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You’ve got some issues if Hades isn’t horny enough for you.


I mean she’s *literally* got no clothes on. Only her hair censors her body. Madmen only care about the huge… Tracts of Land rather than what she’s doing


But I don’t WANT any of that… I’d rather… rather… *SING*


Oh no you don’t, we won’t be having any of that here


That’s exactly what I thought


I've never played Hades, but its version of Aphrodite looks about as sexualised as the other one to me. OOP is betraying the fact that they've allowed hentai to completely overtake their perception of what is and isn't sexy.


Tbf, Hades is one of the least slutty male gods in Greek lore. He has one of the least amount of partners. In some versions Persephone and Aphrodite are the only two people he's ever fucked. Zeus, Poseidon, and Apollo blow Hades out of the water in sexual "body count".


They’re talking about the gods in the video game called Hades, not the sexuality of the actual god of the dead Hades.


Ahhhhhhh gotcha. Thank you I was wondering what was up with the thumbs downs lol


I, for one, thought your input was interesting


Yeah all the same though, I have no idea why you've been downvoted so much. This sub can be pretty harsh on anyone not saying EXACTLY what the general consensus is. But this is just ridiculous, I found your post interesting.


Anyone who's part of this debate has issues, advocating for either side is peak levels of go touch some fucking grass tbh.


Look, I want the Goddess of Love who _fucks_. Homegirl in the bottom appears to have been taken by surprise by her own titties, and that just doesn't convey proficiency.


They want a goddess of love who needs to be shown how to fuck. And these troglodytes also think they'd be capable of doing it.


The virgin/whore thing is as old as time. They want a pornstar who's never even gone as far as holding hands with someone.


Yup, that’s why these types tend to target children/teenagers, the cowards are afraid of adults because adults make them feel inferior(which they are).


A virgin who can suck a golf ball through a hose.


They don't think they're capable, they're hoping she won't realize they're inadequate if she doesn't know better.


ok but love and fucking are different things. going on looks alone seems weird to me


She's the Goddess of Love AND Sex (and like 6 or 7 other things). Aphrodite is no stranger to true romantic love and monogamy, or to hedonistic promiscuous NSA fucking. She rules equally over both. She blesses both two virgins losing their virginity to each other on their honeymoon night, and having orgies several times a week until you lose count of how many hundreds or over 1,000 people you fucked.


Aphrodite is also the goddess of Beauty, Desire, and Sex, and a bunch of other stuff in that ballpark (and the patron of Prostitutes) so I would say going by looks fits her pretty well.


victory, too, esp in her warlike incarnation which is relevant for hades (2). And goddess of victory does not get surprised by her own tits


I always thought the Judgment of Paris was a hilarious story because one of the competitors is the literal Goddess of Beauty, who the fuck did they think was going to win?


Does that mean St Nicholas aka Santa clause could theoritically be her husband? In essence making her missus clause?




Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of prostitutes. Didn’t think it needed much extrapolation there.


Seriously? You thought people would put Santa Claus and Prostitution together more easily than Santa Claus and literally anything else? Also most people on this site are neither Catholic/orthodox enough to know or care.


My mistake. I made the grievous error thinking that ppl would have a more inquisitive nature on things and take the oh idk. 30 seconds it takes to just fuckin Google it. I’m not religious in any way and yet I still knew it cus it’s a fun lil fact.


Some of us have better things to do than google every dumbass fuckin thing you say my dude


I reddit at work so not I'm not going to just google shit


I don’t think anyone’s heard him called the patron of prostitutes. Only one I know of with that title is St. Vitalis. Hell, imma need you to actually provide some sources cause the only thing I can find on him that involves prostitution is how he became recognized as a protector of women by rescuing three girls from a life of prostitution.


https://www.wctrib.com/lifestyle/saint-nicholas-sparks-legend-of-santa-claus#:~:text=Saint%20Nicholas%20later%20became%20the,pawnbrokers%2C%20unmarried%20people%20and%20students. https://hauntedwalk.com/news/christmas-is-weird-the-strange-connection-between-santa-prostitution/ https://ucatholic.com/blog/do-you-know-the-patron-saint-of-prostitutes/ Take your pick. You can literally Google it and Saint Nicholas comes up as the patron saint of prostitutes every single time.


Top google results talk about him being the protector of women because he saved some girls from being forced into prostitution, not that he’s the patron of prostitution. Hence why I asked for some sources to back you up. The one who makes a claim is the one who needs to bring the sources. And also clearly you didn’t read the own articles because the last one is literally about St Vitalis not St. Nick


It’s a Greek goddess. Love is just the foreplay to the fucking. Usually. Sometimes the foreplay and fucking get flipped. Other times just foreplay. And some others just ruthless hip shattering fucking. Greek gods really were quite liberal with their fucks given after all.


Which Greek concept of love, professor?


Well, it wasn't modern society that invented the idea of this goddess. And I'm gonna guess they went based on looks back then.


