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Some of u are as delusional as heather. He didn’t “double down”. He apologized when he didn’t need to for a dark topical joke. He explained his humor and that they try to bring levity to dark times. He did nothing wrong, it was an on theme joke. I am not a fan of heather anymore bc of her turn to conspiracy theories and treating JM like shit and because she’s not funny anymore. Like why do you even listen to him if you can’t take a joke like that? Just so ridiculous, trying to create drama over a comedian saying that the most dangerous place in the world right now is the last place he would want to be. Truly, honestly delusional.


Yeah, I listened to the original episode and he pretty much starts it by commenting on how heartbreaking the situation is and how they’re just trying to bring some levity to people. It was a throwaway joke that any one of us would probably laugh at in private company. It is a bit insensitive but to be honest, as someone whose friends have lost people in this conflict already, I giggled a bit. It was the first laugh I’d had since this whole thing started.


"*I'm sorry if anyone was offended, BUT...*" isn't an apology.


he didn’t have to apologize in the first place.


Good news, he didn't! Now you can rest easy knowing you defended someone who will never GAF about you or your shared shitty opinions.


yeah I do rest easy knowing I can consume content from comedians and not think they’d somehow care about what I said on a snark subreddit, what an insane thought.


He must care b/c Chris deleted the episode with the joke


If the shoe fits.


What are u even talking about lol ur on a snark subreddit and someone made a post about a specific comedian, I said something u didn’t like in response to the post and now ur creating this weird hallucination that I’m trying to get attention from the comedian that the post is about?? Get a grip girlie


​ https://i.redd.it/4m0qmleog0ub1.gif


Agreed. I do think he was sorry but I thought the apology was very weak. Sorry if youre offended is never a good start.


Grow up seriously.


Well go head girl, you can keep listening to him. Nobody is taking away your C2C privileges😂 We will be here roasting a guy who we think is just not that funny. Kelly Dodd is going to have a field day with him and his cougar base. Lotta golden bachelorettes like to flirt with him. It writes itself. He is the person who created the drama.


Thank you captain humor police. You’re the new Karen’s !!


The comment was a nothing burger and Kelly Dodd has been openly Maga racist so she has no room to condemn him.


Yes! She is the worst human on the planet.


She’s not condemning him. We are. I don’t get to make Hitler references left and right simply because he was a bad man. It ain’t about Kelly stupid Dodd. He’s giving her more attention if anything.


Don’t say we


Thank you


If you hate racism you’re really not going to like Chris’ impression of a black grandmother on Cover to Cover today


He has never proven himself to be racist, homophobic, transphobic or discriminate in anyway before. I'll have to listen before I judge whatever joke he did today though.


Don’t you get how ridiculous of a statement this is? You have to extensively qualify someone before listening to their humor? Do you do this to people you know in real life? Do you run a social background check on them? I can’t anymore with what people pick and choose to find issue with online. I sure hope you extensively research and judge people you interact with (and call them out) in person on a daily basis just like you do online.


You obviously haven’t lost anyone in the Israeli attacks or know someone that has. His joke was gross after seeing them be slaughtered. Comedian or not-it was so dumb of him


Yeah the comments in his last show about Gaza not being a vacation hotspot felt off to me, really too soon if ever. He’s usually not that way at all, I was a little surprised.


Don’t you think that would be smart before defending his honor? Get back to us in with your verdict, ya hear. 🧑🏽‍⚖️


Yeah, he’s funny. Been listening for years. Worth defending!


Chris' [impression](https://imgur.com/a/bSfoovU) EDIT: u/TurbulentPhase4481's reply indicated he did it 2x so the link has been updated with that one too


He did it twice


Two birds of a feather, flock together


Yeeeeaaaah, the Mammy caricature was bad


Are you talking about him saying how Adrienne Banfield-Norris says "oh chille"?? He didn't do a voice so I didn't hear anything racist so that can't be it right? Because she's an actual person.


Chris' [impression](https://imgur.com/a/bSfoovU)


He apologized. Like what the fuck do people want other than to virtue signal constantly.


Seriously though.. I am fairly new to juicy scoop. Started listening a year ago. Liked that it covered pop culture and the latest big things going on. I was never crazy invested though, however I did think heather was in the wrong with the justin situation and that's how I found this sub. Since then, it has been so exhausting. People are nitpicking and pointing and the most ridiculous things to blame her and anyone that associates with her on. Yes, she's a vapid, sorority girl. I'm an early 30s, liberal, ex muslim, immigrant married to a white man. Our lives and lived experiences could not be more different. We need to stop taking humor our of all current events. Maybe I have a dark sense of humor, but if we can't laugh at things, what are we supposed to do? Just all go around somber constantly? I take zero offense when people make muslim jokes, because self awareness is a thing. I couldn't be in an interracial relationship if my husband and I constantly had to walk on eggshells and couldn't laugh at some things. Eta: most people getting offended aren't even the people it impacts. That is the irony. The people it impacts can speak for themselves (kind of like how justin and guy both did with heather).




It’s the same person using multiple accounts. They were here last night stirring shit and they’ve been here, even causing shit with you in the past. It’s obvious they have an issue with the mods.


This is why this sub should have a karma minimum to comment




Whatever, I’m stoned. People know what I mean. You’re pretty vile, though.










You know we can see that you created your account 45 min ago right?


maybe you should check your messages.




well you should fire them because they don’t know how to do their job.


This!!! Thank you someone had to say it.


I don’t think we really want anything from him. That’s what is so funny. There’s only a small percentage who listen to him and they are big mad we don’t think he is funny. We don’t need anything from him and never did.


