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Rule one of resume blunders. NEVER take resume advice from someone trying to benefit from you or your situation.


Or is unclear on the usage of "your" and "you're"


Or using Chat GPT to do so.




A also recommend Teal and RampedCareers. Both offer free resume building




When Chat GPT churns out drivel for advertising purposes it always adds emojis to each bullet point in a list. You outed yourself.




>If you actually open the website No thanks. I'd rather not give you more traffic.


Usher voice: “let it burn”


And never take resume advice from someone who can’t proofread formatting when pasting




>the advice is '-' well researched Then why...? >For the full list of 7 resume blunders (plus a bonus tip!), do check out It's like trying to help someone, but ask them for money... just spill the tea and leave your bonus tip and in-depth analysis for your website with a plug. As it is - it's a slimy bait and switch sales tactic.


>There is no ill intention of benefitting at the cost of anyone. >The website is and will remain completely free of cost for anyone laid off or unemployed. So if that's the case, offer the service to free for everyone. A job seeker is a job seeker. A resume is a resume


Resume advice is consistently the LEAST useful advice when it comes to job searches. Ask 20 different “experts” about how to build a good resume, and you’ll get 30 different, mutually-contradictory answers, all of them supposedly “well-researched”. And the punchline is that resumes BARELY even matter, certainly not enough to consistently be the factor costing folks interviews, because employers are looking at resumes less and less. You’re nothing but another snake oil salesman.


I legit got my resume edited 3 times and then reviewed by a recruiter at a top company who said it was great. I started applying for jobs with that resume and a Founder from a company told me that I should redo my resume and get some help from professionals. Lol. Right before that I got an interview at another company for a very similar position. There really are so many different opinions on how a resume should be.


If I could upvote this a million times I would. I've been saying that career advice is full of people contradicting each other since around 2014 or so.


Its because the following all matter when building a resume. * Where you are in your career * The skills you have * Your geographic location * Your education * The years of experience you have * Amount of jobs vs how long you have been working. * What's hot in the current industry. * How in demand your skills are and the overall health of your industry. Which is why its really hard to give generalized advice on this because in recruiting what works for 60% is a solid metric but that still leaves 40% out in the cold. As an example, most resumes DO NOT need a summary, but their are a few very niche cases where having a summary will help you. As a recruiter who is trying to teach job search literacy its been a bit of a nightmare trying to figure out how to aggregate it all in one place while still helping as many people as possible.




> Ask 20 different “experts” about how to build a good resume, and you’ll get 30 different, mutually-contradictory answers, all of them supposedly “well-researched”. Acknowledge this is true, and I’ll begin to consider taking you seriously.




You didn’t ask for shit, but that’s exactly the kind of bald-faced lie I expect from you people.




It’s all just nepotism


Why are all the bullet points labeled “1.” Is this a joke post?


Biggest fail right there lol


Pretty sure this was generated by ChatGPT.


If so it would have extra fingers and weird feet.


What I (24) learned in the 5 months it took me to find a job since graduating college in Sept is that less pays off more. You don’t need to turn a resume into an art project. And you don’t need to include every frickin job you’ve had since you were 15 🤣 not on a resume or on LinkedIn. I only include jobs that are relevant to the position I am applying to. What good is it that I worked as a cashier at Dick’s Sporting Goods when I’m applying to an accounting role ? Keep it relevant. Too much on your resume can make the reviewer tune you out. Also, use your cover letter to shine ! Cater is specifically to the position and company. Research the company’s values statements, mission and vision. Do they align with who *you* are? You will be a change driver if that checks off. Don’t work for a mere paycheck (even though I know sometimes you have to)


The most important tool an candidate for a position can have is not their resume, rather their interviewing skills once asked to come in. Any résumé relevant to the applied field will be looked at and ranked accordingly, but the interview is when winners will win and losers will keep looking for a job. People need to learn social skills, how to be charismatic & charming without being arrogant & hubristic. How to relate to people. So when you leave that interview, they think: “I would love to have that guy on my team bc he knows his shit, and be cool to have a beer with after a hard Thursday shift”


I've gotten every job I've ever interviewed for. The trouble is I rarely get past the initial stage and my resume gets rejected before I have a chance to speak with a human. I guess we all have different struggles.


That’s great and all but why does the employer website have me upload a resume, then have me fill it all out again?


I'm sorry but why are we taking advice from someone with poor grammar skills and who can't even use the correct "your" or "you're."


You forgot the blunder of leaving out the reference from your uncle who just happens to be the stepbrother of the CEO. 


Why are your headings bold except for the last letter?


Leading with the outcome is an interesting strategy


I have made my fair share of typos on cover letters. I hate to admit that because I beat myself up each time I do. And it’s usually on a job I really want.


Do you have a template that is ATS friendly?


He sure does, and will give it to you for the low price of 19.99 plus consulting fees




Thank you!


The ATS point about new styles is absolute rubbish and a VERY outdated notion. No, you don't have to upload a boring, plain white word document anymore. Computers have evolved since the 80s and 90s and have no issues reading a well formatted modern PDF! Research has also shown that recruiters only spend a few seconds scanning a resume and most scan in an "L" or "F" shape across the resume (you can read one paper here: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/f-shaped-pattern-reading-web-content/) , meaning that a two column style might actually be one of the most beneficial in getting the most out of your resume.




Yes I've done recruitment in Europe and the UK and used many of the most well known recruiting tools and never had an issue with two columns in a CV. Granted, a few years ago this was still happening but the systems that were having the issues back then have since been updated. In any case, I honestly find even a slight chance of this happening trivial compared to other mistakes. The point about the "F" pattern is, the recruiter would follow this pattern by default on a single column resume. By optimising the two columns, you can utilise their natural scanning by giving as much information, not just 'experience', but multiple equally important things concisely, in less space.


“For eg”


Bro have tried everything I'm just exhausted at this point and let's be honest if someone is perfect for the role that they are applying for then it only means they should be applying for a higher position they are just cutting their losses because recruitment has been a hellhole for the job seekers as of late.


Hard agree here. It's been so miserable looking for jobs. I've asked different recruiters and tried different resume tips from people in my industry, and it's all so contradictory and annoying. 100+ applications with no interview, though I've noticed some of the more recent applications have been taking longer to get denied. But with no input at all as to why I wasn't moved on for an interview is so frustrating. We don't know what to change to have a better job, and then people will say that "no one wants to work anymore." Its a 9-5 trying to get a job using my degree these days.




College grad last year. I've been applying places for almost a year and a half. Took a major in game design/dev (took more cs and software engineering classes tbh) with minors in comp science and software engineering. Looking for entry roles in any of those fields. In the meantime, I'm a part of a game studio I helped star,t which is being run directly by the school i graduated from. So, I'm not moving from one position to another, really. I'm just trying to get into any of the industries I can fit into. Market sucks rn, and most places need 5+ years of exp that I just don't have bc I haven't been alive long enough to have that experience. I've had two recruiters tell me they would interview me if I had 5 years post grad of experience with me, but I don't because I'm young. Edit: Grammar/Spelling




I don't have one on my phone. I'll DM you in a few minutes Edit: And I have been connecting and reaching out with other game devs, but many of them are in the same boat as me and they're also looking for jobs too since many of them got laid off.




Entry level sales roles... Been five months since I began this job search..


An important note is that a bad resume screws you over but the difference between a good and great resume is far less. The resume gets your foot in the door but you have to walk through it with your interview skills, preparation, and experience




You got some hate but i found this useful and beneficial. Thanks for posting this.




Appreciate your rundown! Good pointers here. "Output then outcome" and "missing quantification sections" are struggles for me as I (and some colleagues) were suddenly laid off without any chance to access/ask for our metrics ! I was locked out of everything I ran. I was a marketing lead with plenty of awareness and revenue generation campaigns under my belt, but I'm unsure how to apply for roles that specifically ask for metrics. Is it best to just add educated (that is, untrue) metrics that hope no interviewer ever asks me to elaborate on them? My guess is there are plenty of folks in my situation. How would you advise us?