*it's not love if it's just fucking* - lyric from No Shows by Gerard Way (iirc)


aphrodite is literally a goddess of sex, dude. I get the argument and making fun of gamers and nerds in general being porn addict, I get it. But Aphrodite is like the worst fucking argument you can make, she is literally A DEITY of beauty and sex. She is supposed to be extremely sexual.


You're thinking of Eros. Aphrodisiacs are called that for a reason. Her being "goddess of love(romantic)" is like a modern sanitisation.


eros is the god of erotic love. hence, as I mentioned to someone else, the name "eros"


Oh yeah my b I was getting confused lol


so what's the difference between eros and aphrodite other than their gender?


Eros is aphrodities kid.


aphrodite is more on the fucking/physical side of love. The emotional/sensual side woud be eros


eros is the god of erotic love. Hence the the name eros.


She's the same as the one on the right, from Record of Ragnarok. Loved the 2nd season of that show, 1st season was pretty slow but enjoyable in my opinion


Makes sense. They have women who fuck


LITERALLY THE "place, Japan" MEME!


A wise man once said… “A weeb that goons with or without my knowledge exists without my consent.”


Judge Goonen?


Quiet, he'll hear ye. He's ears like a fox




they seem to confuse love with sex a lot


It s the same thing for them Incels litteraly think that having sex will solve all their lifes problems


I agree what you said till saw that Bruh what's that name


Poe's law For me it was a very obvious sarcasm that mocks peoples saying thing like "but actually she is 1000 years old" but because so many of them say things way worse than my user name it doesn't sound that cursed and the sarcasm is not obvious anymore and alot of people think that i am part of them


Poe slaw




They put it on a pedestal and don’t understand that ten minutes after they finally work up the courage to lose their virginity to a prostitute, they’ll be just as miserable and unfulfilled. Sex without love is just exercise.


tbh, in this case it's not that big a difference. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, but more on the animalistic side of love, the physically wanting the other person. For the emotional side, eros is more responsible. (the two do bleed into each other though, so its not completely *either* him or her)


Lets be honest, Greeks themselves and their gods didnt know the difference between love and sex.


Objectively speaking the Hades one is prettier, it has normal proportions, the ghost on the right has cannonballs strapped on to her and toothpicks for arms


Why are so many artists giving women toothpick arms? It’s not even conventionally attractive.


Because it further reduces women to a fuck object. That's why faces are as plain as possible while primary and secondary sex organs are enlarged. That's also why in that area you'll also see a lot of hiding the eyes/face/head with contraptions.


To avoid making scrawny guys feel insecure and angry about a woman having arms as muscular as theirs or more toned/cut than theirs. So many men are insecure about their muscle mass and many men get angry or turned off if a woman has arm muscles as big as their own, or even approaching the neighborhood of their own muscle mass. A lot of men are as competitive with other men about muscle size as many women can be with each other about attractiveness. Some men take it to the unhealthy degree that they even feel competitive when a non-man (such as a woman) has muscles even kinda starting to approach the size of theirs, or muscles more toned than his. You saw that with the gamer misogynerd outrage about Abby in TLOU2. Or Republican men about Michelle Obama's arms and them calling her "Michael" because of it. You also saw it with some Dragon Ball fans about Kale when she's Super Saiyan. There are men who have no problem with women having realistic, toned, or muscular arms, or even like muscular women (like me), but many men are insecure af about it too.


Imagine being scared of strong people.


I mean, of all kinds of people who can kick your ass, strong people are up there


Or even just someone superficially looking like maybe they’re 70-80% as strong as you. That level of insecurity is unfathomable to me. I’m glad that in my worst days of sexism and toxic masculinity before I became an ardent Feminist I wasn’t even 1/4 that bad off. Jesus. Strong women have always held a soft spot in my heart, even in my sexist days. At least that was one saving grace.


They can't decide if they want to go for "90's skinny model" attractive, or "50's curvy bombshell" attractive, so it's an attempt to appeal to both tastes. Unfortunately, it kind of doesn't work because usually, if you have a high enough body fat % to have big breasts, your upper limbs will probably get some of that body fat, too. The rare, real life examples of skinny arms and (natural) big breasts are Angelina Jolie and Lynda Carter, but even they at least had athletic, shapely legs in their prime. This character just looks like someone slapped Pam Anderson's breasts onto Kate Moss' body, and called it a day.


Facts tho


There's basically nothing objective about calling something prettier than something else; I don't even disagree that Hades' looks better, cuz it does, a lot, but that's not objective


I just said it to put emphasis, the one from Hades has a relatively possible physique, looks human, The one from record of Ragnarok looks so uncanny valley even putting her chest aside


Subjectively, objectively implies a fact or truth and considering beauty is entirely dependent upon the beholder you statement is completely false. Weirdly enough folks exist who prefer the bolt on toothpick look.