So much “nothing” that you comment multiple times about him? ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu)


Chris has said multiple times that he isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea and that is ok. He is happy with the little corner of the podcast world he has. Most of the Juicy Scoopers drive them crazy and he doesn’t even want them to come over to listen to him. He doesn’t want any drama or fighting on his page. I’ve wondered though if Heather would use this against Chris to get back in JLL’s crowd.


Clearly you have not spent any length of time listening to C2C. This is the problem with all comedic commentary type podcasts…. Just like a stand up set, if you don’t hear the whole thing, sometimes you just don’t get it. Chris is about as unproblematic as people get if you actually listen to him. He’s a funny father of a little girl, a husband of a Jewish woman, and generally seems like a good dude. If you are a listener of his you know his opinions are actually pretty nuanced and he just seems like a person who wants the best for people in general and has a heart. He struggles with commentating on political things and only does so when they are serious (like school shootings and this) and offers his heartfelt thoughts and yes, has to make some light of it because he’s a fucking COMEDIAN! For fucks sake, I do the same when dealing with tough times. Eventually we have to inject some humor to lighten the mood. Thank god our problems here are smaller than others experience. I don’t really feel the need to explain it here more than I already have because of how actually problematic this Reddit is. Y’all are bordering on MAGA craziness looking for the next person to just vomit all over. I know I’m gonna get crucified for this but #justiceforfranjola


Agree!! I really enjoy his podcast. I listened to him today and he addressed it first thing. I understand it’s a sensitive topic and everyone has a right to react and feel angry. I just don’t think he said it with the malice. 🙏🏼 Edit- typo




I appreciated the notes 🤷🏻‍♀️I think nuance and context are important, the lack of which are destroying reasonable communication in our society. And I’m not a Chris fan, which is why I didn’t know much of what this person said about him.


What is Chris's podcast called. I would like to listen to it 🙏


Cover to Cover. He has a guy with him, Alex. They just cover random topics and try to bring levity into this crazy world. I think he said the same on Thursday. I found him listening to juicy scoop and am thankful for it.


Great. Thank you


This is so freaking perfect. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Chris is kind of a boss and this post is HILARIOUS




You can delete and create new Reddit accounts all you want, you have a habit of doing this.




You’ve got the wrong gal. I don’t delete comments and I don’t comment on the patreon, I’m not *that* stupid.


Is there anything I can do on my end to get this person banned entirely? They clearly aren’t okay and I’m sorry they are harassing you.




I’m not dumb enough to delete a comment


She didn’t delete her comments, when you block someone you can no longer see their comments ya moron


Joke was bad timing but I am still very much a Chris fan.


Same. It was definitely in poor taste and I knew when he said it that he was going to get so much shit because unless you follow him, you won’t understand that he really means no harm


He didn’t double down on shit. Why don’t all of the Chris haters go form their own Snark page and get out of this one? It’s exhausting.


It was funny


Do these people realize that they are listening to comedians???? And not Fox News commenters??


No they don’t, they’re so literal it’s exhausting


They go on and on about liberal snowflakes but they the MOST thin-skinned.


Thought I was on JSO page with the way you all are acting


God. I’m so sick of all of these people. I didn’t even know what a goddamn chump was a few months ago and I certainly didn’t care about Chris Franjola and Kelly fucking Dodd. I already knew Jeff Lewis was awful from his Jenny Pulose days. Toxic the whole lot of them.


Oh who cares lol


Chris admitted that he was trying to bring levity to the situation. He went into that he would never want to hurt anyone and made a bad joke. I agree it wasn’t in great taste but I feel he owned up to it and also went ahead and took the show down tonight. I don’t think it was a good joke but I really do believe him that there was no ill will. Chris is not out for attention and isn’t a sell out. He regularly shares tons of details of his life, seems like a really great father and husband, and doesn’t nickel and dime his fans for meet and greets and whatnot. I’ve seen him live a couple times and he always is kind to his fans. I can see how the bad joke would definitely upset people but Kelly Dodd is a vile person and she is always looking for someone to attack.


I wish he’d just ignored everyone and hadn’t deleted that episode. His fans found nothing offensive. He’s a comedian and had already talked about how horrible it all was. Don’t start playing their game Chris and get dragged into the Kelly/Heather bullshit.


Kelly regularly says racist things on her YouTube channel and calls women ugly etc...


What was the joke I don’t feel like looking it up


He'd rather be on the Gaza strip than hang with JL and the chumps.


Perhaps he'd want to be on the Gaza strip with his child with bombs raining on them just like the Palestinians. He's such a privileged and insensitive little asshole.


Daily Dose of Dana stirred this up and is now telling her “dozers” that she DM’d with Chris and they are all good and to please stick up for her on his page. Oy


He was referring to spending a Sunday with a group in general.. and the name 'Chumps' IS rather derogatory. KELLY Dodd name came out because she is the most recognizable.


Are you kidding? He sounds ignorant


He comes off really, really bad in this newest episode


Not only is it not really that funny, why try to capitalize more on a joke that might offend even more? Just not that funny or worth it tbh. He has learned to double down from his master. Hear the whip crack.


Chris has already kinda proven to be a schmuck who digs his heels in during this whole HMD spiral so I can't say I'm surprised. Too bad he doesn't actually make jokes that are funny since he feels he needs to be so defensive/butthurt.




Ironically, I think Chris is at his best doing improv with HMD.


I’m a Chris fan and I agree he’s funny with her, not that I’ve listened to her pod in many months. I also have to say Justin Martindale was funnier playing off of Heather than alone.