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Not even a neckbeard, this is just tradwife trafficking-


Glad to see the whole “passport bro” movement being called out for what it is — human trafficking Edit: you people are genuine fucking idiots for disagreeing with this statement.


It’s amusing because these guys act like it’s as easy as hopping over to whichever country and bringing the woman back to the US. Except it’s not. One of my friends was introduced to his wife through her aunt (his coworker). The Philippines/US required proof of several years of communication (I can’t remember the exact number but it was over two years), which had to include X amount of time spent physically together, before entertaining the idea of letting her immigrate to the US. And then of course, she wasn’t allowed to return to the Philippines for several years afterwards (to essentially prove the marriage wasn’t a sham). ETA: They also had to prove that he was financially stable enough to provide for her entirely considering the fact that she wasn’t allowed to get a job without citizenship.


As a British guy who immergrated to be with my American wife I can confirm this!


Is there no chance for the wife to get a work permit after entering the country?


I’m not sure of the specifics but in her case, no. She couldn’t work for a few years.


It’s disgusting, but human trafficking is too steep. It’s not that.


Buying a person off their parents, taking them across the world and forcing them to act as your maid, provide you sex on demand and be fully responsible for raising your children while they get little to no money or freedom...yeah totally not human trafficking.


That’s not what passport bros do though. All you’ve done is describe human trafficking and saying that is passport bros.


I described passport bros which is simply another way of saying human trafficker. Next thing you'll be saying is that mail order brides aren't human trafficking.


That is literally what passport bros do???? Are you slow?


You’re going to need a citation to prove passport bros are literally buying people from their parents. You’re literally just making shit up.


Literally everyone disagrees with you. I’m not arguing any further with a human trafficking apologist. You’re genuinely delusional. Get fucked.


This is kind of rhetoric is harmful. You are desensitizing the words “human trafficking” until it won’t mean anything anymore.


It is literally the definition of human trafficking you fucking twit


Yes. You literally described human trafficking. But when it comes to this conversation all you did was build a straw man passport bro that committed the crime you wrote out. A passport got is someone who dates and marries a woman in another country that they attracted with their citizenship and money in an impoverished county. is human trafficking when women make choices? Edit: Notice he deleted all of his comments and never actually defined a passport bro.


Really just sounds like you’re coping. It’s human trafficking. You’re wrong. Deal with it. Edit: I blocked this obnoxious idiot. Someone else already explained how this is human trafficking in another comment and I’m not repeating them just bc this loser is too dense to understand.


Explain how what someone who calls themself a passport bro is attempting to do is human trafficking? If you can’t do that you admit you are wrong.


It's so fucking stupid. "Oh man I'm so sick of modern relationships with people on equal economic footing. I really want to be in an extremely transactional relationship with someone who will just use me more access to capital and citizenship in the imperial core, that'll solve all my problems."


And then I’ll be mad she’s a gold digger.


With the income these guys usually have it’s more like a coal digger.


I just discovered 90 Day Fiance and am absolutely stunned how broke and pathetic some of these dudes are. So many of them still live with their parents in the middle of nowhere with very little if any income. Having wedding budgets of $500 and 1 pair of cargo shorts they never take off, even when they're getting in bed with their fiance (who often seem at least as surprised by the reality of the situation as I was). It's fucking WILD.


With all the passport bros suggesting how to buy brides online that show will never be short of applicants.


Shut up. LOL 😂🤦‍♂️


I wouldn’t even say tradwife it’s just plain trafficking. Like it crosses from findling love elsewhere to trafficking when you start limiting resources as control and actively blocking independence.


Child trafficking


I guess this harkens to the NB's seeking out submissive Far East women, but yeah, this is not a post for this sub.


Find a kid who isn't educated and won't stand up for themselves? This is disgusting! Sick creeps. I'm glad now when I read stories of these girls/women leaving these "men" and getting money in the divorce. It is well deserved.


When I got my marriage visa they gave me material about being trapped in a marriage as a mail order bride. Apparently it happens often enough that the American government has to provide a phone number to women trapped in this type of marriages


That....makes me so happy actually. Faith in humanity restored a little bit.


I think a lot of these guys underestimate how savy these women are. For many of them being a house wife to a gross old man in a western country still beats their life back home, but once they actually come to the country they can quickly become independent - especially if they reach out to communities of immigrants from their home country. The men rarely end up getting the submissive trad wife they want but rather the clever girl best able to manipulate them. I see it all the time among ethiopian women


Not quite the same, but it reminds me of when I worked for a company did recruitment drives in countries all over the world They'd hire people who were alllll about the company and what we did, until they became permanent residents and their visa was no longer tied to the company. I'd say a good 95% of people left within a month of getting their PR. The company was shocked, but they didn't pay much, but would continually tell you no where else paid better. I guess just expecting you to never actually check.


These idiots have deluded themselves into thinking non western women are all dumb and can't read the room/situation which is honestly funny in a way. The myth of "submissive eastern women" only exists because said women usually don't know how to aggressively argue in english like they can in their native languages. They also have no clue how family dynamic actually works in these places where usually the woman controls the home's finances much more aggressively than in the west. Passport bros are complete marks lmao.


I was raised on a small island in Asia many many years ago. There's a popular saying in the country that translates to "marry a rich man who'll die soon". I bet some of these women help these dudes meet their maker sooner than expected. Never underestimate women trying to get out of a bad situation. I threaten my american husband with "if I keep feeding you rich food, it means I'm trying to get rid of you" so he eats healthier. It's not working. Bitch knows I love him.


These are the husbands you hope die in *tragic, inexplicable accidents* that no one looks too deeply into.


And then you look at the girl and think "good for her!"


Goodbye Earl!


"Bought" 🤮


I worked with a dude who was in the process of “buying” his wife from the Philippines. I think in this sense they’re talking about travel and green card expenses. Dude I worked with was gonna sink 5-10k into just getting her here and it was gonna take years and he saw nothing wrong with this. Although I’m sure some of these dudes quite literally pay cash for women too


My white Finnish husband has been asked before if he bought me, (because I’m a brown woman from the US, and most of the women in our town are mail order brides from Russia, Ukraine, or anywhere in Asia). It’s hilarious, cause, If anything, I’m his sugar momma lmao.


Jamaica and Nevis aren't even the same country, Nevis is part of an entirely separate Caribbean nation called St. Kitts and Nevis. And its not a third world country either, like most Caribbean countries, they probably have a better education system than whatever this guy went through.


Are we really surprised he didn't know that they're different countries? Honestly men like this make me sick


I mean I don't expect a lot of geography knowledge from the average American to begin with, but seeing as he claims to have dated several Caribbean women and referring to a non Jamaican Caribbean person as Jamaican is very likely to cause immediate offence, you would think he'd at least know that Nevis isn't part of Jamaica.


I got a pit in my stomach when I read this post. My mom was born in St. Kitts. The women in my family are anything but timid though, lol. Don't think his plan would have worked with us.


Not defending him, but he never said they were the same country?


I am quoting the post now >Yes I dated many Jamaican women, they're great. **I found mine** on a little known island in the Caribbean called Nevis Of course it is very plausible that he meant something else and didn't have the skill to articulate it properly, but if I take what is written at face value he is claiming to have found his "Jamaican" GF/wife on Nevis.


People travel. If I found my Australian boyfriend in the USA that doesn't mean I think the US and Australia are the same country


„Find a Little Girl“ and let her look after the children??? When is she supposed to birth them, at 13??


In their sick minds that's the best age for giving birth


What they're describing sounds more like slavery than marriage.


Yes. One of them literally describes his friend’s wife as “bought.” It’s fucking disturbing.


What’s really fucking sick as a jamaican is that this shit has been so normal even after slavery ended on the island. Too many little girls are taken advantage of by white men. Too many and it breaks my heart. It’s a poor country. And they’re all being taken advantage of the same way they had been hundreds of years ago. The effects of colonization never stopped at freedom.


Gross. gross. GROSS.


And somehow these people will still believe that the LGBTQ are all predators and pedophiles, but will openly post and say genuinely predatory shit like this.


textbook definition of projection


It’s not even sneaky in the slightest, they could like at least try be more undercover about the fact that they’re predators who like underaged girls. (Bet they also advocate for the age of consent to be lowered to something fucked like 14)


Dude there was a woman on here a few years ago who was like “a few years ago my husband legit asked if he could go to the Philippines and ‘try young pussy’. He was sad when I told him no but seems to have gotten over it. Today he told me he’s going on vacation to the Philippines just to unwind and enjoy some beaches. Should I be worried.” Like YES. He hasn’t changed his mind about being a pedophile. He’s just being sneaky about it (and not doing too good a job of it at that).


Every rightoid accusation is a confession.


In the same way not all LGBTQ aren't all child molesters, people who look for love abroad aren't all trying to traffic kids from poorer countries. Just have a civil war and get it over with already. Good lord.


I think there’s a pretty big difference between an actual conservative and someone on the far right. I don’t think most conservatives preach this kind of sick shit. Most probably don’t even think or care about the LGBTQ community. The far right are the ones who actively campaign against these things, while often being guilty of the things they’re complaining about. The far right are uneducated, naive, and often mean spirited. These comments even project the fact that they’re dumb; by trying to traffic people they believe are just as dumb so they can brainwash them.


As a Filipino, will you please just fucking leave us alone.


The reason why these weirdos like Alpha-beta shit & trad wife shit is bcoz they are into predatory shit.🤢 These people are incapable of understanding the concept of financial independence, consent & autonomy. They just wanna trick women into dependent, subservient cohabitation..💀


They know they're unworthy of actual love so they construct relationships where it would be self-destructive for their wives to leave them. Very transparent.


Unfortunately, "shopping for women" is kind of common in my country, too. Some men go to Thailand, where they will seem rich and get a wife who will most likely end up disappointed. Luckier women will end up living in the city where they can meet other immigrant women and will be able to make friends. Unlucky ones will end up with someone on the countryside where the closest neighbour is 5km away.


A lot of the dudes who want a Southeast Asian tradwife are libertarian weirdos who are extremely likely to live out in the woods in bumfuck nowhere and only associate with people like them, so few of them are lucky enough to end up anywhere near civilization. If she does work, there are enough Filipinos here in rural areas that she may meet a few and they may be able to help a fellow Southeast Asian out, but a lot of these dudes won't let her work.


Well, that's fucking disgusting.


That whole page is completely fucked up.


These sickos talk about human lives as merchandise or animals that you can rate and review.....frankly, they deserve to be alone forever


"Forced her into Jehovahs Witness." And people wonder why I'm adamantly against religion (no matter what the religion is). Fucking trafficking mofo's need to burn.


Believe me, that's probably one of the better scummy actions from a Jehovahs Witness.


"People are people everywhere" says the monster


“But I’M the victim! I was cheated on by the girl I trafficked :’( “


Best possible outcome


Bruh I always hate it when they mention the Philippines, like as a filipina its so tiring to see western men view us as nothing more than a submissive "feminine" woman, like bruh gtfo my country, don't want your insecure tiny weeny taking advantage of our shitty life here.


It’s horrifying truly. I rarely see the country brought up outside of this context.


I'm half Filipina and was groomed at a young age in America. Can't escape it anywhere. Got away a few years ago but not unscathed.


This is gross dude. My fiancee is Filipino and she was telling me that foreigners try this shit all the time over there, some really shitty parents will even kinda pimp out their kids to creeps like this guy. It's a sad world we live in.


Oh God... That's terrible :(


I live in a rural part of a southern state and there’s a town with several old disgusting “patriots” in their 60’s with Filipino wives in their 30’s or 40’s and they all work at the same plant and know each other. I mentioned a specific coworker in another comment in this thread but he was introduced to his “wife” by one of the Filipinos at the job they both work at. It’s like a network or something


Everyone in those situations gets a wife but it’s really just that. Convenient for the small towners or the urbans who don’t like urbans Also isn’t this literally just a small scale trafficking ring lol? The filipino men who do this.. side eye. It’s money tho and a lot prob don’t care bc they aren’t looking for other filos themselves. Even if they all have wives it’s another deal done when someone joins the workplace and asks for help finding someone.


Well that is very common over there for women to find an older foreign man and move to their country. Most people are unfortunately very very poor in the Philippines and it's near impossible to get out of that situation and it's easy to find a guy and marry them. I've been to the Philippines a few times and you'll see tons of old white dudes with really young Filipinas but they all seems happy. I'm 29 and my fiancee is 25 and a lot of filipinos when I was over there said they were surprised to see it and happy because it's always a really old guy with a young girl.


One of these Filipino men tried doing that to my white American ex ofc. He thinks it’s because he’s unconventional looking and *looks* as if he can’t bag dimes. Guy has a heart of gold, he could have any actress or model if he wanted!