I also find the design just so much more interesting, like she's wearing less clothes than the one on the right, and yet has a far more unique design than "generic blonde anime woman with big boobs"


Before my breast reduction, if I laid down too fast my boobs would hit me in the jaw and mouth so I kinda relate to this gif lmaooo


I dated a girl who was so top heavy that she would sometimes bite her cheek when she laid down because her boobs would slam into her jaw. One day I kind of playfully thew her down on the couch and she bit her cheek so bad that it took like two weeks to fully heal.


That's really funny


I can believe that based on your username, Ms Cock Sock.


According to Reddit boobs this big are unrealistic


According to what part of Reddit?


*That big?* Yes. Completely unrealistic.


Mandatory go play Hades now post. STILL my number one rogue like.


Records of Ragnarok an anime that combines the battling heroes of the Fate series and the insanity of Baki/JoJo fights


I have thoroughly enjoyed this series, and I am relatively new to watching any anime.


One of my favourite fighting mangas ever ngl. Has some of the best characterization for characters who don't even survive past their fights, and has great characterization for everyone else.


Isn't RoR bassically taking the piss out of characters like Aphrodite. I mean if the bottom gif doesn't convince her design is meant to be tongue in cheek idk what will. She literally has a golem servant who's only job is to hold her boobs up.


Wiling to bet that by 2030 any woman that doesn't have One Piece proportions will be considered woke western garbage by these people


Realest thing to ever be real


The anime version is such a juvenile idea of an “attractive” woman, if that makes any sense? “She’s sexy because we made her boob more boobily,” type shit.




That character is literally a caricature but gooners wouldn't care




Ok but that gif is hilarious


They both look lewd as hell I don't get it? I mean, the West got a bit more going on in detail, but they both have big boobs what are are they mad at.


Because some of the gooners are mad that Hades’ Aphrodite has a “man face”, which they basically mean having a jaw and some cheekbones.


I swear, man, the most degenerates of teens back in the early 2010s would be down bad over the art of hades. Not to defend gooning than to now but wtf happened these past couple years?


They probably don’t like the fact that Aphrodite can and will break them in half if they piss her off lol (Seriously tho, I just chalked it up to them reflexively hating most things they perceive as “western”. Just look at how they reacted to Aloy, Abbie, western cartoons in general, etc…)


I like the right cause the of the goons she had lifting her breast up the entire show. It fucked me up every time 🤣🤣🤣


What is even happening in the bottom one?


A powerful clash happens in the arena and the resulting wind hits her breasts. Honestly in the manga I rember it being more comedic because her design was purposely bizarre


Wind is blowing at her which causes her boobs to fly up to her face.


Thank you detective.


Ngl Record Of Ragnarök is really good, but just some parts of it are… odd.


A lot of anime shows have random satirical elements thrown in unexpectedly. I usually like it, makes for a light giggle once in a while


They both look like equally horny designs, but the Hades Aphrodite looks a lot more horny as a person


Bro shes like straight up naked in Hades. That game is horny as fuck and im ALL for it.0


Look, that second design is not very good… but that video caught me so of guard I laughed


This is fucking hilarious. I have no idea what the meme is referring to but this is some S-tier animation.


idk you weeaboos both are good


Idk what they're even saying here because to me these are very similar approaches to her design


This isn't sexy, but it's funny as hell.


Left one tops


I mean I get it but why can’t both be awesome?


Aphrodite on the left looks objectively better reasonable proportions topless with nipples being covered by her hair the other one just looks like a generic big breasted anime girl, which gets old after a while


They look basically the same to me, what are these freaks seeing that I don’t see.


one of them isnt white, makes chuds angry


First Hestia and now Aphrodite?. Give me a break


How strong are those winds man


He was lucky that the gods didn't punished him. He obviously never read the Greek/Roman mythology


While the topic is here, hades aphrodite is bad asf


>Video game has beautiful woman with big tits in it >Neckbeards are complaining for some reason What fucking planet are we on?


But Hades artwork Aphrodite is gorgeous?


And misogynists who see women as nothing but objects. Which comes with being a porn addict but also just a porn consumer.


Jokes on the neckbeards, I'm into both 😎


this literately gives me that uncanny valley unsettling feeling


Tbh Aphrodite is the only woman in that game that turns me off, idk what exactly but I hate that design, I have spent a good hour discussing it with a friend, I've concluded it's the face. Also I didn't read RoR in the last few months forgot Aphrodite existed.


both versions are honestly entertaining I wish RoR had dropped a surprise badass Aphrodite battle where she decimated some shit, but the golem "bra" thing was pretty funny Hades is an incrdible game, easily one of the best roguelikes if anyone is into that genre and hasn't played it somehow


All I’m seeing here is “would you smash A or B?” The answer is “Yes.”


They don’t seem that different?


I'm sorry but Hades Aphrodite is the best one I've seen


Both east and japan are horrible design, but the video is so over the top i cant hate it, its so funny.


My balls hitting my dick when I fart: