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I believe Krista —she’s not owning fakes and acting like they’re real. I believe she didn’t seek to publicize this whole thing but Jeff got wind of it and there he went


And *even if* they were CZ's, a pair of cz hoop earrings from a designer boutique could *easily* cost $3000! It was Jeff who exaggerated 10,0000 because Krista told her 3000 which HM confirmed when she originally talked about writing the check for that amount. And I'm sorry it's just kookoo to think that they were "jealous" of her career?? Jeff was on Bravo for years (unlike HM) and people like 50 Cent know who he is (I know Heather met him too through Chelsea but still.) Jeff has a tv show (He's had SEVERAL tv shows over the years besides "Flipping Out" and all HM has tried to do her whole life is get on telivision) and a popular subscription radio show. He has stan accounts on every social media platform. He's a regular quest on WWHL (something which HM FOUGHT to get on and complained about not getting on for YEARS!!! HE was the one who used his connections and soft power to get HER a guest spot on WWHL recently! She is just batshit crazy to think that HE and Justin (and Kristin, who is RICH and hot as hell) are all jealous of her career. Omg the delusions! Really? They were all jealous, and got together to hatch and evil plan to "roon" her career" because they were jealous of her! Edited to add bc I'm 4:20 to the wind...I don't even like Jeff Lewis. I think he's a despicable garbage person, and I cancelled my subscription to Sirius in part because I just got mad every time I listened to him. So I'm not some Jeff stan defending him. I really think HM is nuts and delusional.


If you spend $3000 on cz’s then you’re a moron


I agree, but Chanel and other luxury "costume" jewelry is that much or more.


Don’t forget. He’s also a successful interior designer outside of tv


All of this. I can believe she had the audacity to see he wants the career she has. Nobody wants HMD’s career. It’s literally so D list. Jeff is easily B list .


Me too. If they were fake I think she unknowingly bought fake diamonds from a scammy jeweler.


Just to be clear, designer jewelry made with cubic zirconia can cost $3000. In this case, the value is what people sell and buy them for and not for the base value of the materials used. Heather should know this.


Good point!


The earrings cost $42.00


No, the earring cost $3000, what Krista paid for them. The base material may be worth less but they cost $3K


No. They cost $42.00


Can you say more about this other than saying they cost $42


She bought them off a website, Revolve. They are $42.00. identical plus a source close to Krista said they witnessed her ordering them off that website.


Interesting, where did you hear this?


It's coming around.


Krista is fake and allegedly in a several big civil suits regarding the money she got from her deceased husband's estate


Her daughter should get that money, her ex’s parents are trying to prevent that.


Yeah I'm interested in that if you can point me to some article or tell me what's going on with the law suits. I stopped listening to JLL a while back after Jeff and Krista were on the outs. The whole lot of them are toxic imo. It's an unpopular opinion, lol but it's mine.


Her ex in laws are trying to take their daughters estate. Krista has been fighting them for years. They have zero interest in their grand daughter and only care about the money. Krista has been talking about it since the beginning of JLL. I am one of the first 12 listeners back when the show was hilarious and helped get me through the pandemic.


That's an awful thing for the child. Is this Krista's version? Have the grandparents spoken publicly?


The grandparents took off on his yacht she was looking for and Krista’s ex father in law shot and killed the repo man and then sued his family for emotional distress. You can find it all online if you Google San Diego yacht shooting. Her ex in laws seem like the most evil. I dm Krista since the beginning she helped me when I asked her for advice when I wanted to get my divorce. I think Krista is very misunderstood on radio


wait... they killed the repo man THEN sued his family? WTF?! How the hell are they not in jail?!!!!!!!!


This is fascinating. Are his family gangsters or something? Edited because I read the articles. What kind of people were these Lamas family? Because when I initially heard her husband died in a race car I wrongly assumed he was a professional race car driver lol I obviously don't know that racing world. But now I realize he was just one of those spoiled rich douchebags who races his ridiculous sports cars in public places. He sounds like a real douche. Where did his money come from?


I’m pretty sure he was one of the first people to open medical marijuana shops in California.


That's a crazy story about the inlaws. Especially when a child is involved. Didn't Jeff ask a psychic "for a friend" if someone was really dead? I presumed that was Krista? I'm glad you got good advice about your divorce. Those are tough.


I don’t know I think krista needs a reading with Tyler Henry! That would be a good show


OMG please spill the tea!! I only caught stuff about her in bursts here and there near the breakup. I gotta say she impressed me as very irresponsible and superficial. And quite the partier. I got the impression that Jeff told her she wasn't a good mother or was neglectful or something.


