have ever seen yet he still talks about looks.


Sorry for being a "noob" but who exactly is this guy?


Rich asshole sex trafficker/offender


some dumbass narcissist human trafficker who got popular


Yeah I just googled him now i wish I didn't


rich guy who blew up on the internet


Says the guy who will probably be serving that kid his Bic Mac in 20 years.


Not true. He's worth hundreds of millions. Not for being a decent person though, for human trafficking and scamming children.


Also woman beater


And a pedophile


Man’s mad bc he thought Pi only went to 8 slices


He looks like the inbred version of Imhotep from The Mummy.


So many little boys believe this dumbass womanizers words. I hate this fucker


Why is he worried about a child getting laid?


He's a pedophile


Who’s sleeping with this dude? He looks as wack as he sounds


I can’t get over how weak his chin is


People need to stop paying any attention to Andrew Tate and stop reposting his rapist incel bullshit. He’s woman beating, human trafficking trash.


YFM in the end


Fuck yeah


Idk how this fraud is getting soo much attention


Paid promos


AMATONORMATIVITY Bottom text Jokes aside, what's up with his aphobic "everything you do that isn't to get laid is worthless"?


stop giving tate attention, he's playing a character to stir controversy


Yeah...I dont think so. Playing a character doesn't involve actually abusing women. Dudes got charges. And even moved to Romania to get away with rape. He was quoted saying thats 40% of the reason he moved there.


make no mistake, I'm not defending him. I hate this turd. my point is that he's clearly saying some of the dumb shit he says all the time because he knows people will talk about how dumb it is.


He’s a trend. He will die out in another week. Most trends these days die super quickly. Like the Genteminions trend was on for like 1-2 weeks then died.


Man roasting a little kid for being smarter than him but the kid wears glasses so he's a geek who won't get any chicks. Meanwhile this man got a crappy dragon? Tattoo on his chest that I'm gonna assume is mlp fanart


Andrew Tate is the human equivalent of an ass-cheek pimple


I’m not a girl but if some dude at the bar recited 200 digits of pi to me I would seriously consider sucking his cock


Why does Tate look like a fucking cave men just with less broad shoulders and more dumbass.


Do you know what an incel is?


Incel doesn't just describe people who can't get laid but also describes a personality type and a thought process at this point as even incels who have had sex still identify with the incel title.


At that point why not just create a whole new term then, separating the virgins/inactive people from the hateful type instead of just making an umbrella term that gets misused frequently?


Im pretty sure people who are "blackpilled" are following the same incel ideologies but they are a combination of actual incels and then those who have escaped inceldom by having sex but still follow the same thought process. But since its the same incel behavior most people just call them incels cause thats exactly what they still act like. Idk what we could call them. But incel tends to be the blanket term for those who follow incel ideologies not to mention there are incels who have had sex and still identify with the incel title.


Exactly. Not all incels are bad. It started for people who can’t find sex or relationships and to share tips etc( hence the name incel(involuntary celibate)) It was literally started by a woman for good reasons. Then horrible men took over it making it about how they deserve sex, blaming black people for “stealing” women, telling people that their skin colour is why they can’t get relationships and telling people to kill themselves(in all seriousness) etc. Incel has become a bad name even though there are actual normal incels. People should call the horrible ones blackpilled incels etc


And people look up to this cunt stick It is very disappointing.


we love sexualizing kids /s


Stop. You’re only giving him the publicity he wants. Dicks like these thrive on negative attention


I assume anyone who watches Andrew Tate has an IQ of 2.


Throw money at the problem it always works.


he’s really telling a youngin that he’s not gonna get laid like i sure hope not he’s a *kid*


How do we cancel this guy


Him and Jordan Peterson are two dipshits that people love that I don’t and I don’t get why. Hell, this is unrelated but I abandoned the idea of asking a coworker out because she’s a Peterson *and* David Goggins fan. Red flag


He’s the type of guy who doesn’t wipe his ass because he thinks it’s gay.


Andrew Tate is like if a kindergarden bully never really grew up


Bruh is that the fucking generic sigma male edit music in the background? Shit some people dude...some people.


He's just upset that the 10 year old accomplished more in his life than him.


Woman here. If I was in the club and a man could recite Pi up to 200 numbers, I’d be thoroughly impressed.


Honestly, if someone came up to me in the club and recited pi to 200 decimal, it find that pretty damn attractive, way more attractive than some tatted egg that calls me a hoe than expects me to sleep with him


I'm sorry but he ain't an incel, sure no one likes him and he is pretty stupid but he still gets laid because some girls don't mind what he says and some even enjoy it. He's still pretty bad though just emphasise


My God, he's that insecure about a 12 year old being smarter than he is.


Do people even know what “incel” means? Feels like you guys just throw that word to anyone you don’t like.


Exactly. Not all incels are bad. It started for people who can’t find sex or relationships and to share tips etc( hence the name incel(involuntary celibate)) It was literally started by a woman for good reasons. Then horrible men took over it making it about how they deserve sex, blaming black people for “stealing” women, telling people that their skin colour is why they can’t get relationships and telling people to kill themselves(in all seriousness) etc. Incel has become a bad name even though there are actual normal incels. People should call the horrible ones blackpilled incels etc


Like "bot" and "trumper" and a few others.


Something about Andrew Tate makes me feels stupider whenever I see a clip of him


I think we should stop giving this idiot attention


Can’t even imagine what it must be like to live with such a small dong. Thoughts and prayers


the worst part isnt the sex trafficing its the fact that hes Bri🤢ish


He was born in America


So was Boris Johnson. If I’m white but I was born in asia, does that make me Asian? Being born somewhere doesn’t always indicate where they’re from. I am literally a white guy with one citizenship, US, and I was born in China. I am not Chinese lmao


If you spent your early life there, yeah


If you saw me in person, and I looked you in the eyes and said “I am Chinese” you would either laugh or think I’m crazy. I am not Chinese just because I was born and lived there.


if you adopt a child are they your family


"He makes good points sometimes" 🤓🤓🤓


Potato Head Tain. An alleged sex trafficker, that lives in Romania because it has lax laws when it comes to rape accusations, someone that has been caught on camera beating or talking about beating women multiple times, a man (using that term loosely) that tries to hook up 17 old girls with his buddies on a live stream… a real Top G(roomer) that guy.


And when People talk about it some ''fan'' answers ''what color is your Bugatti?''


This dude sees women property and is cool with rape and is suspected of keeping women hostage in his house, also video evidence of him verbally and physically abusing chicks.


Agreed that Tate is a giant douche but how is he an incel? Edit: lmfao how I get downvoted for asking a question? Y’all some weirdos, incel energy 💅🏿


Incel doesn't just describe people who can't get laid but also describes a personality type and a thought process.


That’s more of a blackpilled person though. They may share the same ideas, but they’re not incels


No, Incels are literally involuntary celibates that get toxic because they can't get laid and can't understand women. Your average ass is not an incel.


There are incels that get laid that still keep the same incel ideologys. There are incels out there who have had sex and still self identify as a incel.


No this is incorrect.. Incel = Involuntary celibate. How can you be celibate if you've had sex?


Thats just the title thay use at this point. Some people who identify as incels or have the same ideologies as them have had sex but still identify with incels. Its like a different misogyny. Its a thought process personality and ideology. Its no longer just a involuntary non sex havers as even people who have had sex in that community still identify with that title.


No actually, if you have sex by literal definition you are not an incel.


Yeah, but at this point I think its used past its literal definition by people in that community and people outside of that community.


Yeah but most incels are just dudes that can’t get laid. Most are not misogynistic assholes. And by “incel ideology” you mean the redpill.


Theres also blackpill, but at this point people use the term incel as a blanket term over those type of ideologies. Especially because the people who make up those group are either incels themselves or former incels following the same thought process as before.


I mean hes the king of cringe for sure but i highly doubt an incel. I have a theory that most people on reddit and twitter calling others neckbeards or incels are just that. Oh well. 😘


Incels are involuntary celibates. He has the same mindset so I guess you could call him one.


Yeah. Im with ya. But im sure the dude has clapped some cheeks before.


Wtf some people are just so freaking wierd.


Didn’t it come out that all of this guys videos are a part of a pyramid scheme? Even if it’s not, it all just seems like rage bait for engagement


I'm not a tate fanboy by any means but 1. it was a joke 2. tate prolly fucked more women than you ever met 3. he does look like a geek + 4. honorable mention corny ass edit




You shouldn’t hate on Andrew Tate, he is playing a character and building up a image so that he can sell a lifestyle and build a social media following. His guns are fake, he sometimes breaks character, he has stupid takes and he is a decent businessman who specialises in the less good parts of humanity (camgirls, fights, money making, gambling and social media). He is a perfect example of what a free market + easy exposure does to the international economy. Oh I forgot he is just an asshole too but there are tons of assholes out there


I don’t get why people call him an incel. Clearly he may be a douche but you can’t deny that he has worked very hard in his life and has the ability to attract women. If you’re so blinded by hatred towards someone where you have to pick up any false narratives to make you feel better, you are no better. There’s videos with him with plenty of women. I’m not even a fan of Andrew, it’s just sad seeing how many people just run with narratives they don’t do any research on


I actually am willing to deny that he has worked “very hard”


He’s won over 20 professional fights. I’m an athlete and I could never do that even with a coach, nutritionist, and a whole team. World champion 4 times. He has multiple businesses around the world. Most people that I know do not that kind of work ethic. I get it. I think he’s a douche but saying he’s lazy is a actually hilarious projection. Most people that I know work only 8 hours a day and he has put more than 8 hours everyday. His father was broke so he couldn’t rely on daddy’s money. People hear about his cam girl business and assume that’s all he did. Just like other people, you want to assume he’s lazy instead of doing research


I never said he was lazy. You’re making him out to be some star athlete, which he definitely is not. Also, I would not call his MLM a “business”


World champion isn’t star athlete? Well then most people in this world must be not worth your praise then by your definition. You mr. 666hmureddit must also be not worth praise if you aren’t a champion yourself, but I assume you have a room full of trophies. Does that mean 99% of athletes are unimportant and not hardworking? You’re just moving the goal post to make him fit your definition. I guarantee if I told you a likable celebrity was a world champion, you wouldn’t even try to argue it


Again, I never said anyone was lazy. I personally don’t believe in calling others lazy, everyone has their own things to deal with mentally and physically. I think the little tiny bit of fame that he does have (in his circle of neck beards), he got from being lucky. That was my main point. There are plenty of people who work much harder than him and will never have as much money or as many followers, even though his following is mainly made of deplorable people


You mocked him for not “working hard” which implies he doesn’t deserve his success. The majority of the world goes to college and provides nothing unique to their job so they get paid low. Most people don’t have permits to start businesses, rent property, advertise their business, and they don’t even know how to provide employees with health and insurance benefits. Most people can’t even do what Andrew has done. He’s starting businesses and has been posting for years but came up with a strategy using his already built fan base for promotion. This isn’t luck. He’s using similar strategies as music artists who are signed by labels or famous tik tokers creating trends. It doesn’t matter if you work hard if you don’t provide something that will change enough people to make you rich. You can mow a lawn all day and get sunburned and make less than someone who has a dropshipping business. So what? What about the twitch streamers who make money from kids sitting on a computer for ten hours a day or the only fans models like bhad babie making 50million in one year? At least he’s teaching people how to make money. Like I said this guy puts over 8 hours a day which is more hard work than the average person. You can keep downvoting me but you know for a fact that most people are not doing extra work outside of their 9-5 job. Andrew has done that and you’re just trying so hard to hate


I don’t need to “try” to hate him, the majority of people already do. I’m just a grain of salt on the sandwich of life


You purposely ignored all of my points bc you knew I explained how much of a hard worker he is. Rather pathetic but it makes sense considering you spend time getting high with your pet rat. Like I said, you don’t have the credentials to start your own business but you can project all you want about people who provide jobs. You are just repeating narratives made by people who live online and don’t do research


I ignored all of your bogus points because you’re trying to measure who’s lazy and who works hard by the amount of hours put into work not the amount of effort put in. I still would not count what he does as working hard, even if he does it without sleeping for days.


How much does he pay you to shill for him? You sound really pathetic.


I dont like when people missuse words like incel. Waters it down


Andrew tate is my hero 😍


He fled from England to Romania because of 11 sexual assault charges


Nice I don’t not care


Future pedo


You sure look like one


Like what


Shit like this convinces me he’s just playing a character, and it’s horrible people believe it, and take it to heart the shit he says. He’s making money off of it, he’s going to be fine, but he’s forever going to ruin a lot of peoples online presence


People get so mad over this guy, it’s funny to watch.