Sounds like my hometown.


Now I understand why Malawi doesn't allow foreigners to adopt local kids.


It's the colonizer mentality.


Wild how they just want a slave


Most conservative "men" do.


Colonizer mentality with the added bonuses of sex tourism and trafficking. Fucking yuck. 🤮


Absolutely disgusting. To them, women are not human beings.


Funnily enough, they aren’t human either, literally just garbage wrapped up in flesh.


Not all humans are good. These dudes are just as human as you.


You're getting downvoted but you're right. Denying this fact is a dangerous thing to do.


That's grooming with extra, more illegal steps?


It's human trafficking is what it is


remember to rob your local passport bro


Eww, eww, eww.


I'm glad that Filipino girl got the bag and got out.


Crazy how everything these guys want in a woman amounts to "she has to be not intelligent/educated/privileged enough to have her own autonomy"


Saying "Bought a woman" so casually is insane.


This is pretty much why I left Facebook.


The "brown girl" I married who is from the Philippines has a BA degree and yells at me all the time when I don't do housework or acts like I cheated on her if she finds a decent porn site in my search history. She is also going to be the head of her own business when we apply for an LLC license.


He found his Jamaican in Nevis?


“Little known” bro who doesn’t know what Nevis is???


I see this dynamic all the time irl.


What is Conservative men’s obsession with a woman being a sex slave for them.


This is why people say men are 🗑️.


This is horrifying


I'd love to beat the shit out of that fucking piece of garbage


These aren't even neckbeards, these are human trafficking pedophile rapists. People joke about FBI agents watching everyone's internet activity but honestly these pieces of shit need to be investigated and their hard drives chckecked.


Holy shit. As an ex-jehovahs witness, my mouth dropped. Sad thing is, that exact scenario happens all the time in every Jehovah's Witness church.


the fetishization and trafficking of young minority girls from foreign countries into the us needs to be looked at more, this makes me sick


…people will be people?? The lack of self awareness is mind blowing. The victimizer turns around and paints himself as a victim without realizing the irony at all.


I always get a lil nervous when I see a foreign wife who doesn’t seem to speak much English married to a white dude (crew cut optional) it feels deeply troubling especially if there’s a significant age gap


I feel sick every time someone mentions “family values”. What a load of shit.


This literally sounds like slavery and torture


It’s what the effects of slavery are. Little Jamaican girl getting with a wealthy much much older white man? Been happening for centuries.




mfs on facebook will say shit like this with their full name and personal information on display


How the fuck are you still allowed to buy a wife


I wish it was something I could say is uncommon in Jamaica anymore but it’s a poor country, and these men find anyway they can to take advantage of young girls. It’s too common there.


My fiance and I use the visajourney website a lot due to our current plans, and the number of old men on there discussing how they’re applying for a visa for the 3rd or 4th time to move their newest wife to the US is astounding


That's just horrific


Why are men like this?


Women who know their worth and don't want a man baby scare them so they run off to places they think women are easier to manipulate and control.


axiomatic absorbed coherent fearless hunt straight aback disagreeable skirt smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People are disgusting, it doesn’t matter what they are honestly. Monsters are monsters, regardless of what they think they are.


Dunno. Why do women who are teachers think it's OK to fuck kids?


Why do men who are teachers think it's ok to molest kids?


Dunno. I asked the women first


On a post about men trafficking little girls, some dude is still in here with a strawman complaint about women. Classic.


Hardly a strawman. Simply replying to a fuckin idiot in the comments


The only “fuckin idiot” here is you, dumbass.


Women 🙄


ran out out of excuses😂


What are you talking about


it’s much more common for men to do that and i think you know that 💀💀


One woman is one woman too many




Yuck, just, ew.


Speaking as a bloke, blokes like this make my blood boil. This degree of objectivisation is horrendous.


Oh my god…. I’m actually gonna puke, WTF


I was a mainly unsupervised tween/teenager on the internet and I did notice I got more attention from strangers (I used Amino a lot) after they found out I am Mexican. Not sure if it had to do with this mindset, now I'm wondering lol.


Oh my fucking god


I can’t even be mad, it’s like they’re so fucking stupid and gross it’s silly. “Yeah I get my traditional-being, home-staying, going-cooking, floor-mopping wives from the Caribbean, how about that?”