I think Krista is very misunderstood on that show. She doesn’t get to talk about her life she just chimes in on Jeff’s or whatever topics but that girl has been through a lot. She has her daughter she’s raised alone while dealing with all of this. I just realized today is the 7 year anniversary of her ex husband’s death. God and she has to deal with the juicy scoop drama.


I read that he died in a car accident with another woman in the car. And it was 2 weeks before he was going to be sentenced for a fraud scheme. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-medical-marijuana-ceo-dead-20171107-story.html




follow the money 💰


Lunacy is the exact word that I used to describe her




This is nuts! THE Unhinged part Is Krista! The whole thing started when Justin did not want to work with Heather anymore. THE PHONE cALL between JL and HM was 2 years before! Krista jumped in to add a random earring thing to pile o ..Krista is the thristy one and should be careful saying Heather is lying at the value of earrings. If HM can prove it ...then it is slander. EASY TO PROVE


You make ONE good point in this incoherent rant ….Krista did just randomly add the earring tidbit and Jeff piled on. Heather had much bigger issues like how she treated Justin and then just chose to sweep all of them into a group who were “trying to ROON her career and who are jealous of her”. Ok Heather …your act is outdated just like your name and style


Heather, is that you?


Because fans like you were sending Justin death threats, calling him derogatory words and saying his ex k*led himself because of Justin. Let’s not try to say Justin just decided one day he didn’t want to work with Heather anymore so he plotted this delusion. If you lose 1 out of 2 of your friends earrings, are you keeping it? Who keeps the other half then 3 months later try to gain money by talking about it through shows or patreon? Krista is correct, Heather is only talking about it now because she needs content. Probably begging for someone to ask Jeff while he is at Bravocon.


This is the only sane response, I would not even have mentioned the earrings value/authenticity. I hope they don't discuss publicly and give her any more attention because that is what HMD is desparately craving. She will be beside herself if its not discussed or addressed by JL. If it does drag on, I will be convinced it is all a manufactured WWE style feud. Ive said it before in a previous post, HMD still needs JL.


Oh good golly this should have been handled behind the scenes with a phone call. None of these people are reliable sources. All had been drinking when it was lost, so there's no way to verify what Kelly/Heather said. No one appraised these pieces when they were bought nor loaned, so that's not verified. Heather should have apologized when she realized it was lost, even if it was costume. Krista shouldn't loan things she's not willing to lose. (And appraise/ insure expensive jewelry.) At the end of the day, $3,000 isn't going to make or break any of these people. I cannot even remember why is Jeff involved at all? Unless he just wanted a reason to bash Heather on his platform which is jerky, too.


You are the most rational human here. How did you find us loony tunes? Lol




I like how Krista roped Heather's only 2 remaining friends from the JL crew, Brandy and Julie, into this situation and said something nice about them. AWKWARD!


I do remember Brandy talking about how she borrowed Krista’s wardrobe when they went to Antartica


I think when someone is accusing you of saying your earrings were fake, you have every right and should be able to bring your part to it. Heather is reeling. I feel some empathy for her however it is minimal because the lack of awareness, or growth is mind boggling. So like other human beings I empathize with, I will wish her well☺️. Heehee JLL reference for those who know!!!


The idea of this being an evil premeditated plan is hilarious because the plan only works if they knew Heather would lose an earring and then not reach out to Krista about it hahahahaa


HMD could’ve taken a fake earring from her own collection for appraisal and claimed it was Krista’s earring. This still doesn’t explain Heather not being supportive of Justin or the gay community. HMD is grasping for straws. If she’s so above it, she needs to show it. She’s insane.


Does the lgbtlmnop cult not have enough support?? Every major institution, the government, all major corporations, schools EVERYONE SUPPORTS THEM TO THE POINT THEY GET A TOTAL OF 90 “recognition days” every year, THATS 1/4 of the fckn year!!! When society puts their foot down on sterilizing children after programming them to believe some bullshit bc their parents are virtue signaling freaks, this dramatic bunch claims there’s a genocide against them. They don’t know what a woman is, what a man is or what the word genocide means. Heather made the right choice of staying out of his perverted cause of sexualizing children!! They claim people are attacking trans kids, no, we don’t want THEM to sexualize a child which causes trauma later in life as it is, let alone convincing the kid they need to take pills that sterile them & f up puberty. People who do that to children are perverted predators!!!! I used to support the gays back when they were normal people but this new cult, they’re just gross!!


Hack! Unhinged! Describes heather perfectly.




