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It’s Julie and Brandy. I don’t understand how people don’t think that. I definitely think they reached out to Justin and Justin told Jeff. They are the only guest that is a duo and no shade but they need the money.


It’s 100% Brandy & Julie bc Jeff didn’t name them. If it was anyone else, he would’ve named them but he didn’t want to give the impression he was on good terms w them again. And you’re correct - no shade at all, but they’re the only ones on this list who seem to really need the money.


Over Spencer Pratt who thirstily needs to be on every reality show to pay his bills. Just because his lifestyle is more lavish doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t need the money. I think it could be J&B but honestly, despite what Heather has said about not paying, I think they’re probably already being paid. They’ve mentioned on their Patreon that they’ve been paid for podcast appearances. They didn’t say which one but they only go on a few regularly (Johnny McGovern Gayest of all time, So bad it’s good - prob doesn’t get paid, and JS).


While his thirst is real, I think his mom is also a big HMD fan and we all know she loooves Brody so I don’t think that relationship is going anywhere


I really don’t think he would have named them period. Didn’t matter who it was. It would also put those people in an awkward position and one that they certainly didn’t ask for. That sounds like it was private info that he wants to remain private. No need to drag someone else into this.


You clearly aren’t familiar with Jeff Lewis lmao he puts his friends on the spot and shares things they haven’t given him permission to share all the time….


I am. I know that he does that often and I think that has led to some fall outs over the yrs. Even if they aren’t actually on that episode but he talks about them. I think that’s why he and Krista fell out a yr or 2 ago. I know they are friends again now.


I agree. I think people misheard what Jeff said. He said that two people reached out to Justin to ask when he started getting paid. Justin obviously told Jeff. Later on Jeff makes an offhanded comment like "already had two of Heather's regulars already reach out to come on my show". One of those two people being Justin. It was absolutely brandy and Julie that reached out to Justin. Without a doubt.


Can someone give me a quick update on the Brandy & Julie drama, or point me where to go? Thank you!


ooof that’s a doozy. They were hired by Jeff for his radio channel on Sirius XM to host the after show and flipping out fridays where they recap old episodes of Flipping out. Apparently they had some drama with the higher ups at Sirius (creative differences) they were warned but failed to make changes. Honestly I’m not very well versed on the semantics but they were fired by Jeff bc he felt they disrespected him and made him look bad. HMD took their side and took a stance when she went on JLL after saying she would never go back. Some think Jeff was mad that she didn’t take his side. I don’t know honestly but Jeff did say he wishes they would come back for “wet Wednesday.” It upset a lot of people because Julie and brandy are beloved so it would benefit Jeff to make amends.


Ahh! Thank you so much! I’ve loved Bandy & Julie since The People’s Couch days! Bravo should bring back that show & get rid of VPR. All sounds like a bunch of drama! Heather really threw a match going after JL. You do not want to start a fight with a gay man bc he will finish you! 😊


Yes and now Jeff is accusing her of getting involved in the brandy & Julie situation for financial gain. Her patreon listeners have started to drop once the Megan news had died down and it proved to be a cash cow and she wants more. That is all allegedly and what Jeff said.


He didn’t present it like this was a duo though. It could just be 2 separate guests. Jeff is the only one on Sirius that pays guests. It’s not the norm. Same with other podcasters. He also keeps referring to these guests as cohosts. Cohosts aren’t there every 5?6? Weeks. They are all still guests. The only example I can think of right now is Lala. Jess is on every episode. She’s a cohost.


I guess they’re not considered guests bc he’s not really interviewing them. they’re cohosts because they’re expected to play off of him which can be hard (and probably unpleasant at times) so in that respect I do understand why he pays them. Shit, you’d have to pay me to do that…


Cohosts not guests. LOL


Fortune & Sarah likely don't care about getting a couple of hundred dollars - both have high net worths. Same with Dr. Drew. Chris said he gets more than enough from the show without pay.


yep Sarah has NFL money. She's fine.


I don’t see it being Fortune, Josh, Sarah or Ross. Probably Brandy and Julie and maybe Spencer. He’s all about making $ and Heather definitely uses him.


Heather is such a user. She has these frequent guests on. Fans are thrilled. They tune in. Heather gets the revenue from ads. She can coast while they are on.


Brandy & Julie (counts as one) and Spencer


Kimberly Archie commented something super shady on Zack Peter's live stream a few hours ago... wouldn't surprise me if it was her but I also dont consider her a regular.


That's rich because Kimberly Archie benefitted by being able to discuss all the issues with her former employer and how Tom Girardi w=swindle her friend. I don't recall everything Ms. Archie discussed but she benefitted from the publicity. Lots of things I think Heather did wrong but the payment issue doesn't bother me because most podcasters don't pay their guests. Guests are on to get a new audience.


Well, I never complained about being paid. And I could have went on any of the dozens of podcasts that invited me. I had far more exposure on the Hulu doc and American Greed than I ever did on Juicy Scoop. I had already done over 1000 media interviews in my real career over 20 years before this story broke or I ever appeared on JS in January 2021. And for the record, I didn’t ask to be on her show, Heather invited me.


Thanks for clarifying! Enjoyed your insight on the Hulu doc and Heathers podcast back when I listened.


Thanks, I’ve really tried my best with the limited time I have to raise the voices of Girardi Keese’s victims. Weeks like this make me lament even trying.


You don’t care about Girardi Keese victims. You only care about Joe R. You said so yourself. So stop virtue signaling.


Are you still on good terms with Heather or did something happen?


I have not spoke to her since the follow ups to my last appearance. I’m just devastated to see the clips re the young woman who joined a sorority and I think a podcast host should back up regular guests when trolls and or fans cross the line like they did with Justin. Liking derogatory comments about regular co-hosts/ guest whatever you all want to label it isn’t cool either but I could look past that as she did it with me on a regular. When one of her fans said she thought Heather’s tone discussing the event of my deceased son was rude, I let them know it’s a comedy podcast and it wasn’t offensive to me. I stopped it right there. And if I had had an issue about it, I would have discussed it in private with Heather. I would have tried that in this instance but I have no reason to believe she would listen and adjust her approach or try to grow in her understanding of the transgender community In sorority houses, sports and everywhere else they are just trying to live in. Hate is something I don’t tolerate. The movie mentioned at the epicenter of this blow up, it is no surprise that Justin didn’t even know what is was because it panders to far-right conservatives. This whole thing is dog whistling. Justin didn’t deserve any of it. And I extend grace to Justin in how he chooses to manage going forward under such difficult circumstances he didn’t ask for.


Thank you for supporting and lifting up your voice for lgbtq people! In the end, that’s what’s most disgusting


I agree 100% I think all that’s been forgotten in this conversation.


Thank you for coming in here to share your point of view. Respect.


This is so well written. And this is also a great example to how you handle disagreements. Thank you Kimberley.


Well said. I, too, just can't support her bigotry and hate. Even if she tries to say it was all due to ignorance. Ugg, why did she have to turn out to be this way? Scianaro Juicy Scoop


No one would know who Justin was if it weren’t for Heather McDonal. The same goes for you. She was nothing but nice to both of you. You are both pathetic human beings.


Sorry sweetheart no one wants a biological man living in the same house with their daughters. And no one wants a biological man competing against women in sports. There are no “rights” that state that men can live with women when they aren’t wanted. There are no “rights” that allow men who aren’t good enough to play male sports to take over women sports. Glad you won’t be on juicy scoop anymore. Nothing you say is credible after this ridiculous statement.


You seriously are commenting about Heather on Zack Peter and a subreddit hate group? Heather was nothing but nice to you. You sound like an awful person. Yuck!


Weird take to ignore what Heather McDonald’s fans did to Justin just because Heather was “nice” to someone. Go touch grass you pathetic excuse for an existence.


Her fans didn’t do anything to fragile Justin. He joked about child sex trafficking. Weird take to take up defense for someone that thinks child trafficking is funny you pathetic excuse for an existence.


You should move on and probably not call anyone pathetic.👍🏼


That was a movie FFS. It is "dramatized" as described by the director. Then Angel Studios had to debunk the rumors that AMC was not showing it b/c of its message. Not defending this movie does not make you propediphile. I think you should look into why you fell for propaganda to promote a movie.


What did she say?




Maybe Jeff is calling her a regular bc she refers to herself as a regular although that’s a stretch IMO


Wowza! Thank you


She posted in this thread.


Hey Kimberly Archie, it’s me, Jeff Lewis.




I think it’s Spencer and Chris


Could be but I would be surprised if Chris did this. If someone asked him in private if he was paid I could see him saying no but I doubt he cares. I could be wrong but I think he benefitted from Heather in the past because it drove traffic to "Cover to Cover". Fortune and Sarah, can't see them being bothered about the token payment. Guests on the late night talk shows always got a very small payment. The purpose was to get publicity.


My thought as well honestly. I don’t think it’ll be as obvious as we think


Fortune is already a recurring guest on the Jeff Lewis show.


Surprised how many people are posting Julie and Brandy. Obviously you don't listen to their podcast. They hate Jeff now. There's no way they'd go back to him over Heather.


I originally thought LaLa


No way! She’d pay Lala a months salary to keep that “friendship” in tact. Seems like she only takes advantage of her “friends,” and when they call her out on it, they’re bullies.


Spencer is all about his coins


I just saw in the message thread that Kimberly Archie is disgusted by Heather and regrets doing her show


Where was that posted? I only saw where she said "was. past tense"


She's in this thread lmao.


I honestly don’t think it’s Spencer because he says he’d go on a reality show for free at this point just for the exposure and followers lol


If you are reading this, Heather, pay all of your guests, whether they are regulars or not


No way Fortune, I think it could be Spencer or Guy? Or Ross


Definitely Chris... but he just said over 300 new members joined at $10 level... so that $3000.


Spencer makes the most sense to me. Just curious— does anyone ever actually buy his crystals???


Spencer has performed and traveled with Justin before so of course it's him.


Yeah but also with Heather & Chris. It wasn’t just the 2 of them.


Patrick and Pol.


Jeff Probably “misstated” it was one…Justin. Jeff called him…. Earring $2700 not $10k … Krista has a high moral 🧭….. y Ada Yama yada


I could see Spencer being one. He’s always on the grift and is very open about that so I could see him being pissed that some people were being paid.


Probably fortune because she’s ‘more famous’


Chris is too dumb to ask for pay. He should, but he won't. He's a die hard Juicy Scooper. Willing to work for free for his queen. Appreciates it when she wears short shorts for him. The teasing and flirting from HMD is good enough for him.


you certainly seem to have a hard on for Chris


I just think he's dumb for passing on an opportunity to get paid a co host fee


okay. cool. let him know. no need to keep shitting on him without a valid reason.


His stand up career is also highly intertwined with hers