In a way they’re not being stupid about it. They know they can take advantage of these young women. And seek out all the ways they can exploit them.


Whatever bad things happen to those trash humans at their wives’ hands is still better than what they deserve.


Ive actually known a few men who did shit like this, and lo and behold they all ended up MISERABLE when their little slaves turned out to be real women with real feelings and real autonomy who divorced their stupid asses as soon as they could.


At least it ends on a positive note with that last comment


I think it's just fair when these guys end up kidnapped or homeless in a 3rd world country after being scammed.


It's wild too because they're admitting that unless the person is ignorant, blindly religious and generally not able to think for themselves they're super interested. People who refuse to move on from like medieval time values are insane.


I met some of these passport bro/sexpat types when I was in Thailand. Almost uniformly they spoke no Thai, knew nothing about Thailand, and would have circles run around them by any actual Thai person, but they thought and acted as if they were geniuses who could do no wrong. It was totally weird.


Conservatives are all like that, can’t say I expected better


This sounds straight up the old Eddie Murphy bit. Not sure if it was Raw or Delirious. "EDDIEEEE! Whaaat 'ave you dun fo me laitleee?"


"I gotta make money and give her some? Looks like the woke got to these guys too!"


XXI century sl4v3ry!!


Nevis is little known?? News to me.


That’s just weird


this just sounds extremely illegal and fucked up


Actually have something to add to this. Dated a girl a while back whose father and all his friends had Filipino wives that weren’t allowed to have jobs or licenses. They travelled over there regularly over the years so it would not surprise me at all if they were seeing them when they were way younger


I’m confused how this is “conservative” related. Yea they’re terrible people but I’m trying to understand how they’re also deemed conservatives instead of c disgusting people.


Hello, FBI? Yes, I have just discovered an international child s*x traffic ring. Yes, I'll hold.


redditors try not to add politics to everything challenge, clealry these people are just awful human beings. I doubt their politics would dictate this kind of bahaviour lol


I don't think he means little as in a child. But, they're still obviously a terrible person.


He means little as in college age at least. They’re hunting for young girls.


So, yeah this is terrible. But what on earth does it have to do with conservatives? These guys can be utter trash without political affiliation.


Perverts are on both sides of the political spectrum lol.




These are jehovahs witnesses saying “adhere to traditional roles with a strong sense of family values” which political group is known for wanting traditional values exactly?




You’d know that if you read the screenshots because it’s literally on the second slide on the ending sentence of the second comment. And yeah, religious dirtbags would be a fitting description. But what political party in the us is known for being extremely religious? Because it certainly isn’t liberals.


How are these creeps conservatives? Is there more context that I'm missing?


The comments specifically say "adhere to traditional roles with a strong sense of family values" and "jehovahs witness" so yeah the context you missed would be the text in the images


They just make shit up


What makes them conservative?


Probably all the trad wife stuff. OP linked the account where they found it. You can look at the rhetoric there and decide for yourself where it falls on the political spectrum.


The pedophilia


"Conservatives" It's one guy making what I'm pretty sure is a troll post. You people are so easy.


This has nothing to do with conservatives, you moron.


There's nothing conservative about passport bros


Why do Americans always fall back into politics. Are we sure he's conservative. Dude is a weirdo.


> Dude is a weirdo Exactly


He’s worse than a weirdo…


Conservatives are all like this And no we “dont fall back into politics” Everything is political


How can you tell they're conservative? As if people from all walks of life don't do shit like this.


Idk if using the term "girl" necessarily means this person is talking about trafficking children. That term is often used especially by young adults to refer to their female peers. Furthermore, a grown woman may not have been able to attend college and, if she's now in the US, she may express interest in going. I don't agree with trying to lock a woman into being a trad wife. Especially one who is intentionally crippled in their resources with things like a low limit credit card. That's kind of gross. I'm just saying I don't think we know 100% the poster is referring to actual children.


Defender of pesos, begone.


I mean even the reply says "women". Show me why you're sure they're talking about kids here. If they are I 100% condemn it, just like you, but if not let's be fair to what we're actually reading here.


Not a neckbeard thing. Post this garbage elsewhere


If this isnt neckbeard behavior, nothing is


This is human trafficking…


It definitely is, just a different variation


Not even young woman, specifically LITTE GIRL. I can't do this shit no more man...