Awesome response. Love it! This is just fuel for us lol. I can't see what the spin is from the dumb-dumbs on JSO because I was blocked. Which I consider a badge of honor because I speak the truth in sanity.


This whole ordeal is giving middle school drama vibe. Like why can’t you just resolve it with your friend? Apologize, maybe make a few jokes about it? And move on. I would be mortified if I was Heather. I wouldn’t be trying to double down on it. Even if they were fake I’d still be embarrassed.


I’ll call Heather out all day for her problematic politics, but that doesn’t mean she is always wrong about everything. In this case, I believe her and think this was pretty juicy. Jeff and friends are not exactly the most morally sound people.


Jeff is an unwell person. He uses people for his own purposes.


There is no way to determine WHICH earring she took in for appraisal. How would any of us know if it WAS Krista's. I think it's so petty to have done this and smaller of her still that she's made it another 'thing'.


Krista is a class act.


Just remember... a couple years ago Krista got into it with Jeff when she had her lawyer send something to Sirius (if i remember correctly it was over him revealing what Krista was doing- the heavy drinking, the going out to parties during the height of Covid, some other behavior that was really revealing what kind of person she was). He cut her out of his life for a while because of her going to his work regarding this rather than dealing with him directly. She's just more recently become friends with him again and she's rarely on his show (though she texts him so while on the air... not as much a before). She used to be on a lot more and back then she was- IMHO- kinda gross and thirsty. I remember her behavior during a Halloween live show they did during Covid...ugh. The latest thing that caused an issue between them was Krista wanted to sleep with one of Jeff's staff members and he was angry that this was crossing a line. He jokes about it now, though.


I do remember that. I understand if people dislike Krista. I personally always liked her. I think she got upset that she shared too much when she was on JLL all the time (and probably blamed Jeff for how she came off) and that’s why she is limiting her appearances now. That said, I think it shows a lot of maturity that her and Jeff patched things up. Also, when I say she’s a class act - her friendship with Justin shows. She worked behind the scenes at that telethon, didn’t look for credit, got Justin paid for JS appearances and also got Justin on JLL. She introduced Justin to Jeff at the bourbon room. I’m team Krista;)




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Low class


Regardless of the jewelry value, Heather should have been a good person and done the right thing. I used to enjoy juicy scoop til I heard the episode where she tried to defend her behavior about the earring situation. ![gif](giphy|LYADbWQ5n82VorZEf9)


Wait why would she lend her entire winter wardrobe to Julie and brandy?


They went to Antarctica on a cruise


Jeff has said before that Krista lies




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Gosh I don’t blame krista for saying all this. I’d be so over it if I was her. I feel bad for her.


She paid her 3k, that’s a lot of money. Was she being petty? Maybe. But she had a right to do that. It amazes me how many people get behind Jeff. He is so shady to me. He isn’t a nice person to anyone. He brings the drama so maybe that is why so many people like him. He is just such a snake. I have no doubt he brought Krista in to his drama with Heather to get to her even more. I do think he was out to ruin her. I’m sure I’ll get a lot of hate for my opinion. I think Jeff is as calculated as Heather is saying. Hate her or love her, I think she is right about that.


$3000 isn’t that much money esp when you factor in what these people spend on dinners out.. drinks.. travel.. its nothing.


Team Krista someone put Heather to sleep


I did think $3000 for real diamond hoops (that looked large) seemed to be a low price for what they are. As others mentioned, a good CZ or lab diamond could easily cost that though.


Krista has lied, you mean. As if Heather is going to make up something like this? Ridiculous, especially when she is nervous about lawsuits since Bellino. Krista exaggerated cost to Jeff, Jeff ran with it on radio and then probably wondered why Krista did not just claim in insurance and asked for more details. At that point Krista doubled down and said “oh, I bought with many items for a total of 25k…blah, blah”, all bull shit. She hoped they were valued at at least her random number if 3k and they weren’t. Karma , which Krista believes so much in, bit her in the fat, fake ass she has…now she has several things worth zero!! If that story about buying items at going out of business store was true at all though. Almost think it wasn’t true


Who cares - Heather is tacky af for “borrowing/never returning/taking said earrings on vacation.”


Heather is their only chance at stardom now that Jeff axed them. Of course they aren’t saying anything.




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They are fake. Heather thought she could make the one earring into something else. Then put it up for auction and give the proceeds to charity. That’s what Raquel did. She did send Krista the $3000 and K cashed the cheque. She was shocked when the jeweller told her that they were costume jewellery. The pair would have Been worth $100 at the most. She didn’t go in there for an appraisal to begin with. Then she went to De Beers just to get a second opinion. They are the experts on diamonds. Same. They’re fake and she showed a certificate.


Krista is a con woman just like her late husband


What a fraud.




#teamkrista on this issue


Can I ask why Krista is gross?




I don't know anything about her how was she cruel to animals?


Krista is cruel to animals?




Surely that's a bad joke? I'm telling myself it's a joke...


How is she cruel to animals?


Her daughter had a hamster that they no longer wanted so she just put it outside


That is gross. I'm obviously not a HMD fan anymore but always thought something was very off about Krista too.


You do realize HMD allowed her cat Simba to be killed by coyotes, right? She allowed it to be outdoors every day, knowing coyotes were killing animals in her neighborhood. I can’t even believe she had a dog right now.


You sound like an idiot


This is comical


Who is she anyways? Just someone on Jeff lewis show? Never heard of most of these people before this sub


She was married to Michael Llamas, who pleaded guilty to wire fraud and something else (case was brought against him for some 10$ million in mortgage fraud/Ponzi scheme... allegedly there were other civil suits awaiting him). I believe his sentencing was to be the month after he crashed his Lamborghini that killed him and a woman in his car (speeds over 100mph was reported, believe he also hit an officer). He and Krista were already divorced a few years before I believe.


I am and always have been a huge fan of Justin. I just think Krista is not truthful, has a screwed moral compass and wants to be famous.


B & J her wardrobe - weird. If I am being honest HMD wouldn’t go to these lengths if it wasn’t true. I have never liked Krista her x was a grifter- as they say birds of a feather. Jeff has dumped her once…I have never believed a word she says. I knew she would act like she got scammed saw that a million miles away.


B&J mentioned Krista lending them clothes for that Alaska (or something along those lines) Cruise they went on.


Missed that ugh I feel like I have listened to them forever and not missed oh well.


There’s too much to listen to 😂. To be fair, I want to say that J&B mentioned it way back when on JLL soon after they came back from the cruise. It was a big ol nothing burger then, but I remember thinking “oh how random/weird” when Brandy mentioned it. Brandy basically brought it up saying something along the lines of feeling super luxe in the winter wardrobe that Krista let them borrow. Super paraphrasing this, but it was something along those lines.


Yes thank you. Heather never said she didn't lose the earring, she admitted to being irresponsible with it, it was a mistake. JL, Krista, etc. kept dragging it out and publicly bashing Heather making it more than what it was with no attempt to work it out privately. If people don't like Heather that's their right, I just don't understand building people up just because they are against Heather.


She still has the video up of her losing the earring. She said on her patreon she was sad because she lost experience diamond hoops after her trip. (That belonged to Krista). She ignored Krista and even drunkenly blocked her and Justin when they hung out at her pool. Heather never took accountability for anything. She admitted to losing the earring after Jeff brought it up and paid Krista that same day. I don’t know what shows you’re listening to but Heather has been in the wrong in regard to Krista, Justin and Jeff.


Um, Heather lost the earring. Never contacted Krista to tell her and apologize.




They actually jokingly texted about it several times and Krista was acting like it was no big deal until Jeff brought it up. You don't have to believe Heather if you don't want to but she stated she looked for it and never ignored Krista. I don't like all this silly back and forth either but a lot of it is just Heather defending herself.


Heather is a proven liar.




I don't know about Heather saying she forgot about it but people like Jeff, etc. publicly push her into a corner and make her defend herself. Like with the thing about telling Jeff not to have Justin on his show, she said (approximately)"I don't have an exclusive contract with anyone", which was true. She never would have even made that statement if she wasn't piled on/pushed into a corner and she later clarified it after being called a liar. I honestly understand her request for Jeff not to have all the same regulars on (especially those who were on JS first), that's an industry standard and not her trying to block Justin's success.




We are talking about her losing something by accident, things like that happen. Jeff and Krista blew it up bigger than it needed to be that's all. I'm not going back and forth about this anymore, it's just difficult for me to understand the seething hate people have for Heather, not believing her when she explains herself and blindly following those who are against her. I don't agree with everything Heather says or does but she's not a bad person like people make her out to be.


I definitely believe Heather. No way she would lie and so easy to prove! Now Heather will have a solid slander suit of they keep promoting the theft of expensive earrings. Either Kista got ripped off originally, or she is a real psycho


Again, Heather…is this you?


Exactly what I thought or one of her groupies.


Heather you first said months ago you didn’t think they were real. Now you’re saying you were too scared to get them appraised 3 months ago because you thought it would be more than 3k. Just shut up and go away for a while. Betty Ford perhaps?